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<br /> � feet;thence nu�ning Id 90°0(Y00° ��a distance of Sixty(60.0) feet;
<br /> '°^�--�_.�;' thsnce running N 00°00�00" W,a dist.ance of One(1.0)foat;thenGe =--
<br />:- ;;.,�� runnin g N 90°00'00"E� a distance of Thrce I-inndred Nineteen and _�_
<br /> :��. � 'l�+venry Pive FIundredths(319.25)feet:tl�enc�:nua.ning N 00°00'a0" Q:__
<br /> �'.''`� W� a distance of Nine�Iundred Thirty(930.0)feet; thence nuining -
<br /> ;�' _ _
<br />�::`�,r`�`�`� .: N 90°00'00° F, a distancs of Three Hundred Sixteen and Five --
<br />.:'.{r.�;'...'�:::'::"�' "'_-
<br />•.��i1 l^�14:���..�i�Z
<br /> �a,. , ��� .. Tentbs (316.50) feet, to �e northwest corner of Lot One (1),
<br /> ��4��... Autunnn Park Subdivieion;�ence running S 0(1°{D()'00" E, a distance �-
<br /> ''�r.;';^;,�y� of Nlne Hund��ed Thirty(930.0) fcet; thence running S 90°00'IX)°
<br />_..,e��t'.�-
<br />._.�;-HF;�,,,., W, a distance af One Hundred Twenty Five (125.0) fe�t; ence
<br /> _.,,;�`=}�; n�rming S OtD°00'00"E,a distance of One Hundred Twenty Two and
<br /> =����_ Eight Hundredtlis (122.Og) feet, to the point of begi�ing aud
<br />;:��r�� coa�taining 8.31G acres more or less; u;,��
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<br /> _-=`_=�'� desir�s to have subdivided As a subdivision the foregoing trac¢of land located within the corporats
<br /> -�;�
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