� �
<br /> r� �
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> Hall County )
<br /> I hereby certify that on this 24 daq of November, A.D. 1950, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, came Ottis Burry and Ethe1 P. Burrp his wife, to me
<br /> personally known to be the same person(s) who �i�ned and �acecuted the above instrUment, and they each dulq
<br /> aeknowledged the execution of the same.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal on the day and date last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) Wm. H. Ramaekers
<br /> My commission expires: Feb 23, 1956 Notary Public.
<br /> Filed for record this 7 day of February 1951, at 2;00 ofcTock P.M. f� �� ���
<br /> � Register of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-�-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-Q--0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT Tract No. 90-B
<br /> TL No. 1169
<br /> In consideration of the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00), receipt uf Which is hereby acknowledg�d, and of
<br /> the further agreements herein stated, the u�dersigned, (hereinafter called Crantors), herebp grant and con-
<br /> ` vey to LOUP RIVER PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, Colwnbus, Nebraska, a public corpor�itio�, (hereinafter called
<br /> ` ' Grantee), its successors and assigns, a right-of way for the eonstruction, maintenance and operation thereon
<br /> of an electric transmission line consisting of poles, towers, wires, equipment and fixtures, with right to
<br /> • alter, repair and remove the saane in whole or in part at any ti.me, which ri�ht-of-way sha11 extend on each •
<br /> side of the center of the line a� now'surveyed over and across the follo�ri.ng described real estate situated
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, viz: ,
<br /> West half of the Northeast quarter of Section Ten, Township Twelve North, Range Ten West ,�
<br /> (W� NE4 10-12N-lOW) of the 6th P.M.
<br /> Grantee shall also have the right of ingress and egress across Grantor�s propertp for any purpose
<br /> necessary in conriection with the construction, operation, maintenance, inspection and removal of said line.
<br /> Such ingress and� egress shall be exercised in a reasonable manner and a$ nearly a� possible in conformity
<br /> with the wishes of the c�wner or occupant of the premises.
<br /> Grantee shall also have the right at anp time to trim or remove such trees. and underbrnsh a� map in any
<br /> wap interfere with the safe operation of the lines and eqnipment used in connection therewith.
<br /> Grantee shall at all times exercise all due care and diligence to avoid da�a.ge to the fences, crops,
<br /> live-stock or other personal propertq on said real estate and shall indemnify and save harrol.ess the Grantors
<br /> from any such damage occurrin� to such propertp by rea�on of the construction, operation, maintenance and
<br /> removal of said transmission lines.
<br /> �:
<br /> Grantors, thcir heirs or assigns, shall not allo� anp building or other' structurc, hay or straa stack,
<br /> trees or any other combustible material or propertp to remain or be placed under or near Lhe trausmission
<br /> lines, poles or fixtures in such a manner as to interferc with the safe operation or maintenance of said lina.s
<br /> or in sueh manner as mi�ht result in damage to the property of either partp from fire or any other cause.
<br /> In event of removal of the transmission line and abandonment of the right-of-avay for a period of five
<br /> years, then this easement shall terminate and all rights Under it shall'revert to the Grantors, their hei�s
<br /> or assigns. ..
<br /> Grantor�, their heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to the fu11 use and en�oyment of said premises,
<br /> sub3ect only to the rights of Grantee herein conveped.
<br /> The total payment for rights herein granted shall be made on the followin,� basis:
<br /> In MeadoW or In Permanent Pasture or
<br /> Cultivated Fields Uncultivated Land
<br /> For Poles-------------------------------------'Pweaty-Five Dollars Each---'t�aelve and one half Dollars Each
<br /> For Anchors with Guys-------------------------1'wenty-Five DoI1�r.s Each---Twelve and one half Dollars Each
<br /> For Steel Towers-------_���______�________pne Hvradred Dollars Each---------Fiftp Dollars Each
<br /> For Overhang-------_____�____�_�___________Fifty Dollars Each------------Twenty-F3we Dollars Each
<br /> For Clearin� a Strip SOt Wide On Each Side of the Cent�r
<br /> of Said Transmis�ion Lin� Acro�s the Premises-----_�________M_.._�_�___M.___�_�___��.��_______
<br /> The down pa�ment of $5.00 shall be credited on the total due and final payment shall be made withi� a
<br /> reasonable time after execution hereof.
<br /> Due to be constructed hereon:
<br /> Tti+o two-pole structures, in the sum of $100.04
<br /> In Presence of
<br /> Wm. H. Ramaekers ,jacob De$ter
<br /> May De�ter �
<br /> ) ss. ACKN4I�TLEDCMENT
<br /> Hall County )
<br /> I hereby certify that on this 1 day of Hecember, A.D. 1950, before me, the undersigned, a Notarp
<br /> Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, carae Jacob Deater and May Dester his wife, to me personal.ly
<br /> known to be the same person(s) who signed and executed the above instru�ent, and theT each dulq ackiacywled�ed
<br /> the execution of the same.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal on the day and date last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) Wm. H. Ramaekers
<br /> My co�nission expires: Feb. 23, 1956 Notary Public.
<br /> In Presence of George T. Bauman
<br /> Wm. H. Ramaekers Dora Bauman
<br /> ) s s. ACKNOWI,EDGMENT
<br /> Hall County )
<br /> I hereby certify that on-.�his 1 day of Deceraber, A.D. 195fJ, before a�, the nndersigned a Notary
<br /> Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, came George T. Ba�ann and Dora Bac�mann h�s xife, to me
<br />