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.. �.' . . . ....�. <br /> �• � ii � . !i `,. <br /> .�1�1. . . <br /> '. .,•.��.br�:.�/.. .� ,• � . . _.._...._�.....� . <br /> . _._....----'--. .. ... . <br /> . ' ,, � ' C ANTS � �' � , , ' •.s,`;T:��"- <br /> .. ���. ..� ! ; g� �.o�a�s <br /> 1, p�y�rpnt�. Borrower eprees ts�make ali peymants or� tha eoCUted d8bt when duo. Un�ese Borrowor end Lender eproo otho►wiso, any ., ,. <br /> ppymantn I.a�der ra�olvoe irom Bonowor or}or Botvower'n bdn�llt wU�be applled firet to eny amounta Borrower owes on thv secured debt <br /> - not roduGO oinuxcu�aa nnyriachodu�odpoymont�untll tho�aocueod dobtriu�paidlfn}ull��propeymont of tho socuroddobt occura for nny roaeon,It will <br /> ,. <br /> Y.Cislmo Ap�lmt Titl�.Borrowor w��pay all taxee,nssosemonto, and othor charpoe ottributublo to the proporty whon duo nnd wiil dotond tltlo � <br /> detense�whloyhpF�or�rower mey�h8v OA�t Partlns�wha eupply abor or�nnterlale to Imp ovo or m�e+ntaln�tho aoryorty�eslpn ony riphts,clalme or _ <br /> 1 3. (ntunuca. Borrower wlll keep ths property lnsured under terma accepteble to Lender at Borrowor's expenae end for Lender's benefit. All . <br /> ' �. , Ineu��nr,n nnlicles=he!!lnctude�R�+�derd mortpspepclawe in}�var of Lender.Lender wlll be namod eo Io�s p+yee or ee the Insuted on eny�uch ; � <br /> � oreto tho coc�urod dobtf If Landorpnqui�ee}m�ey bflo Ins�uien��t Hnrrowe6 agre�ee�to�malnte�ntsuch�insurance fores lonplee Londor�roqures roperty <br /> rt <br /> q,prop�rty.Borrower will keap the property In pood conditton md meke all reDa�r�reesonabty neeeasary. �.;� <br /> �' 6.Exp�n��i.Borrower egrees to p�Y all Lender's oxpenaos, including reasoneble ettorneye'fees,If Dorrower breaka eny covenente in thle dead :. <br /> � � � of trust or In eny oallgatlon sec�►ed hy this deed of truat.Borrower will pay theee ert�ounts to Lender aa p�ovided In Covennnt 9 of thle dood of , .`�, ;_ <br /> trust. , ;i�'%�� <br /> 8. P�ior S�eurity fnt�niU. Unless 8orrower first obtalna Lender'S writton cor.sent. Borrower will not make or permit anU chenpes to nny prlor `-� <br /> security Intereats. Borrowor will perlorm oU o} 8orrower's obliUetians undor eny prlor mortpege, deed of trurt or other security oproement, �,�ha���'^�• <br /> inotuding dorrowar'e covanente to mat:e peymonto whnn dua. � <br /> .i.K.'f.}„a = � <br /> 7.A�NW�ment of Rent�and Pro�tit�.Borrower essigns to LOntler tha rente end profits of the property.UNos�Bprrowor and Lender have agreed ._,r, - <br /> ,.. <br /> otherwlse In wrtting, 8orrower meY colloct end retFlfn ths rnnt3 as long es Borrower is not In dafault.If Borrower de}aults, Londor, Lender's <br /> apent, or a court appolntod rnceivx maY take passession and menngo �ha property and collect thH ronta.Any ronts Lender coliecte shell be ,::'r':;�•---- <br /> eppliod first to the coste of manag�n�7 tha property, includin�i court coste and ettorneys' feeu, commissions to rentel eponte, and eny other � , <br /> necessary related expensos.The romni�inp amount of ront&will then npply to paymente on tha eecured dabt es provlded in Cqvenant 1. _ <br /> 8.l�u�holdr Condom�dum�;Pt�a Unit avsioRm�nt�.Borrower eGrees to camply with the provlslons of eny leesa If this deed of trust la on r��„n;,'-=-=•- <br /> s leesehotd.1�this deed of trust It on e unit In e condominlum or a plenned unit development,Borrower will perform all of Borrower'e dutiee ., i�. <br /> under the cavenante,bylawa,or repulatlona of the candaminium or plenned un(t devetopment. � '�''„—� <br /> '! � 9. Authority of L�nd�r to Puform for Borrow�r.If 8orrower fails to�parform eny of Borrower's dutlea under thls deed of trust, Lender msy :< <br /> •��•F•. �. perform the duties or c�use them to!�e periormed.Lender may sipn 9orrower'e name or pey eny amount it necesaery for performance. If eny ,.,,•� <br /> constniction on the property is discontinued or not carrled on(n a reasonable menner,Lender mey do whotever ia nncea�ary to proteot Lender's _�. <br /> ' -I aecurity interest in tho property.TNs mey inch+de complating the construation. 'R83�+!�, <br /> . .' ..f`'':�k,1 �l,���:__ <br /> � ;}. Lendar's feilure to perform will notprecludo Lendar f�om exerciaing any of its other rlphts under the lew or this deed of truat. ' 4,_��, ^_ _ <br /> • ,� nr�d w 11 heerainte�rest iro�ni the dape of the payment until pa dtln full atiihe Intorest�iate in�eNect ontthe eecured debt unts will be due on demnnd ' '� <br /> .'�;.'f� �_+� '7;�� <br /> 1<:,, d. 10. O�fault�nd�►ccstKaUon. If Borrowe►falis to make any payment whan due or breaks any covenants under this deed of trust or any ;ti'�. -+ <br /> oblipetion seaured by this deed of uuat or eny prior mortgege or deed ot trust, Lender may accelerote ihe matur(ty of the secueed debt end <br /> ,. � '� � demand immediste payment end roiy 1nvoke the power of seie and any other remediea permitted by oppllcabte iaw. .r <br /> ip �: 1 t.R�qu��t tor Notic�of O�fwtL It ia hereby requested thet copies of tho notiees of defauit and sele be sont to each person who is e party 4 �i; <br /> .,,�� horeto,at the address of eech such peraon,ae set fonh herein. <br /> �','�,•;I� T 72.Powe of 8�1�.if ths lsnder invoke�the power ot seto,tno Iruetoe sitaii iirei recoru in iiro�i4i�o�: i�ro rsp�atas at da..-de ot�sCh�o�!��; ' <br /> wherein tha truat property or�ome part o�parcel thereof is situatod a notice of defeuit contAining the Informetion required by law.The Trustee <br /> �.,�� sh�ll elso mefi copiea of the notlu ot deteult to the Borrower, to each person who is a pnny hereto,and to other personn es preacribed by f� <br /> �. � appllcablo lew. Not leae than one month eher tha Trusto�recordc the notice ot default� or two mantfia If the uust properry is not in eny �!. ;� <br /> •,: �. Incorporetod city or viilepe and la used In farming operotions cerried on 6y the traator,the 7ruatee shall giva pudlle notica of r�ale to the persons �. ,'�: <br /> and In the manner preacrl6od by�pppllcebto law.T►ustae, without demand on Bonower,ehetl aell the p►operty at publla nuation to the hi9te�at �,�; ,.,;_ <br /> � '` � bldder. If required by the Farm Hanestead Protectipn Aot, Trustee shait ofte►tho propertv In two eeparete eetee ae requlrod by oppliceble law. <br /> Trustee mey poatpone seie of el!or eny parcel of the property by public announcement af tho time and piace of any previounly scheduled sete. <br /> Lendar or ite deaienee may purchne the propertY et eny eale. <br /> ' Upon recelpt of payment of th1 price bid,Tructee chsll dei{ver to the purchaser Trustee'e deed conveyinp the property.Tho recitlals contatned In <br /> Yruatee's deed shall bs prima tacla evidience of the truth ot thn statemente contalned therein.Trustee shafl eppty tho proceede of the eele In the <br /> ' reinitatemeM feesa�lbl to`aU eumfscecu ed by thfi�deed oti truet uand lol�het balance,Itseny bto t e peesons/epalty ontttled to receive it.f�ea and --� <br /> 13.Fonclo�un.At Lender'e option, this deed of truat may be foreclosed in the manner provide by appliaebte law for foroclosure ot mortgegea <br /> � on roal property. �� <br />�;>�'%�� • � 14.Insp�otlon.Lender may enterthe property to Inspect it(f Londer gives Borrowor notiae batorehand. The notice muet stnto the ree:ortsble — <br /> ,s� , ,«, causo 4or Lender'e inspection. <br />_ ' ' ' �:;:,I 76.CorMwnnWar.Bo�rower eaa�yns ta l.eMer the�roceeda of eny ewerd or claim for damage9 connectad with e condemnatlon or other tAking --- <br /> � of sil or any p�rt o4 the property.buah proceeds will be applied as provided in CoveneM 1.This essignment is cubjeot to the torma ot any prior <br />�"' , � ,, �� securfty sDreement. <br />�r, .,<<: Y p Y y _..�. <br />_� •�• - . .y eny rom dy upon BotrowersYdafauea lender doei�not waive eny ripht to Iater��ooneider the event a�defautt If It happena sQelnY�By not exercisinp - -, <br /> _ �„•..,.,,. <br /> �• .M1•. _ <br /> ` 17.Jotm.nd S•vxr.l U�• Cc-alpn�n; Succ�s�a� �nd Au7yns Swnd. Ail duties under thie deed of trust ere Joint end severel. Any <br /> -���..`, � :,� Borrower who co-aipna thle eed of trust but doea not co•sign tho undcrlyinU deb. inatrumentls) doei so oniy to yrent end canvey that �_ <br />__,�-•••�•�MV-•.� Borrower'�fnteroat In the propertyt�the 7rustee u�der the terme oi thie daed of truat.In addition,euch a Borrowar egreea thst the lender and _ — <br /> — ^ eny other Borrower under this ded of tru�t may extend, modf}y or make eny other chaogea In the term�of thle deed of trust or the aecurod _. <br />�_.,�;,"' _ det�:en�9thoirt that Bonower'e coasent end without reteasinp thas Borrowar from the terma of thls deed of uuat. ---�=----- <br /> ��°�=f-- <br />��;`�;� . The dutiea and bensfits of thle doed ot vuat shali bind end bcnefit the succoseore end ess;gna of I.ender end Borrower. ''�w�=-_�-� <br /> . . �,,;,;-.,����--: <br /> 18.NoUc�.Unless otherwlse req�ired by law,eny notice to Borrower ehall be gfvon by dellvering it or by ma�lir�p It by certified meil addrosaod to F?� :__ <br /> � �, Borrower et the property addroae or eny other eddross that Borrower hae gfven to Lender.Banower wfli pivs eny notice to Lender by certiflod �+s��.��i�' <br /> mall to Lender'e eddre�e on pape 1 of thia deed of trust,or to e�y other eddress whlch Lender he�dealgnatod.Any other notice to Lende�ehali a � <br /> • be sent to LeMer's address ee abled on pafle 1 of thia deed ot trust. �%�•�ti;:-. <br />— . . .� -"-��1�'-'� <br /> J :r�'��y <br /> �. Any notice ehell be deemed to have bean givon to Borrower or Land�r when given in the mannor atutod abova. ��`:��„*�;�j'+�.':' <br /> ''��t.,..�.-�;.;�..: r�, <br /> - 19.Tnnth►of th�Prop�rty ot �B�ficl�Int�nst in th�Borrow�►.If all or eny part of the propetty o� eny Interest In It le sold or tranaferred ��"�',;. '�±✓•�:-';'�'='°- <br /> 1,. E . ��., . <br /> ' with0ut Lender's prior writton cansant, Lender mey demand immediete peyment of the Returod debt. lendo► mey also demand Immodiate •' �!�.�•-::; <br /> payment If th0 8orrowur Is nat e namral pereon and n beneficlai Intereat in the Borrower is aold or iransforrr�d. H�wever. Londer mey not . . ;,ti'�1�'�:�; <br /> < demand paymont in the ebnvo siN�tions if it Is prohibitod by foderal law as of tho dato of this doad of vust. �;,�;�:,.;,.� <br /> ; � ni ;: :-b:,'�`. <br /> 20.R�eonwy�nc�.�NNen the odigation securad by this dead o4 trust hao beon paid,end Lendor hoa rsofurthor oblipation to mako advancea �• <br /> '�A <br /> under ths instrumen4c or egreamonts socured by this deed of truot,tho Trustae ohall,upon wrltton roQaost by the Londor, roconvoy tho trust ""`'�` <br /> proporty.The Lender chell doliverto the Borro4ver, or to Borrowar'g succeaoo�in intorost,tho true�daed ond the noto or othor ovidonr.o of the . <br /> .. , <br /> oblipetlon so aatietied.Borrower thsll p�y eny recordation casts. <br /> � _ ,_ _.__ 21. Succ�ssor Tn�atw. Londer,.et Londer's,option, maY remove..7rustee end eppoln�e successor tr�ste�e�`by iH�st, mul�ling,a,oo�p�t�in�fa . <br /> - -- -- -� . <br /> -- sub6tRUtlon ot trustee ea requireaoy epp�icaow�aw,o��a anoo,a ua� uto auwa�wa.v..o..... ... o.. • .•�..-.••--- _ _ ._._. __ - ___-___ -_-.- - <br /> of each county In whlch the trustproGerty,or some part thereo�,is s�tuated.Tha successor trustoo,without conveyence of the property,shall <br /> " auCCeed to eIl the power,dutles,euthor{ty and tltle of the Truatee named In the deed of trust end of eny successor 4niatoo. . <br /> Ipage 2 0l 21 <br /> BANKERS 6YSTEM9,INC..6T.CLOUD.Mx6830�It-a90�387•13411 FORM OCP•tATO�NE 811yFJ1 <br /> .. . . .. .. . ............ .—� -. ..-'-"• - ,- -. <br />