� i'��Ji � � . � rt .S v� � : r - , ..ri�
<br /> 7 N�
<br /> r� �-,�'If �}f(y���JTl�n��4 5ff45�.lr . r . . . . . . , iS�,� � fl r .: ' � :
<br /> �.i����.�vy}' �}Y���.�.e,__ Y�S �,A'}�� J -�.Yt-r. ...�.r '!.¢✓,.W ��.____ _ .' _
<br /> �
<br /> .b�.w..a..A.+o-�,..�...-.�—�'°.T.-.
<br /> . ..r.����-[J�NLI'✓1 t�'cl". . �
<br /> 92�. �t�g�.3.
<br /> 17.7Y,�nsRr of t0o I'ropttty or a Btnrlldnl Interest in Norcoxee.If all nr nny pan of the Pro,:ny or nny INerat in ii
<br /> is wtA or transRmeA(or if n lxnclicial intcrest in f3orro�ver is wid or transferrcd nnJ Ik�rrower is mm�nawrnl persoN witha�t
<br /> I.ilkilt�s pflJt 1V�il�Bh aY)OSq1I, 4eiMcr nlny, at ils option, rcqulro Immafin�c paynxm in full of all sums urunvi hy ihis �______.. .
<br /> Smidry Insltunxnt.Ilowcetr,tl�is opilon s6n11 nm bc uzcrclsai lry l.cndcr if cxcrcisc is prohfliltcd by falenl Inw,s of thc Aatc —
<br /> of tldc Sewr(ty insuumtm. _
<br /> I(I.e�der exetcixs this opilnn, I.ender shnll giro Rnrmwer noiice of acceleration.The noticv shell provide a pedod o!not
<br /> Iess 16nn 30 days from the date�ha no�lco Is Aelivor�d or mailed withtn which Rorm�cer must p.ry all xums secutal 6y�his —
<br /> Stcurl�y Instmnxnt.lf 9orrox�rr fnlls io pay ihuc sums pdnr to�hc ezpintinn of this periad, I.cndcr may invnkc any remodia
<br /> pcmilltcd 6y�his Sccurily Tnstmment�viihnW Ponhcr notitt or dcnwvd nn f3nrmwcr. _ _ .,_
<br /> 1R, AOrYONN�6 FI$111 f0 RCIONYIC. I( DOITOWCf O1CCI5 lifldill C110A11iM15, RnftoWCf ShnII Ila�'e IIIC IIgI11 lo have
<br /> rnforeemem of Ihls Security Instn�ment dismndnucA at any time Qdor�n �he earlicr oL• (a) 5 days(or xuch mher periad as __.
<br /> appllu�ble Inw may s�rxlfy for relnsistcmenp bctore salc of thc Propcny punuam �n nny pmrer of salc wr.�ainal in Uiis �,,;
<br /> Sccudty Insuumcnt;or(b)entry of a Judgmenl enforcing�hls Smid�y Insuumem.Thnsc mndiilm�s nrc ihal Rorrowcr.(a)pays ��.
<br /> 4ender all sums whtd��hen wnuld be due undcr this Sccudty Insuumem and the Note as tf nn aeceleration had oecurad;(b) �:_
<br /> curos any defaul�ot ony ndicr rnvenams ar agrcemcros;(c) pays nll expenses iacumcd in cnfontng this Sccurity Instrunxrt, -----_-
<br /> Indndfn� bu� no� Itmlial to,ra�mnnb!e auomeYs'fces;and(d1 nkcs wch.r.tiort as[xn5:r mzy rtanna6iy rtquiee w assure (ias:sj�':_'"--
<br /> that thc Ilen of this Saudly Instmmem,I.endcr s righis in th,e Propeny a�.d HorroA�tr s obligaeion to pay[he sirtu sawa!bJ �,;.;,._,:=,.
<br /> this Secadty inu[ununl shall mntinue unc6anged. Upon reinuate�ixnt by Sorroxer, ehis S�rurity inxfumxnt a.r�d ihr ,
<br /> obligatiom secumi hereby s6all rtmaln fidl��ettttvi�r as if no aemlerncion h:r1 occurrtd-}(awm�er,thi.right to rcinstate siull ,rt�M -..
<br /> not appty in tM caw of nceclero�ion undrr pua�ngh i7. ' -'':; —
<br /> ]9. Sate oi Noiei Cha�l,re eR Ya�aa S:r�tr.�ce. 'ihe Nae or a panial inhres� in tht �tae Rogcttmr �cith this Ssurity - - �.. ���
<br /> huwmm0 nuy bc wid onc m ma�e timrs o�i�huul priur naicc w Durm��cr.A zilc ma�•rc�ult in a changc in thc enti�y ticnmvn -..,+.�:-<:_.
<br /> �t,-z.-----
<br /> as ihe'Loan Servicer')Iha�mll�tts nnntRly pa��mems due u�cr�hz Nae air,i diis Secumy Imtrument.Tlure alsn��:y be one �=�.�;.;i,,....
<br /> or nwre changa of tlM Loan Service�unrzla�al i��a sale of the No�e.If tlkre is a cl�ange of ihe f.oan Srn•irer, f3orro��er will bc r' .j, .
<br /> given w�rittcn no�im of�hc thangc 6i accoNartr.�ri�h paragraph 14 abo��c and spplicablc law.Thc nntirr will s�a�c tl�c namc and , i:;r.F-.:
<br /> addrcss of tlie new Loan Scrvicer and�he aAittr�tn �vhich pa��mrnis shonld be ntade. The no�ici�viil niso camain any o�her =����,_,;;,:.
<br /> fnfomia�ion rcqulred Ay applica6lc Imv. �;t'`tf:�r`:-
<br /> I0. Ifataedous 5ubstances. Dorrower shall not caux or pemiit the preunm.use,disposvl, siorage, or release of any �/`-�+�F;,��-�
<br /> Ilai�mlous SuAs�anms on or in ihc Propeny. 6orto��'cr shall no� do, nor allow anyonc clsc �o do, anq�hin afkc�in thc �'•'j��i'""--
<br /> & F sL�s:�.,.
<br /> Property t6a�is in viula�ian of any Emironnrmal Law.Thc pnt�eJing nrn scmencts shall noi apply m�he pnsencr, usc,or ..�.S��FZ��..�
<br /> s�orage on Oic Pmpeny of xmall quami�ics of Hazirdous Subs�antts�ha�.re generalty rccagnizcrl to be appropriate�a nomial �--rk�y'idwr-.
<br /> zr,r.7.._:,_:�..
<br /> ft5�dC011.1�USCS 00�tP 018�OIC110fi1'C O�l�lt PN�.Ct1}'. ��T;:+.•"�"
<br /> 6ortox•er shall promp�ly girc L.mf.r��ntten notitt of any inees�igation,claim. d.manJ. le�cxnit nr nther ac�ion by any ,�j3y�ti•��_.-
<br /> gorernmcmal or regula�ory agenq•or prirat�party invoh•ing�hc Propeny and any Ila�anlous Substanc.or Gnvironmcmal Law -- ' '
<br /> of which Dorro�rcr has acwal km�w I.dge. If Ibrton�cr Icams, or is nmifitd 6y any gnvernmcntal nr rrgulamry authori��.that s ���i ---
<br /> any r�moval or otlicr renredia�ion of any Haranious Sub��ancc affcc�ing�hc Pmpny is nccessary,Rnrrmrcr shall prompi y�akc J�`:___-
<br /> all r�.a;:.r�tcr.�v?:!actinns In_:con!3.^.cc unh[nvi�nnmrm�l I�w. -�`+'
<br /> As usal in ihi��umgr.ph 20, 'Ilamrdum Su6ctantts' arc ilmsc substanas defined as �oxic or ha�ardous substanccs by /�?,
<br /> Cnvironmental 4�w anJ tlic following w6s�nr.rcu gamiine, kcrosenc, othcr flammablc or toxic pc�mleum Pmduc�s, toxic ,;;�Tt...:=�_-.
<br /> pcs�icides and herbicidcs, colaiile snl�•cros, matcrials containiny aslxsm.ar fornuldclqde,und radioaa�rc maicnals.As used in t�"`�S ',�:
<br /> �hu ua ra h 20. 'Environn:•:n�d i-a��' mwns faicral lm.and la�rs nf�hc jurisJic�ion whcrc thc Propeny is loca�cd �hat 4 r �� �i.�-
<br /> P B P r� n��
<br /> nletr[o t,�al�h.safc�y or cnci�amnmzl prottt�ion. .�a{� :
<br /> \O.�'•UNIFQRM COVL•M1��"15.Iformncr anJ i.cmk��unhcr covcnam anJ agnr:m foli��u. �r. � F�.:
<br /> 21.Aceelertniun;Remedles. I.ender Rhall ghe im�lre l0 6orro��er prlor�o ncccicmtlan folloxing ISorrox�er's 6reaah yr,�-�.},aA,,,-_r
<br /> of ults corenmit or ngrmmenl In this Sen�dt:Instmmenl (6ul nut prlor to accclera�lan under parngraph 17 anlar vs1 r� _
<br /> apPl?r.ible lu�v p�rorldes olhenJse).Thc nntzc<hsll spedO: (n)Ihc Jefmdl; (b)tl�c ncllou requlred lo wre ihe defaul4 �ys,,����.�> _.
<br /> (a)n datt.not Iess 16an SO da):s Tsont Ihe�Inle iFR nmi[e 1.gl�en to Dorroxer.b���+hlcl�ihe defoull must be eured;and fh`.�:i�,r....•.
<br /> (�7)tLa;tallure lo curc the defnull mi or Ixfotc�he dnte spcctlicd In t6e notice mu��resnl� in accclerntlon of the sunu •r.,�tSh.,-„�_:
<br /> securctl b��Ihis Snadq• la.trumenf nnd vde nT Ihe Protxrly. The nnUce shall Nrlhcr Inform 6orro���er af the ri Lt lo ''; ° `"°-�
<br /> E F�,{��t•;�.
<br /> reliulnte ofler ncaieratlon and Ihe r(ght m trring �� court nc�lon to acsert Ihe nan•exlslenee of a defuuit or an�� other f� J��;«��;.�
<br /> defense af Rorroi�rr!o accelrrnlinn nnd+atr. !!the defnull ts not c+sr.�!on or before ihe date spccitled In ihe nolim, `;"��_,��_,��-
<br /> I.euder.nl Ils oplion, ma�' rtqnlre Immntinie p:q'menl In full at nt0 .nn�s securttl b?�Ilds Securily Instrument xilhoul '���'s'=::`:,;�
<br /> turlher dcmnnd nnd mnp In�nAc ihe poocr of satc nnd aas olhcr remedits pennilted 6v appIknble luw. Lender shell be ;�1:"ri:i�ic'`
<br /> enlllicd ro colittt nll expe��ses incurreJ In pursulug ihe remntic�prnclded In lhls�Hicx��,rnph]I.6icluding.Uul mt Ilmh�d +�.3.':,,��;;;
<br /> �'�°�yt`r'i.5:.•
<br /> fo,rcetwnaUle nitnr�gs'fms�md eosls of tltle e��idenee. ':;tiid'+;'�'`;-
<br />.. Property'Is�oc:hd and tilialltu�11 mptes oi uch nollee h�'Ihe,ninnnrr presc�ibcd I y npplicx�!e'I�1�IO��Bo roiicr and1to ,���•'.s�r.'rrr�_.
<br />._ the all:er�xnmu prescribttl by�npplicui>Ie Imr.,lfter the fhue reyuB•ed hc nppllcnbic la�r.7ruc��rr shall ghe pu611c nolim ��ns;� '
<br /> nP±xlc to Ihe�xrsons iuid in thc manncr pracri6ed 6�appllcxUle lau.77mt�w,xhhnnt demnnd an Rorroucr,shall srll �� `�.:'
<br /> Z 7 ea.
<br /> ihc 4'rufrrly at public imcllon to tl�r highest biddcr n�ihc�imc nnd pinm anA undcr�hr arrms Jrslgnat�d In Ihc no�lcc of !7Y�'.i;':i�:-:
<br /> sxic in anc ur m�rc �rccls nnd in m�y orJer Traricr ec�rrndncs.Trustec ma�� �la nnt v�le of all or nnp �arccl af Ihe #����'�•;?'-d,"�--
<br /> p. � I P I �- � '
<br /> Properly lay �a�6Fic annnuncrmenl n� �he fisne and place n(nnr pre�i�msh schiduled s�le. l.ender or Il]ACSI�,IIM 1119)' . . _ f '!
<br />.. Purchase Ihe Frn6�rny nt om�4nle. � l': � .
<br />_ �,�:'��:.�!�...
<br /> �.a_��'s_•._'�:.
<br /> -,�+c;;,,r:,:
<br />. ,.._y�....
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<br /> j�. :�,(.
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