-:i ��
<br /> r... t
<br /> � 04.14-9997 DEED OF TRLfST P�p��
<br /> l.o�n No�1816?'4 (C.antinued) � O�Qq '
<br /> — ----------- __.._. ��..���,.-�-_.�-� •
<br /> � I.�nd�o to d.+ect►erpo obNWiinrw M Yrustor a oxpense+s Incurtod by Truslou a Lendw'lo inttxo.�ab';p.Bara of Trostor u�:6:r t�C::�C!Tnt;,t, � �
<br /> � top�lhN wHh InNral on luch amounb u proHd�d In tha ONd d Trtui. ( .
<br /> � Ltt��. TM word'1.�ndw'm�ara UNffEO NEF3RASKA B1UNC�Ib stwassaf and as�pns. � •
<br /> i
<br /> �, m�woro�yoN•,+�r,�p,��dawd npni »,�a��� in tP�e principal �mo��nt o4 511.03T.E0 aom r�u��a a undw, �
<br /> ' tOpethw wNh dl nrawaM�pxlcn�lorn.madMcatlorN,rMlnandnps��nd tubsWutlone fa Ih�rWt�. TM maturfty d�M al Ihb D�ed d Trwt b AprY
<br /> 18,1BBD. �
<br /> � PrrwnM Propqty. YM wad�'P�son�l PaapMty/'m�rn NI puipmeM�Ilxtur�. �nd dhK uUck�of pKSOnd prapry raw ar MnafMr
<br /> own�d by Tru�tor,and now or h1rN1Mr aNiciwd or�Hhad to tM Reot Prop�lY: topothnr wlth�11�casslons, puts,�nd �ddidorn to,�
<br /> � npko�rtwrtb d, and dl subaUtutlons 1or, any d euch prop�ry; and topethat with tN procsade pndudinq wilhoul MmltaNOn�11 Inaxanor
<br /> prooMd�and ntunds d promlums)hom any aW a ottwr disrpoaiUon W tM Property.
<br /> Prap�ty. Th�word'ProperN�rr�ns coYactivoty Ihs Fi�al PropoAy and the PersonN Properly. ,.
<br /> {iNi propKty. Th�wada'fie�l Propertfl'mwn iM properly,Iniarosb and riphb desafbod�bow In th�"Convsyanoe and Cxanl's�cllon.
<br /> qNal�d noeWnints, 7M� worde'RekWd DoCUmenb" m�n and Indude wlthout YmttaVbn �ll promissary rwi�,ci'�dtt �pr�rrsonts.ban
<br /> d�aCUm�nM,whNlw noti+a MrMIM�i�tkq��x�cusod n�con�vMh Ilw�lnd�ebt�►�ssof trust�and�11 othw in�trumints.epr�le md .
<br /> iionts. The wotd'Renb'm�am eil prowrtt�nd hrtun rw�. rr�ortuat, Incore�.Issuot�royafUoe�ProBb.end other ban�'its dwlwd kom�hn
<br /> ProptKty.
<br /> � T�wM�. Th�word'frtxM�'rtwno lkVtTEO t�ERA,.SfV1 BANI(�nd�nY subtlMtA�o►iuoaiio►tuolwa
<br /> T�wlot. Th�wocd'Tnntor'mean any and�p�rwM and K�tiY�e ox�c++11n0 thft W�d of Tn�tt.k�dudin0 without WrNlaibn M Tnisian tim�d
<br /> ,- ,
<br /> l cha:�. �..r, .;...:..
<br /> �a o�n oF r�wsr� �a.uoiNa n�nssic�r�xr of aa�rs uio n� sECURi�r i�sr iN n� r�xn wao �so� �. Y'`�
<br /> RFl. ,_;:
<br /> OM 7YE FOLLOWIMO TEAMB: � . .
<br /> PAYME?1T NiD PEAFORMANCE. Fxoopt a otMrwke proWdad In thk Oaed of Tnnt,Tn»ta stwM pay to Und�r dl amounbo e�cund by this DMd � �, •
<br /> of Tnxt�s IMy b�cortN dua,ind tFwM�trlctly and In a tlrreery minn�r pe�fam d W Truttarl obfipatlona undu th�Nola,this De�d d TruN,and th� =
<br /> Rak1W Docum�nh.
<br /> �+ �,
<br /> •.� POSSESSIaii AlID MAIMl'E7IANCE OF TFE PiIOPEATY. Truqor�pria�e ittot Tnntofs paaisslon and us�of the Prop�rty shaM b1 powrn�d by f�'��i.
<br /> the follo+airp pro�Aibrls:
<br /> P�s�M�eioe�nd UM. UnYI th�oocun�W an Ewnl W DKauN.Tnntor m�y (a)�mdn In pa�ss�asbn artd'contrd of tM Pirop�►q+� (b)ua. �, �
<br /> opaaM nr murip�th�Prap�rly.�rb (o)c�Y�ct any Wnis kom tlN Propwty. ; �
<br /> Dupl b MaY�faM. Tn�etor sMN mMnt�ln th�Propdy In i�nt�bw condiHon rnd P►omPtlY P�����s�nP4��.and rtWnMnana
<br /> _ n�oriY�ry b prMerw ib wlw. - , —
<br /> Fl�mrdow� Th�4mr'�tvdous wW��'h�a�rdo��substtna�'dlsDoWl;'rNeas�;and'ThrNbrwd r��:u a�d in fhis
<br /> Dwd of Tnut�sh�Y hRw tM sam�rt�dn��s fath in th�CoreDrotNnsiw Envhonmmtal Rsspor�w,Comper�t/on�a�d UabWty Act of .
<br /> 19E0�a ama�d�d,42 U.$.C.Sectlon 9801��t MR. l'�HCU19�ttM Supxfund ArnmdmYnb anA fieauthoriratlon Ad at 1996� Pub.L No. �
<br /> 9o-49D('SAFiA��tM Hmrdous M�iwWc TansportaUon l�d. 49 U.S.C. S�ctlon 1801,�t ap.�th�Resotra Corr�ervrtlon and F7�covaY Rct. , �� ;,,
<br /> 42 U.9.C.S�CYon 6901�N sW..ot otfiM appliCabM stdle d Feder�l kws.rWs��or ropulatlor�adoPbd Purewnt to eny d ttK►fotpoNtp. The , • �;
<br /> � Mtm�'f�rdoue wasN'and'I�arardout wb�4nae"aludl Ww fndude�witMut Nmitatlor�Pairoiwm artd P�aMun�by-prad�►ah or eny k�cYon �._ c t�� I`';
<br /> th�nW�nd YbKMa. Truator nprMSnb�rb wartanb lo LAndu MlI� (a)Durk�p tfM D��1 of TnJitor's ownMSNp d th1 Rropaly�Ywt�hs "�
<br /> bMn no uw.O�n�nNon�marnrhetur�,qoray�.trMtm�M.d�PaWl.rNoas�a tlr�atrnW nbas�d eny h�nrdous waMa subdino�by any • s,, �
<br /> pMSa�on.wWM��bwA a Irom Ih�Prop�rlf� (b)Tnwlar hN no kc�owb�ip�d.a r��Wr►to bulMvo Ih�t ih�r�has b��,��wPl w pr�vbuNY �'"
<br /> di�claW W�nd�cknowl�dpod by LaxMr In wrWrp. p)any uN�ponaatlon�monufsChue��tortpe�fn�trt»M�df�Paui.niw�s�,a hrNtorNti ``�" Y
<br /> rMww of anY hn�rdauo wasM a eubs4na on.undar��bout a k�rn Ih�Roparty hY nnv txlor own�s or oocuP�nls of tM PropKty a (Y)anY ,.,�•}"� —
<br /> �ctuY or tlrNtenod EltlpaYran a cJ�(rrr of any klnd bY any panon nl�tlny b euo1�m�tMn�and (o)Exo�p!�prwioutly d�cioNd b�nd .`.i�• ,
<br /> �dcno�vipcfp�d by l�In►wiYnp� P)nNttMr 7n�stor nar ury f�n�nt, contracla. ap�M a oth�r�ulharir�d uNr of tM P►oputy�FW uN, ;,_ ��
<br /> q�errts.rt�nukotun,��bsat�dispoM of�a rNsaW aoY I�erdaM wab a wbWna on�widK��bout a kam Ih�Prop�lY� (�)�Y � �:�;�. �..
<br /> ' s u U h�w i�A l Y�!W W C o n d u c.i W k►c o r n p l�no�wNh�N�p p f C�b N/Bdi�r1.M�M�lnd bCal Rws.npul�YOns and Ordk�noM. Midud�np wilha�t '`:'.,�Y�'
<br /> i°�•. NmNation thoN Mws�h4ulatla���nd adlnmoN dMCdb�d alwve. Trusta authorfilt L�nd�r�nd fls op�r►k b�ipo�Ih�Prop�rty b ..���r,;:_:���
<br /> • rtWn stxh kitp�CYorn u�d Msb.�t Ttu�tor��xp�rr��ss I.�tbK mq dNrn�PPra0+1�N b dYMrMtN oortipYltna of tln PrOp�rty wNh tNs
<br /> s�CYOn Of HM DMd Of TN�t. My I�np�CYOrM ot 1�ls mtds bY L�nd�r�f�Jl b�lor L�nOK'e P�P�oM►u�tl�liall not b�ConNrt�d b crwM �::i e'��r
<br /> in i'4; -
<br /> � any n�ponslbNity a W�b�fty on!M prt of l.«+d�r to Trusta or b�ny otha�rwn. Th�rePr�ntallor�and wamxMlos conLln�d h�rMn w �'s'��-�.
<br /> bwd on Trwtora dw dWpMio+In InvKUpaWp th�i�cP�Y 1�h�zardous wasN a�d Mxudow wbsfanou. Tnnia fMrWy (q t�IM�M Md .'�,;�r �==:`;'
<br /> wairw nny(utun cWml�p�irn4 LMdar lor k�damNly ot c�nEribuMon In tM went Truslor becort�N�bM M►deanup or atlwr cats und�r my_ r. p;.`W+�,.:
<br /> ' .�.�. •-.
<br /> ,�'�' .:. wch kws,and (b)��to IndemnHy and hdd hamNss Under�palmt ury aM oll cklms�toss�s,YebfEfUss,darrrpss�DMwIY�s..md .., �:.:�,,,-.t�
<br /> . �r� wMch Ur�da rn�y dincily a Mdr�cVY sust�ln or �WN►.nsuPonp kom �brwch of tH�actlon of tPN DNd of 7rua1 a�e� !,`;,c;'.;�,° ......
<br /> '�'� corwqwna d any uM,p�rwraYon.rtMnuhctun�s3aa�,dkposal�nias�or threaWnad nWas�oocurtlnp prlor b Tnictari ownKSMp or ' _ ---------
<br /> IMrr�f In th�Prop�rty.wh�t1�a nof th�urtN wu a ehaUd Mw bwn known lo Tructor.'ll�provielo��d thi�uc�YOn W tM DMd of Trwt, ' '�;
<br /> }� Indudlnp th�obYp�ibn to Ind�eTMnNY.�wrviw Mw paym�r�t of tM IndYbtodMSS uid th�satlsf�cdo��nd nCOnw�y,rn0� af Ih�NM�Of 8fi� ..
<br /> I DNd d Tnnt�nd stwN naf b�afl�clad Dy L�rbw��cQulsitbn d tny Int�rost In th�PropMy�whNhM bY fondowh or ofhlrwM�.
<br /> ��vs.
<br /> NWw�c��Wa�M. Tru�tor sh�ll ral caua.conduct a pKmit arry nuls�na nor commlt,PKrt�it�or tufhr anY��PP��q o1 a watM on a to tt� .
<br /> �ppwty Or�ny PaYor1 d tM PrW1�tY. VYNhOUt WNtlnp thi psn1nl11y Of t1N foropdnQ�Tnistor wiN rtOt rwflOw�or pnrYt b nny OItiM patty dl�
<br /> �,' ripM to nmow.anY YmbK�rtYrNrW(inc{udtrp oY�nd Ws)�wN�GrovN or rodc P►oduck vrHhout tM prbr writbn consan d WrW�r.
<br /> R�nwvM of MNprov�m�nts. 7n�ta sha!nW d�mo6fsh ar nmour any Im�xovan�nh kom Nw Rwl PropKty wNhotit tls�prior wrftbn cax�nt
<br /> d Lmd�r. A�a ca�dltlon to tM nrnowi d any Imprawm�nb�L�rbor rtwY roQWn Tnata to m�ke�rranpw►wnb wtkf�tay to Lsnd�r to ,
<br /> npl�o�euCh Improwrt��4a with ImprowrtNnb of tt IsY�!rqu�l wiw. "
<br /> ;, ..
<br /> LM1tfM'�Fi1�11 b En1K. LN�dor snd in 11Qonls tnd ropta�n161hwb rtMY unhr upon tM Rwl PrOparty at dl tsasonabN drtMt to�tknd to � ;
<br /> 1 Londoft InlwKb and to Inspoct tho P►oporfy tor Purpo6�e dTnntor's cortMriarwo with Iha terms and condfdons of fhls Deed o(Trust. ''•�.:
<br /> �.','.
<br /> CoMpllr�a wMh Oov«nm�ntat RWuk�mmf�. 7nuta�h�N pro+nPly comPb with�Y lawi�adinanoea��nd nputaY��now a iwnalMr in
<br /> � �fMct,of vl pov�mrrnnbt authorMt�s rPP�b tM us�o►oocu�ncY of fh�Proparty. Tnnta maY conUN In Qood h�ifh tr►y tuaA kw,
<br /> I ordkrna.a npukilon�nd withhold compNmc�durUp anY Proo�dlnp.k�dudinD�PD����PP�+�Ro IonQ a Trusta hwt ndiMd L�nd�r
<br /> j in writlnp prior b ddnsl w and so bnp�s.M WrtdK's toi�opl►YOn.Under�Interea'!s In thu P►oporty w not J�opardirrd.LwM�r rtNy n�Qukr
<br /> j Truitor to past adoquaM sscurfty a a sunty bo�d,roaionabH a��khdaY to l�nd�r.ta prowct t.�nd��InNrwt.
<br /> .ti� � 1 �i„a�w��i.t�i,.��..�x.,.�e�.��n m,�tw c�,c�r a�d�m�rtv w�nuonabN Sneoossarv o urowc!a��orMarw ths ProorN. .
<br /> � DUE ON SALE-COtiBEIiT BY LENDER. Land�r rtw�y,at Rs optloa,d�due Immocli�tMy du�and p�yabls�11 aurta a�cured by thh De�d of Trust - - . .--. _
<br /> � upon ths�a►�or trar��wHhout tiw Und�e pdar wdtton conHnt,of�li a any�OUf of Mo Re�l Prop�rty,or any intsrasl In th� FkU Prop�rly. A �
<br /> "sala or trenshr'meam ths conveyrtna of Red Ro�rry or�ny rlpht,tltla a Int�rest th�roln;whalhK{eptl,b�r�M1clN a equftabk;wlwlMr vdunttry
<br /> � ar Invduntar�,wlwkMr by outripht aWo,deed,Irn1Wm�nt snl�contracl,land controct,controct for deod,IYas�i�otd interost wifh a Mrm proatnr than I
<br /> i tlxee(3)y�arc,baat�-optbn contract,a by saN,�a�pnme�st. a tnr�stsr of any beneRdd Interest In or to�ny knd husl hddinp WIe to IFw Raal
<br /> ' ; Property,or bY dny othet mathod of conveytna of Ra�l Ropedy Inlwesl If�ny Tnistor b n corporaUon,Partnsrship or Ymitod Nabaity company, i
<br /> tr�nshr�ISO indud�s any ctunpa In ownership of man than twmty-Ifw perc:ent(269�) of lhe votlnp Etodc,partn�ahip Intensb or Ymitod NabWty
<br /> � compnny Uterosfs,a IM as�may b�,o!Trustor. Howev�er, ttib optlon ahaM not be sxerdsed by Londer M auch ax�is prohlWtad by fed�rd �
<br /> � taw or by NabrASk�kw. � I
<br /> TAXES AND LlEMg, The toAOwlrq prmAsloro retatlna to tM wcas and Iiem on the Property are a part of thb Deod of Trust � .
<br /> � Phrm�n4 Trustor�hYN pay whan due(and In aM�vents p�fnr to dellnquency)aA tnxas, speclal taxos,asse6smenb,chupea pnciudinp watar �
<br /> and sswar),Ilna and Impositlons Isvied ayalnst a on account of tM F4operty,and ahaN psy wFwn du�aN claims fo►wwk dorn on a fa
<br /> , servtcw rondarad or maWrial twnlshad b tM R►opa�ty. Tnnta ehaN mainWn tlw Property ka�o(aN Ilera hwlrp prioriry ov�ar a�quai to t►w
<br /> , : i
<br />