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<br /> ' D&ED O8' REC�T�L''�3I.�iC7E
<br /> ., � KI�TOW AI,L MEIJ BY THESE PRESENTS: ��� �������
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<br /> w,,,:�y THAT WHEREAS, all of the f.n,1�lc�tednees ee�ured k�y the Truet •�
<br /> ,�_......,�+ir
<br /> Deed executed by BY,ANCFIE SYLVI� l�,NID h1ARTIN E. CART,sOk3 to STEWART
<br /> TITLE GUARAN°I'Y COMPP,NY , Trucytco �or the bene�it c�f HOUSEHOI.�D
<br /> FINANCE CORPOR.ATION III the B�neE iciary named thes ein, dated '.�•
<br /> �-. r-�
<br /> t
<br /> � JP,NiJARY 25,1996 and recordQd JANCTA�RSE' 29,1996 �n Ghe U�fice �f the -
<br /> � �:;.:.
<br /> , � Register of Deede of HALL Co���y, Nebra9k�, �n xNa� NO, 9F �.09��46 ���_�
<br /> �.�_-.:
<br /> �� at Page N/A has been p�id, �ucl said Beneficia�cy ha� x•equested in �f-w__
<br /> _ . ' ' � writix�g that this Deed of Re�on�reyance b� exe�uCad and �ielivered a.s t-�,
<br /> `lf- �.�:j
<br /> confirmed by ite endorBeme�at b�low: ;_:,::
<br /> .. 6��
<br /> �
<br /> �}� NOW THEREFORE, i�a cdza�sid�:rat3.on of �ur.h nayment and in
<br /> � a�rnr�an�p wi th t-hP reaueat ot� t_h� F3pnPficiary named �her�in; the -
<br /> -' undersigned as Truatee do►}z� b}� th�ae pxesen�s, gr2ant, remise,
<br /> relesee and reconvey to the poreon or person� en�itleci thereto a17.
<br /> � the interest and estaCe der:Lvr�d to said Trustee by or through eaid —
<br />- � Truet Deed in the following d��crib�d premis�� by only as *a suclh
<br />- ,. premisee:
<br />'' '• LOT 14,C�PITAL I-�IC�I3T5 ETGI�T(6TH) aU}3DXV:iSION,IN HALL
<br />'�;��::�;. .:. COUNTY,NEBRASKA. -
<br />-. .w,
<br />_`" � . TOGETI�ER WITH �,I,L bu�.lding�s, f 3xtur�s, impx•ovementa and
<br />_ � '. a�purtenance� belonging to such prerriisea.
<br />:• _'�'..`:
<br />"`-'T"=+�— DATED: Marah 27, 1997 Stewart • G suranty o.
<br /> •_I""5:-.��: — i' t.e
<br />_�^�'-
<br /> -�,:«�-'� Sy; �. -
<br /> _;-.��;��� Wa e C. Whinler. Vice President r
<br />�.,;�m::�,,•.
<br />��'"���'.+� S'TATE OF � �
<br /> �. Soa�•
<br />�'��`�� COUNTX OF e ��l
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<br /> "�-��`�� Before me, a Notary Publir_ qua3L ifi.ed in �aid r�ounty, --
<br />-��S�:�f�ti..� ��1 1 1 ,I __'_.
<br />=`�°���. pereonally came v�aLare,r C.�U�tiC1P�{'� ViC2 ��('�idcP.J1..�_ of �
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<br /> �wu�- ac�a�fl-� � �nn� n � , a cmrporation __
<br />=� . - known to me to be the SavY►�_. and iden�ical pereon who °`
<br />= signed the foregoing inotrument, and ackno�vled�ed the sxecution ';i;
<br />_ � therecf to be hie valuntary act and d�ed ao �uch officer and the _
<br />-= voluntary act and deed of �aid co�poration and �hat i�s corporate --
<br />- eeal wae thereto affixed by its auth.or3.ty. - _
<br /> ��`�`�'�f� W3�'NE3S my hand and notarial Beal o� �_ , 1g �i�7 ;t
<br /> .. - -. �-a� //l i�t'. � /'�7.J 4 .
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<br /> _. _ .__ ..__ ' . • _..�__..�� �^.. �..��..-• �._�
<br /> � _ - Notary Publ�.c .
<br /> 0(��E M n,
<br /> `�
<br /> ifi o�m�ument was prepared by LINDA SBRAPHiI` NE-TRST
<br /> � .
<br /> . —o—
<br /> , � :�
<br /> ��°�nr v�°v .
<br /> JP
<br /> _ , �OF M19�0
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