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' r - �.�;•�� . . „ -• _�t. <br /> ,,,.,« � _ . r <br /> "`-i( „ �, .., � <br /> , �:, <br /> , . ., . �,y�. <br /> • ' � - ' . .. i , ,.,i�r.. '. . <br /> .. . . �:� � , .,. . '�� .. . - <br /> ' " ' / �, -�.. � '•'+,:r}'.�. <br /> , . . . . . _..... -,- <br /> . .... .,�. <br /> anc�e n oF a <br /> � � O � AOQITIONA�.TERMS • , - <br /> IIMIfEO FJAAAAHr. t��sal� and c�cf�s{ue ieredp Rgainst rou or your as3ignee shall 6e I!m!t!A to„�y rlqi�ts and remedies under Iho express llhHiEO W�RRANPI�ou e�tend to <br /> me ot ihe time I sl n thls Cunlract. My oxcluslra righis and remedlas undar thc r�arranty shall be In Ileu at all athar righls or rer�edies, at liw or In equlty,xhere�ermittod . <br /> � �l eDPlicable state�aw. � : .. :•� . . <br /> 1 All MpNUfACTURE[�HIk00G PRODUCTS AfIC I�OT GU�Q1!ITEFO ACAINST COMOENSATION, NQISTUAE FURMATION OA FAOST. �RODUCTS ARE NUi GIIAR�NTEED ACIIMST CORRO�I�M UUE • , , <br /> TO ADYERSE CUNATIC CONDITIONS. , . • � <br /> BUYEA,READ THE SEPARATE"I.IMIIED WARAARfY"WHICH IS A SEP�RIITE WRITTEN INSiRUMEMT FERi�iMING SOIEIY TO MANUFACNRED PR�DUCTS OF THE PICESETtfR COBP�RATIOM . <br /> � AND WHICH"LIMIIED WARRAHTY"HAS BEEN DELIYEREO i0 EACN RESPECTiVE BUYER IM CONNECTION WITH THIS SAIE.TH�FOREGOINO PAOVISIONS REGAROING COMDENS�TIOR DO NOT <br /> � APPIY TO SIOING. � <br /> Further, 1he Pacesettcr Corporation makes NO AEPRESENTATION OR W�ARANIY OF AMY IIINO OR NATURE WNATSOEYER, EIIPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITN RES9ECT TO THE EMEAGY <br /> SAYINGS i COULO OR MAIf ACHIEVE BY USE OF THE PROOUCT(S). I understa�d that any eaargq sarin�s I may achieye is Aependent upon a num6er ot tactors, Includin�,but not , <br /> IlmlteE to, the t�pe,quantity and quality ot Insuletic�in my hame,Ihe particular slie and srylu nl my home,the hpe uf yualit�n1 cansirection ot mr homa, mr particular Ille • •: <br /> style, tha numher ot openings in mr home,proper mc�itoriny of th�rmo�lal setUngs,cllmatic cunditfons and Iocatier. al my home,2nd eren the qpe of energ�consumetl lor . ;;,',:�.,. . <br /> heatinQ anU air conditloning purposes. '�`, �:•'"::•�''s ,. <br /> ,;�;��{;: �,,•,.,�: <br /> ' ND ACCRUAG OFTHE FINANCG CHARGE:Evcn though I do not havc to pay mom thxn thc n:gtilar sch�duled monthly}*�ut d dailhal k�hmv mhg� ��1�'`1,1�i�i''�����{��4f;Yf.�,�,=it�,� <br /> PREPAY�f�NTA � �'° �' <br /> � . ro repa� thc wholc amaunt owing to you in full nt any timc or in pan fmm timc to time. 1 undrrstand that thc finantt chargc tin[crost)is can p .;...,,,„ .t 3J1.;,,_.__ <br /> , ' flnunce chm�e will bc Icss if 1 mukc nn enrly aymcnt,and it will he higher d 1 pay latc.;I ulsa rccognize ihat any nccessary ndJustment to m�•toiul Mnncechnrge will � .�s jj� �j f 7�� <br /> 6c rcflccteA m my final blll;I also kno�v that tRc urnounts shoivn on page 2 fnr the Finance Chnr�e.'TotiJ of Paymcnts,and thc To�al 5alc Price aTV estimures baccd on :� `� c�`i�{.;.`__ <br /> '�`„` the assumption that y�u will receive each ot the�ayments exactly on us Jue date:and I know that then:will be no rcfund if 1 pn:pay because then:is nothing tn n:tUnd r� ,,�kl�,�____' <br /> ' � wt�cn l•rm charged un a duily basis•I knuu�that if aU rebates,refunds and credits to which 1 might be entideJ are Iess than one dollar(S 1•OD).no refund will be made.l ,,__� <br /> � may�roluntarily piep'�Y thc mnnunt 1 nwc full or in any timc.lf 1 make a partial prcpayment.1 must continuc to mukc my rcgular paymcnix witil 1 hnvc .,' t,L <br /> „ paid all amoimts owed I know�hat if I prepay ihc tchole may collcct or rctain fn�m me a uunimum�hargc not grcatcr ihan SIU.00. .;-t,�::__;---- <br /> SPECIAI:ORDER GOODS:1 kni�w thnt you havc mra+ured my housc und its opcnings+o tha�you can makc thc Produrt�tn Iit my p:irtfcular hnutie and that thc gnods ;,,w=�,,._ <br /> . probably will no�fit any othcr houscs.+n I know tha�1 cannot canccl thi�cnNr.ict u any timc:iftcr thc{xrri�xl u1'timc givrn tn m¢hy I:�w m which to ranccl.ARcr Ihnt �"--` <br /> Icgal pc�iod ut timc.I know thal I h:n•c�ht nhG�;atiun Iu pay y��u m tidl�hc amount uwcJ. .. : �'s'=� <br /> n,°,�yb_. <br /> , . �� ' COMMENCEMBNT OF THE l�lNANCI:CHARs�r�iccs im nnnihcr dat�thcn thc�financc chiu���c li�nicrcsq�will hcgin�to�run���n thc�datc Iliat I�sl�!n ilAc Ci,mplctl ro .•�•�:.��: '�� <br /> ` that yuu complctc thc install•rtion uf thc gnodv und crv `.�-^��`' <br /> ,Y Certificate.Theamountoffinancechargelintercsqm:�yhemonorie+cthanthc:uununtdiscloseddependingonlhemm�unislp:iyy���i���idmy�lmelfne+tiinm;lkingpaymrntti. • . '�= <br /> qlsFAU4T:1 will hc in dcPault undcr this rnnmict iL I.I don't makc ii p;ymcnl wl�cn Jue,ur 2. 1 hicak uny pruml+c I ivadc tu yuu in�hiti c�,ntrncl:��r 1.ti��mrdiing clu; ,.,5 �• — <br /> hapf�cns which cnuscs yuu t��bcBcvc In g�xxl t:ith tha�I�i�+nm intcnd lu pay y!m n+prumiscJ:��r 4.I defnull un:uiy nhllgnllunh fur whldi 1 cmi u,ing roy humc n,culliucraL• ''n�k�: <br /> ar S.Somcthing huppcns to my lun�sc wh�cli Ihn:ucns ynur ri�htti,il'any,u�u. <br /> . �� COI.I.F:CTION C057:5:If I:un in dcfuult uf Ihfti cunu,ict unJ yuu dem�md full paynunl,tin•rr.mon;�blc altnrncyti'�CC�IIIIII GII I11Ill'I fflli�Cll l`A�%IHl'Y ti11Q�11191'Qll(1 LUSI5. `�� <br /> �itle senrches nnd mancy you ex�xndcd to c��llect the nmuunt duc ur tu proteci my famtie,if y��u nrc uUuwcd tu c�dlecl+uch amumrt+hy I:�w. i iyY�..' . <br /> (YI'ItfiF1 RIGHTti:Yuu can ch�xnc not w cnfurce any�d�hc ri�;his uudcr�hiti cantn�ct as nftcn nti yuu want wilhuut lu.fng Ihcm.t)r,yuu cnn dclny cnforcing�iny nf Ihc .4 <br /> � rights withuut Iming thcm.Yuu ran:dsN u�c any righl�nuw ur in ihc (uturc givrn io ynu hy la�e h � <br /> ) - !)L:LAYJ.1 Kt7Uw t(tat Y��u�riii uii . �^••-tt.�.:::.j�y��Jl rh_.ur,.,i�„•��I:�n�� c�n mv houtic.but I also unJcrotauJ that in,omc zitua�iims you mny cncountcr y <br /> ya;•r..,........ <br /> �� � dclays Ntal:m:cauud 6y strlkcti,wcathcr wnJitions,dcl:rys yuu havc ia ubtaining mncenals,or�tor nthcr masons that nro hcyond yuar rnntmi.i wiii no�nui3 y�u i�a'�a "',� i`; " <br /> . •. for such dclays. <br /> '' REQUFST FOR FU4L P.IYMENT:If 1 am in drfault undcr this c�mr.icl,you can dccl;ut:all thu�I owc undcr this contrnct payahlc ut oncc.I egmc to pay you interesf z� ���'` <br /> on that amount at thc maximum contrrctunl mtc allowcd by law unril ihc amount I owc you is paid.I also know that you can forcclou thc mortgagc I hnvc grven ta you. _ <br /> unlit or domiance of the Products,1 understand that my dispute may be submitted :r: <br /> �` � ARBITRATION:If I havc a disputc or clnim with you conccming thc yuantiry,y y pc ,_ <br /> to and setticd accorJing to the mediation-arbitmtion progrsm that may have developed m my community.1 also knaw that any dr,cision made by an urbitmtor(s)would be s. <br /> }�, en tcrc d i n t h c c o u rt h a v m g�u n s d i c t i o n o v e r m e u n d y o u. - <br />� � '; SA4VAGE VALUEs 1 knoA that thc�vindows.�ve�odwndc,siding,brick und othcr m:rtcriuls thnt havc to bc rcmovcd by you for this installation huvc MO salvagc va lue. r � <br /> �� W hen you removc them.y u can havc them for whutovcr purposc you want. <br /> . � ` SPF.CIAL SITUATIONS:Due to the uniqueness of some of the Producif.that you sell,1 understand that in special situations your Regional O(fice may have to review <br /> •j. and approve this cuntract.1 also underEtund that this sale occumed in�my�home and thut you and I may not have fiud nU the comct�nfonnuhon important to thls tmnsaction _ - - <br /> ` at our fingertips;I give yau my consent to correct any obvious ettor.:�hat may havc occurred when the blanks in this contract�vere completed. - <br /> �.� [NVALID PRUVISI�NS:lf any pm�ision of this contruct violntes the law and is unenforceable,the n�st of the contract will he valid.lf any part of this contract requfros <br />- payment of more interest than the law permits,then you will only have the�ight to collect from me the amount oi intemst which the law allows you to collect. ���, <br /> � �, COAIPL�TENliSS OF1`FIlS CONTRACT:'Ihis contract can only M changed 1f both yau and I aErce in writing. <br /> NOTICE =-- <br /> - w �� At�Y HOLD�R OF THIS CONSUMER CRCOIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO A1.L CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE ___. <br /> - � ' �� DEBTOR GOUI.D ASSERT AGA9NST THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES O�TAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH ----- <br />' �.:�'�•�"� THE PROCEBDS FIEFiEOF. R�COVERY HEREUNDER BY 7HE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCHED AMdUNTS PAID BY THE — <br /> � j DEBTOR HEREUNDER. - <br /> iNSURANCF:CANC6LLATION:If 1 have�equested msursnce in this purchnse,1 may cancel such mquest for insumnce for any reason within fiReen(15) dnys fnsm <br /> c}�.���, the date of this contmet by notifying you or the holder of this comnct in wrrtmg I know that the caneellation of my eovemge will be nrmnged with the insuranee earrfer(s) �_ <br /> und a full rcfund of my prcmium(s)rogether with applicable finance char�e will be crcdited ro this contract. ��;'p"�- <br />�,;�. '' . PLEASE NOTE:[f 1 huve rcqucsted insur�nce in this purchase,l will receive within thirry(30)days a c�rtiflcate of insun�nce more fully describing the insumnce covetnge. ��'•�_ <br /> 1 know that if them is nny conflict in the coverege or the Innguage of the certificnte of insurunce and U�c followin&Notice of Proposed Insurance that 1 nm covened only to __ <br /> � the extent stated in the follo�vmg Notice of Propo_:ed tnsur�nce.I also know that I hnve insurance coverage only�f i have been chnrged far it. '�__-__ __ —_ <br /> '4 NOTICE OF PROPO�ED Ih9URANCE ;��� <br /> _ � I t a ke no ti c e t h a t e i t h e r C rc d i t L i f e o r C re d i t A c c i d e n t a n d H e a l t h I nsur�nee,or both,will be a p plieable to this Installment Sules Contnet only if 1 have chosen it by' y_�----------a <br />_ . R signing the rcyuest for such insurance.Thls Insurance will only wver the person signing the mquest nt the cost for eac h rype o f insurance s havn. Su bjee t t o a c cep t u n c e ,�.�_c�__��`r <br />_ r by the msumnee company.the insumnce will be effective as of�oduy and will continue only for the number of months nfter the effeetive d¢te equal to the num b er uf :._____„_�� F <br /> - • monthly payments.I understand that this particul:u insurance maq not provide coverage for my last few payments,and that during that period of time 1 wiil not have ony L,;r _ ��r� <br /> �,4:����- ,�,� <br /> • � insurunce coveraga All beneCts und procecds of the insurance will be pa�d to you or ro a flnancial instituUon if it pqrchases thPlystaUment Sulesy onunct to the extent ��+ '� �•.•,�� <br /> ' of its intcrcsts and any b•rlancc will hc payablc to me.The initial wnount of Cmdit Lifc Insumnce is the amount re uircd to h a the Total of Pa mcnts;t�iemafler,thc _ <br />- insurance Jecreascs by the nmount of cach monthly payment on a schcdulcd 30 day basis.If 1 am'ointly obligated on the Instollment Snles Cantract with u Co-Buycr,and _, .,,,� :,- <br /> wc havc both sign�d tha n:yuest for Crcdit Lifc Insumncc,death benefits will Uc paynblc flnly wit�mspect to thc first onc of us to die.Subject to cxclusions,climinatians '�;�,�;;;`.1 i. y�;� <br /> or waiting period stated in the insurance polley or certiflcate.Crcdit Accident and Healdi Insumnce is for the berefit umount of 1/30�h of each month's paymem fur each �„, ;�°�,,;f�_, <br /> � dny that f am rotully disablcd due tc;an in ury or sickness while I owe uny payment to you:however.I unJcrstand that 1 havc to Ix prcvcntcd from workmg duc to such ': , '"- : <br />- toml JisaNiliry for marc than Eourtcen(1�)consecutive dnys befone the insursnce benefit i,paid back to the first dny of my rotul disability.I nlso know thqt I ennnot ' . - _; :�,��:',�.;;:�� <br /> obuttn any insuranee Gum you It 1 om ocer 65 years ot age today,and I nlsu knuw that the Insaranee coverage provlded to me mey conteln e maxfmum wmount - � , <br /> � of coveroge whtch�vill not pny In some cuses,the endn amouut thut I owe you.Uuc to thc maximum amount of covernse stateJ in the insurunce policy,I know that . <br /> _ iiny unpaid amcunt in excess of thc insurance coveragc will still huvc to bc pnid.If thc Instnllmcnt Sulcs Contract is prepaid in tull prior to thc last payment date,nny . , <br /> uneamed insuranec prcmiums wil!be n�funded�o me in the manner pmscribed by law.wthin thirty(3U)davs.I witl mceive the certiflca�e of insurance mon fully describing <br /> - , I my insur.ince coverage.If the insurance is not accepleJ by�he insur.inee cc�mpany,1�vill rceeive u mfunJ nf thr insumnce prcmiums 1 hm•e paid. ,� • , <br /> =- <br /> 1 7U39 S�binl•N['.-O�IF P.1CtF a � . ._....- --�._. <br /> ' - _ •-- ...._.. .. . ._ . . . _ . - � <br /> . . .. ..............._. .. . <br /> .__. .. ..,.. <br /> . ;. . . ..._ . . . . . �-�-.....=Fiil°«�C�;�".r".`t�t�- . . . <br /> .z.. . -� - _. , . . . . . .. . <br /> - �.. <br /> �� - ----- .. _ __.__ . .. _ - - <br /> _ __..._---_. _._. .. _.__ ._ . ... ._. .. <br />