<br /> 99289-7HEAUGUlTINECO.GR�NDISLAND,HEBR. . � , -
<br /> In event of reraoval of the transmission line and abandonment of the right-of-way for a period of five
<br /> years, then this easement shall terminate and all rights under it sha11 revert to the Grantors, their heirs
<br /> or assigns.
<br /> : Grantors, their heirs or as�igns, shall be entitled to the fu11 use and enjoyment of said premises,
<br /> sub3ect only to the rights of Grantee herein conveped.
<br /> The total payment for rights herein granted shall be made on the following basis:
<br /> In Meadow or In Permanent Pastvre or
<br /> Cultivated Fields Uncultivated Land
<br /> For Poles__________________���___________M.�enty-Five Dollars Each---Twelve and one half Dollars Each
<br /> For Anchors with Guqs-------------------------Twentp-Five Dollars Each---Twelve and one half Dollars Each
<br /> For Steel Towers------------------------------One Hundred Dollars Each---------Fiftp Dollars Each
<br /> For Overhang----------------------------------Fifty Dollars Each------------'I�renty-Five Dollars Each
<br /> For Clearing a Strip SOt Wide On Each Side of the Center
<br /> of Said Transmission Line Across the Premises---------_��__�__________�____�_�_______�____r_
<br /> The down payTnent of $5.00 shall be credited on the total due attd final paymeat shall be made wfthin
<br /> a reasonable time after execution hereof. �
<br /> Due to be constructed hereon:
<br /> Three two-pole structures, in sUm of $15�.00
<br /> In Presence of Peter Schnitz
<br /> Wm. H. Ramaekers Etmna S. Schultz
<br /> Hall Countp ) .
<br /> I hereby certify that on this 22 dap of November, A.D. 1950, before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary
<br /> Public in and for the County atui State aforesaid, came Peter Schultz and F.smna S. Schultz his wife, to me
<br /> personallp known to be the sa�e person(s) who signed and e�cecuted the above instrument, and they each
<br /> duly acknowledged the execution uf the sa�ne.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal on the day and date last above written.
<br />; (SEAL) t�m. H. Rancaekers
<br /> fMy commission expires: Feb. 23, 1956 Notarp Publi.c.
<br />` �
<br /> Filed for record this 7 day of February 1951, at 2:00 o�clock P.M. �
<br /> Register of Deeda,r►V
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-cr�
<br /> RIGHT-OF WAY EASEMENT Tract No. 82-A
<br /> TL No. 1169
<br /> In consideration of the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00), receipt of which is hereby acknuwledged, and of
<br /> the further agreements herein stated, the undersigned, (hereinafter call�d Crantors), hereb�* grant and
<br /> convep to L(�UP RIVER PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, Colwabus, Nebraska, a public corporation, (here3nafter called
<br /> Grantee), its �uccessors and a�signs, a ri�ht-of way for the construction, maintenance aid. operation
<br /> thereon of an electric transmission line consisting of poles, towers, wires, equipnent and fixteu�es, with
<br /> right to alter, repair and remove the same in �hole or in part at any time, which right-of way shall extend
<br /> on each side of the center of the line as now sarveyed over and across the following described real estate
<br /> situated in Hall County, l�ebraska, viz;
<br /> Northeast quarter of Section Eight, Township TWelve North, Range Eleven West (NE4 8-12N-11W) of
<br /> the 6th P.M.
<br /> Grantee shall also have the right of in�ress and egress aeross Grantor�s property far a�ny purpos�
<br /> necessarY in connection with the construction, operation, maintenance, inspection and removal of said
<br /> line. Such ingress and egress shall be cxercised in a rea�onable manner and as nearly as possible in con-
<br /> formity with the wishes of the awner or occupant of the premises.
<br /> t
<br />� Grantee sha11 also hawe the r�ght at anp time to trim or remove such trees and wnderbrush s�s may in
<br /> any way interfere with the safe operation of the lines and equipment used in connection thereWith.
<br /> Grantee sha11 at all times e�cercise all due care and dili;ence to avoid damage to the fences, crops,
<br /> live-stock or other personal property on said real estate and shall inde�anify and save harmless the
<br /> Grantors from any such damage eccurring to snch property by r�ason c�f the constrnction, vp�r�tion,
<br /> maintenance and removal of said tra�smission lines.
<br /> Grantors, their heirs or as�igns, shall not allow �ny building or other structure, hay or straK atack,
<br /> G trees or aap other combnstible mate�fal or property to re�ain or be placed wsder or near the transmission
<br />' lin�s, peles or fixtures in such � man�er as tu interfere with the safe operation or �aintenance of said
<br /> lines or in �uch manner as might resul.t in da�age to the property oP either partp fro�n fire or any other
<br /> cause.
<br />, In event of re�uval of the transmission line and abandonffient of the right-of Way for a period of five
<br />! pears, then this easement sha11 terminata and all rights under it shall revert to the Grantor�, their
<br />, heirs or assigna.
<br /> Granturs, their h�irs or assigns; shall be entitled to the fu11 ase and en3oyment of ss►id pnmises,
<br /> sub�ect oaly to the ri�ttta of �rantee h�rein conveyed.
<br /> The total psyment for right� herein granted shall be made on the followin� basiss
<br /> �n 'Meadvw or Ia Permanent Past�re or
<br /> ` Cultivatexi Fields Uncultivated Land
<br /> For Pol�s----------------��___�._r__M_��,,enty-Five Dollars Esch---'1'Welve and one half Dollars Each
<br /> __�_____�_ n ne half Dollars Each
<br /> G s --------------Twent -Five Do118rs Each---'hrelve a d o
<br /> For Anchor� with Y
<br /> uY
<br /> _____�__�___�_.____�______pne Hundred Dollars Each-- - --Fift Dollars Each
<br /> Fur Steel Towers -- -- ✓ Y
<br /> I For Overhang----------------------------------Fifty Dollars Each------------Twentp-Five Dollars Each
<br /> Fcr Clcaring a �trip 50� Wide pn Tach Side of the Center
<br /> I of S�id Tran$mis�ion Lint Across the Pre�isea----___�__�__���__����___��_________..�_�__
<br />�I _ . � . _
<br />��� ; . �
<br />