.. .� .. . .. .. .._. _ ._ _.__ . ___ _ _ ._. .. . _ _ . _ .-
<br /> 92--� �t��S�.�.
<br /> TO(lfi'fHRR 141T1i nll iho Improvemems now on c�rcaftcr crcGal on�hc proricny,and ail cxsemcnts,appuncnanas,�nd
<br /> tizlures now or 6crca�er n pnrl nf ttA propecty. All rcpinecmems nnd :xidi�lons s1in1l niso Bc mverod by this Smidty
<br /> Jnsttnm:nl.All ot�ho foregoing 1s rcfaned Io in A�is SccUrhy instmmmt as Iho'P.ro�.ny.• -_...__
<br /> RORROWRR COVANAN7S�hnt Flortox•er is Iawfufiy uisttl of�Iro es�aie her.by wnveyaf and has the dgiu to gmnt nnd
<br /> wnvey tho Ptopeny and that iho Propeny is uneexuml+end,exce�,t (or encumbrances of nxnrd. Rorcowcr wartnnls and wlll
<br /> defend genetaliy the titio to th:Propeny agains�sll cl�ims and denunds,su6Ject to any encumbrances otrecord.
<br /> T1113 SECUR{TY 1RSTRUhiRNT combincs uniPorni mvenants for retiuna� uu md non•uniform mvrnams u•Ilh Iimited -
<br /> vadntions by Judsdlclian Io mnstl�ato a unlform sccudty Ins�mmcal mvedng rml property.
<br />- UNI�ORhi COYGNAN7S.Borrawer nnd I.endcr wvenanl enJ agnro ns follows: ' -- �- - -�
<br /> }. Payment ot Princt�l nnd fnlerai� Prelu�mrnt and La�e Charga. DortoWcr shall promptly pay when duo t6o,
<br /> pdncipal of and imer�.tt on�he dc6�evidencul hy tlio No�c nnd any prtpayment and la:c cLargcs duc under thc Notc.
<br /> 2.FLndx ta Tsza and Tnsurnnce.Subfeci to nppl(cable Inw or to a written waiver by f.ender. Rorroroxcr shal!pay lo
<br /> l.cndcr on�iw d�y nwnthty p3ymcnts nro duc nndcr�hc Naee,uutil Uic Notc is paiQ[n Cull,a sum('Tunds")for.(a)yea�[y taxes
<br /> nnd nssessnxnis whlch may atmin pdofiy over thls Securiry[osuwrrot as a lien os tF,e Paopeny:(b)yeai[y teav:hotd papuznrs
<br /> or ground rznts on tiw Propeny, if nny;(c)yeatty t�szard ot propt�ty insuranc�e preudunts;(d)yeady ttoa!insuran�pceaa�ms, �- - --
<br /> [f any; (o)yairiy nwrtgago Insunnw premiv.�s,if any:uA(�any sums psyabla 6y Bormiecr m Lendcr,in aannfaooe aick
<br /> tF,�provistons of paregtaph 8.im tiea of rhe pa�ment of marcgage insurance pmmiw�u.'Phese items are cnlled'F_scrnw�Itrnu."
<br /> I�rn�r may, a�any dmo, mltaz and hotd i•Lnds in an :mm.:nt no�to exceeJ ihv muimum amount a tender Coc a faiarally _
<br /> related mongage loan may rcqui`x for Qorto��xr's escrow attrount an,.^er�hc fcder�l Rcal Cs�a!e Seulement Proreduros Act ot ----- -
<br /> 1974 as anxndod from time a�irz�e, !2 U.S.C.Sccdon 2601 ei seq.('St�Si'A'), unless anothcr law�hat applics to the Tunds
<br /> scas a Icsscr anwunt. If so, Lenc3�r�nay, at any t6nc, m11a�end hold Fnnds in nn,mouN not to excecd�he Icsscr antounl.
<br /> I.ender nuy estinu�o the emaan[c�,+Slmds duo on ttu basis ot currcm da�a end reasanabfe eslinu�a of expendi[ura of(uwrc �!���---�- -
<br /> Escrow ttems or oiherwise in acrceJan,�e wiih upplicable Ea�r. �_��-_
<br /> �,L-�:..
<br /> The �mMs shall be heid in nn instia�tion �vhose d�yu.iis nm insnred by a fodaml egency, im�mmen�a;4c}�. or emi�y ?�s�:_--,
<br /> (includin Lender,if Lender Is such an innunion)or In an Pederol Homae Loan Rank.Lender sh.+At a 1.�he S'nr,ds to thr. �`�'��_�s`�'
<br /> 8 Y PP PaY �.:,�,�_.
<br />. Eserow Items. Lendcr may noi charge Q�urou�cr ior holding and applyiecg[he Tunds,annuaily analyzing ihe a�rou�,+.noun[,or fror�ii:>^C__..
<br /> re;iYying ihc Cscrow iicros,unle�s I.ondcr pay�s Borrox•cr interesl on Ihc Funds and applia6le�aw pemil�s Ler,der ai r.sike such ��%'^��
<br /> ��.f1.Y:i2a�-.
<br /> n d��.,e. Howeveq Lcnder m�g rcquirc IIortox�cr m pay n onrtime charge for on imle�.endcnt rcal cstatc tax mpuning aervla �,.r;��,�;,:
<br /> used by Lender In connec�inn wi�h ihis loan, unlas appllcable law providrs otl�rmise. Unicss an egrmmem is nude or ,f ti'i'r6i�,��:-
<br /> appliaible law requircs intercxt ro be paid,Lcndcr shall no�be rtquircJ ta�y Uarrowor any inceres�or camings on the Pimd.. �`�',�.'M��"�
<br /> ��t�.:.�v�::.�
<br /> I3orrowcr and I.endcr may agrm in writing,however,that Intercs�shcli 0c p�id on ths�unds. Lcnder shall givc�o ftorrower. >,x--
<br /> t _;_..
<br /> a�(�haxt charge,an annual x�munting of ihe�unds,showing cadi�s and debhs m �5c Funds and the purpose !or whkh each ;�,'�i�;;;�;'-�
<br /> <ie�z:o the FunJs was mada"R+=FLnds nre plMged as acidi�ionnl secud�y for all suim w:ar.d by�his Secudiy I¢s�rumer.�. - 5����`,_� ��
<br /> w
<br /> lf�he Funds hcid by LenA:r, exceod �he amoums pernii��d to be hcld by cppllcxbie law,I.ender sha11 nccouat a�FWrrower �¢�;5;;_(?;ti-:
<br /> Pot�he excess�unds In aecordance wiih tl:e caQ.drements of applfr,fble Inw. 1(�6e omount of the Fuo1s F.�Id 6}� l.enJ:f al nny �;;�y 1:?%i'::;;-
<br /> tinx is not sufficicm to pay ihc EYCm.r Lems xh:«duc,LcrJcr may su nMify florro�ccr In wriiing, :aW,in such rrsc worro���cr i?��t�t�;`,S'--
<br /> `�.,<,�.:S�is
<br />� - iMll pay !o I.emier 16e amount rtrcexv�ry in nT�te up the deficfency. Bonower ehall make up Ihe de(ciency in m� more than -«'-s=^==''-
<br /> nreSve monthl a mems,at L.ceder's solc discrc�ion. >;;,il•".v{1;!_;:_;
<br /> Y P Y _,;;t��� t;:�._-._
<br /> Upon paymem In full u(nll sums xecurcd by ihis Securiiy huimmen6 Lender s6all promp�ly refund ro 6orcox�cr nny <.?.s,�l;�r}.!'�
<br /> Funds held b Lcndcr. i(,undr� rn n 411.I.cnder shall ac uire or sell ihe Pro n , Lendcr,priar io Ihc ac uisitim�or sak � "�'<Y���"�
<br /> Y Yfl E�P• 9 P� Y 9 'r`�rfllS�ti:i=::,..
<br /> of�he Property,shall npply any Fnnds 6_id by I.ender et�he time o(a�c;•si.itinn or sale as a cndit against the sums securaf by ;�nri4,lrY.
<br /> Uds Securi�y Inswment. ;';1,G,w�.°._:
<br /> ��Y�4;:;:_
<br /> 3.AppllenUon of Pay�ne:t�s.Unirss applkable law provida o�hernise,nll paynknts received 6y I.ender under;�rogrepLs ty�*�-`�`l��,;!;�.:-.
<br /> I ainl ?shall h applled: firs�.to a�y pcepaymcm chzrges duc unJcr the Notc:xcond.eo amoums payable undcr{uragraph 2; , 1�((�^"-,`{-,:
<br /> IAird,fo intertst due:founh,�o princi�l daa;and la�i,to any laie charges Jue under the No�e. �li';��1�"Isz��-
<br /> � � 4.Cha tsi Uens. 6orrower si�all n ail�nxes,assessmems,char as, fines und im ci�iun�nca�buiable�o�he Pro n ��'�'` '��'"�� -
<br /> �8 P} .S M� P� Y .�;�i`.;i;'�i'_'•k:-::
<br />; �rhich may auain priori�y orer�his Securi��� Inarum�nt, oi� Icaseiwid pay�mer.�s or groand rems, i(:iny. Bmro���er shall pay Y_:�}�;' �
<br /> [h�c ubliga�fonz in the manncr providal in pangroph 2,or ii nn�pafd in iha�nwnner,Uorrowcr shali pay them on time dirccdy �j;',,,,T,�_:,::(.
<br /> P� ' PY P p > P P 8 P ;� '" O-�..
<br /> lo thc non owtd a mem.➢orrnwcr si�all rom 11�(urni.h to Lc�der all noticcx of na:ounts lo be aid mdcr Ihis ara ra h. „--t;p�;.S.;_:�
<br /> If Oorrower makes thae paymcn�s dinrtly.6orro�vcr shal!p:ompilr(urnish io l.cnder remipis criJcncing tlie payments. ���yi,�p __�
<br />� 6orronrr xk�ll promp�ly Jischargc any lien�vhich h:+s prinri��o.�er thic Snnrity Ins�mmem unitss 6orrowcr.(a)agrces in ti�)�+S��A ``-.
<br />- writing to the ya,��s•ant of tlie obliga�ion saunrl by �hc lien in x nunnc�o.Yap�ablc to Lcudcr,lbl cont.sls in goad failh�F.e lien `�'�1�t;Y%L;''t..+''"�
<br /> 6y. or deferds against enfn�cemem of the licn in. tegat prncecJingx which in ifre Ler.der's opiniu:�opera�e tn pre�'enl the ;%;��>��;<.�;c,iS`"`.
<br />� ertzoreemem of the Iicn:or to.�urcz tram thc holder of �h.•�irn an ngmement.ap.ie.[up•m I.ender wbordmacmg thC hen lo j;T3. , �k s -,.
<br /> �., 1�:�1Yi�;.`
<br /> Ihk SiCUrily InslNmcnl. If I.t��dcr dcicrminca�h:�t �ny part n(IF..1'io�n��is.ubjcA la a iirn xhich m:ry auain prinrilp uvcr ��i��"Gy;;r'.���
<br />_ ihis Securiq•Imwmem. LenJer may giee Uotmwer a nmice fd�mii�inf 1ht licn. f3orto���cr>hall•:�ti.t� �he licn or Iake one m y5 i7?�t`s'.':"�
<br /> ;�:;-+ r_ ..
<br /> mom of the acii.m x�ford�abnvc wi�hin 10 JaJ�a of�hc Fiving of nmi:c. (:�,ti::;:-.::?.
<br />, .,(..•:.-�+�=�
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