-- �
<br /> � `�k�:1
<br /> :narks, trade names, copyrights, shoprights, and other lier.s, rights, charges or., or interests in or te real
<br /> or persor�al property held by Feconstruction Finance Corporation, and�or to assent to the assignment and
<br /> transfer,. modification, surrend.er, satisfactior, discharge, release, subordinatior. and�or cancellation, ir. '
<br /> �tih ole or ir. part, of *he same.
<br /> 3. To assi�r, in;?ors�, transfer ar.d �eliver, ;aithout represer.tation, recourse or warranty, notes; bc�nds;
<br /> debentures; evid�r.c�s : of irnaebtedr:ess; stock c�:tificates, scrip; �aa.rrants; voting trust certificates;
<br /> cer�;ificates of 3eposit fmr money or security; ara.d other instrurnerts of similar or Iike nature held by,
<br /> issued `cu Dr re�isi,ered ir the ra_;me of ',eco::struc'r,ior� I'ii;ance ��rpera�ion; and certificates or o�,her instruments
<br /> issued by recei�-ers, �r�astees, liqitidators or other cificers or �ffi�ia.ls, representing claims allewed agains*
<br /> or ir�erests ir receivers.�ip, bankruptcy or other estates; proofs of clai�t ir bankruptcy, receivership or
<br /> dece;ier.tsf estates.
<br /> 4. Ta ex*end and�or cor.sent ta the extersior of t'•ie maturity date or time of payment ar.d otherwise alter
<br /> or modify the �erms of any con�ract for the sale or lease of real or �ersor:al prop�rty and of any note, bond
<br /> ar�d :nortga.ge or other evidence of ir,uebtelr�ess held by ^econstructioi. Finar�ce Corporation.
<br /> 5. To accept a.rd�or joir. wi.�� o'�'^�ers in �he acceptance af resigr�a.tions of trustees un3er declaratiors
<br /> of trust-, trust in�entures, deeds cf trust and other tr�ast instruments �nd a�reem�ents ur�dzr �ahicil neconstruction
<br /> �'inance Corpora.tion is t'ie or a ber.�ficiary ard./or hThere reco�,s�:uc�ior� FirLa.r.ce rorperation is a hold�r of
<br /> a.ry r,.ote, notes, '�ond, b�trds, instru,m�rt, or ir.strumerts issued puz•suant t��ereto and�or secure3 thereby.
<br /> F, me remove a.nd join wit'1 athers in t'ze remeval of any trusLee or trustees under any declaratior�s of —2—
<br /> trust, trus� ir,d�ntures, de�ds of crust ^n:? o�'r.er trust instrur�er.cs and agreements under wnich T'econstruction
<br /> Finar_ce rorporatior: is the or a ben.eficiary anci�or where tile "ecor,structior. Finance Corporation is the
<br /> k�old�r of a.ny note, not�s, bond� bor.ds,instrum.ent or instrumer.ts issued pursuant thereto arid�or secured thereby.
<br /> ?. To select and d.esignate persons or corpara.tier.s a.s origir.al substitute or successor trustees ur.der
<br /> declaratior:s af trt�st, trust in�er,tures, deeds of trust or other trust in.strurnents or agreements under which
<br /> Reconstruction Finance Corporation is the or a beneficiary ard�or �ahere Recor.struction Finance �orporatior..
<br /> is t?�e holder of ary not�, bond or i.nstrumer.t issued pursuant thereto and�or secured thereby and to accept
<br /> on behalf of "ecor.structior Firar:ce �'orpor«tior: beneficial int�rests in real or personal property.
<br /> 8. To appoir.t, consen* to or approvE of the appoir..tr�ent and�or join with others in the appointn�ent, con—
<br /> sent or approval of aFpaintment of substitute and�or successor trustee or trustees under ar�y declarations of
<br /> tru5t, trus� indentures, deeds of trust and other trust instruments and agreem�nts under which this
<br /> ,, .^,e�rporation is the or a benefi��iary �r�d/or where this Corporation is the holder of any note, notes, bond, bonds,
<br /> instrw°ner.t or ir:struments issu�d pursuant thereto an:��or secured thereby.
<br /> 9. To foreclose in any legal manncr, ir. whole or in part, any chattel mortgage, real estate mortgage,
<br /> deed of trust, security deed or collateral of whatsoever kir,.d or nature, securing any note� bond or other
<br /> evidence of indebtedness now held or hereafter acquired by 1?econs±ruction Finance Corporation as pledgee,
<br /> otianer or otherwise, and to exercise a.ny right or authority which the Corporation has or may have pursuant
<br /> to the terms of such security instrument or euid�nce of indebtedness, and to assign all the right, title
<br /> and interest of reconstruction Finar.ce Corporatior. in a.nd to any terms ef sale or bid rnade at any foreclosure
<br /> sale. �
<br /> 10. To apply for or cor.sent to t'_ne substitution of atterneys or parties in actions at law, suits in
<br /> equity or other judicial proceedings to which ':econstructior. Fin.ar.ce Corporation is a party or in the subject
<br /> matter or outcom� of which ??econstruction Finance Corpora.tior. has an interest.
<br /> 11. To covenant not to sue and otherwise agre� not to enforce the liability of obligations, and
<br /> Fur*her giving and granting ur.to its said attorney C�?I�i"_ �. CI:A;K�,'�', of the CITY OF OT�.�1Fi:A, DCUGI:E!S COL'1�TY,
<br /> STAT'�, OF I��?�'?�':.SIS�°., full power and authority to do and to perform all a.r.d every act a.nd thing requisite, necessary
<br /> and proper to be done for the purpose of effecting the granted powers, including, but w��hout li�xiting the
<br /> generality of the foregoing, the execi�tion and delivery of quit claim, bargain and sale or special warranty
<br /> deeds, leases, subleases, assignments, subordinations, satisfaction pieces and such other docurn�nts as may be —3—
<br /> a.ppropriate or r.ecessary to eff�ctua.te the foregoing, and ratifyir.g ar:d confirming all that sa.id attorney
<br /> shall lawfully dc� or cause to be don� urider this power,
<br /> IN ���IiNrSS I�'HEArOF, nrCQr'STRUCTIOI�' FIIti?4NCr COI�PCRATIOI� has caused its corpora.te name to be subscribed
<br /> h�ereto by its Treasurer and its cerporate seal to be hereunto affixed and a.ttested by its Secretary on this
<br /> 7th c�ay of ,?une, 1950f'
<br /> Signed, seal�d and delivered in the presencc of (CORP}
<br /> (ST'11L) t�'. C. Becic, _jr.
<br /> :31ice ?.. Lauxman Treasurer
<br /> Careline B. Schweitzer �TTT�ST ..Leo '�ielson �
<br /> Secretary �
<br /> l
<br /> DISTRICT OF COLt1?�.�3I�;
<br /> On this 7th day of ?une, 1950, before me, a notary publi�, in ard for said District, personally came the
<br /> above nar+sed �a'. C. I3eck, �r., Treasurer of �?econstruction Fi.nar�ce Corporation, who is personally knowr. bo me
<br /> to be th� identical person wh ose name is affixed to the a�ove instrument as Treasurer of said Corporation
<br /> and acknowledged the instru�nent to be his voluntary act ar�d deed and the voluntary act and deed of said
<br /> Corporation.
<br /> Witness my hand ar:d notarial seal, the date last af oresaid.
<br /> Tlarie DiPa._olo
<br /> My commission expires : April 14, 1952. (Sr�L) h'otary Public
<br />, tl1lTL
<br /> �esolution
<br /> RE.SOI,t�'�D, that the Chairman and Treasurer by and they hereby are severally authorized to �xecute and
<br /> deliver on behalf of this Corporation powers of a.ttorney designating and appointing attorneys—in—fact for this
<br /> Corporation with power and authority for arid in the na�xe and on behalf of this Corporation;
<br />�
<br /> 1 T 1
<br /> . o se l, lease or sublease an.d enter into contracts f or the sale l�ase or sublease of an real
<br /> � , Y
<br /> estate, chattels, or interests,thereir., held by Reconstruction Finance Corporation; and to assign leases and
<br /> subleases cf any real estate, chattels or interests therein, held by Reconstruction F'�.nce Corporation.
<br />