' ' . i.S`t5!%..�.521G)..'si59:ifi3e1:'L'x�CRF41w'vs:rr...r.ax..:.w,r��r.m!�v+wAw�xnm+�nw...–.........._......_........__�. .—.... . '
<br /> ::��.i'_ _
<br /> 92., �o�8f 2
<br /> � 7'OOti'f31RR WI7Ii nll ihc improvcmcros now or hemnfter en;c�ed on�he propcny.nnd nll a�scments,appuncnanccs,
<br /> otHt fixlanx now or herraftcr a pan of iho propchy. All ropinccmwus and additions shnll also Ix eovercd by ihis S:auity _
<br /> InsiromeN. /�II of iho fottgoing Is rfcrrul to 6i thls Secwity Ins�mmcmas�he"Propcny."
<br /> - - pORROWCR COV[iNANTS thai Bortower is lnwfnlly sclsed of�Ao asiato hcrc6y conveycd and has the dght w grant
<br /> - and convey�ho Pro�c«y and�hat tho Propeny is unencum6ercd,excopi for er.cumbranms of neonl. Dorrower wurnNS r.nA
<br /> - wlll defenA Genemlly ihe title�o tholkopeny against aIl claims and domaads,suhJec�ioany encumGrancu of ret�oN. —
<br /> THIS 3P.CIJItITY INS'fRUML'NT combines unlPomi covennms for na�lonal use nnd non•unifami wrenanu with
<br /> -'_ limitai vnrinlions byjurisdiclion�o conslilutc a unifomi sccuriiy inslrumont coxcdng rcal propcny. _ _ -_ �
<br /> � UNIPORM COVCNAN7'S. Rorcowu.nd l.cr.dcrcovenam a��d ugrco ns follows:
<br /> � 1. Pnyment oP Principal and interesti Prepayment and bxte Chm•ges. 6onowcr shall pmmpily pny when dnc t6o
<br />- - principal of nnd imcrest on the debt eviAenscd 6y�he No�e nnd eny prcpaymem nnd latc chnrges duo midcr iho Roec.
<br /> - 2. 1§mds fo�'Ihxes nrd insurnnce. SubJecl to applicable la�v o�to n eritten�vaiver by 4ender,Dorcowenhnll pay to
<br /> � LenAcr on tho day momhly paymqms arc Auo undcr the Notr,un!il the h�u is p,itd in full,a sum("I'vnds")for.(N yeuriy
<br /> mxes and assessments whlch may attain prioriry ovcr this Senrti�y I.�stmment as a l�en vn�t:e Ptoperty:N)ye:rly Icnseliold
<br /> paymems or ground-rems cm �he I'rope+ty. if any; (c) yea�ly h;�ca:A or �repern� ia<uiance prcmla�ns: (d)yenrly (tood - � � —�-
<br /> --� insumnce premiams, if any, (e) yeudy motigage insurance premiti�as.i: :m�: anA�� 1n��sums payab[e Gy Dor[ower to
<br /> -- Lenckr,in acmrdante nith�ho provisions of paragraph S, in Ilen`o3 dx�ayinem ot mongaFa inwrar.m premi�ms. 1Tese
<br />-- items:ut calted"fscro�r(tems:' 4en�zr may,al nny�Ime,coqza anA ho1c1�i�ds in,a amnuni aot to exceed�1e maximura
<br />_� amount a Iendtr for a frdtmlly rcl:nnl nmN�ge Ioan may rcquim fnr➢ortnwerk rscroa a.cam� u.^.der ihe kderal ReaE -
<br /> -'�i L�siato Seuiement Proceduros Ac�oF I97•i as;m�enJrd from�i�re[o�ime.I2 U.S.0§.601�a sr .("RtSPA"),cn!ess nnother —..- ..
<br />�' ,� law that.pplies to lAe Mnds seis a Iesser amo;mt. li so.LenJer mnp alany limc,tol!ecl and ho�d Nn&in an a:noum not to _,..-.
<br /> cxi�d tAe Iesser amouN. Lender niay rstima�e +he nmoum M Flmds dir, nn ihe ha<is nf curteN daia nad rensonable I�f4f•.,.
<br /> -- es�Tmnits of expendilurcs of fuWre Pscrow trems or ofirra'Ise In r.ccor�nee ui�h applirnblelaw. _
<br />���=��o 'Ilr fvnds shall be held in nn ins�im�ion a�hou dep�sitc am inmred by a fedem! aee�icp,insimmeniali�y, or crt[iiy �.�,.-'
<br />:`j;�«� Onciuding Lznder,if Lender is such nn inx�iimioN or in any kdcr.d Home Loan Dar.k. LenJer shall opply the Ii:nds to pay ��������::;..
<br /> �he Cscrow Items. Lender may nm char�e Acvrew.r tor holding nnd applying �he Funda,annually znalyzir.g the escrotv �%<,`-'•���-�
<br /> – eccouN,or verif In the 1'scrow I�ems. unless Lrnd�r a s Oortower intera,� on �he Mndi and n Itcnblc law rmits '''4"���`-
<br /> v Y S P Y FP Ix ...�r ,..:_
<br /> -+ Lender lo makc such n charge. Ho.verer,Lender may require 6orco��cr to pay a one•time chnrge for an independmt rcal � ��
<br />_^^"� es�ate lax reponing scrvice used by Lsnder in connrriion with�his lonn.unicu appticable Imv provfdes aherwiu. Unless an �'•c,x_,. ���
<br /> ;,° ag�cemenl is made or appliceble la��•rcyuircs Intercs�ro be pafd,Lendershall not be requireA to�wy Qortower any In�.rcst or t t ' i �
<br /> --:+5� eamingx on the Nnds. Oorrowcr nnd Lender may agrec in wriiing,hot�xvcr,iha�intemst ahall bt pald on�hc Fl:nds. Lcnder ti�
<br /> a?##' sha11 givc io Oorrower.��ithuu�charge,an annu�l aecoumfng of�he R.^.ds,showing crcdits r.nd debiis�o iha Ponds and tl�c ` t `
<br /> -.s�y purposo for which eadi dcSit Ia ihe i•Lnds wes madr. The Ponds nre pledged as addi�ioanl xnuri�y for nll simu sewred by i< �� i �_
<br /> "; thisSecnmylns�tumtm. ��' �ik -
<br /> -� ii�hc r�mds BCItI U)' LCI1Ui! ixi2id thi umuanio µu��iiizd ia t2 Y21d 6y ap}%;izt�bit �.'u•.', 1..^.�:.r sh:il.^.CCO�n!lo �
<br />-...j.Sjj �,..,�ji.:
<br /> °- Qorto�err for�he excess I•lnds iu arcordance wiih iha nquiremems of applicable law. li'mr amnum o(the Poxds held 6y 'lJs�.y ..�.,
<br /> �,r�� Lcndet m any time is no�suffiarn��o pay�he Eccrow(�ems a�hen duc,Lender may xo irotiY} Honnu<r In wriiing,nnd,in ey�5���' -;
<br /> -�d such cas. IIorcower shall pay m Iw.ndu the amount r.ecessary m make up�he deficlenc�•. OortoN�er shnll make up�he �1°5 ' i
<br /> Yy; deficfency in no morc�han�welve momldy paymentc ai Lcndcr�sole diuretion. �;��jTty7 -
<br /> -.-yS'� Upon paymcnt in full of nll sums sccurcd by Nis Sccuriry Instrur,xnt,Lendcr shall promp�ly rc(cnd to Oorcowcr any F�����
<br /> �,; fLnds held by Lendcr. If,undcr parngnph 21,Lender shail acquire or sell�he Pro{xrry, Lender,pflnr to�he xquisition or t � ,
<br /> � sale of�he Propetly,shall nppiy nny Funds held by Lendcr at the tim.of xquishion or salc as n cndit ligxinet �he sums �it� �y� .-
<br /> '; securedbythisSecuri�ylnswmem. nS�J'+ '
<br /> +�i� 3. Appticntlon of Pnymenls. Untess npplicabie Inw provides oth.rn�ise, nll paymems receivcd by Lender under � r�y,�ic° +-
<br /> --" paregmphs 1 and 2 shall be npplied:finL w nny prepayment charges d•re undrr�he Note;second,to nmonnr•7�y�ble under t �� :
<br /> u, paregreph 2:�hird,�o intcresl duc;founh,�o principal duc;nnd las�,�o eny imrcha�ges due under�hc No�e. t'��i�rr^ .
<br />-_-'.'•� 4. Charges; Llens. Oortower shall pay all wxes, msessmenu,cha�es, fincs nnA impositioas mtribmablc to�he ,�!t„�1,;'�-
<br />�'��'� Pro n +��hieh ma auain nori� ovcr�hfs Sauri� InslrumeN,:md Ithtehuld a mrnis�R eNUr.d rer.�s,if a� IIorrowcr °{�r.l�"-'
<br /> =s:.�:� P�' S Y P� Y Y P Y R 'j U„-�tj�r�:.;:
<br /> slmli pny ihru obliga�ions in thc m:mner provideA in paragraph 2.or ifnot p�iA in�ha�mauncr, �ovmrcr sh,II pay�hem on f�i��..-.-.
<br /> ;::.:� "r�tYt�3'"-.
<br /> _� lime dirccily to the person owed paymem. �orcoac�>hall promp�ly lumish lo Lrnder all noti.es of amovn�s�oh paid under �F �,� �
<br /> ?;� �hls paragrepli. If Onrrou�cr makes�he.c p.rymzms dircaly.Rorto�vcr shall prompfly fumi.h�o Lenda receiqs evidcncing t �� �
<br /> { Ihc paymenta � , Zi
<br /> ._:�I Oortower si�all pro:nptly dischnrge any lien+vhich has priomy ovtnhis Security InsWmem unless Qoamrcr.(n)ngrces ���r
<br /> � tn writing�o the payment of�he obligauon securtd by�hc licn in a mnn�er:ittep�able�o Lender.�b)cor.:esis ingoocl(oi�h the s�
<br /> 'r�j lien by,or delends against enforcemem of�he lien in,Iegal praceedings which in the Lendert opinion opemte�o prevmt the �wh � --_:
<br /> enforcement of lhe Iicn:or(c)secures lrmn�he liolder of thc licn an agrcement sa�isfaclory w Lender subordlr.atmg�he iicn 53,�,'�
<br /> _�i w�hfs Security Insuument. If Lcndcr de�crmine,�ha�any pan of thc Prop�m n xub;ect to a licn whirh mny at�ain pdori�y �J ,
<br /> - � over�his Sewri�y Inswment.Lender may give➢nrrourr e r.otice idemdying�L•c lien. I3orton�er shall sa�isfy�he Ilen or lake r
<br /> `�� onc ur marr of ihc actions sct fonh alwvc wi�hin 10 days o(�hc givingof no�ice.
<br /> __��� :. tlazard o�Property Insurnnce. Uurtower�hall F.crp�he imprnrcnicn6 ruw¢�i.iinp ur hercaller e�a:teJ un�he
<br /> s�i� Properq insured againsl loss by flrt.h.uards included wilhin Ihr lenn rxlendrd emerage".md any o�F.ar haea:ds, inclndmg r!k
<br /> � �� floods ot Oooding, for u�hich Lendrr rcquires ineurancc. 71iis insur.�cc �hall M mainlaincJ in thc amoums and for thc _
<br /> �
<br /> � fbrm!01x 770 �rvx�a.�nr,:r., ; ) �
<br /> `t� . �
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