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<br /> .Y� � . ��ry�'
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<br /> ' ' EXFI181T°A�� ' '�:
<br /> . -_� .,�,;; 9?� ia3��4 ;,
<br /> � '� LEQAL DESCRIF�YION ,
<br /> �� .. . . ,�;
<br /> +�;�. . f;
<br /> .�-` �8s'sttl�s :.;�;" -
<br /> . A trArs� c►f Innd �omprletng all of LoM Ane (1)� Two (2) and ths Easterly tan (10.00) ��,"``��°��`v`�
<br /> :;��.��
<br /> ..�,�.a..,,.---
<br /> ' foot of Tii�ee (.��, Block SovenCesn (17); ths W�aterly fn�{.��four (44.00)feet of Lot ��`��-�"�
<br /> .. � ••7 �� ``7it.:.���'.
<br /> � Tvi�► (2)� and e�9 M Lots 7hrae (3) �rtd Four (4), Block Elghteen (18). �II In iCernohen ,.,.�= :
<br /> anrl DBr.lcor Ad�ditlon to tha C1ty of Grand Island� Flall Countyf NebraskR, also thn put ,.:;7_:��
<br /> ---�-.: . _ ..,.:�__--- -
<br /> - ';,: �� ..n��Riad iNOasao� �tro�t lyl�ng b�iwoen 8lx�C Seventesn (17) and Block Etght�en (18), .-_----
<br /> �� �K.,d,�
<br /> Kor��ohan aitti Oack�r Add(tlon ta th� C[ty of tirtmd Isl�nd� Hall County, Nebraafu, lying ;�,, . ___ _ __
<br /> j Nnt#h of flto gasuthc+ly allsy rlc�ht-olJuv�y Itne of sald �locks Saventeen (17) snd •�``��+_;f31�
<br /> F �I�Irtoan (98), BCernoh�n md DecScer Addi►ion to :he Cityl of t3rsnd Isl�nd, hlall County, �:�'�:�____
<br /> ` Nc�tsrna{ca, �og�a8her wfth thaRe e�sement ►igh3�arl�ing trom the Dealaration of ��aameente � �'��=�
<br /> � ,, ,k enri RoistrlcHo�ns sntered Into as uf the 1st d�y of June, 1995� by and betweer� Vitlage ���'���`-
<br /> ,: � ' Utv[�minc�nk, LC:9., a Nebraska limitee� partneresMp� ane9 Village Investment, Lld. IV,e ���� ..�'��
<br /> w .,.--
<br /> � Mc�l�rxalce Umlt�d partn�rship grantlo� a mutwl parking easement upon e tract of �and - __
<br /> � ootnprlaln� the Wssterly fiRy-six (56.00) fept of Lot Three (3) and all of Lot Four —
<br /> ��•;" �..�. (�i), ell In 131ocIk Saventeen (7�, Kernohan end Dscker Additlon to the City of�nnd
<br /> Ininnd, Wel! �ouniy. N�bvulu, excepting tharefrom s trl�nguhr tract of land lac�tad ±-
<br /> � '�,`�• , � hi �Ita No�f:hvnert aarner uf said Lot Four (4) and more particularly dsearibed aa =
<br /> ':,��'� follmva: -
<br /> 1}���'' �
<br /> �' w 11n�innlnd at 4he NArthw�tt corn�r of eaid Lot Four (4),thence running Sautherly along
<br /> ```' �', : tit� Vlontorly lins of e�ld Lot Four (4), a dis4ance of tw�nty�five (25.bD i0et; thencs
<br /> �>;; � running NortfiieastAriy to �polnt on ths Nortt�erly line of sa1rJ Lot Fo�r(a), wn[ch i�
<br /> � dtl►iyfive ('�5.�) i�et E�st�rly of ttw Northwast com�r of eald Lot Four(4); thsnce
<br /> runnlnd Wos4�srly�long th� Norther7y Ilne of sald Lot Four(4)� a distance a�I tti9rty-�
<br />- � � flvo (3�i.00) i���t to th� polnt of bepinning, r�card�d Jun�2. 1995 as Inst ,.
<br />, . ��.
<br /> �` No. fl6-103G34 In th�afHca ot the Rd Ider a�Cie�ds of Hall Cou
<br /> 8 My, Nebras{c�.
<br />_ �=
<br /> , :._.� ' P.Prcel2;
<br /> �.�,�x v•
<br />�: :�+:���"F ^ ilto Wosta�iy fiity-six(58.00) fsst ot Lot Thr�e (3) �nd all of Lat Four(4)�all In
<br /> ' ' '''���'' � qlank aovoas�o�n (17), Kemohm �nd Dacker Add6tlo� to the City of Grand Islend, Hdl
<br />:i. ;�,y�;�';,:..
<br /> ;, •;��•;�,`,.",. Cnunty. Nol�irasiu, �xcspting thereffrom� triangular tract of land located In tha
<br /> '�'''' tioi�tlrvrest c�orner at euld Lot Four(4) and mora parNcularly described es follawr
<br />- '�1:���4.��1
<br />?C,� .�}�U.:.�id<.
<br /> _-`iy��..•n�..�. .
<br />___�_�,'zf, Iloglnnli�g �t the NoAh�vsat cornsr of eald Lo!�our (4),thence runMng Southsdy along
<br /> : Y+��•::;,� - the Wosteri3/Itn�of e�id Lot Four (4), e distancs of twenty�fiv� (25.0)h�t; th�rnc�
<br />_�° -� ,• ,•� rannUtp Nc�rthianerly to a polnt an the Northerly Itns of seid Lot Four (4)� wh9ch ts
<br />' ���������V,. tltlrty�fivo (:�35.A) tset East�rfy of ths Northweat corner of esld Lot Four(4); thence __
<br /> ,.���"3':�:;•�:�� runnln W�ri�ri alon ths North�rl Ilne o! $aid Lot Four 4 , a dlstance of thI --- -
<br /> ~ �f-�-':��-�� f�ua (3t3.00D f��t to thi polnt ot boginnln8, r��ordad June 2. 199b as Inst. � - - -____
<br /> . I�o. 9�-10:3i634 In the otflc� of the Register af Desds of Hall County. Nebraska. =- - - --
<br /> ati—pr��ta;;�,
<br /> _ �` �..:����3?;r
<br />_ . ��'l d�1'l�'11�'J.'4
<br /> , _ ..x�.,�+�:':—��_..
<br /> - '-s;.�_.�:�:,:
<br /> " r���J4'va5`
<br /> ` ')..�ti�.l�f4.-_'-__
<br /> _ � PLEABE A�IIiRN TO: , ;'pr,� n -��•.,.
<br /> } s�rAr��iTLE SERVICES,ir� - �°`"� .
<br /> ,,.�s�;, �,
<br /> s;,23 LINCOLN MALL �:��'�`.^-�-``�
<br /> - _ S r'r,•- .-..- .
<br /> ��,�
<br /> ,: '.. :.
<br />- _�.: �_ _ �___ P.a. DOK 85355 , '
<br /> - __ _
<br /> -----�. .
<br />_ . UNGQI�+I,N�e 68501 J - - -
<br /> n . i � - -
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