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� <br /> I�IISCELL�N�OUS RECORD W <br /> i . 99283-TNB�tl6USTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. . _ � <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigris;� shAll not allow s�np building or other structure, hay or straW stack, <br /> trees or any other combustible material or property to remms� or be placed under or near the transmission <br /> lines, poles or fixtures in snch a manner as to interfere with the safe operstion or maintenance of said <br /> lines or in such manner a�s m�ght result in damage to the property of either partp from fire or any other <br /> c�,use. � <br /> In event of removal of the transmi�siun line and abandonment of the right-of-way for a period of five <br /> years, then this easement shall terminate and �.11 rights und�r it shall revert to the Graators, their heirs <br /> or assigns. <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assi�ns, shall be entitled to the fuil use and en�oyment oF said premises, <br /> , subject onlq to the r3ghts of Grantee herein conveyed. <br /> r <br /> The total payn►ent for rights herein �ranted shall be made on th� Following basf.s: <br /> In Meadow or In Permanent Pastnre or � <br /> Cultivated Fields Uncnitivated Lsnd <br /> For Poles--�--------------------------------- '�enty-Five Doll�rs Each--Twelve and one half Dullars Ea,ch <br /> For Anchors with Guys------------------------ 1'wenty-Five Dollars Each--Tirclve s�nd one half Dollars Each <br /> For 3tee1 ToWers----________�___________�__ pn� Hundr�d Dollars Each--------Fifty Dollars Each <br /> For Overhang------------------------�-------- Fifty Dollars Each-----------Tirenty-Five Dollars Each <br /> For Clearing a Strip SOt Wide 8n Each Side of the C�nter <br /> of Said Transmission Line Across the Premises----------------.�__�______r�____________________N <br /> The doam payment of $5.�0 shall be credited on the total due and final pay�aent shall be �de wit�in <br /> a reasonable time after execution hereof. <br /> Due to be constructed hereon: <br /> Three t�o-pole �tructures, in the swa of $15Q.0� <br /> In Pres�nce of <br /> Wm. H. Ramaekers Minnie Ship�an <br /> JACOb ship�an <br /> ., <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> Hall County ) . <br /> I hereby certify that on this 14 dap of December A. D. 1950, before �e, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Public in and for the County and State aPoresaid, came I�innie Shipman and Jacob Ship�an (her husband) <br /> to me personally known to be the same person(s) wMo signed �nd executed the above instrn�ent, and they <br /> e�.ch duly ackno�►led�ed the execution of the samd. <br /> WITNESS my hand s�nd �totarial Seal on the da.y �nd date last �bove �ritten. <br /> (SEAL) Wm. H. R�maekers . <br /> 1Mp coa�nission expires: Feb. 23, i956. Notary Pu� ic. , ` <br /> Filed for record this 7 day of February 1951, at 2t00 o�clock P.I�. ��� � � <br /> Regiater of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-ao-o-c�-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao�-o-o'''�-o-o <br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT Tract Nos. 98-A f� 99-B <br /> TL No. 1169 <br /> In congideration of the sum of Five (�5.00), receipt of irhich is hereby acknowledged, �nd of <br /> the further agreements herein stated, the undersigned, (hereinafter called Grantors), hereb�* graat and <br /> convey to LOUP RIVER PUBLIC POWLR DISTRICT, Coluenbus, Nebraska, a public corporation, (hereinafter called <br /> Grantee), its successors and assi�ns, a right-of Way for the construction, maintenance and operation there- <br /> on of an electric trans�aission line consisting of poles, towers, wires, eqaipment and fixtur�s, with ri�ht <br /> to alter, repair and remove the same in whale or in part at �ny time, ahich right-pf-�ray shall extend on <br /> each side of the �enter of the line as nc�w �urveyed ov�r and acros� the folloxin� described r�al estate <br /> sitt�ated in Hi�].1, County, Nebraska, viz: <br /> Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Thirteen and the South hslf of the Northeast <br /> qu�.rter of Section T�enty four, all in To�ship Twelve North, Range Nine West (SE4 3W4 13 F� S� <br /> 1�4 24-s�ll 12N-9W) of the 6th P.M. <br /> Grantors shall also ha�r� the ri�ht of ingress and egress acroas Gra.ntor+$ propertp for �ny purpose <br /> necessary in connection wit1� the construction, operatiun, maintenance, inspection and removal of s�id line <br /> Such ingress and egress sh�ll be exercised in a reasunable manner and as nearly as possible in confor�ity <br /> with the wishes of the oWner or accupant of the premi�es. <br /> Grantee shall also hswe the right at any time to trim or reaove such treea and underbrush as may in �! <br /> any way interfere with the s�fe operation of the lines s�nd eqaipment used in connection therewith. <br /> Grantee shall s�t all ti.mes exerci�e a�ll du� care and dili�enc� to Avoid dama�e to the fences, crops, <br /> live-stock, or other personal property on said real ests�te and shall indemnify and save harml.ess the <br /> Gr�ntors from any such damage occurring to such property by reason of the ccnstruction, operation, main- <br /> tenance and removal of said transmission lines. <br /> Grantvrs, their heirs or assigns, shall not a11uw any or other structure, hay or straw stack, <br /> trees or any other combustible materis�l or prop�rty to remain or be pl�.ced e�nder or- near the trans�.ission <br /> lines, poles or fixtures in such a manner a� tu interfere with the saFe operation or mAintenance of said <br /> lines or in such manner as might result in damage to thc property of either party from fire or any other � <br /> cause. <br /> In event of reraoval of the transmission line and abandonment of the right-of way for a period of . <br /> five years, then this easement shall terminate and all rights under it shall revert to the Grantors, their <br /> heirs or assigns. <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to the full use and en�oy�ent of said premises, <br /> subject only to the rights of Grantee herein conveyed. <br />