<br /> to Joseph A. Wortman arui Katherine B. Wort�an, in Joint 3'enancy, which deed Nas dated and acknowledged on the
<br /> 19th day of January, 1942, and filed for record on the 21st day of January, 1942, and is recorded in Book 83,
<br /> at Page 142, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska; that the said Joseph A. Wortman died on the 16th
<br /> dap of February, 1950, in Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, that he prepared the body of the said Joseph
<br /> A. Wortman for burial and interred the said deceased in the Cedar View cemeterp at Duniphan, Hall �ounty,
<br /> Nebraska, on the 20th day of February, 195�; that the said Joseph A. Wortman was alsa knot�m as Joseph Wortman,
<br /> Joe Wortman and J. A. Worta�aa, and they were all one and the same indinidual, .notwith�tanding the di�crepancy
<br /> in names; and, that he is well and personally acquainted with Katherine B. Wortman, the other gra�tt�e in the
<br /> above described deed, that she was the wife of the said Joseph A. Wortaian, that she survived him, that she
<br /> is now the widow of the said Joseph A. Wort�an, and that the said Kat�erine B. Wortman is still living at
<br /> ` the present date hereof.
<br /> Further affiant saith not.
<br /> Si�ned and dated in Grand Island, Hall Countp, Nebraska, this 6th daq of February, 195�.
<br /> _lan►es D. Livingaton
<br /> SUBSCRIBED in my presence and s�rorn to before me this 6th day of Februarg, 1951.
<br /> (SEAL) Andrew W. Oliver
<br /> My Co�anission expires on October 5, 1954. Notary Public.
<br /> Filed for record this 6 day uf February 1951, at 1:00 o�clock P.M. �'�� ���
<br /> �Re�ister of Decds
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-o-aaao-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-ao-ac3-o-c�-o-o-ci-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-c�-o-c��-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> RIGfIT-OF WAY EASEMENT Tract �to. 94
<br /> TL No. 1169
<br /> In consideration of the snm of P'ive Dollars ($5.00), receipt of which is hereby acknm�+ledged, and of the
<br /> furthe a�ree�ents herein stated, the undersigned, (hereinafter callcd Craz�tors), herebp �rant and co�vep
<br /> to LUU���IJBLIC POWER DISTRICT, Colvmbus, �tebraska, a public carporatiun, (hereinafter called Crantee), its
<br /> s�ccesaors a.nd assig�s, a right-of wap for the construction, maintenanee and operation thereon ot' an dlec-
<br /> tric transmission liae consisting cf pole�, tawers, wires, equipa�ent and fiutures, Nith rig�►t to alter,
<br /> repair and remove the sa�e in wholea or in part at any time, rhich right-of�rxy shall extet�d oa ea�h aide
<br /> of the ceater uf the line as ac�w s��rveyed over and act�oss the following described real estate sit�xated in
<br /> Hali Co�ty, Nebraska, viz.
<br /> South half of the So�athwest quarter of the Ncrthwest quarter and Scnth cne-third of tbe
<br /> Scutheast quarter of the Northwest uarter of Section �tine, Tc�nship �relve North, Ran�e
<br /> Hine WesL (Sz SW4 NW4 f� S1/3 SE� 1�W� 9-12N-9W) cf the 6th P.M.
<br /> Grantee shall also have the right of in�ress and egreas across Grantor�s property for sny p�rpose
<br /> necessary in eonnection with the cc+nstruction, operation, maiutenance, inspeetion and removal of said lfne.
<br /> Such ingress and egre$s shall be exercised in a reasonable manner and as nearly as possible fi� conformity
<br /> with the Wishes of the owner or occupant of the premises.
<br /> Grantee shall also have the right at aiay time to tri�a ur remove such trees and unde�rbruah as may in
<br /> any way interFere with the �afe operation of the lines and equip�ent used in connection therewith.
<br /> Grantee shall at all times exercise all due care atzd diligence to avoid da�aage to the fe�ces, crops,
<br /> live-stock or other personal property on said real estate and sha11 iademnifp and save harmless the
<br /> Gra.�tors from any sach damage occurring to such pruperty bq reason of the eonstruetion, operation, main-
<br /> tenance and re�oval of said transmissioz� lines.
<br /> Grantors, their heirs or a$signs, sha11 not allaw any building or other structure, hay or straw stack,
<br /> trees or any other co�bustible material or pruperty to remain or be placed under or near the transmission
<br /> lines, poles or fixtnres in such a manner as to interfere with the safe operation or maintenance of said
<br /> lines or in such r�anner as might result i.n damage to thc property of either partp frcam fire or anp other
<br /> eau$e.
<br /> In event of removal of the transmission iine and abandonraent of the rig}at-of�tay for a perfod of five
<br /> years, then this easement shall ters�inate and all rights under it shall revert to the Gra�tors, their heir$
<br /> or assigns.
<br /> Granturs, their heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to the full u�e and en3oyment of said premises,
<br /> sabject only to the rights of Grantee herein conveyed.
<br /> The total payment for rights herein granted shall be made on the folloWing basi$:
<br /> Ia Meadow or In Pernanent Pastrare or
<br /> Cultivated Fields Uncultivated Land
<br /> For Poles ----_�__�__--_--_--_-�--_-_�------�---�enty-Five Dollars Each--�i��lzrs,�a�l�'�e 4��_�Do�:lars Each
<br />', For Anchors xith Gwys --_�_M__________�_______��_�,��ty-Five Dollars Each--Twelve and one ha1F Do�lars Each
<br />' For Steel Towers --------------------------------------One Hundred Dollars Each ------ -Fifty Dall�rs Each
<br /> For Uverhang----__�__._.__.�__���___________��____�ifty Doilars Each -------- - Tirenty-Five Dollars Eac�►
<br /> For Clearing a Strip SOt Wide 8n Lach �ide cf the Center
<br /> of Said Transmissien Line Across �he Pre�ise�------____��____�__M__�______�_�__�.__��._.._.____....
<br /> The dcr�ra papment of $5.00 aha11 be credited on the to�al due and final payment ahall be Aade within a
<br /> reasor►able time after execation hereof.
<br /> Due to be constructed hereon:
<br /> Three two-pole strnctures, in the sum of �150.0�
<br /> One three-pole structnre (nu gays) in the swm of ?5.00
<br /> Total 225.00
<br /> In Presence of
<br /> Wm. H. Ramaekers .Toseph H. Nf��oth
<br /> M3nnie M. �Tiemoth
<br /> )�s•
<br /> Hal�: Covnty ) ACKNOWLEDC�MEATT
<br /> I herebe certify that on this 15 day of December, A. D. 195t3, before ma, the nndersigaed, a Notary
<br /> , Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, came Joseph H. Niemoth and Minnie M. Nie�oth his wife,
<br />,
<br />