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<br /> - (e)The eate, trenster, leeee, aBQl�ni�n.nt,co�svey�nce or h�rtl�vr onaumbransp�f�II or any purt o4 or any interest In tha ��
<br /> Proporty,oltlior valuntnrify ar Involuntatfly,rritrqut tho expr000 writir�n connont of I_ondrsr;provided that Trustor ehall b�pormlt-
<br /> " tcd to axecuto a louoo 01 tho Pro�nrhj�f��t diso3 Rot cantaln nn�ptir►n to �urr,f�nB�rantl the torm ot whlch doas nat oxceod ono
<br /> year;
<br /> . (�Abandonment o1 tha Proparty;or
<br /> � (g)II T�uator la not an fndiu;dual,U°o Issieance,a�te,Irnnsir�r, aaalpnmont, conv�ynnce or oncumbrance of more than(ff s
<br /> corporstlon)�total o} � �rcent of!ts Issued nnd oulntandlnp BtoC1c,or((f n partnerehip)a total of 5.0 per• '
<br /> cent o} partnershlp intereato,or(It r�liic�lfnd Ilubility compeny)a total ol. °�" percent of tho Ilmitod Ilablliry compe• '�:
<br /> ny Intarests or votlnp rlphtn during th�pertad thls Deed oi Trust romains o Ilon on thc�pr��;erty.
<br /> 12.Remeclr,e;AccelerefRon U�►r�n ID9HarntA.I�ti tho event ol nny I_�r�nt of Qelauit I.r�ndor may,without notice except ae required
<br /> n by law,decfare atl Indebtodness securred I�ceneby to be due ancl pnynblq nnd Iho oamo ohall Uiaraupan beaomo due and payxblo with- ?::
<br /> „ out any presentment,demand,proteae o�rAtlr.n of any kind.Thereattor Londnr mny: �•
<br /> (a)Demand thot Trustae ercn.maRq thr�POWEFIOF SALG flrnntod horaln,and Tn�atara shall thereafter cause Trustor's!nter-
<br /> .�•^`""� est in the Property to be sold�nd tk�proceods to be diniributod,911 f n Ihe mennor�ravidc•�tl In the Nebra�ka TNSt Deeds Ach,
<br /> -�� ""� (b) Exerclse any and all r;�it,f� provldod tor in any ol tho I.oan Instrumonto or by�aw upon occurrence of eny Event o1
<br /> Default;and y�
<br /> c Commence an acttort tq 4rsrncl�se this Deed of Truet ao a mori n e,a olnt a rncc�lver,or� rificali enforce an of the �"`�
<br /> ( I 0 f� PP P8• Y y wr:,�
<br /> covenante he�eof. �_=
<br /> No remedy herein c:onferred upOre or r�dr,enre�i to TruBtee or Londer(o Intendad to be oxcluaivo�?eny other remedy herein,In the Loan
<br /> Instruments or by law provided oe penmr(ited,but each ahall be cumuletivc�,shail qo In addiUon t�every othar remedy glven hereunQer, --�
<br /> ' in the Loan Instruments or now or her�a�fir3r o�datlng at law or in equiry ar by olatuto,and may bc�exorct�ed rnncurrenth�,indapondently ��••�
<br /> or succasively.
<br /> . 13.Trustee.The Trust�e rrrQy r2sign at any time wilhcut cauno,and Londor may at qny 11me and without cause appolnt a suc• �
<br /> cessor or subsdtute Truotes.Truatr.o shell not t►e Ilabto to any party,Including wilhout Ihnftation Lender,Borrower,Trustar or any pur- �
<br /> �` chaser of the Property,for any Ic�s or demago unl�ss due to reskleso or�viliFul mtsconduct,and shall not bs required to take any action =''�'°
<br /> ��� tn connectfon with the entorcem�trnt of thlo Deerf of"�rust unless Indemniflr�d,in wriUng,for all casts,compansation or ex�enses which
<br /> ��� �° may be assa:lated therewith.Ire additf�sn,Trustee mey becoma a purchaoor at any sale af die t=roperty Qudicial or und�r the power of �.�.-;
<br /> �� sale granted herein);postpone tho salc�of all or any portion o�the Propsritf.,es provided by lavx;or sell ihe Property as s�whole,or in -_
<br /> �;�� aeparate parcels or lats at Trustae'u dfIICretlon. --�
<br /> ,:f�;ti:�1 14.Fees and Facpenaes.U�the event Teastee seils the?roperty fsg onoraise ot nowor cQ sate,Trustee shall be entlUed to appiy
<br />" ,.,� Yy� any sale proceeds flrst to paymer,t of all costs and expenses of axerr,isinn y�ower of salo,inclur'ing all Truatee's tees,and Lender's and
<br /> , ''''�!�'i� Trustee's attomey's tees, actuaily Incurred to extent pe►mitted by appllaabfe law.in the oven418orrawer ar Trustor exercises any right �
<br /> � � `'� provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall bo entitled to r�cover irom Tructor all r.asts and expenses�ctually Incurred as G:.
<br /> . � a result of Trustor's default,Includittc�without Ilmitation all TNStee's and att�mey's feos,to Uio axtent permitted by applica�le law.
<br /> '�: 15.Future Advonaes.U�:on reqiaost of Borcower,Lender may,at ito opUon, malco adrlitional and future advences and read• _
<br /> ` .7 vances to Borrower.Such advanaes artd readvances,with Interest theroon, ohall be socurad by thfs Deed of Trust.At no time shali the
<br /> ,� principal amount of the tndebte�tr�os secur�ed by thls Deed of Trust,not including sums advanasd to protect the securiry ot th(s Deed of
<br /> Truet,exceed the originat princi{�I emount stated herein,o�$�sn,onn,fl[� ,wlilchever Is greater.
<br /> = i8.�:'.�!!�r'�s�.°.'�tff���s�':
<br /> " (a)Sonowar Not Retuauad.Extonslon oi tha time tor payment or modificutlon of Qmortlzatlon of tho eums securad by this
<br /> . Deed of Tn�st granted by I.eRde��to any successvr in interest of Borrower ehell not oporr�te to retease,In eny menner,the Ilabfll-
<br /> ty oi the oripinal BorrowRr artd Borrower's successars In interest. Lender ahell not Ae requlred to commence proceadings
<br /> " • agalnst such successor cr rafuse to extend time tar payment or otherwise modify amortlzatlon ot the eur.�a secured by thls
<br /> . • Deed of Trust by reason�of a�y demands made by the orlyinal Borrower�nd Borrowoi"�a euccassore in interest.
<br /> �� (b)L�nWr'�Power.r.Wlthout affocting tha liabifty af any other pemon Ilable for ti��payment oi any obllgaTron hereln men• -
<br /> rr ,• _ +•��, tioned,and without atfac�tttq tloe Ilen or charge of this Oeed of Ttuat upon any poifiort of the Property not then or tBeretafore '—
<br /> "`°�`� ��� released as secudty tar tlwl hell amount of all unpald obllgadono, I.onder muy,from dme to time and w(thout notice(i) release
<br />_ Q...:,
<br />�.`��'��<� eny person so Ii�bie,(fiy e��tead tho maturity ar alter any of tho terma of any such obllQntions, (fIq grant oti�er indu{gencea,(iv) -
<br /> °-���u� releaae or convey.cr ceuoa to be rQleased or recanveyed at nny time at Londo�'o�ption any parcel, portbn or all of the
<br />-����•� �: Property,(v)take a�m,l�3r�o any other or eddiUonal eecudty or roao»veyed at any dmo+at LendePs optlon eny par�cel,poRion or
<br />-`:a".`''�'t;" ' all of the Proparty,(vip tQl�a or release any other or addltional s3curity for any obllgallon hereln mentioned,or(vll)make compo-
<br />- = R�` sitions of other artarcgemertt�with debtors In relallon thereto.
<br /> ''-��.= (c)Forbsar�na��y Lsiydu�Not�Waiv�r.Any forbearanco by Lander In oxo��ciainp any right or remedy heraunder,or oth-
<br /> ii•�__F�'�-
<br /> ;=T;-��y�� erwise aiforded by a{tnllr.a.W4 law,shell not be a waiver of or pieatuda the oxorcico of nny such right or remedy.The procure-
<br /> J�= •�' ' ment of insurance or th�s payment ot texos or other Ilens or char�es 9�y Lvnder shall noe be e watver.or Lender's dght to aoceler-
<br />�"�"`"�-T ' ate the maturity of 4he In�btedttess secured by thia Dead of Tn�st
<br /> -"���-�7;,:�-�r (d)Succsssoro an�Aasf�rta Bound;Jotnt end Ssvernl Un�Ility;C�ptio��s.Thr�covenants and agreements hereln con-
<br />�' t'�•��•• taint�d sha11 bind, anc�the ri hte hereunder shalt inure to, the ibs ective successor�and essfgns o}Lender end Trustor. Ail
<br /> �, ,,.. _... d p f�
<br /> '--�'k��-° �' covenants and agrc3ema►eta of Trustor shall be Joint and several.'�i�e captlons und headings oi the paregrephs of this Deed of
<br />��,� � Trust are for conveniance onty artd are not to be used to IntorproF or deflne the provlalons hereof. --
<br /> x*��� .
<br /> �.~: : ( ) M Y eQ AY Y oPY Y
<br /> _.. ,-T„�.:. e R uest tar t�fi�tas.The partios hereb r uest that a co ot an notice of d�afautt hereunder and a c of e� not3ce
<br /> � �����-�� oi sale herc3under tre rnailud to onch party to this Deed of Truat at the addrosa sot YoRh above In the manner�rescribod by
<br /> �� applicable law.[xcegt fr�r any ottter notice requlred under appllcable iaw to be glvon In another manner,any notico pro�rlded tor
<br />_ _.t.y..�,_.
<br /> ,:,�,��;r., In this Deed of Truet sheli Ge given by mailing such notice by cortified mall addrossed to the other parties,at the address set
<br /> _��_ �. forth above.Any natir.e prqvlded for in this Deed of Tn.ist shall ba ottoctivo upon m311ing fn the manner de�ignated hereln. If
<br /> -,=�i;�.°;: Trustor is moro than cre person,notice sent to the address set fath above shall be natice to all such persons. ___
<br /> :;:°.�� �• (�Inspsctlon.I.ertd�er muy make or cause to be made roaoonable entdos upon end tnspectfons of the Properiy,provided �-:
<br /> r- . that Lender shall glvQ Trteator rtoUco pdor to any such inspectlon apecilying roasonablR cause therefor related to Lender's inter• �,-
<br />-% ', . est in the Property. �:�.
<br /> ;� (g)Reconveynrtce.IJ�ron�ayment of all sums securod by thls Deed ot Tivat,I.onder shall request Trustee to Peconvey the
<br />- � Property and ehall suR�itder thia Deod of Trust and ell notea avidencing fndobto�iness secured by this Qeed of T�ust to ;3:�
<br /> ' ' Trustee.Truatee shall raccnvey tha Property,without viarmnty and�vilhout chnrgo fo the person le8atly enUtled thereto.Trustor
<br /> -- ., shall pay ell costo or recordaticn,If any.
<br /> : (h) Personai Property;Secwity Apneement. As addltlonal secutlry tor tho payment of the Note, Trustor hereby grants '��
<br /> _- Londer under the Nobrt►aka Unitorm Commercfal Code a secu�ity intc�rost in all fixtures,equfpment,�nd other personal property �
<br /> used In conneation wRh the real eslate or improvemente located ihereon,and not otAervvfoe deClared or deemad to be a part ot •�
<br />- the real estate secured hereby.This Instrumev�t shall be construed as a Security AQreement under sald Code,and the Lender
<br /> . ehall have all the r(ghte and remedies of a secured party under sald Code In addltion to the dgl�ts end remedtes under this
<br /> � ,,«�"' " paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimftatlon on,Lender's dghts and remadies under any other secudty agree-
<br /> —._--___...--_,__ ����t��J M..C...«u....r w.T...W... --'_.
<br />__._-______.__ n�vtnoy��o.�v�w v.. •r..v -- --.
<br /> (i)i.iens and EnQUm@ra�tcea.�Truetor hereby warrante and ropresente that lhoro Is no default under the prov(slons of any .
<br /> moRgage,deed of tr�at, lease or pur�haae cuntract descdbinp all or any part ot th�Property,or othor contrdct, instrumen4 or
<br /> ' agreement conetituting a lien or artcum!�rance agalnst all or any part of the Property(collectivefy,"Lfens"), existing as of the
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and thal any and all oxtsting Liena romafn unmodifled ox�:ept as disctosed to Len�!ar In Trustor's writ-
<br /> _ ten disclosure ot 8ens end encumbrancoo provlded ior h�reln. Truetor shall timely perform all ot Trustor's obligations,
<br /> covenants,representat(ons and wamanNes under any and all oxlsting end future LIQns,shall promptiy forvvard to Lendor cropies
<br /> o!all notices ot default sent In connection with any and all exlating or futuro Llona,and shall not without Lenders prfor written
<br /> consent in any manner modify the pravisions ot or allow any futuro advancos undor any exlating or future liens.
<br /> . Q)Applloattons of Payments.Unless othervuiae requirod by law,sums pnid to Lender hereunder,including without Imita-
<br /> - tion payments of princfpai and interest,insurance procoeds,condemnatlon proceeds and rents and profits,shell be applied by
<br /> - Lender to the amounts due end owing from Trustor and borrower in auch order as Londer in Its�ole discretlon deems desir•
<br />- able.
<br /> __ .-..__ _ (k)��:�srebl:!;�.It an�pro��islon ot thts Desd of T�st confllct4�y+�n anpi�r.ahiR law�r ia der_.�ared invalid or otherwise unen-
<br /> m � .
<br />