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<br /> Com,►nerc/�l 11i�ORTGAGE — Callateral a ��;;TM;��-----
<br /> . � Federal�an�c Re�l Es#ate M�rtgage � � ��:
<br /> � ' IJZ_T�.:..
<br /> Maturity Data Initial Interost Rete ' �:_�_
<br /> Platuro ci 1n�lebtsdnacs Loen l0.rna�nt �.99�
<br /> �Caneumer loan 4,733.62 � `u' ..
<br /> �-,��--•
<br /> i, DOOC'Q�19 W �1L'i�I
<br /> • hereby piva Commereisf Federal Banl4 a Foderal&avinna Qank('Commer�ciai Foderalq a��urte enc s ho eto:f a°le,of the following proporty together with �r-��
<br /> . ell improve+nente naw or here�fter ereotecl on the proporty.and�II easemenu,righte end app _ ----
<br /> � wFSr a�-z� (w�2�� � � � �v�r ac�- :;::���w"'
<br /> ..'...,' � r�.vFx (u), aoa�s� ..
<br /> . ..� tnu,F a o� ����t�n. � a�Y. �. �;'r�:;�-._-=-
<br /> ' �,n�i�m� m� Grr�r oF ..y,�,:.�
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<br /> —� �■.��
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<br /> ` ki-.:..r
<br /> � ��' If moro then one person eigna this Mortgage,the vwrt!'I'meana'we.' —' ' "
<br /> q`` �0�:
<br /> �,. Thi�Mortpzpe aecure�a loen mede by Commereial Faclaral.ea briefiy describod abova A note dated the semo dete as this Mortpepe containa the terrne tar �:
<br /> �, repayme�t oi that Iwn.lf that note i�aver chanpec!or rop�aced by a now note,it will bo eecured by this Mortgego. __
<br /> a�;'
<br /> 1 promise the tdlowing thinps: �=�--
<br /> • 7. All payrnanu on�ny noto a other debt�ecured by thfs MortpWe will be paid when due. - --
<br /> 2. An inaronce pniicy ta firo�nd exlended covnrope will be kept in force on the property in an�mount et least equal to lhe debu aeeured 6y thia _
<br /> MortOWe P�us any other mortgeye�liated in parsgr�ph 8 below.The insunnce company must be natisiactory to Commercial Fedarei,and —
<br /> ' Commercial Fodenl wili be e named ineured on the pd�cy.
<br />- 3. All t�xa and eeseasmer►q on the prope�"J will be paid betore they become delinquent
<br />- r. 4. No vu��ts wfll be committed a+the property,end it will be kept in pood roPair. �
<br /> � : -V�1+".� 6. The properry w+ll not6e sdd(includinpby land contract),loasod,end no interest in itwilt be easipned in any way. --
<br />�'� 8. I own the property iroe and clear ot any other mortpspe�or encumbrances f�fCEPT �' a�'
<br /> s:,-, �. �..
<br /> 7. No other mortpepe or lien on the property wfll evAr be eilowed to ba in dei�ult or be torec�we:1• -___.
<br /> ��;� _ --_-----
<br /> If any ct thaae promisei ero not kepL then Comrnercial Fedoral can dxlaro�II ot the debt immedietely due and payable without advance notlis eble lew.If -,-
<br /> T '"'• intereat�ute will increase to 19.Od96 or any proeter wte allowable by law ot that time.end thia rmrtgage can be forocloaed M eccordnncs with epp _;_
<br /> - the debt ie acceleratsd.then 1 eiso s�ipn eny rent or other income from tAe property to Commercia�Federo�•THE PAflT1ES AGREE THAT THIS CONS7ITUTES P,.;
<br /> , A COILATERAL REAL ESTATE MORTGA(iE PUNSUANT TO SO.DAXOTA C.L 4�4&28 (FOR S0.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONLY;. In the evont o!sny deteult In the ±��.�
<br /> �1'..._�__
<br /> • m�kin�ot any psyment w in kespinn a�y eovemnt hore6n.thfe Mortpape may be foreclosed by action,or by�dvertisemant aa prov)dad by stetute or the rulee `},�..__. ___
<br /> �. of pnctice ret�tinQ thereto,s�d thli psrpreph�hall 6e deemed�s authori�ing snd conntitutinp e porvor of sale es mentiuned in eafd atetute a rulea end eny �4_ _ - _
<br /> amendrt�nt thsroto,and m�y rotaln statutory co�sa end attomey teos ISO,WY.MN,OK,and MI roaident�only). - -
<br /> , .. ti ' �'���i`
<br /> Cerhi�emounb can be paid by Commerciel�oderal end a d d e d to t he de b t socu r e d b y t h i a M o rt g e Q o.Th e y e r o a n y U►x e a o r i n t u r e n c a I have a preed to i
<br /> pay but fail to,any ettomey fees a couA expenae�Commercial Federal pays it it Is mede a party et any legel ection 6roupht by someone dee aoeceming�he '�,?�__��--=-°_
<br /> ' property,end eny ettomeV fees a court expentea which tho lew miphi allow ii Commerciat Fedael hes to go to court ag�lnat me to cMlect tlfe debt or �y--���:;,.�_
<br /> ,�,;,.-�---.
<br /> foreelose thfs mortpape.li eny of thsce thingi happen,then tho edditicnel debt will accrue interest at the eamo reto aa the ro�t ot thfl debt end muat be paid ,�_T*,��_
<br /> �, tiS{:��--•_---�,.
<br /> �,'�,:�ti� immediately. ,�;�.�di,54:._,J;,_.-
<br /> If this properN ia ever condomned under the power of emirient domain w any slmilar method of taking proparty for public use,any procoode of the teking �.�;`,�'w'},i}�;�r4:
<br /> �!'��`�" will be pald to Comrt�ercial Federel up to the tull amou�t of the debt securod. . : �f�'`"'
<br /> ,,,,,, • �� '".,.7r�i^I�;;
<br /> .._,i..��i��Eqi1..
<br /> ,�� �ti��gp��(}a p�t�hom��ro r�w�r of ut�hss b�n prant�d in thie MortpMl�. A pow�r of�al�m�Y�Ilow tfi�Mort�W�td tsk�'th� t;`: i•� `�'�::'
<br /> mo ay� prW�e �nrTi�if�w�r hou r+q wurt m■ pna r�ac on upon s�u Y ow�—�unai7 th�s MarcB� • ;;:{�r" . .. .
<br /> �<,
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<br /> __ _ _ - - = -- -- o .�... ..,. mr�aa w �t�cs�t —__ ,
<br /> _ _ _ _
<br /> s -, - Y�oday/eDate pll�iII� Z3� 1y97 ...,...,j-' v-- ----- •• ------ -- --
<br /> ( -•�• —-_ ;
<br /> Bormware Sipnature
<br /> STATE OF � 1 �
<br /> COUMY OF ��I+r+ 1 •
<br /> On thia 23� day ol �II+ .19 97.boforo mo,o notary puhlic in o�d for aaid county, peraonally camo
<br /> �. � �,�r� t�mo known to bo tho idonticul parson or poreons whoso I
<br /> nome is or oro nt(ixed to the ebovo mortgege,end thoy,he or ehe eevorelly acknowledgeid the said�nstrumant nnd the oxocutfon thoroot to bo their voluntary
<br /> Ieat ond deed. _
<br /> WITNESS my hand e oar leat wnttan ebove. �j �N �/
<br /> :19J1 � 'J�sc/
<br /> I My commisalon oxpiros: ���TANCE K.SL�A,N Notery Public'e Si�naturo
<br /> 1 DN-1077 (10/96)
<br /> � NH-IN-WY-IL-SD ��'UE�m•�?�
<br /> - I
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