yfi��,z�f���✓�.� � -�`f`s���li�- �' _ r,�+'�f��' �t' t:,_`.
<br /> T � ,��,i� . 7� iji {C�N htli�. . . . Y{. 4. � �4�.4 -
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<br /> perlWs�tut I.a�dcr rcquires. Tho insumnco cahier provlJing tho lnsuranco shell lu chosen Oy Roitox�er subj�:t to I:e�kieri ;,>,:;:, - -
<br /> oPproe�l which shall not bo unrcasona6ty u•ithheid. If Rorroiver fnils�o m�imnln covor�ga ducrilxJ ataro,Lendtt m�y;at. +
<br /> l.snder§opion,obtain cover+ge to pro�xt I.ender�dghia ln tl�o Property In accordnntt w10�pamEnPll�• . ,•
<br /> AII Insuranco polidu and rcnewnis shall Iw nae�tnbio rol.cndorand shall incindo n s�andnM mongnga cinuse. U.ndtt' � :��I� .
<br /> shall Iwve the dght to hold tia polidrs and rencwalz If Lcndcr nquhcs,IIorrox�cr sLall promp�ly g(vo�ol.cndu atl«ceipl
<br /> of paid p:emlums nnd ronoa�al naices. In tho ovem of toss,6orrox•er shall givo prompt notico lo�Iw insumnce earrier� '
<br /> Lendcr. l.cndcr may maY.o proof of loss if na mndo promp�ly hy Dorrowcr.
<br /> Unlcss 4ender and Rorrower o�hcnvlu agta in wditng,Insmm�co praccds:hall bo applted a rcs�oration or rcpitr of '
<br /> tha Pro�eny damagcd,If tLe restoratlon or rcpair Is economieally twsiblo nnJ LenderY secud�y is nat lessened. If il�o -
<br /> rosrorat on or rtpafr Is not economicaily teasible or Lender§security would In Iessened,t6e insuranee pracceds ehill bo
<br /> .pplicA to tho sums secured by dds 3andry Luwment, �vhcther or not then duo,with any excess paid lo pottouxr. If
<br /> Rorrower abandons Uu Pmpeey,or does not arawcr w'vtd¢30 days o nmtce @om 4ender tha� the invuaase eaMer tn.Js
<br /> affered to setUe a cW[m,�Ren 4ender may mttect�insunr.ce procecds. Lender may use ihe pmeceds to mpa[r a rcsu�n:
<br />. the Propercy or ro pay sums secureA by�SLs Socurity Inzuvmeet,wE.ether or not thcn due. 1Ta 36-0ay period wil[hegin w[ten .. . .
<br />- II1CCAhSCL4gIYCR.
<br /> Urt!ess[.ender and flortower othenvisc agrez in v.riting,any appiisaziort of proceeds to pdncipal shail not extend or
<br /> Qosipoae the du:date of the mon�hiy paymcnts rc(mecF to in pvagraphs i u:d 2 or change�he:miount ot the paymcnts. it �.
<br /> undtr paragraph 2t tA;Froperty is acquirul 6y Lerfier. IIortovmrS righe to yiy insurar,cc polides;�nd proceeds resuiting
<br /> from damago to the Propeny pdor ro Ihe acquisition shull pss to Lender�o ihe ea[ene of ehe sums ucurcd by this Secue4ty "
<br /> Insmunentimmcdiatelypriorrotheacqufsition. �__
<br /> 6. Ebttupancy, PreservaUon, hialntenantt and Protectlon oY Ihe Propertyt f�on�nx�ePs Loan Appllcat4mve;
<br /> E.easeha7�s. Uortox�e.shall occupy,es�ablish,and use the Propeny as Rortox�erY principa7 r.>'v;.ence aithin sixty days af:er �;;-_m.._
<br /> the eaecmion of this Srcurily Ins�mnxnt and shall cominue to occupy the Raprre}as Rorfm�er's principal rcsidence for a� �;;_;.:,__
<br /> least one ycar aher thc daie of occupancy, unl��ss i.ender o�hawise agrecs in writing, �vhich carsenc shall na Ue c,:_a�--
<br /> unrcasonabl wi�hheld,or unless ext€nua�in cirenm.ilances exisl which arc 6e ond Harronrrl comrol. Slonower shxll not '•`'-"`
<br /> Y 8 Y ts+iz,'?:.
<br /> des�roy,dvnage or Im{alr the 1'(opttty,allow thc Property�o dcieriorzte,or commit waz�e rn�Fe Hogeng. Uerro�vtr shall ��,w��:
<br /> be in defac+it if any Podeimre action or prcceeding,u�hethercivi[oz criminal,is begun tfiat in i.enderS good inith judgmeN �A::-�:��.
<br /> could nv�N In fodeimrc of�he 1'rmrny or o�heniee maicnally impair�he lien crcdttd by this Se.sri,} inswmrnt or '>=�s""
<br /> [.ender§secnri�y imeres� Bortox�er may curo su:�h n.3;f,uA and reinstate,as provided in pan raph IR.-bs causing�he aclion "'".--
<br /> or proceeding to be dim�issed wi�h a�uling iha4 in LaM.er�gmd fa�th determ^:w�uon,predu�es forfeimr.oY che Dorrower�s
<br /> intercsi in�he Propeny or o�her material impaimur.�of�he lnn crcamd by ihi� Stcuriiy Insuument or I.enderl securi�y :-^`=�-
<br /> ir1;:
<br /> interc��. Sorcowcr shall aiso he in dcfaul� if Oortowcr, c4�ring �tc loa�� applicmion praeu, gavc maieriaily false or ",,:..-
<br /> inaccurn;c intormadon�rsta[emems to Lender(or falcd ro pm�idr Lander wi�h any macedal informattoN In rnnnec�ion wi�h �(:`.'�
<br /> �he loan evldenceJ bp��Y.e hote, (ncluding, but n;v limited to, rcpmsen�a�i[nc wncemfng Oortower� occupancy of the �`�,r,-;�
<br /> F'ropeny ns n pnncipxt rt..idenca It this Security tnamment Is on n Ieuel�old,eortower shall comply wi�h all tho provisions }}i;:,=-'
<br />- of the leue. If Dorrmea acqutres fw titlo�o�he Pmp.ny,�heleasehold and�he(ce�i�le sha0 not merge uetcws Lenderagrces Ci Mr�
<br />- �othemergerinwri�ing. !.:�4:r�-
<br />- 7. Proltttlon ot Lender'x 8:ghu in 7�he Property. If dortower fails to pedorm ct�r covcnan�a v,d ngreer.:ents """`-�'
<br /> nu.ih£.
<br /> contained in this Seeurity Inswmene.or �hem is a legal p:oceeding �hai may significamip a(kc� Lendert dghts in tiae :�Ymw�.
<br /> Propeny(such as a proceedfng in bankmpmy,proFr.:r,for condemnaiion or forfeiwre or to enfom Imvs a regulations),then --
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatevcr is nemssaq�w protea the value of the Propeny and Lcndcr�s�ights in�hc Property. �,�-��:!_�
<br /> 4ender�actions mny inciude p�ying any sums ucured by a lien which hns prioriry aver thfs Seeuri�y Ins�rumen6 appcaring }i€��,
<br /> in coun,paying rcasonzble auomeys'&es and entering on�he Propeny�o make repairs.Ahhough 4ender may�ake actl�on ��z%�=:--'
<br /> under ihis ryragraph 7,Lendcr das na have ro do m. "`'';.
<br /> hny amoums disbursed by Lender under �his pungraph 7 simll Uccome aJdi�lonal debt of Uottox�er sccurcd 6y�fiis �:�5':���-:
<br /> Securi�y Inswmem. Unless�orrower and Lender agrce ro other tenus of papm:m.diese emoums shall brar incercst from the k�?:?--
<br /> date of dfsbursement m ehe Note re�e xnd shall be p:yable,wi�h interest,uFoa ootice from Lender�o[3ix�o�rer requesting ��-�_�_;
<br /> payment. ---
<br /> 8. Morlgagc Insurnnca If Lcndcr rcyuircd mongagc insurenm as a condition af m:Ucing Ou loan securcd by�his
<br /> Securiry Inswmem, Dorcower shaf[ pay the premicros requircd �o maimain�he mongage i��m�ue in e(fec1. If.for any �r���-r
<br /> rc.sw�, che moe a e Insumnee cove�. e re uited b Lender la ses or aues to he in elfec�, Itortower shall a the '"�'�'
<br /> S 8 F 9 Y P P Y .,;;�;:.
<br /> premiums requircd �o obmin covemge nnbsma�ia9s equivaicnt m �he mongage inmmnce previuuFly in effat, at a cos� ��:�"r<.:
<br /> xnhsumially equivalcnt lo thc cos��o Dortower�d chs mongagc inmrancc pmviously in effecl,from a¢nlxrnatc mongagc ;;-r`�_�
<br /> ins�rcr npproved by Cender. If substamially«ryivairm mongage insurance rovcr,gc is noi available,�onm.rr shall pay to
<br /> Lender mrh month a sum equal�o one��welflh af�he yearly mortgage insur.v�ce prcmium being paid by Uorrux�er whrn tiie �i���':-'�-��.
<br /> inxur.mcr:overage lapsed or ceas.A tobe in effect. Lender will accep�,um:md retain�hese paymems ns a loss rcscrve in lieu �''==L°-
<br /> of mor�g:�ge insure�ice. Loss rcsene{�ymems may no longer fie tequind.al the opiion of Lender,if moOgage insuatr.ce �'"•-
<br /> co.�erage(in�he nn;oum and for�he period�ha�Ler.de requir4ti)p�onded 6p a�inxurcr approved by I.end:r again Uecomes = -
<br />_ nvailable uid is obtaine.t.IIorto�ver cha!1 pay�I�c rrtmiums requimd m maimaim m�ngage inair.mce in eftrrt.nr tn pmride a --�+`-'
<br /> los<resen'C,uNil Ihe reGuiremenl for mongnge m..�.enee ends in acwrdmue��i:h any���rinen agrcemenl benveen 6orrower ��:4'c��
<br /> und Lcnder or applicable law. f ::
<br /> 9. ]nsptttlon. Lender or rt<:�Fzr.�m:iy m+kt«asonablc cmries upon and inspcaiuns of�he Ropen��. Lendenhzll
<br /> gict Gnrrnucr noticc at�he limc c;or p�inr In an in pctlion spcci(ying rtasnnablc causc for Ihc inspcclion. -- -
<br /> 10. Cundfmnallon. 7he prrcetdt of�n} :iHxrA or claim(or JamaFes.dimcl nr con�equeniial,in conneclion��ith any �i'�`.���.
<br /> 'T;i
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