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<br />��'�'''=-=`�� s�ilx�ivision when finally mp�roved by tl�e R��ian�l Piannin�Com�ilssion and the City Co�cll to `
<br /> � �� be ackn�owledged by such owner, certified ns to accuracy of survey by a registered land surveyor,
<br /> , ''"�'
<br /> '���; and to contain a dedication of the easem�nts to the use and bs:ncfit of public utiliries, ar�d of the �
<br />-=_�,,; .'r�. -
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<br /> ,�{;t,,�� stxeet to th� u� of�he �uLiic forever. In consideradon of thc acceptance of the pl�a of s�.icD �
<br /> ,���'�.
<br />�,:,+��.;� HISER SUBDMSION, the S`��bdivider t��by consents and a�s with the Cit�r of Grand Islaaad�
<br />-�:�c:.�:,1-.,v
<br />��i.riL•.ni.FL�t�--__-
<br /> Nebraska.that it will in.stall or provicle at its expcns�tbe follo�ving improvements:
<br />`_'�?'vj:';;{_',
<br />�_..��'i;�tl�
<br />.�;,��� 1. �a�ving. The Subdivider waives the riIIhi to object to the creation of any
<br /> --=`-°;?��
<br /> -��ry •u�'�` avin or re av� siistrict�[crr Antelo Raad whsre it abuts the subdivision.
<br /> ��;�;:�� P 8 P B P�
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<br /> =T�.,�'� 2. �Vatea�. Public v►�n+�s supply is not available to the subdivision. Therefore�
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<br /> ��N':dT�57�'
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<br /> _-__=�==:=� right to prot�st r�Y�seation�f any future rvater district witt�in ox abutting the subdivisio�t. Any
<br /> ����:;;� easements shall be kept free��obstructions and t�e Sutulivider shall indemnify the Ci�y for aa3y
<br /> _-� .�,
<br /> • removal or repair c�sts caused by any obs�cuctions. All lota shall be cona�ect�ed to suc�wat�� -
<br /> �� distric�t within two y�ars of disteict compl�rion.
<br /> 3. Sanitury Sewer. PuUli� sanitary s��ves main is not available to th�
<br /> --�� subdivision. Therefore, 9nt�ivxdual sepric tank systems sLall be �Ermissible on an i�nn¢ial basis. -
<br /> __ . � The Subdivider waives the ri�ht to protest tLs creadou of any ftiture sanitary sewer district within
<br /> . or abuttin�ttye subdiviaion. Any easeme�ats sball tr� kept fre�of obstructions ancl the S�bdivlder
<br /> � � shall indemnify�he Clry for any removal or�rx�nr cos3s causecl by any obstrucdons. All lots shall
<br /> �.� ,
<br /> � ;
<br /> "_ be connected to sneh sewer district within two years of dlstricc c�mmpletion. _
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