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� ' <br /> I�IISCEI�LANEOUS RECORD W <br /> 99289-THEAU6UlTINECO.GRANOISLAXO,NEBR. � � , � . � <br /> RI�HT-OF-WAY �ASEMENT Tract No. 97 � <br /> TL No. 1i69 - <br /> In consideration of the swn of Five Dollars ($5.�0), receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged, and af <br /> the further agreements herein stated, the undersigned, (hereinafter called Graators), hereby grant and <br /> convey to LOUP RIVER P[TBLIC POWER DLSTRICT, Col�mbn$, Nebraska, a��public corporation, (hereinafter called <br /> Grantee), its successors and assi�ns, a right-of-wap for the construction, maintenance and o}�eration <br /> thereon of an electric transmission line consisting ot poles, tc�w�rs, wires, equi�ne�t and fixtures, with <br /> right to alter, repair and re�ove the same in wholc or in part c�at any' time, which rigltt-of way sh�ll <br /> extend un each side of the center of the line as nuw surveyed over and across the follc>wing deseribed <br /> real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska, viz: <br /> North half of the Northwest quarter of Section Fourteen, Township Twelve Ncrth� Range Nine West <br /> (N2 NW4 14-12N-9W) of the 6th P.M. <br /> Grantee sha11 also have the rigt�t of ingress and egress acress Grantorts property for any purpose <br /> necess�ry in connection with the construction, operation, �aintenanee, inspectioM and re�oval of said � . <br /> line, Such iagress and egress shail be exercised in a rea�onable manner and a nearly as possible in � "' _ <br /> conformity Kith the wishes of the cn,mer or xcupant of the premises. � <br />' Grantee shall also have the rig�t at arip time to trim or re�ove such trees and Underbrnsh as �ay in <br /> any way interfere with the safe operation of the lines and equi�ent used in conneetiun there�ith,�` <br /> Grantee shall at all time� exercise a11 due care ar►d dili�ence to avuid da�age to the fences, crops, <br /> live-stock or other personal property on said real estate and shall indemnify and save harmless the <br /> Grantors from any such da�age occurring to such property by reason of the coastruction, operation, main- <br /> tenance and, removal of said transmission littes. <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigns, sha.7.1 not allow anp building or other structure, hay or straW stack, <br /> trees or any other co�bustible �aterial or propertq to re� or be placed under or near the transmission <br /> lines, poles or fixtures in such a rnanner as to interfere with the safe operation or maintenance of said <br /> lines or in such manner as mi�ht result in damage to the property of either partp fro� fire or any other <br />� cause. <br /> In event of remoeal of the transmission line and abandonment of the right-of-wap for a period of <br /> five years, then this ease�nent shall ter�inate and all ri�hts �nder it shall revert to the Grantors, <br />� their heir� or assigns, <br /> . <br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigns, shall be enta.tled to the full use and en�o�uaent of said premises, <br /> I sub�ect only to the rights of Grantee herein eonveyed. <br /> The total papment for rights herein granted shall be made on the follawing basis: <br /> In Meadow or In Permanent Pasture or <br /> I Cultivated Fields Uncultivated Land <br /> For Poles ----------------------------------'�enty-Five Dollars Each--Twel�e and one half Dollars Each <br /> For Anchurs with Guys ----------------------'1�ienty-Five Dollars Each--Twelve and one half Dollars Each <br />' For Steel Towers ---------------------------One Hcuidred Dollars Each--------Fifty Dollars Each <br /> I For Overhang--_.�_______r_�_��_______�_Fiftp Dollars Each----------'Pwenty-Five Dollars Each <br /> For Clearing a Strip 50t Wide On Each Side of the Center <br /> ofSaid Transmission Line Across the Premises--------_�.______�__�___��_______��___�w______ <br /> The down paq�nent of $5.00 shall be credited on the total due and final payment shall be macie within <br /> a reasonable time after execution hereof. <br /> I Due�-to be constructed hereon ; <br /> Two two-pole structures, in the sum of $1�0.40 <br /> In Presence of <br /> Wm. H. Ra�naekers Alexander Ahrens <br /> STATE 0� NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> Hall County ) <br /> I hereby certify that on this 13 daq of December, A. D. 1950, before me, the vndersigned, a Notary <br /> Public in aad for the Gountyiand State aforesaid, came Alexander Ahreas (widower) to �se personallp knawn <br /> to bc the same person(s) whe signed and executed the above instrt�ment, and thep each duly acknowledged <br /> I the execution of the sa�e. <br /> WITNESS m� hand and Notarial Seal on the dag and date last above written. <br />� (SEAL) Wm. H. Ramaekers <br /> My conunission expires: Feb. 23, 1956. Notarp Public. ' <br /> I, <br /> Filed for record this ? day of February 1951, at 2:00 o�clock P.M. / /� <br />� �G�i,,a. 4�a'-d-�,,,. <br /> Re�ister of Dceds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o ' <br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT Tract No. 93-A <br /> TL No. 1169 <br /> In consideration of the swn of Five Dollars ($5.00), receipt of which is herebp acknowledged, and of <br /> the further agreements herein stated, the undersigned, (hereinafter called Grantors), hereby grant and <br /> convey to LOUP RIVER PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, ColUmbus, Nebraska, a public corporation, (hereinafter call�d <br /> Grantee), its successors and assigns, a right-of wap for the construction, maintenance and �peratian <br /> thereon of an electric transmission line consisting of poles, towers, w�ires, equipment and fixtures, with <br /> right to alter, repair and remove the same in whole or in part at any time, which right-of way shall <br /> extend on each side of the center of the line as now surveyed over and across the following described <br /> real estated situated in Hall County, Nebraska, viz: <br />