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<br /> '. 8. Inepectiou. Lender may �r.eko or cause to Ue meda reasonab�G entries upon and�nspectio►�s ufi the
<br /> Pcoperty,pravided thet I.ender ehell givo�orrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable
<br /> -�r ` cause thereTor celetod to I.ender's interu+t in the Proparty.
<br /> .b 9, Condamnetion. Tha praceeds of any awerd or claim tor damsges, direcc or con�eqUential, in
<br /> ' connection with any condemnation or oEher taking of the Property,oe p.9rt thereof,or ior conveyanca in lieu
<br /> � of condomnation,are�ereby esqigned end ehall be paid to Lender,�subjeat to the terms of ony mortgaga,deed .,.:;
<br /> of trust�r other security ngreement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust. �� �-z<u._��`:
<br /> ., ir.�:
<br /> !0. Borroc�er Not Released; Forbo�rance By L,cndor Not a Waiver. Exteneioii of the time for _�`;,_,
<br /> ....-...::.�_,,.
<br /> • payment or rnodification of emottization of the euma secured by this L�eed of Trust granted by Lender ta eny �;r,5,,_,
<br /> succe�or in interest of Bonower shell not oporate to release, in any menner, tha liability of tho original �"_
<br /> � Sonower and Borcowore successore in interest. Lendor ehall not be requirv! to commenca proceedings �=_�
<br /> . against such successor or refusc to Cxtend timo tor paymont or othecwe�e modify amortizstion of the sums ____ _
<br /> ,; , secured by Yhis DCed oY Trugt by rcasan of any demand made by th¢original Borrower end Borrower's ����=
<br /> �. BUCCCSSOfB lA IAtCTC9t,Any forbeuanco by Lender in exercising any ri��t or ramedy hereunder,or otherwisa ��..,
<br /> aftordad by applicable law,�shall not bo a waiver of or preclude the axerca�of any such right or remed9•
<br /> !1. Successore and Asst�ae Aou�nd; Joint and Sever�l LiabnEnty; Casignere. Tha covenants and ���.—�-.
<br />• � � agreamenta herein contained ehall bind, and tha righta hereunder shall inure to,the raspectiv�successors end _ --
<br /> assigns of Leader and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragreph 16 hereof. All covenants and _ ___
<br /> agreements of Borrower ehall be joint and sevarul.Any Borrower who co'signs this Deed of Trust,but dces � _
<br /> not eaecuu tho Note,(a)ie co'signing thie I�eed of Trust only to grnnt and convey t4►at$orrower e interest in
<br /> tho Propercy to Trusue under tho ternis of thie Deed of Trast.(b)is n�¢g+ersonelly tiable on the Nots or under
<br /> thia Deod of Trust,end (c�abrces that Leader and any other Borrowes��reunder may agcee to extend,modify,
<br /> � torbexr, or meko any otUer accomrnodations with regard to the tarms of this Iked of Trust or the Note,
<br /> - WtiRQWt i�1ni nuiiv��i'o t�Zla."'IfL�StL3••'=ihQUi�G�A•�;no:hnt 3�orrower or modifying this Deed o[Trust as to
<br /> `��., � T thnt Banower's intenst in tha Property.
<br />-� 12. Notico.Exapt tor nny notiw required undar applicabla ls�a rtro be given in another r�ctdnnet, (a}any
<br /> t notice to Bonower providesl tor in shie Deed of Trust shall be given by aelivering it or by mailing such notico
<br /> - " by certifial mail addressai to Borrower at tha Property Address or at such other address es Borrower may
<br /> dcsignate by notice to I.ender as provided harein,nnd(b)any notice to b.eader shall bo given by certitied mail
<br /> a:..:,r,_ . '"Y to Lender's address etated herein or to such other address es Lender ms�y designate by noticc to I3orrower i+s
<br />_;.. . ., ,,�� provided herein. Any notico providod for in thie Deed of Trust siv�ll be doemed to have been given to
<br /> -.;,. Borrower or Le:nder when given in the mannor desi�anted herein.
<br /> `. � � 13.(�ovominj Law;Sovorabxltty.Tho stnte and local lawe appincable to this Deed of Trust sbt�ll be the
<br /> �` "'� Inws af the jurisdiction ia whiah tha Propercy is lac�ted. Tlie for4�oing sentence ehall aot limit ths
<br />�t� :. ...
<br /> �-: ,ti��r.., upplicabiGty of iederal law to ttue D�xd of Trust.In the eveat that axip provieion or clauso of thie Da�o __
<br />���} �� Tru9t or tho Note conflicts with epplicnble law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions ot thia Deed of
<br />-_.,;<3..��x»..
<br />_�--Y--• -- =�' •, Trust or the Note which can be given effect�vithout the conflicting prnviFion,and to this end the provieions of
<br /> -�-r•�,f: "�_
<br />'_;�' >1,- ,,;:: this �eed of Trust end the Note ere doclered to be severablo. As used herein, "costa," "etpens�s" an _
<br /> '•�' ' , �� "attomeye fas"iucluda nll sume to the extent not prohibited by applicable law os limited hereia.
<br />�'�.'. `��"�' 4�4.Borrower's Copy.Horrower shall be fumished a can{ormad copy of LHe Nota and oi tbia L�eed o^
<br /> - '�I` "`"'�i Trust at the timo of execution or afterrecordation haroof.
<br /> —�.'•{' " `;�"' I5. 1teh�biliUtioa Lo�n A�reemoat. Bonowe,r ehell fu1QiQ t►�1 of Bonower e obligationa under any
<br /> ��w��� horne rehabilitation,improvemeat.repair,ar othor loan agceement wmi�h Bonower entare into with L.�ader. _
<br /> .:'.n��i=��.�:..', s
<br /> •�- ° : Lender,at I.ender s option,nnay roquire Borrower to axecute ancb dalsver to Leuder,in a form ecceptable to
<br />_ �-.,��.ni.
<br /> : ..•r,r�>..,.�. LeAder,an assignmont of anp sights,claims or dofenses which BorroNet maq hav�against parties�vho supp:y
<br /> - '��"' IaLor,materials or services in cannection�vith improvements mad�to�heProperty.
<br /> _ - ..;�;�:•.t�.
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