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� <br /> �, <br /> I�IISCELLANEOUS RECORD W � - <br /> �� . 992B9-THBAIIGOS7INECO.GRANDISLANU.NEBR. � <br /> The total payment for rights herein granted shall be made on the follrnving basis: <br /> In Meadot� or In Permanent Pasture or <br /> Cultivated Fields Uncultivat�d Land <br /> For Poles ----------------------------------- 'i�enty-Five Dollars Each--7'rrelve and one half Dollar� Each <br /> '' For Anchors with Guys------------------------ Tweaty-Five Dollars Each--Twelve and one half Dollars Each <br /> " For Steel Tower$---------------- � --One Hnndred Dollars Each Fifty Dollars Each <br /> � ----------- <br /> � " For Overhang--------------------------------- Fifty Doll�rs Each----------Twenty-Five Dollars Each <br /> i <br /> �� For Clearin� a Strip 50t Wide On Each Side of the Center <br /> of Said Transmission Line Across the Premises-------------------------------------�___�__�______ <br /> The do�m payment of �5.04 shall be credited on thc total due and final payment shall be made within <br /> a reasonable time after eaec�tion hereof. <br /> � <br /> Due to be constructed thereon: <br /> �our two-pole structures, in the sum of $200.00 <br /> ,� <br />, In Presence of <br /> Wm. H. Ramaekers Reint►ard Kunze <br /> Augusta Kunze <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> Y:` )SS ACKNOWLEDGMEI�TT <br /> „ Hall County ) <br /> I hereby certify that on this i4 day of December A. D. 1950 before m�, the vndersigned, a Notarp <br /> Public in and for the County and State, came Reinhard Kunze and Augusta Kunze his �rife, to �ae <br /> � personally knc�n to be the same person(sj who si�ned and executed th� above instru�ent, and thep each <br /> duly acknowledged the execution of the same. <br /> WI't'NESS my hand and Notarial Seal on the day and date last above r�rritten. <br /> (SEAL) l�m. H. Ramaekers <br /> My cc�naission expires: Feb 23, 1956. - Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record this 7 day of February 1951, at 2:00 otclock P.M. �'�/�°)�� <br /> �. <br /> F Register of Deeds <br /> k <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-afl-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�o-o-o-o-o <br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT Tract No. 92 A <br /> TL No. 1169 <br /> In consideratioa of the swn-of Five Dullars ($5.00), receipt of which is hereby ackno+�ledged, and of <br /> the further agre�mcnts herein stated, the undersi�ned, (hereinafter called Grantors) hereby grant and <br /> , convey to LOUP RIV�R PIJBLIC P(N�1ER DISTRICT, Columbns, Nebraska, a public corporation, (hereinafter called <br /> Grantee), its auccessors and ass3.gns, a right-of way for the constrr�ction, mainten�nnce and operation there- <br /> on of sui electric tranamission line consisting of poles, tcawers, wires, eqnipment and fixturea, with ri�ht <br /> �o alter, repair and remcive the same in Whole or in part at any ti�e, �'iich ri�ht-of��r shall extend ott <br /> each side of the center of the line as now surveyed over and across the following described real estate <br /> � situated in H�11 Countp, Nebraska, viz; <br /> East half of Section Twelve, Township 'lwielve North, Range Ten West (E� 12-12N-lOW) of the 6th P.M. <br /> Grantee shall also have the ri�ht of ingress and egress across Grantorts property for any purpose <br /> necessary in connection With the construction, cperation, maintenance, inapection and remcval of said lines; <br /> Su+ch ingreas and egress shall be exercised in a reasonable maruter and as nearlp AJ possible in conforAtity <br /> With the wishes of the uWn�r or occupant of the premises. <br /> �rantee sh�,ll alsu have the right at any ti�e to tri� or remove auch trees and vnderbrnah A9 may in <br /> anp way interfere with the s�fe operation of the lines and eqnip�ent u�ed in connection therewith. ; <br /> � <br /> Grantee sha11 at all ti�s exercise all due care and diligence to avaid da�aa�e to the fences, crops, <br /> live-stock or other personal propertq on said rea�l estate and shall indemnify and 3aVE harmless the Grantors <br /> fro� a.ny such damage occurring tu such property bp reason of the construction, operatioa, mai.ntenance a,nd <br /> removal of said transmission lines. <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigns, shall not a11oW any building or �paGher �tructure, hsy or straw stack, <br /> trees or any other combustible material or property to remain or be placed under or near the transmission <br /> lines, poles or fiztures in sach a manner as to iuterfere With the �afe operAtian or maintenance of said <br />$ or in such manner as might result in daaiage to the property of either part� from fire or any other <br />' cause. <br /> ' In e�ent of removal of the transmission line and abandonment of the right-of�ap for a period of five <br /> years, then this easement shall terminate and all rights unddr it shall revert to the -GraAtors, their heira <br /> or assigns. <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to the full nse and en3opment of said premises, <br /> sub3ect only to the rights of Grantee hercin conveyed. <br /> Tt�e total pap�ent for rights herein granted shall be made on the followirig ba$is: <br /> In Meadow or In Permanent Pastnre or <br /> Cultivated gields Unctil.tivated Land <br />' For Poles --__�____�_________�__�____�___�nty-Five Dolla rs Each--Twelve and one half Dollars Each <br /> For AAChors with Guqs-------------------------Twentp-Five Dollars Each--Twelve and one half Dullsrs Each <br /> For Steel To�wers-------------------------------One Hundred Dollars Each------- Fifty Dollars Each <br /> For Overhan�--------------»---,----------------Fifty Dollars Each---------'h��enty-Five Doll�rs Each <br /> For Clearin� a Strip 50� Wide on Each Side of the Center <br /> - of Said Trans�ission Litte A�ross the Premis�e��� 1 Cotton wood tree 24n � � $5.00 <br /> The down payarent of $5.00 shall be credited on the total due and final payment shall be made within <br /> a reasonable ti�e after execution hereof. <br /> Due to be constructed hereon: <br /> Three twe-pole structures, in the sum of $150.00 <br /> L tree . _ � 5.00 . . . . <br /> . 155.00 <br />