.. ��� �!! �. �� �! ryrt`?x�?�•�7i�~�� ,`fS�X�r�� � i_ .'n��{k-.
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<br /> ,�i.Y� �.i[�Nr��'.11�2� "(1 �MwO:i+�� N�. e - "_
<br /> �. . ...__ __
<br /> � �(i� ^y
<br /> V��� ���
<br />.. ..__ - TtR3f3T71GR W1T19 all ilw improvcntenis noW or I)cttrdlc�crec�ccl 00 iho prnpeiiy,ond ull c�.�cm�il�s,�ppmtannnccs, _
<br /> -- anA fix0.i�es now or hetcnRer a p1tl of the p,�openy. All repincemems nnd adAl�lons�hall aiso h coecmt 6y this Saurity
<br /> insirumem. Allof�ho foresolns is tefom.d to In ihis Secudty Insmimem ns the"14oprrly."
<br /> OORROWSER COVENAM'S iha�[torrowcr Is Inwfnlly sNsed of�ho evate hcrcby ronvcyed and hat ihc d�ht tn gtant
<br /> and convoy tlwp�pc rty nnd that tlto Propetly is ur,encumlxred,oxup�for encumbn.�ces of n�cord. Dorrnn•er anrcnnu and
<br /> .— wlli defcnd gcncratiy thc titlo lo�6o Propcny ngafns�nll claims and dcmnnds,subJat lo:uiy cncumbnnces of rccord. __
<br />-- �- . ...-.. TN19 SfCURITY INSTRUMIiNT combina unifomi covenanu for natlonnl use and nomuniform cnvenaNS with _.
<br /> limited ruiattons by Judsdictlon to constituto n unifomi security insttumem coverinB rcal propeny.
<br /> UN[FOC:MCOVENANiS. Cimio•a�erandLcndercovenantnadagreeasfollows:
<br /> -- l. P�mmc:�eP PaGrc�:al a�n3 Ar:e:est:Prap�:pmnWt aNA A.a2¢C:iaxg�. RoROwer shall promptly pay�v6en duo ti�e ��
<br /> -���c= p-iacips.t of uv1[n[erest oi�dtz dzba evi�:ce.d by�:e Note�ad any Frepayment and Imo c6arges due under the Noia _
<br /> - 2. IP.t:srRs for?axes and Insti:»ar.¢. SuDJtte to aFptieab[e lax or to a written�vaivcr by IsnJer.Oorrotcer shalt pay to =-
<br /> .-______. . Lcrtdcr on�tm day mondily paymems are dae ur,Cer the Nae,until�:e Nate is paid in full,a sum f'f�mds'7 Por.la)yearry _
<br /> --— taxes artct asseumenis which may allain pdodryorer this Securiry[nsttumer.�as a iten on ihe Propeny:(b))euly teasr.hald =-
<br />-_-:r-� Qayrr.rnts m ground rcms on�he Propeny, if any: (c) yeuly tw:ard or prapeny insunncc prendums; (d)yeazty Road =
<br /> -'°��!� msuranee prcmfums. ff any: (e) yeady mongage msvr.uece premiums,if any: aad(0 nny sums pnyabte by Bormwer to
<br /> ��� ,t.endrr, (n accordanee with Ihe provfsions of g�ragjaph 8,in lieu of tF.e payment o[mongage insunnce pr.miums. 'Rr�se
<br /> i:enu an cafled"Curow Items." Len�:r may,a�anr[uu,-,collecl ar,d hold Tunds in art amaunt noi Io exceed the nuximum
<br />._,� .uPUnra a.1_nder for a(ederally rcl�ttt!mm�gage Inan may rcqain:[or 6ortower�s escmw accoum ander�hz ted_ral Reai _
<br /> CsIalaSa�1:-ment ProceAurcs Act of 19�das nm.ml.d from dme io time, 12 U.S.C.§2601«aeq.f'RCSP.1'6 antess another
<br />..-`�:���� law Ihat:�y�':ks to tha FlurJS uls a tesser amounl. !f so.Lendef may,ai any tim.e,coll.Yi anA hold Punds in an amoant m>i to _
<br /> ;>+xa:=n excccd t(�e Iesser am.mcw Lender may esilmate thc anmunt of Wnds duc on Uu;buis o(curceN data and m:uonaAk
<br /> eaUmales ofexpendimres o(futnrc Fscrow Itemsor whernise in acwrdance x�iih xy�licabic law. �'
<br /> 'r?',., 7te Finds shail be hcld tn an ins�im�ion nhosc dcposits arc insured hy a faieral agency, inswmcntality,or emier �
<br /> t.r�� (Inciud'u4e Cmder,if I.ender is such an imtim�ion)or in any federal Home Loan Dunk. Lender shall apply�he T�mds ro p�y ��!
<br />-Iw=� �he Bsc�;ox t�ems. Lcndcr may nm charge Ro�rower for holding and epplying thc Mnds, nnnually analyzing thc esrrm� _:
<br />-'`."' accounl, ar verifying ihe Escrow f�ems,unless I.e�vAr pays 6ortower incercs�on ihe I'vnds and applicab:r law pemii�s �
<br /> -�� Lender to make such a charge. Hox•ever,Lenda Ru,. rce�uire 6ortower lo pay a onstime charge for an iaJr.prndem rcal
<br /> -��� esta�e Iax rcponing service used by f.endu in rnna:o:w.�wnh Ihis loan,untcu applicabie law prondes oihenrisc. Unless an
<br />::-.??.r}a;'� agrccment is madc or applicable law rn�vircs ima�.r.�o be paid,Lender shall nol be mquired to pay Oorron•er any Intercst or -
<br /> -�v�:� eunfngs on the t'unds. Rortoxror and Lco�dzr..s}::grce in wri�ing.l:o�rever,th��tntercsl sha!!be paid on the Nnds. Lender �
<br /> ,.�,'�l�!� shall givc l0 6ofrowcr,wi�houl cLargc,ra a:r.,a.d azrncnttng of�hr Funds,showing ercdils and Acbils lo Ihe�unds anA ehc
<br /> - . G purpose Por which cach deblt Io the ILnds wns�:+.*.:. Tre I�netc xre pledgM as additlonal securi�y for all sums xcumJ.4�y +.:--
<br /> #„y.f-, ims�ccurityinswmeis.
<br /> ,_.,r�Z,r4 - If ihe flinds ht59�hy I.ender exceed tlw aa�a�a:s pem�iued to be h21S GF a:pplicable law, Lender sh:dl accoim�»� ,;
<br /> ,i x�,:, 8orrower(n the mcus Pmtd+in necordance with tS;requircrzx^.�s of aPpliraSlr law. If ihe amounl of the Ponds hri0.6p <<�
<br /> �+'h Lender:u a.ry time is no�sufficiem to pay�he Escrou Iwms wtr•.n dnr.Lender may so nmify 6orrower In writing,ancl,in � --
<br /> �g��4�`; such cau Uorcower shail pay iu Lender�he amoun: necessaq� w r.uke up�he deficiency. Uorrower shall make up �hr -
<br /> r S.}r� deficiency in no morc iha�nvclve momhly paymerv.:,a�Ln:der�sue dturetion. --
<br /> "`�`- Upon payment in fc+if of all sums sceurcd 6g:Sic S-anmy Instrumrn�,Lender shall promp�ly rc(und to Oorco�ser nny `
<br />��°`{�7,» 14nds held by LenJcr. If,under par�gmph 21,Lendent�ail acquire or scll�he 1'roperry,Lender,pdor to�he acqulsi�inn or �-
<br />"��",'•�'�'� saie of the Ptopeny,shall apply nny fimds 6eld by t.ender at �he iime of acqulsition ar cate as a credit agalns�ihe sums ,`:-
<br />�' 'r'�)y{ : .
<br />__ _�,t� sccurtdby�hisSccuri�ylns��ument. �,'
<br /> < �r}`,�4 3. Applicatlon of Payments. Unless applicnble Ian provides othernise, n1I payments received by Lender umia
<br /> ' �!�lISF paragrophs I and 2 shall bt applied:first,to any prepayaient charges due und.r�h:Aote;ucond,lo amoums payable uneler
<br /> .!{!->�!k ::
<br />'-.,I,��T,. paregroph 2;third.�o imcrest duc;founh,io principal dce:nnd las6�o any latedsa�gesdue undertlie No1e. ,_
<br />�%;s�45-S�. � 4. Charges; Llens. 6orcow.r shall pay all wxes, azscssments,chargcs. fir.�s and imposi�ions auributablc w tl:c �:`-._
<br /> ` �=�:,y kopeny which may avain priori�y mrr�h(s Sccuri�y Inswmen6 and IeaseholJ�vyreenis or ground rcms,if any. 6ortou�M ;
<br />-'fv�t�4..•
<br /> -- 2•.,�= shall�y ch�,e obligaiions In ihc ni�nna provided in paragr�ph 2,or if mt paid in tha manner,6orrower shall pay�hr.m m j-�`:
<br />� �7:^i�;,�, _-.
<br />�.;.x�-i,�;t �ime dix:.s,s lo tlm person owed paymem. Dortower shall prompily fumish io L.nder all notices of amounts�0 6.}r:r.t aad�: -.-
<br /> -,,-�:y_hr,?, thls pamgnph. If Oortower makes�hese paymems dircctly,Qortower shall prea+E�tly famish�o Lender remip:c ecidencing ;?_
<br /> , ,��c the piymems.
<br /> 6orrower shall p:amplly discharge any lien which has priorily over�his Secnaq�Inswmem unless Di�cowre(a)agrea `- -
<br />'::'-� -^'s� in writing�o the paNnent o(�he obligaiion secumd by�hc lien in a mannet accep�aFle�o Lender.(b)eomes�s in guad faith�lx F�-,.
<br /> �i� S� e
<br /> --'�.��.�,t lien by,or defends apainsi enfo:ccaurrv.of�he lien in.Iegal procecdings which in�hr LeuA:r�opinion opemte to prevent the � -
<br /> . t�:��f enforcemem of�he lien:or(c)sav::>from�he holder of�he lien an agrecmem<aiixlanory ra Lender sulwrdina�ing�hr lian F��
<br /> -,,�?��, to this Security Ins[rorre:^t. If Lender dc�ertnines thai any pan of�he Propenr���uFjce�io a lien which may,nain prinri�y
<br /> -_'_:�;,•j, ovcr�his Secufiy 1`cue,�mt.Lender may give�oROnrr a no�ice identifying ihr;:rn. Oonox�cr shall satisfc�hc lien or take
<br /> �k� oneotmoreoflhcan�onsselfonhahovewi�hinlDJay.u(�Legi�ingufwtim. .�-
<br /> ._ : .% 5. 6iaxard or Properly tnsurance. Dortuw�cr,hail krep�hc improrcmcros no�r.xiuing on c�reaf�er crcceed mR cn: -.
<br />',;;'-��'�.` Ro •m ured o ainst loss b firc,hazards included�ri�hin�;zr�:mi"cxlcnded mvera c"and an�u�her 6az�rds,includiL �"��
<br />:_v�._ A S '"' 8 Y F Y '.
<br />'i=�:s;;: poodc or ilooding,for a�hieh Lcndcr nquims inmr.�nca Thi� inurancc shall hc maintaineA in ihc amouNS and (w �hr ��
<br /> . :(�Yy. !-
<br /> �i:.15'�Lt 1.�'4
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