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<br /> In the oriylnal princlpal amount o}S _.17�-fl 0.00 R�QQ.00O.pO , ond nny and all moditicatlona,extenslons and renewale ,
<br /> Ihoraol or lharetp und eny and c�ll futuro advances and roadvances to Borrower(or nny ot thom If mare than one)hereunder pureuanf
<br /> to ono or moro prom�osary note�ar arodit n�roomonta (horeln c�llod"Noto");(b)tho�uymont o1 othor sums aduanced by Lender to
<br /> • protect the aecurity of tha Ncte;(o)tho perforrr►anco oi all covonan4s and egreemanta o}TNStor set forth hereln;end(d)all prosent and
<br /> fu4ure Indabtednesa ar.d obligatlone ot Borrower(or any ol them If more than ono)to Lender whether dlroct,lndirect,absotuto or contfn-
<br /> • flent and whether ariuing by note,gusrttnty,overdra7t o�otherwise.The Note,thio Dead of Trust and eny and all other documente thut
<br /> '� secure the Note or otherwlse oxecu4ed In connectlon therewith, Including without Ilmltatlon gunrantees,security Agreementa and
<br /> assignmente ot laases and rents,ahall be reterred to hereln as the'Loan InstNmente". .
<br /> Trustor cavenants and agrees wlth Gender as tollowa:
<br /> 1. Peyrt►snt oi I►�+d�bted�e9�.All Indebtedness secured hereby sF�all ba pa(d when due.
<br /> 2. Titie.Trustor is the owner oi tho Property,has the right and authority to convey the PropeRy,and warrants that the Ilen creat-
<br /> � ed hereby la a flrst and prior Ilon on the Propsrty,except for Ilens end encumbrances set forth by Trustor In writinfl end detiverecl to
<br /> — Lender before execution of thl9 Deed of Trust,and the execuUon and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not vlolate any cont�aot or
<br /> �-� other obliQation to whtch Trustor is subjac�
<br /> i 3.Texe�.Mssstmenta.To pay before dellnquency ail taxes,speclal assessments and sll other charges apainst tho Propnrq►
<br /> now or hereA(ter 18vied.
<br /> 4.Insurancs.To keep thr�Property Insurod against damage by fire,hezards Included withln the term'extendeti coverege",and
<br /> such hazards as Lender may requlre,In amounta and wflh companias aoceptable to Lender, naming Lender as an additfonal namod �:.
<br /> • Insured, with loss payable to the Londer.In case of loss under such policios,the Lendar is authorized to edJust,collect end compra- •,!�`��`
<br /> mise,alt claims thereunder and shatl have the option of apptying all or part oP the insurance proceeds(I)to any Indebtedness securad . ,
<br /> ,.: hereby and In such order tie Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoretion af the Property or(iil)tor
<br /> any oQ�er purpose or object satisfactory to Lender without aftecting the Ilen of thia Deed of Trust tor the tull amount secured horeby �i"
<br /> ti betoro such payment ever took place.Any appiicattons oi proceeds to indebtedness shsll not extend or postpone tho due dato of any �.�� -
<br /> .�'
<br /> � u payments under tho Note,or cure any defauit thereunder oe iiereunder. �'-
<br /> �' S. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustee shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may deslgnate,sufficient '=`�`°
<br /> j • .,�„_,
<br /> sums to enabie Lender to pay as they becoma due one or mora of the foliowing:(f)all taxes,assessments and other charges agafnst
<br /> - 9ha Property,(II)tho prorrNums on tho property insurance roqulred hareunder,(UI)tha promlums on any mortgage Insurance required by
<br /> , �,: Lender. :-:��
<br /> ' 6. M�intentnca, Repalrs end Com�llance wi1�h La�an.Trust4r shail kc�ep ths Prcperty in good condiNon and repair, sh�ll ,.�. _�::
<br /> • :,`�;�'�: prompUy repalr.or raplace any Improvemant which may be damaged or deotroyed;shalt not commit or permit any waste or deteriora- '� �;,1;
<br /> YI.:i_
<br /> ;' •,,�;..�::�;;Y; Uon of the Properiy;shatt not remove,demolish or substantiaily alter any of tho improvements on the Property; shalt not commtt,sutter ,r;rr....
<br /> ' "�`•'; ` or permit any act t�:bo done in or upon the Propertyr in violation of any Iaw,ordinance,or regulaUon;and shall pay and promptty dis- .:,',fr�°-=
<br /> ,•.r.''. . ` ,.� `A:;��f-'
<br /> charge at Trustcr's cost and expense all liens,encumbrances and charges levied,imposed or acc�ssed against the Property or any _
<br /> ' �'� ; part thereof. °�".
<br /> 7. Emir�rl D�maln.Lender ts hereby agsigned ell compenaAtlon,awards,damages and other payments or relief(herelnaiter
<br /> � "�r��,;,aa�^");:,xrrt�:l�n witts r.�r.�9tnn?f-i!+�er otl�Rr;akln�ot 4he Pro�erty or part thereof,or for convayanrs in Ileu of condemnnt�on.
<br />-:i-' ' �. Lender shall be entiUed at its opUon to commencs,appear in and prosecute tn its awn name any action ar proceed3ngs,and shall also
<br /> � be enUtled to me�ca any compromise or sett�ement(�connection with such taking or damage.In the event any portfon of the Property is �;.`- __
<br /> so taken or damaged, Lender shall have the option in its sole and absaluto discretion,to opply all such procead�, after deduCtlnp ;;-:
<br /> iherefrom ali casts and expenses IncuRed by it In connectlnn wlth such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such �
<br /> - order as Lender mny detartnine,or to apply all such Proceeds,after such deducUons,to the restoration of the Property upon such c�n•
<br /> ' ditions as Lender may determfne.Any appllcaUon of Proceeds to Indebtedneas shall not extend or postpone the due date of any pay�
<br /> :,. . • mente under the Note,oe cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds shall be pafd to T�ustor.
<br /> 8. Mr(ormana by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oetault hereunder,or II any act fs taken or legal proceedlrb
<br />"', � ., commanced whkh mate�ial(y aHecta Lenders interest in the Property,Lender may in fts own discretlon,but without obllgaUon to do so, _
<br /> - and witttout notke to or demand upon Trustor and�Ithout releastng Trustor trom an�r obllgatfon,do any act afi�h Trustor has agreed
<br /> but failed to do and may atso do any other act it deems necessary to protect the securiry hereot.Trustor shall, immediatety upon
<br /> ,.,..,,... _ ciemand theretar by lender,pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums e�ended by Londer In canneclJon w(th the exer•
<br /> c(se by Lerxler o}tha torepoing dghts,topether wlth interest thereon at the defauit rate provided in the Note, wh�h s1.K11 be atJded ta
<br /> - � �� ••� the Indebtedr►ess secured hereby.Ler�der shatt not incur any Ilabitity because ot anythinp it may do or omit to do hereunde�. --
<br /> "�°•w�•-•�� 9. H�raMoue MatKlals.Trustor shall keep the P�operty in compltance wlth atl applicabie laws.ordtnanoes and regulationo
<br /> =- � � relating to IndusMal hygteno or environmental protection(collectively reterred to heretn as"Environmentel Laws").Trustor shall keop _..
<br /> _,� � . `a dte Property froe trnm all subst�ces deemed to be hazardous o�loxfc under any Environmental Laws(collectively retemed to hereln _,_
<br /> as'Hazardous Matodals").Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hatardous Materiats on ar under the _._
<br /> Property.Trustor horeby egroos to indemnity end hold harmtees Lender,Its directora,oNicers,employeea end egants,an�any su000&� _
<br /> ,4;rt'° �,�';, sors to Lendors Intorest,from and against uny and all dalms,damages,losses and IlabiliUes adsing in�wnnectlon with tho presenca, _..
<br /> use,disposal or tranaport o}any Hazardous Materials on, under.from or about the Praparty►.THE FOREGQIN6 WARRAN7IES ANA? __.
<br /> == ::�;,,�.:`'�;. RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. _
<br /> °°},;_,.:. �• 10.Assl�nmsnts of Rsnb.7rustor hereby asslgns to Lender, and grants Lender a security fnterost in,all present,future end �-�v
<br /> - ' after aN�ing rente,t9sues and profits of the Property;provided that Trustor shail,unUl the occurrence of an Event of Dufault,hereunder, _
<br /> {'`� have tho right to oollect and retaln euch rent�,Issues and ro f its as t ho b ecome due an d a a b l e.U p o n t h e o c c u n e n c e of an Event of F^�.
<br /> P Y P Y .��.-
<br /> Detault,Lender ma ,either In rson or b a nt,with or without brin In an acUon or roceedin ,or b a receiver nted b a 6^'=
<br /> Y Pe Y 9Q 9 8 Y p 8 Y �(N� Y e;:=c
<br /> court and without regard to the adequacy of(ts security,anter upon end take possessl�n of ihe Property,or any pan thoreof,tn(ts own �,�,:-
<br /> � . name or in tho namo of the Trustee,and do any acts which ft deems necessary or desirable to preserve the valuo,marketaWlity or �o °
<br /> rentabiUry ot the Property,or any part thereof or interest thereln,or to increase the income thorefrom or protect tho seauity hereo!and, ��:_.
<br /> with or without tnktng possession of the Prope►ty,sue tor or otherwise coliect the rents,issues and protits thereof,induding those past �`�`�_°°
<br /> due and unpatd,by noUty(ng tonants to make payments to Lendar.Lender may appty rents,Issuos and profits,Iess coMS and expens• .�.=`:�
<br /> es of operation and collectlon Inctuding attomey's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender may dotAr- p :�_�.,
<br /> mine.The ente�ing upon end taking possession ot the PropeRy,the collection ot such rents,Issues and profits, and tho appl�aHon
<br /> thereaf as aforesafd shall not cure or walve any default or noUce of defau!t hereunder or invalidate any act dono in response to such •
<br /> detault or pursuan!to such noUce af de}ault and, noMrithstanding the conUnusnce in possession of the praporty or the collection,
<br /> • recelpt and application of rents,issues or profits,Trustee end Lender shall be entit�ed to exeroise every�ight provideA for In any of the �
<br /> --'_'-- -- • --•--•-.--�--`--'-•-•.._�....................�e...,e..enf..f 11nfn�df Inrlurlinn withnut Ifmltatlon the riaht to exe�Cl30 ihQ DOWef O}6810. ._--
<br /> - -�----. -..._-.._ LVtltl III3ttuutmtw vt v �av u
<br /> 1 !^n�....u....v.....,v.«..��......_'__'�......_.__...o...' '_. „ .
<br /> • � Furthor,Lendera riphts and remedies under thls paragraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a Ilmitatfon on,Lenders rights and
<br /> remedles under any assignment of leases and ronts recorafod agalnst the Pro�arty.Lender,Trusioe and the reoeiver shail bca tiable to
<br /> - � account only for those rents actuAlty recetved.
<br /> � 11.Events ot[�ehui�The following shall constitute an Event of Detauii undor this Deed of Trusr
<br />- (a)Fallure to pay any installment of principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby whers duo;
<br /> ' (b)A breach of or defauit under any provision contained in the Note,this D9ed of Trust,any of tho Loan instrumants,or any
<br /> other Iien or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execuNon or attachmont or any similar process shali be entered against Trustor whtch ehall beoome a Ilen on
<br /> the Properly or any portion thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> I (d)There shali be filRd by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or luture federal,state or other statute,
<br /> ., ) law or regulatlon reiating to bankruptcy,Insolvenc• or other relie}for debtors;or there shalt be appointed any trustee,recefver or
<br /> .° - - - iiqufdaiar a`Trustor or Borrower or et al!or any pa�t of the Property,or the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower .__.
<br /> shall make any general asstgnment far the benetit of craditors;
<br /> -- , ._ . . . . ... . .... . .. .. . . . . .. -••- ------•-� -- -- •• ---........ ..
<br />