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<br /> ; •?� 4. Storm Dr�inage. The Subdivi�er agrees to grade the lats in the =�
<br /> subdivision in conjuncdon witU the development proposed thereon so ¢hat storm drainage is :=
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<br /> � - r-.
<br /> "' z conveyed to a public �ight-of-way or to other drainage systems so approve by the DirecWr of
<br /> . �. �_--
<br /> . � Public�ilorks. `��
<br /> �• ��
<br /> 5. Sidewalka. Immadiate sidewalk construction adjac�gt to Bachman Street �
<br /> � � .. , �� -.
<br /> � � shall be waived. However,the sidewalks shall be constructed within six months afier the property =
<br /> � : _
<br /> -- ,.
<br /> � ownsr is directed to do so by the City CQUncil. ��
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<br /> .:, ., _ 6. Landscaging. If city water servi�ce is eventually provlded to the °
<br />_ �.,_r};: subdlvision and fitture buildings thereon xequire water service,the Stibdivider agrees to comply =
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<br /> ��..". ,� ..�� with the landscaging requirements of tl�ee Landsraping Regulations of the Ciry of Grand Island.
<br /> - �t
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<br /> �__,.Y,,;....'� 7. Engineer[ng Data. All final engineering plans and spxificatlons for
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<br /> impravements shall be furnished by the 3ubdivider to the Deparmaent of Public Works for
<br /> ��-•y� approval prior ro coatracting for consiruction af any improvements.
<br /> -�-__�.-��
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<br /> =�--�� 8. Warranty. The undersigned owner as Sub�ivider, warrants that it is the
<br /> v ov+n�er in fec simple of the land described and proposod to be lcnawa as BACHMAN AND
<br /> - LESTER SECOND SU'BDMSION,and that an abstract of dtle will be submiuod for exmmination,
<br /> � if neceasary,upon request of the City of Grand Island.
<br /> v� 9. This agreement shaY!iun with th�land and s�all be binding upon ansl inure --
<br /> .���;::�a w the benefit of the pazties her�W,their s�cc;essors,s�ssigns.heirs,devisees, and legaters. Wherc
<br /> �-- —�� � the ternx "Sul�dlvider" is used in this agreement, the subsequent owners of any lots in the
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