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<br /> . 7 The Heneficiary shall have thr, ri�ht,pawer nnd autl�oriry during the commu�uce ot tnts ucx;d oi i nut w w;«;�.� :5����'�:s• -- --�-- -� =-_ : _
<br /> issucs and profits of Qic property and of nny psr�onal property locatc.d tlicrcan evetl► or witliout tnking possession of ihc propeny _
<br /> affcceed hercby,and Trustors hereby absolutely and unconditior�ally nssign nll such rents, issucs and profits to the bcuc!'iceary Thc
<br /> bcn�ciury, howcvcr,hcrcby conscnts to 1'rustors'oollcction nnd retention of sucl+ronts. issucs and profits,SO I011�' il5 TRlS10fS arc
<br /> not, at surh time, in default with respect to payment of any indebtedness sccured hcrcby, ar in the perfonnance of nng a�greemeni
<br /> hereunder. If any event of default desenbed here��fier in respect to ihis Deed of T�ust shall have occarred mid be conU��uiug, die •�
<br /> Beneficiary.as a matter of riaht and without notice t�Tmstors or anyone claiming under Trustors,nnd witliout regnrd to the�11a't� _
<br /> the tnist escate or �i►e enterest of the Tnrstors thcrei»,sh�ll I�ave ihe rigM to apply to an�� court having jurisdiction to appo
<br /> ..�*-
<br /> receiver of the property. �- .
<br /> � .,t: g. The Beneficiary. or its agents, arc: at�thorii.ed ro enter at any reasanabl� time upon or in any part af thc pmperiy for thc . ��;
<br /> � �M purpose of inspecting thc same and for the pwposc of perf'omung any of thc acts thcy arc authori�.cd to perfonn undcr the terms of ,�4 ,
<br /> any loan insttumcnts execute�l by Trustors. � ' ' `�`�"
<br /> �.AZ_..
<br /> 9. If all or any pasti of thc property or any interest of Trustors is sold, uansferred or fucther cnctunbcred witT�.out the�vritten .;(.��,.f,��d
<br /> consent of the Beneficiary,t1�e Ben�ciary may dc�l:.re all sums �ur'ed by this Tnist Dee.1 to be immediately due and payable and ; ;,, _
<br /> � ` proc�ed to the remedies available to it under die default provisians contained hercin. , -
<br /> 10. Any of thc foUo�:�inB e�'ents shap be deemed an event of default hereunde¢: ; _--
<br /> z. Trustars shall ha��e failed to make payment of any installment of principal or i�terest or any other sums secured hereby�vhcn � -'Y
<br /> °r. :. due: _� _-- --_
<br /> b. There has oocurred a brcach of or default under any temi, covenant, agte�ment, condition, provision, represendali�� o; �,_
<br /> . �rranty contained in this Deed of Tcust,the nate or any other loan instnunent secured he►dby: �Y:��;�
<br /> �`1;�=
<br /> c. Then has been a default by the Trustots in the payment of any prior or subseqweut iien or enc�unbrance in resp�ect to all or any _
<br /> ' part of the pmpertY; � .
<br /> d. Trustars shall file a voluntary petition in banktuptcy or shall be adjudicated bankmpt or insotvent, or shall melce an �=::}s�xr;::_
<br /> �;�.�-,•.
<br /> assignment for tbe benefit of creditors in respecc to the progcrry:or an actiou to enforoe any lien or ence�mbrance or judgtaients y�,�_!���._
<br /> ;� ,..—_--
<br /> , against the�mp�riY is commenced. �1'��
<br /> " '�. 11. In the event of any default,the Bene6ciary nn�y declarc all indcbtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and tt►e samc
<br /> �� ShaU theceupon become due and payable without any presenunent,demand P���or notice of any kind. Thereafter,the Beneficiary .`_�,�
<br /> � r
<br /> n�ay: ..
<br /> � �. either in person or by agent, �vith or without brin�ing any acaon or pmveeding, opby��iver appoint��f ia its own ��
<br /> �' without rcgarA to the adsquacy of any secutit3+.enter upon and take possession of the or any part , ;��
<br /> ��-, �p nr in rhe name of the Trustce, and do any acts wluch it dc:.ms n�.�ary and desi_*abie to prc�erve the value. � -�_
<br /> n�sicetability or rentability of t�e pmperiY•or part thereof,or intenest tnerein,increase ti�c u��vuw uY..'r�frcm ar;,roie��hP
<br /> r! seeciuihf hereof and,without takin8 Po�on of the pmge�'t��,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues and profnts thereof, j
<br /> ��quding those past due and ti�npaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and wllcx6om, i�cluding ^
<br /> attomey fees,upon any indeb►edness secumd licreby,all in such order as ttae Beneficiaty may deterniine. The enY�ring upon ...
<br /> m
<br /> . and ttiking poc.session of the wst escato,the colloction of such�ents,es�es and pmfits and application thereof as aforesaid . �;�?:
<br /> � sh�ll not cuta or waive any deFault or notice of default hcreunder or ia�va➢islate any act and in response to such deFault ar �'.
<br /> �'-,�� ' pursutuit to such notice of dcYawla and notwitt�standin8 the oontinuance in possession of the properiy or the wllection,receip�
<br /> l�`'
<br /> � and application of rents,issues or profits,Trustce or the Benefi��iary may i�.en6ded to exercise every right pmvEdod for in any
<br /> of the loan instruments or bp la�v upon occucrenoe of nny event of default,incl►uling the�right to exerc�se the power of salc;
<br /> b. commenoe an action to foreclose this Doxl of Tcust as a mortgage, a��oint a reoeiver, or sQecificalty enforoe any of the
<br /> � oovenants hereof: ��'
<br />'• " "" c. deliver to Tnistee a wrinen declaradon of default and deuiand for sale,and�vritten notice of default and election to cause
<br /> �,�,��._, :"� Tnu�tors'interest in the propeny to be sold,wWch notice Trustee sl�all cause to be duly fded for r�ord in the o�cial reoords
<br />- . of the county in wtuch the propertY is lucated.
<br /> - IZ. Should the Beneficia�Y elect to fo�clase by exercise of the poa�er of sa9�Ihtrein contained,the Beneficiary shall norify T�us�e
<br /> � and stiall deposit witII�Tn�stee tWs Dead of Trust and the note and such reo�ipts and evideace of expenditures made and secucod
<br />_ . . herelry as Truscee may raquir�,and upon request of tho Beneficiary. the Tnutee shall cause to be recorded,Published and deliveced _-- -
<br />- "�� to'frustoe snch No�ioe of Default anc�Notice of Salc as then requircd by law and by tbis Deed of T�ust.Tnutee shall without demand ---_ --. --
<br /> - on Trustor,after such time as may thea ba re9nired by law and nfter recordadon of such Notice of Defaul►and after Notioe of Sale
<br />�'�'�';='",:"� '" (�aying been pven as c�equired bY law,sell ttee pr��uny at the time and place of sala fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, eithcr as a _ __
<br /> �vholq or in separate lots or paroels ar itvms ns"II'rustce shall doem ex�edienl,and in sucl►ord�r as it may detemrine,at public ��_.:_
<br /> M '.�.,,.� � i
<br /> '��•�� auctiott to the higl�est bidder for qsh and shall deliver ta n�ch purchaser or purchascrs thereof a deed to the.propercy sold,consistcnt �., _ —
<br />- '� �°� with the law then in effect. Recitals in tha Truttee's doed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. ` - - �
<br /> _ .� Tnutee shatl appiy thc prooee�Is of the salo in tl�o followin�ordcr:(a)to aU rcasonable wsts and�xpenses of the salc,including but �:__�—�__.
<br /> �"
<br /> . � �..' not limited to Trustec's fees of not more thnn 2%of the gmss sale prioe,rcasonablc attorney fecs and oosts of tiUe evidcace;(b)ro a11 _� -_
<br />- �,� � secured by thi�Doed of Trust: and(c) the excess, if any, to the person or persons Icgally entided thereto. Any person. .���--�----- =-
<br /> including the Beneficiary,mnY PnrchAS�e sa�d pmpEm'at said sale. Tcusice may in tl�e manner provided by law,postpone sale otall ..�;�.,--�r��,;
<br /> - � or any ponion of the pmperty. ..�.�-,.`.--'�.
<br /> ��..�.,.,:.�
<br /> 13. Truscoe and the Beneficiary, and each of thcm,shall bc enritled to enforce payment and perfornuu►ce of any inclebtedness or �i�,�;.:
<br /> :��•
<br /> _ , �G�ation r,ecu�d hereby and to exercise all 6$hts and powcrs under this Deed of Tcust or under any loan instnuxient or other •..-,�:�,�� .
<br /> a$r c e m ent or an y laws nor ar hemaRor enforccc� notwithstanding some or all of Yhe indebtedness and obligations socured hereby :;.t�l,
<br /> - which mcry noc�� on c�t�eaftor bo othetwise secured N+hc t her by mortgage, d c e d o f t n i s t, p l e d g e, l i e n, a s s i g n m e n t o r o t h e n ri s e. .�: ... .U
<br /> Neither e�to aoxpuu►ce af th�E D�d of Ttust nor its enfo�emen4 whether by court action or pursuant to the powrr o�sale or othc:r _..
<br /> - _ _�_ �__:__.......:...,w �hflt�rm��idirr.nr in nnv manner aBf�d Tcustce's or the BencftCiary's right to malize upon oc� cnforoe any •
<br /> :..z�- ..---.�--�- �YCIS I�G1cu�wuu.....+s---rv^---- - - ----- -----
<br /> other socurity tton� on c�raaftor liald by Trustoe or the Beneficiaq+, it being agrved that rcustee and the Benennary, and each oi � - -
<br /> them,shall bc enridal cn cnforce thlo D�.ed of Trust and an}� other security no�v or hercaRcr held by We Beneficiary or Tiustce in
<br /> - such order and manner as thoy cnny in their absobte disccetion deternunc. No remody hercin conferred upon ur resen+ed to Trustee , .
<br /> or Beneficiary is intended to be exclnsive of any other remedy herein or by la�v provided or pernutted,but each shall be cumulative .
<br /> and shali be in addition to e��ery other remvdy given hcre�uidcr or no:v or hemaf3cr e�cisting at la�v or equity or hy statutc. E��ery . . .
<br /> � poti�•er or remedy given by any of the toan insuuments to T�vstee or the Beneficiary or to which cither of them may be othernise
<br /> l entided may bc exercised,ooncurcently or independcnUy,from dmc ro time and as oftea as may be deemed expedient by Trustce or
<br /> Beneficiary•,and cither of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing hercin shall be construed as prolribiting thc Beneficiary
<br /> i from seekins a deficisnzy judgment against T�usiors to the extent such acuon is permitted by latv. _ _
<br /> 14. Trustors hereby request a copy of any notice�f default and tt►at any notice of sale hereunder bc mailed to T'rustors at tlie
<br /> , addcess sct forth in thc first paragraph of Uus Dced of Trust
<br /> -� i 1
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> I j_
<br /> - I _
<br />