<br /> to me persunally knc�wn to be the sa�e per�on(s) who signed and ezcecuted the abovE instrmnent, and they
<br /> each duly acknorrledged the executiun of t�e sae�e.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal on the day and date last above written.
<br /> (SEAL)� Wm. H. Raa�aekers
<br /> � My ec�meission eacpirea: Feb. 23, 1956. Notary Pablie.
<br /> Filed f or rec ord this 7 day of Febrnary 1951, at 2:00 0�clock P�. M. �..,,., �o�,.,/
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds
<br /> �
<br /> o-c�-o-a-c�-u-c�-ca-o-a-o-ac�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-v-c�-o-fl-o-ao-a-o-a-c�-ao-o-a-o-ao-a o-c�-o-c�-ao-ao-ao-o-o-ao
<br /> RIGHT-OF WAY EASEMENT 'Tr�,ct No. 9?-B
<br /> TL No. 1169
<br /> In consideration of the sun� of Five Dallars ($5.00), receipt of which is hereby acknctiwledged, and of
<br /> the further agredments herei� stated, thc nndersigned, (herei.nafter called Grantors), h�reby grant and
<br /> coavey te LOUP RIYER PUBLIC Pt�iIER DISTRICT, Colwnbus, Nebraska, a public corporation, (hereinafter call�d
<br /> Grantee), its succes�ors aad assi�ns, a right-of-way for th� construction, maintenance and operation there-
<br /> � on of an electric trar►smission lirra consistin� of poles, tawers, Wires, eqnipaent and fixtare�, with the
<br /> right to alter, repair and remove the same in whole or in part at any ti�e, �+hich right-of�aT shsll eztend
<br /> on each �ide of the center of the line 4a nan�r snrveyed ever and across the follcrw�ng described real e:tate
<br /> � sitaated in Hall Couaty, I�ebraska, viz:
<br />� �
<br /> �- Southeast qnarter of Sectioa Fourteen, ToNnship Twelve North, Ran�e l�ine West (SE� 14-12N-9W) of
<br /> the 6th P.M.
<br /> Gratztee shall also have the right of ingresa and egress acros� Crantor�s propert� for any pnrpose
<br /> necessary in conn�ction Mith the con$truction, operation, �aaintenance, inspection and removal of �aid line.
<br /> Such i.ngress and egress s1�a11 be exercised in a reasonable �anner and aa nearly as possible in cenforpity
<br /> with the vrishes ef the c�wner or occnpant of the premises.
<br /> 6rantee sha11 also have the right at any ti.�e to tri� or remove such trees aad uuderbrush as may in any
<br /> WaT interfere with the safe operation of the lines a�d equip�ent used in connection therewith.
<br /> �rantee' ahall at all times exercise all due care and dili�ence to avoid damage tu the fences, crops,
<br /> live-stock or other personal propertp on said real estate and sha11 indemuify and save harmleas the
<br /> C►rantors frc� any such dauge cccnrring to such property by reason of the coastruction, operatioa, main-
<br /> ten�nce and removal of said transmission lines.
<br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigas, shall not allow �ny buildiag or other strueture, �ay or $traa stack,
<br /> �r.ees or any cather c�ab�stible material or property to remain or be placed under or near the trans�ission
<br /> �.ines, poles or fiatures in such a manner as to interfere with the safe operation or �aintenance of aaid
<br /> lines or in such ioanner as a�ight resu�� in damage to the propertp oP either party fro� fire or any other
<br /> cause.
<br /> In event of removal of the transmis�ion line and abandunment of the ri�ht-of-aay for a period of five
<br /> rears, then th�s easement shall terminate and all rights under it shall revert to the Grantors, their heirs
<br /> or assi�ns.
<br /> Grantors, their heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to the full nse and eajopment oF said pre�ises,
<br /> sub�ect cnly to the rights of Grantee herein conveped.
<br /> The total pa�ment for ri�hts herein granted �hall be �ade on the follaM1ring basiss
<br /> In Meadow or ld Permanent Pastnre or
<br /> Cultivated F'ields Uncultivated Land
<br /> For Poles- -------------��_.�__..______��_�entp-Five Dollars Each ---------'Pwelve and one half Dollars Eacb
<br /> For Anchors with Guys------------------�._��,rentq-Fiv� Dollars Each--------- �elve and one half Dollars Eacla
<br /> For Stee1 Tcx�rers----___M._.._��r______a_�pne Handred Dollara Each ---------------Fifty Dollars Each
<br /> For Orerhang -------____�__r___�_�____�Fifty Dollars Each ----------- -- -Twenty-Five Dollars Each
<br /> For Clearin� a Strip 50� Wide on Each Side of the Center
<br /> ofSaid Transffiission Line Across the Premises- -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> The do�rn payment of $5.00 shall be creaited on the total due and final payment shall be made within a
<br /> reasonable ti�ae after execution hereof.
<br /> Due to be constructed hereon;
<br /> One twc-pole structure, in the sun� of $50.00
<br /> �:'s�-:G; ;°,.y.
<br /> In �Ireseace of
<br /> W�. H. Ramaekers Joseph H. Nie�oth
<br /> Minnie M. Niemcth
<br /> Hail County )
<br /> I herebp certifp that on this day of D�cember A. D. 1950, before me, the undersigued, a Notary
<br /> - Public in a�ad for the Covnty and State aforesaid camc Joseph H. Niemoth and Minnie M. N3emoth his wife,
<br /> to me personally kncn�ra to be the same person(s) who signed and ea�ecuted the above instrument, and thep
<br /> each dt�ly acknawledged the execution of the sa�e.
<br /> WITNE�S mp� hand and Notarial 5ea1 on the day and date last above xritten.
<br /> (SEAL) Wm. H. Ram�ekers
<br /> �!Ip cc�m�ission expires: Feb. 23, 1956. Notar� Public
<br /> Filed for record this ? day of February 195I at 2:00 otclock P.M.
<br /> ���.�,, Ci��.
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> o-o-ao-o-o-o-a-o-�-�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o-o-c�-ao-ao-u-a-o-o-.o-ao-o-o-aao-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o
<br /> 1`l
<br /> ; �
<br />