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���-� <br /> I�IISCEL�LANEOUS RECORD W <br /> 99289�TNEAUGUfTINFCO.GRAN013LAND.NFBR. . . <br /> STATE OF CAL IF(?RI�I.A ) <br /> ) ss, �n this 14 day of December 1951, before me a Notary Public in and for said <br /> COUNTY OF Los Ar.geles ) County, personally appeared Caroline F. Pedersen, a widow, and Luella <br /> Searson, to me known to be the persons described in and wh�� <br /> executed the above instrum.ent, and acknowledged the execution thereaf to be their voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> Witr.ess my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written. <br /> (SEAL) I. N. Pa�e <br /> My Commission Fxpires Mar. 26, 1954 Notary Public <br /> STtAT� OF NFRRASKA ) <br /> ) ss, On this 14th day of January, 1952, before me a ;�otary Public in and for said ' <br /> COiJ1�TY OF HALL ) County, personally appeared Lawrence Cain and Isabell� Walters, to me known <br /> to be the identical persons described in an who executed the above instrument, <br /> and acknowledged the Pxecution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> tr'itness my hand and notarial sea.l the day and year f irst above written. <br /> L. F. Eiaron <br /> (Si�.AL) Notary P{�b1ic <br /> My Commissi.or. F.xpir�s: necember 27, ].956. <br /> Filed for. record this 21 day of .April 195�, at 3:00 otclo�k P,*i. <„�,,,,,.� (��?a-�r✓ <br /> Register of Deed.s <br /> LEAS�E�-�'0-0-0-0�-0-0�0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C1-0-0�e eaf e� �o be�noflwn as�Leas�,�A-284�-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> This Lease made this 22nd day of February, 1952, bq and between Eugene W. Zimmerman F� Monica Zinenerman, <br /> whose address is Alda Nebraska, Lessor, and STANDARD OIL COMPANY, an Indiana Corporation, with its principal <br /> office at 910 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Lessee; <br /> WITNESSETH; <br /> 1. The Lessor hereby demises and leases to the Lessee, the follawing described premises situated in the <br /> City or Tawn of Alda, County of Hall, State of Nebraska more particularly described as f ollows, to-wit: ` <br /> Lots f�, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in block 5 in Browns Addition to the village of Alda <br /> If the premises are improved, this lease includes the buildings, fixtures� equipment, machinery and appliances <br /> owned or controlled bq the Lessor and located on said premises. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the Lessee for a term cosmn�ncing on the 22nd day of Februarq, 1952, and ending <br /> on the �3� 21 (KDH MZ CZ) day of February, 1953. <br /> 2. Lessee agrees to pay to the Lessor as rental for the above described premises, buildings, fiactures, <br /> equipment, machinery and appliances (if any be included), a sum equal to three quarter cent (3�4¢) per <br /> gallon on all gasoline (not including naphthas, stove and lighting gasolines and like products not customari�y <br /> used in motor vehicles) delivered to such service station;�for sale. Such rental shall be due and payable ' <br /> on or before the fifteenth day of the succeeding calendar month. <br /> Al1 rental payments may be made by check payable and delivered to Eugene W. Zimmerman, personally, or by <br /> mail, at Alda, Nebraska. Unless otherwise designated herein, all rental payments may be made by check <br /> delivered to Lessor or mailed to Lessor at his address herein shawn. <br /> 3. In considerat�.on of the foregoing, the Lessor hereby sets over and assigns unte the Lessee, with <br /> right of Lessee to reassign to others, all of Lessor�s licenses, consents and permits to maintain and :. <br /> operate a gasoline service station on the above described premises; such assignrnent to be effective only <br /> during the term of this lease, and all renewals and extensions thereof. <br /> 4. Lessee and any assignee or sub-].essee is expressly given the right at any time during the term <br /> of this lease or any extension thereof, and for a period of thirty (30) days after the termination of <br /> this lease, or any extension thereof, by lapse of time or atherwise, to enter upon and remove from said <br /> premises any improvements or equipment heretofore or hereafter purchased or p}:aced bq it or them upon the <br /> leased premises, but shall not be obliged to do so. <br /> 5. Lessor will keep the building, drivewaps, the water pipes, drains and sewers appurtenant thereto <br /> and all of Lessorrs equipment on the demised premises in good and sufficient condition and repair during <br /> the whole of the term hereof. The Lessee shall have the ri�ht to paint the entire building but shall not <br /> be obliged to do so, <br /> 6. The Lessee shall have the option of extending this lease as hereinafter provided, upon the same <br /> terms and conditions which were in effect during the origina.l term. The period or periods of such extensions <br /> shall be in accor3ance with eittier oneof the fa�lowing two clauses, the inapplicable clause have been <br /> stricken before the execution of this lease: <br /> I. =�-�e��e�-e��------�ea�s-€�ea�-�ke-e����a��e�-e€-�ke-e�}g}�a�-�e�m-�te�ee€: (KDH MZ EZ) <br /> II. A total of not more than 5 successive periods of one year each. <br /> The rental to be paid by the Lessee during said extension period or periosls shall be a sum equal to �hree <br /> quarter cent (3/4¢) per gallon on all gasoline (as defined �n paragraph 2) delivered to such service <br /> station for sale. <br /> The Lessee shall give to the Lessor written notice of its intention to exercise its extension privilege <br /> at least thirty (30) days piior to the expiration of the original term hereof, and if said extension <br /> privilege is for successive periods of one year each as provided in Clause II of this Par,agraph 6, the Lessee <br /> shall give to the Lessor a like written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then <br /> current yearly period, of its intention to extend this lease f or �nd during the next succeeding yearly period. <br /> Time and manner of making rental payments during any such extension shall be the same as provided for during <br /> the original term hereof. <br /> 7. If the Lessor or the Lessor�s successors or assigns at any time during the term of this lease or <br /> any renewal or extension thereof receives a bona fide offer to purchase said premises, buildings, fixtures, <br />