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, 92w� �,U�� <br /> . condanna�ipnorothtt�aklnBofmypmcofihofRopcny.or(orcom�cyanwinlieuofwndemnmlon„rohcro6ynsslgncdnnd . <br /> sllatl6o pddto4cnder. <br /> In tM event of n toml mkins of tLo Propeny. �Ae proceWs sLnll bo npplled �o Um sums secun:d by tlds Steuri�y <br /> InstmmeN,whnher or not thcn duo,wilh any cxttss paid to]lorrower. In�hc crcnl of n pntllal mking of tho P�o�ny in , <br /> whlch�he fal�mnrf:el vnluo of tho Pro�tly tmmullNCly bcfnrc iho�nking fs equal to or gn;ater�han�ho amoum of tho sums <br /> securcd by this Secud�y Instmment tmmedimcly bePorc tha mking,unless Rortowcr and Lender o�6envlse agro in wdtin�, ' <br /> ihe sums snured by t61e Scend�y insmimem shail bc n:duced by�ho nmoinu o(tlio pmceeds mnhiplfed by tho folloning <br />' (rxUon: (a)the�oml amonnt of A�e sums stturcd immedlatcly beforc t6c Inking,dividcd by(6)�he fatr nmrket valne of thc =. <br /> Ptop�ehy tmmediatcly beforu tho laking. Any balanec shall Iw pald to Rnrcowcr. In the event of n p;utinl inking of tho � <br /> Ptoperty In which Uio fnG nmd:ei vnluo of�he Property Immedlatcly bcforu the tnking ts Icss�6nn thv nmoum ot�ho sums <br /> secured ImmMfntcly bePoro the tahtng, unleu Oorrou�er nnd Lender ot6envtso ngrce in writlng or unlas appltcnble Inw <br /> mhenvise prorides,�he pmceeds sh:i116o applled to t6o sums secnrcd 6y this Secnri�y insln�ment whether or not Iho sums aze <br /> ihen duo. <br /> If thc Property[s ab�:dor.ed by Boaower,or if,n(tcr noiicc 6y Lcndcr�o Oorcowcr thnt the cor.dcmnor otfen�o maka <br /> an award or senle a etaim for damages,�ortower Futs to responJ m Lender�vltliin 30 days�Iler�he due�Le noilco is gi�•en, <br /> Ler.der is auttorixed lo mltest ar.d appiy the praceeds,at i�s opuon,ef�6er to reswn�im�or repair of Hie PmpenY oc to�he <br /> sums sesured by this Seeurity[nsNUnent,wheiher or not thrn due. <br />-- Untess Lender and Fiwmwer oihenvise ngree(n wriiing,uiy applicntfon of proceeds ro principaF shall nol exeend a . <br /> postpor.e the dae date of ihc maathty paymems rcferted�o in par��p[u t arA 2 a change ihe amount of such paymems. <br /> 13. Horrowmr Naf Ra3taced; Forbeannce By Lender �ot a tM1i�rcr. Extens[on of�he ii�rte for paymem or <br /> modification o(amoniza[ioa of thc sums sccured by Uils Secudly Insmimert gr,nted by Lender to aay suecessor in intcrcsl <br /> of Ao+-rower sM1all not o�rste�o relrue�he liabilily of�hc original Dorro�vct a�8ato��er]succesmrs in in�ercs�. Lender - <br /> shall not bo rcquircd to eomm:ooe ptoceedings agalns�any successor in im;rcst ot rcfuse to extend t(me for paymen�or - <br /> od�erniu modify amonizn�ion of Ihe wms securM by Ihis Securiry Insitument by reason of any-demand made by iM1e odglnal - <br />_ Dortower or�ortower§successors in Interesi. Any forbeamnce by Lender in exereising;ery 'R,vh�or remedy shall not be a - <br /> waiver of or pruluAe ih.e exercisc of any dgM or remcdy. _ <br /> ]2. Succet.sors ured Assigns Boundt Jotnt e.nd Severai Llabilily{Co•si�ners. 7hc covrnams nad yuaemems of ihis _ <br /> Seci�ritp I:�sima�um sNdl bind and benefit�he successors anA usigns of Lender nnd Oorro�eu.mFj:s r,o�er:provtslortv of = <br /> paragrapX 17.6oryowerk cov.nnts and ogreemeNS shall be juinl and several.Any Ronourr ahn co-siyns ihis Secccity = <br /> Instruneex bet does no�ezecwa�tr tiole: (u)is co-signing tteis Svcuri�y Insimmem only ta«mngnge,greni and convey�ha� _ <br /> Dortoeerh i�xre-at inthe Ptopetly under the iemix of�h(s Secunc.lncwment; (b)Is not persMUlly oblignted�o pay ihe sums <br />