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<br /> S ace�bova thiahne tor recordi�� dsta. LO�n i a. � „*.•���";`"
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<br /> �im�clal IlllORT�AGE — Co�d�ter�� �. :_ � '-'::._:_—
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<br /> � . � l�ad�ra0�r�lc Real �state NE�no����� \ ��;;-;��-�--�
<br /> �+ �r� --
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<br /> � Maturiry Date InNfai Itituraat Rato �rr "'
<br /> ;; IL'atvr�a}Indchte�ne•� Lwn Amou�• 7.J9(�
<br /> ° Consumer Loan 6.Q�0.00 �`���"�:— . --..
<br /> ��s r_._
<br /> � �..�7C.'H+ D �'L7EY a�d L7�t� �TH �.. �
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<br /> h�rehy Oive C«n'ne�u+a Fvd°ra�B°^k�F°derei Savinga Bank('Commerc�al Fedori7°)a mortpege,with power of salu,of tha fnllcrvhnp pmparty toflal.^or with �' -_
<br /> all Improverns�u now or herMftw aroated on th�propary.artd all easemenu,rn�ht�and eppurconancea thereto: =_
<br /> .�� IA►!' 'II�(3) ffiO(iC FaE'i'�1 (15)� Q�tI� Y�It9 � =---—
<br /> , l�IDl'R'I� '1�0 �€QTY QF �Rt�D I�I�l�D. �IALT, Q�TPY.
<br /> H mor�than one pert�on sipna this Mortpspe.tho w�ord'I'rsr�na'�ne.' _
<br /> Thia Mortpaps axuros�lun made by Canmercfal Fedenl,e�hristly doxri6scl o�ove.A note dated the same sinta Aa this�t�rtptipa cantnine tho iormf fa -_-
<br /> -_ • . ropaym�nt o1 that lun.ff thst nots is evsr ch+�p�d or roP�sced by a new�oro,it will be aecured hy thts Mortpnpe• ___
<br /> ���
<br /> I promise ths tdlowinp thinps
<br /> - -=`���. 1. All paymonts on+�ny note or othK ds6t��eureid by this Mortpps wi0 be P��d wfien due. � --.--,-
<br /> _. .�.S{
<br /> 2. An Inwnnes poliey tor fire snd exto�ded cove►a(�e will be Scept in face on the propsrry in an smount at{euat equai w tho dtrbts aocurod by thh
<br /> "" ' Mortppe plus�ny other mortOeCea�iited in panpnph B below.Tht insun�cs aanW�Y must be�atith+ctory to Gommara3td Fadum�.and
<br /> '..".•�.^`_ Cornm�rcfal Federal v�ll be e named insured on the pd�cy. _
<br /> , mr _
<br /> -':,; ' :`r` will be paid betoro they become ddinquant --
<br /> :?-u_•,: • : 3. All taxe��nd�sse�unaita on the prope►N .�-
<br /> ,...x�eW
<br /> ='':"'"'x� 4. No wute wiil be committed on the propsrty and it wfll be kspt in pood ropair.
<br /> ��'-�' T�-'�-�� 5. Th�property will not ba aold (incluJin�by land eontrect►,leaaed,and no interost in it wi0 be essipned in any wap.
<br /> °r::��`'� pRI�IF�LE l�:l:t."�iTA'!'1�a
<br /> _II;;__.* B. I own ths property ires and ciear ot�ny olhet mortpa0es or encumbranees E%CEPT
<br /> - '•�.^�
<br /> �do-' � . � •or lien on the propertYwi��cve►6e eltowed to W in defeult or be torecloaed.
<br /> - _ 7. No other matp�p �
<br /> -='�?::;
<br /> ai�'�L C[� M
<br /> - IT�ny of there promiea��n not kspt the�Canmercisi Fodsral un dee�sro dl ot the debt immsdiateiy duo end paYabla w+thnut ectvnnae notice.The
<br /> —x^`��� intwwt nts wfll incre�se to 19.009L w anY Gro+tx rate�Ilow�bie try I�w atthat time,end thb mortp»gs can be toroetosed in accatdt�naa with�pplinable law.If
<br /> � thn debt is aceedsratad.ths�1 etw�ui8n any rsM or oth�r income irom th�prnpxty to Commerclel Ferlerel. THE PARTIES A(3flE�71iAT T(1ifl CON5TIMES
<br /> '�." ^.
<br /> -�"`•••^-� A COi.LA7ERAL REAL ESTAI'E MORTGAGE PURSUANTTU S0.DAKOTA C.L 44&20 (FOH SO.DAKOTA RESIOEfJTS ONl.YI. In tha m�vmt ot eny dufault In the
<br /> -,;,;�?ti%''• '' makinp oi my payrn�nt a in ks�pfny sny covenant heroin,thb Mortga0s mry ba foreclosed by action.a by advertissment aa providt�d d��atntuto or the ruies
<br /> =:..��.,-' qt pnctic�roi�tinp tharoto,and thia puaprsph eh�ll 6a dssrned es euthonang end conatitutinp a pm�vor ot eale ns mentioned f�ssid ewmto or niloa end any ��
<br />- ,:c.;:� arrandmant theroto,and may rotaln atetutory cwu a�d ettomey teee(SO,WY.MN.OK,end MI residonta only).
<br /> " ' i wtain amounU aan be pafd 6y Commorci�l Federel and edded to th�debt�ecurod by thia Mortpepe.Thay ere eny taxea or iniurance I hpve aproed to
<br /> . .. � � pay 6ut i�il to,eny attomey toes or court expensee Commerciel Foderal paye if R ia made a party et enylegel ention broupht by so�r.aone elao conceming the ��•
<br /> - , •� property,�nd��y attomey toea ar court expenaos which the lorv mfqht allow it Commercial Fedwel haa to go to court spamst me to eollect the dubt or _�
<br /> Torocione�hia mortpspe.Ii any of these things happon,then tho Additional debt will eecrue fntoresi at the sarne mte as the ro�t oi the debt and mu�t be pafd
<br /> Z Immsdiateiy. -
<br /> � r I(thla propo�ql fe nvar condemned under tha pawar of aminont domain o�eny eimiiar mnthod ot taking prapnrry tot pubUc��ae,eny prnceuds oi the tokiitp �`-__
<br /> `` .3 will6e p�id to Commercfel Fedoral up to the fu11 amoum of the dobt exured. ��_��
<br /> �°,-- _
<br /> � � ' Notio�to�orrowK for�klallom� ro i: A w�r cf ui�h�t 6Nn r�nt�d In tht�Mo • �. A w�r of ad�m� albw th�Mu •to teko th� �.:;;v"'._.._._
<br /> ►n1�E7 r:....-_?----
<br /> � � •• wr o oou n• c o�ur�• �u xw un r s �. a:*u,��-':.._
<br /> �� �W.:�.ci'i i.'�`�-:=-.-
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<br /> - - -- o .'G'.1i�`i. T� Mi*TH _- _._
<br /> - .,...-_ .---- ___ __ .��� :�...�...e ._
<br /> -- .;° Todayo Dete �„(� 17� lyy I ..�._.__ ��/�'1`!JV � . ..
<br /> Rouvers gnature ' •
<br /> STATE OF I�1� � � ' '
<br /> COUfJTY OF I�+T+ i
<br /> On thie�.7 I dey of _ �� . 18 97 .bofom mo,e notary public In and for aaid county, percone�ty came
<br /> J1�3� D �ETfI 87Id LYI�I�' fa�TH _ to me known to tw the idontical peraon ar percAnc whoso
<br /> nemo ia or ero aSfir.ed to tho ebove mortgage,and they,he or she savoraliy acknuwledge�d 1ho eaid inatNmont end tho oxxutior+thareol to bo their voluntnry
<br /> � ect and daed. '
<br /> WITNESS my hand end naterial aeal iho dayend yoar laat wririon abova. � �� � � Fr�{� .
<br /> Mycnmenfnsfon expires: -- -- — ,
<br /> No blic o, pnature
<br /> � N�-IN-VIIY-IL-SD-MI-AZ-MN-IA ��µt��N�tssu DN-7 07 7 (10/96)
<br /> •1�►,N�11iER L f•CH,•��r D� `
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