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�. <br />� <br />201200637 <br />�rT "A" <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of the 5outheast 1l4 of 5ection 3D, Township 9 North, Range 12 West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, runnfng thence West approximately 90° (89°25'OB") a distance of <br />1,576.45 feet to a'point on the South lina ot said Southeast 9/4 to a steel post (the Place of Beginning); <br />thence North 90° a distanoe of 620 feet to a steel post; thance conffnuing North 9D° to the thread of the <br />�'latte River Channel; Yhence in a Westerfy directton aiong the thread of the P1atts River Channel a <br />distance of approximately 740 feet to a point on said Thread of the sald Platte River Channel; thence <br />South 90° to a steel post located 620 feet North of the South sectlon line of the said Southeasf 1/4 of satd <br />Section 30; thence South 90° a distance of 620 feet tu a polnt on the satd South section line of the sald <br />Southeast 114 of said Section 30; thence East 90° a distance of 740 fset to a steel post, being the Place of <br />Beginni�g; Reserving, however, to Grantee, its successors and assigns, e sixty feet ingress-egrsss <br />ease{nenY avar and across Yhe foUowing described sixty fest strip running east-west through the above <br />described tract; Beginning at the Southeast cornar nf the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 8 North, <br />Range 12 Wesf of the 6th P.M., HaJI County, Nehraska, running thence approximately West 90° a distance <br />of 1,576.45 faet to a point o� the South line of said Southeast 1/4 to a steel post; thence NorCh 90° a <br />dlstance ot 350 feet to the Place of Beginning of said InBresa easement; thenc� West 80° <br />approximately 740 feeY fo a pnlnt on 1ha VYest line of the seid tract; thenca North 90° on the said West <br />prope�ty line a distance of BO feet to a point on sald ifne; thence East 90° epproximately 740 feet to a point <br />on the East line of satd tract; thence South 90° on the seld East llne of said trzct a d3stance of 6D feet to <br />the Piaae of Beginning of said ingrass-Egrsss easemont. <br />