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Maturity Onta Initi�l Intenwt Hate ���� <br /> �Naturs of Indebtednas9 Laanitmaurst �.aroo `"_ <br /> „ �• Consum�r Loan 16,369�06 �;,�._ <br /> i, Cf,'II�1' HEtYSBII�7 �d. ��iRIi3�;� ��'� <br /> heroby pive ComrrMrci�l Fedenl B�nk�Fede�al Sarinp�Bank!•Commercial Fadarol•) a mortpogo,virsl�Omvnr oi sv.te,oi iha fdlowinp proparty together with ,, <br /> .'�, a0 fmprovorrwnta now w heroaftw enct�d on the property.�nd�II eaHrneMs.nGhts and�ppurtonanoaa N�orotn: - <br /> LO►r FOIIlt (4)� PiL�'i� HCATli �QiLF OF IdP TJ� (3� HZR�C �T <br /> ' 'l�', (3). �T Il�I'1'1CN 'DO TliE QTY OF Q11�Jr Itl�LL O�� NB. _ <br /> �. �-:: <br /> ., ��-.: <br />-`� If more than one person dflns thia i�1ortpe0e,tha wad'1'means'we.' �`��' <br /> :1 ! <br />;;��t e contalns the tertna fa <br /> - This Mxtp�pe sscuros e laan mada by Comrr�eraiai Fedenl,aa brietly describod above.A noto dntc�d th�aarne date us this Morty�p <br /> -. � • ropaymart oi th�t Iwn.H thst note i�sver ch�nped a repl�ced by a new note,it wiii he cxurod by thin A1ort�age. <br />�' ' 1 pramise the fdlowinp thinps: <br />� .. � <br /> ''`�''"'�. '`� 7, 1UI payrnenU on�ny note or other debt�acured by thls Mortpage wiil bs paid wP�en dus. <br />_-_ ''�,S 2. M Insurance poticy fa firo end extended coverepe will�o kept in force on the proporty in an amount et Isest equa�to ths debta eeaura!by this <br /> �n��__ Mortpaye plus any othor mortpsyef tiatod irn pareptaph 6 below.Tho insurance company�rut�t be nstisfactory to Commsrc��l Fed�ral.�nd <br /> Commercial Federal wili ke� nnmed inwred on the policy. <br /> -T'`�"'mC.�i: 3. All t�xss and aeaessments on the property wi�l be pekl beforo they bscome delinquent. <br /> --_�'.�-4 - <br />'.',,;c 4. No waste wil!be eommitted on the property,md it will be kept in Aood rspair. <br /> `'"�'�""'w' 6. The property vrf�l not 6s wid (inaludinp by Iand contront),laa�d.and no interoat in it will be assinnnd in any way. <br /> �''��� F7133T I�A'FICt�iL BlltZt I�Y <br /> axc-*� <br />�t'�;,�'S;,. <br /> S. I own ths property froe ond clesr of any other mortpepes or encumhrances EXCEirT <br /> -•-�,._*li4``Mr._.:. <br /> �•-�_ ' 7. No other mwips0e w lien on the property v�i�l nror bo ellowed to be in deteult or be forecln6ad. <br /> ,.,�-�;,� <br /> x�&���';eip <br />�--�;��- If any o?thete promiass�n not kept then Commerclal Federel can deelm NI oi the debt immodiututy due and pnyable without adv+MCe nottas.The <br /> �p inierNt nt�will incrousa to 19.00'16 or any proater nte allowabi�by law at that time,and this mort{�apa cen 6e toroclooed in eecord�nce with opplicable law.If <br />!':'_"�'"'�s"T`•�r'• the debt is�ccnlerated,tfien I dto�u�fyn�ny rent orother incoms from the prop erry in Cemmoraial Fedorol. THE PAflTIES A(iREE THATTFLIS CONSTRLTfES <br />=u"'"�:"""'�'"'�%� A COLlATERAL RFJ�L ES7ATE MOfiT0At36 PURSUlWT TO SO.DAKOTA C.L 44-8-28 (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIDENTS�NL'!).In the svont of any default in the _ <br />�`-'�"°�'y ' makinp ot any payment w in keupinp eoy covenani horo+n,thia Mortyeye may 6e foractonod by�ction,ar by�dvenisomsnt a�providnd by stetute or ihs rules <br />=�`�t*�F't of practic�nlatinp therotn,and tht�pureqroph ehe11 be desmed e�suthoririnp end constituNnB a power of Hale as mentioned In said staturo ov rules and a�y <br />�''���+' : r amundment thento,snd may rotain atatutory coats md attomey teei(SD,WY.MN.OK,end MI roaiduom only�. +; <br /> �'"�`' • • Certaln emainb can be pefd by Commercial Federal end edded to the debt securod 6y thla Mor�ngc.They an�ny taxe�or In�unnce I hove apreed to �_ <br /> - •� pay but feii to,eny attomey feea u court expenees CommeraVal Federel paye if it ia mede e party at any lugei�otion brou�ht hY aon»one else conceminp the � <br /> . prop�rty,end any estomey fere w eourt oxpenaa�nfiich tho law mtght allow ii Commurcial Fedorel hns to eo to court npam�t me to cdlect ths deht or � _ <br /> .,' toroclow th�a mortpupo.If sny of theee thfngs heppen,then the�ddittonel dabt will accrue intorest�t tho eame nte sa ihs re�t of the daht and muet bo Faid _ _ <br />= � immcdiately. __ <br /> If this properly i�over condomned under the paver of ominont domain or eny nimiler mothod of tF�kinp property for public use,eny proeeeds of the takinp -_., <br /> �` will[d:o Commsrcfal Fadenl up to tho full arnaunt o}the debt eecured. �_ <br /> r.�; <br /> '. � <br /> . ,' � poticr to Borrnw�r(foi Okl�hom� ro 1: A pow�r of��N hsa bMn rmt�d In thla Ma e a. A ow�r ot ul�m� dlow th�Mo a to t�k�1fN �:_ <br /> � 4• <br /> m r ro en �� w o n o e n• ono �ur+• on upon •eu rrn er un �r ia o s. �`.` <br /> o- <br /> _ ,�,,,,y;,� A J . . <br /> ._,.. .�., <br /> -- 7oda eDate j�p$,'Q� a8� 1997 norrowersa; a' • s . <br /> )�// /l�� , <br /> Borrowore Sfgna�re <br /> STATE OF I�l 1 <br /> '' � es. <br /> . COUMY OF HAW� ) <br /> � On thia �B� day of APRLL .19 9'7 ,bcAoro mo,n notury public fn nnd for aeid county.po►sonaily came <br /> ��r ��gj�,� g�yj � ��(�,� to mo known to bu tho idontical person or peraona whoso <br /> name is or ere eNxed to the ebave mortgeee,end they,ho w eho snvoreliy acknowfodgad tha eaid Inotrumont and tho ulion Iheraol to be t eir voluntery <br /> ect end deed. � <br /> WITNESS my hend and o2 tana�fee�xi�ey end year laat writton ehove. <br /> � u My commiufon expiroa: ���'k'Y � , <br /> o ry Publ.a s et <br /> . . DN•1077 (10/96) � <br /> NE-IN-WY-IL-SD-MI-I4T-MN•IA p(��NQ�AAY���I�ki <br /> ,. `�. .�Comm.Ex.8e L 2d,1439 L <br />