<br />Lender, naming Lender as an additional named insured, with loss payable to the Lender. In case of loss under such
<br />policies, the Lender is authorized to adjust, collect and compromise, all claims thereunder and shall have the option
<br />of applying all or part of the insurance proceeds (i) to any indebtednesa secured. hereby and in such order as Lender
<br />may determine, (ii) to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restora.tion of the Property or (iii) £or any other purpose
<br />or object satisfactory to Lender without affecting the lien o£this Deed of Trust for the full amount secured hereby
<br />before such payment ever'took place. An.y applications o£proceeds to indebtedness sb�all not e�rtend or postpone the
<br />due date of any payments under the Note, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br />5. Escrow. Upon written demand by Lender, Trustor shall pay to Lender, in such a manner as Lender may
<br />designate, su£ficiant swoas to enable Lender to pay as they become due on.e or more of the following: (i) all taxes,
<br />assessments and otb.er charges against the Property, (u) the pa�emiums on the property �rm�*Ance required hereunder,
<br />aad (in) the premiums on any mortgage inswrarice required by Lender.
<br />6. Maintenance, Repa3rs and Compliance with Laws. Tzustor shall keep the Property in good condition
<br />and repair; shall promptly repair, or replace any improvemeat which may be damaged or destroyed; shall not
<br />commit or permit any waste or deteriozation of the Properts ; shall not remove, demolish or substan.tially alter any of
<br />the improvements on the �roperiy; shall not commit, suffer or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in
<br />violation of any law, ordinance, or regulafion; and shall pay and promptly discharge at Trustor's cost and expense a11
<br />liens, encumbrances and charges levied, imposed. or accesse& against the Properiy or any part thereof.
<br />7. Em3nent Domsin. Lender is hereby assigned all compensa.tion, awards, damages and other payments
<br />or relief (hereinafter "Proceeds") in connection with condemraation or other taking of the Properiy or part thereo� or
<br />for conveyance in lieu of condemna.tion Lender shall be entntled at its option to commence, appear in and prosecute
<br />3n its own name any action or proceedings, and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in
<br />connection with such talcing or damage. In. the event any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged, Lender
<br />shall have the option in its so�e and absolute discretion, to ap�ply all such proceeds, after ded.ucting therefrom all
<br />costs and expenses incutred by it in connection with such Proceeds, upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in
<br />such order as Lender may determine, or to apply all such Proceeds, after such deductions, to the restoration of the
<br />Properly upon such conditions as Lender ma.y determi.ne. Amy application of Proceeds to indebted.ness shall not
<br />extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note, ar cure any default thereunder or hereuuder. Any
<br />una.pplied funds shall be paid to Tnistor.
<br />8. Performance by Lender. Upon the occurrence �f an Event of Defa.ult hereunder, or if any act is taken
<br />or legal proceeding commenced wlaich materially affects Lender's interest in the Property, Lender may in its own
<br />discretion, but without obligafion to do so, and without notice to or demand upon Trnstor and without releasing
<br />Tzustor froxn any obligation, do any act which Tnistor has agreed but failed to do and ma.y also do any other act it
<br />deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Trustor shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to
<br />Lender a11 costs and e�enses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connection with the exercise by Lender of
<br />the foregoing rights, together with interest thereon at the def�ult rate provided in the Note, which shall be added to
<br />the indebtedness secured hereby. Lender shall not incur any liability because of anything it ma.y do or omit to do
<br />hereunder.
<br />9. ]Hazarelous l�daterials. Tnistor shall lseep the Properly in compliance with all applicable laws,
<br />ordinances and regulations relating to industrial hygiene or environmental protection (collectively refenred to herein
<br />as "Environmental La.ws"). Trustor shall keep the Properiy f�ee from all substances deemed to be hazardous or toxic
<br />under a.ny Environmental La.ws (collectively referred to herein as "Hazardous Materials"). Trustor hereby warrants
<br />and represents to Lender that tk�ere are no Hazardous Materials on or under the Properly. Trustor hereby agrees to
<br />indemnify and hold harmless Lender, its directors, offcers, employees and agents, and any successors to Lender's
<br />interest, from and against �uy and all claims, damages, losses and liabilities arising in connection with the presence,
<br />use, disposai or ttansport c�� f any Hazardous Materials on, under; from or about the Property. THE FOREGOING
<br />10. Assignment of Itents. Tmstor hereby assigns to Lender, and giants Lender a security interest in, all
<br />present, future and after artising rents, issues and profits of the Property; provided that Tnistor shall, until the
<br />occurrence of an Event of Default, hereunder, have the right to collect and retain such rents, issues and profits as
<br />they become due and p�yable. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Lender ma.y, either in person or by
<br />agent, with or without bzinging any action or proceeding, or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard to
<br />the adequa.cy of its security, enter upon and take possession of the Properiy, or any part thereo� in its own name or
<br />in the name of the Tn�stee, and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value,
<br />marYcetab�ity or rentability of the P�roperty; or any part thereof or interest therein, or to increase ttie income
<br />therefrom or protect the aecurity hereof and, with or without �aking possession o£the Property, sue for or otherwise
<br />collect the rents, issues and profits thereo� including those past due and wipaid, by notifying tenants to make
<br />payments to Lender. Lender;na.y apply zents, issues and profits, less costs and expenses of opezation and collection
<br />including attorney's fees, to any indebtedness secured hereby, a11 in such order as Lender may determine. The
<br />entering upon and taldng possession of the Property, the collection of such rents, issues and profits, and the
<br />application thereof as aforesaid shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or inva.lidate any
<br />act done in response to such default or pursuant to such notice of default and, notwithstanding the continuance in
<br />possession of the property or tk�e collection, receipt and application of rents, issues or profits, Tmstee and Lender
<br />shall be entitled to exercis� every right provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occwrrence of
<br />any Event of Defa.ult, incli�ding without limitation the right to exercise the power of sa1e. Further, Lender's rights
<br />and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulative with, and in no way a limitation on, Lender's rights and
<br />remedies under any assignment of leases and rents recorded �gainst the Property. Lender, Trustee and the receiver
<br />shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received.
<br />11. Events of De�anit. The following shall constitute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust
<br />(a) Failure to pay any instaalment of principal or in.terest or any other sum secused hereby when due;
<br />(b) A breach of or default und.er any provision contained in the Note, this Deed of Trust, any of the Loan
<br />Inslruments, or any other �ien,or encusnbrance upon the Property;
<br />(c) a writ o£ execution or atta.ehment or any similat process shall be en.tered against Trustoz which shall become a
<br />lien on the Property or ang� portion thereof or interest therein;
<br />