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v _ <br /> .� .� ._ � 7 1��� rT � f.2./s �ai�f r �,,¢ gi . 3�. � :/�';r.. <br /> l� <br /> .� .. - - `. 7 yt -af�-� � t : - - pl7a,7v�7 .�tYrm I . ...._ _.,.__ . _ <br /> .. ..,.iliix�Slu.�.Irl�.L,#ra't�,4.Ak,..w�u1:y.9i:r. �rv-e+�•��;:Sa.sJ:r''HaF�`51ii_�_...�.....,....ti:.•._..�_._:._� " _. <br /> �:�;t�,� g?,-�, �.���'tt� <br /> -t_:� ' 37.Tr�ns�tr ottiro IRn�xNy or a Deneticl�I intercst In Rnrro�vcr.If a�l or any pan of the Propeny orany Interest in it <br /> 7•�_:.1:Y.7 Is wld or transfcrrcd(or if a bencOclal imcrsst in Ik�rcower is soid or�mnsRtrcd ad iSorrowu is nm u natuml pcnon)wlihout _ <br /> , _:.'� LeMe�'s prtot wdtten wnunt. I.endcr may, a� i�s optlon, rcqnira ImmcEfate payment In full of ail sums secumd by �his <br /> - - _' Saumy Insltunxnl.I(nwever,lhis oplion shall nol be ezercisal Ly In:ndtr If xxercis�!s pmh@(tai by fulenl hw as nf tha da;e -•----�--- � ---- - �� <br /> .:e..�"'� -__ <br /> ��`�dE� oF this Suuri�y Insuumcm. -- <br /> ���i1,ij If LcnJcr cxcrciks�his option, Lsndcr shail givc Dorrox•cr naicc ot am;icra�lon. Thc nodcc sltill pmvidc u pcdnd of no� <br /> � <br /> less than 30 deys from the date the nmtce is deliveral ar malied withln which Oarrower musl pay all sums secund 6y this y� - <br /> •i-'�j�2 Securiry Insuunxnt,if Rorrower falis�o ay thesc sunu prlor ro the cxpimion oi this pcdal, I.ender may Inroke asy rcmcdics � - <br /> � z�� permiticd by�his Secudty Ins�mmem wl�Ront funhcr noUce or dcmand on[iorcowar. `�Z� -_r <br /> �ar,� I8. lWreowu's RIqht to Rcinstatc. if IInttowcr moets ttnaln mr.dilions. Oormwcr shall havc �hc rigM m hava � _ <br /> F-, enforccnknl ot this Securl�y Ins�rument discaminucd at aay�Ime pdor m �he eadler oC (a) 5 days(or such othcr perind as �r. : --_ <br /> ''f� �: appllcablu law may spccify for rcinsia�cmcnt) bctoro seic of tho Propcny punuant to,ny powcr of wlc mntainW fn this ;� t , -� � <br /> ,�2 -� Saurity Tns�mnxm;or(b)entry of a judgnxm enforcing this Secufiiy insmiment.Thou condltions arc�hxt Oorran•er.(a)pays s't , `S t�:�� <br /> �i f�;� i.ender aIl snms which Ihen would be dne under�hfs Seeuriry Instmment and tlio Noto as if no acccieraqon hod acv.aed;(b) - ,� ,�,�i - <br /> rt ;4 r,� ares any dcfaul�of any othcr covcnan�s or agrcemcnts; (c)pays ail oxpensa incurmnl ia cnforcing qiis Sxuriey lmtmamrt. �c. --. .,.;1{t�`f-• <br /> hY �yk� �hat�lo Ilcn of�I is Sa n1y instmmcmc,�r ssrigrh s�in[k�repcny vd�ikrcro+cr's obligaie n to�aytix sunu aceun�by }�7,.��5� {{le � i �_°_: <br /> --�t f �his Security (nsuum�:nt shall cominue un:hsogM_ Upon rcinsta:emer.i Py Rorrower, thes Socu�xry tutrunxnt and the �� ?yS �yy�r r f F�. <br /> s.� ��_. obllgations securcd ikr�}�st�xll mmaia fully eft:ciice as if ra acalmtios 6:xt arurred.C(o�rz�er, tieSs tigCt lo reins�a�c chall } ¢ 7=�,5 <}. <br /> ..��;sf(�, not apply in thc cauof ncmL•rs.isrrt nn�r paragraph 17. S���i� �-��-rsx� ���. <br /> - t � 19. Sale of Notr. Chen r n5 lman Senicer. Tha No�c or a nial imetesl in Ih:Koie (to +.Ihc�wlih lhls Sccuril k �59(�>Y'� �f*'SYr ;� <br /> 8' Y � KS �kx <br /> ,.�,;�'3r� Insirwnenp may be snld one nr nwrc�inus withont prior nafee ro Dorto\vee A sale may resul�in n change In�he emity(known ��ii ��,�cu a :: <br /> ��;�;�� az Ihe'l.oan Servicer')thv collucts nwn�hly paym.e.*.is due uader�he Nott and�his Securily Inslmment.71xro also may be ona �",�v�r �F'"-'- <br /> �i ry�Y;� or morc changes of tkc 6:�i�Servicer unreiated to u�le of�he Nota If thcre is a chan�c of�he I.oan Sarrau.l3onawer will be ������i 3� � �`--- <br /> r� �-- given wduen no0ce ot ihe ch��r:in c.rordann,µiih paragraph 14 above and applksb e la«�.Tix notice�xill s�ate�he name end '_. <br /> '�at�t��}� addraz of the new Loan S.rvicer nn:S the address�o which payrr,:r.�s should be nude.The r.aice will elm con�ain a�y o�her 'J��,4 t,{�{�(��?:.�'_ <br /> - �5 infomution rcquircd Ay upplicablr law. �'��° ,. <br /> ' '�� _1 20. iYlavardms 5n6slances. liorrower shi•.! nol cauu or pennit �he presenoe, uu, disposal, s�ornge,ar relr.n�c:�f any �t +��,r{y�(t flti�F��M-;__ <br /> �, u�: Haz�rdnus Subs�anns on or in �he Property. 6orrower shali not do, nor allow anyone clse m do, .� aRtt�ing the � c'�?;(G t, t -� <br /> � ;-.a. ; Property�hal is in violation of nny Parviromr.ectn(iaw. The precoding two seNCnees shall noi apply to th:presenn,use,or r t T{��F��4i�t�tt�'� -__ <br /> r i3 �� storsge on �hc Proy+cny of small quanit�fes uf L'ircndous Substancu�hat are gcnerally rccogniud la tr.::qptopriate to nomul �t �'Y� �a t�}G�AX _ <br /> rS4'Se�j raidcr.zial uscs end to mxinicnarce oi thc Pmptny. ��f �� :- <br /> ,a;Y'J,�� B:�rrowcr shall promplly gi�c Lc.�er wriuen mticc of any imostigation,elaim, demirc.t,lawsuit or o�hcr ec�ion by eny J�� �IT�� _� , <br /> -3 sG „ govcmnnmal or ngutzmry agencp or priva�c patly involving iho Yrop:ny and nny Ila�ardons SLbstance or Cnvironnxntal law r ,t{f�§ � s,� �.,_ <br /> �`°I�"� of which Aorrowrr hx acmal knowlMge. If Qorrower Ieams,or is nolif:d by eny governmenlal or regula�ory authority, �hat ;�}�'f)��.f � -. <br /> ' +j'r�� eny rcmoval or othcr run.diatton ot nny flv.anlous Substantt affMing iln Prupany ts neccssary,Dorrowcr shall promplly lake �j.yf �lj��r��` "` - <br /> a'<<!�._ all ncecssary ren.ciiat aa�ions Irt accordancc wi�h Gnvironnxr.tal law. ` , A �i,�,t���,{VR �� s <br /> - �.�F}}_° ns used in�his pangraph Zia 'iima�duua S�G�[n��.G are ::�w su�stan�N Cerr,:� t�xi^,a�li�W:C;�� su,.:ta:z.s by � .��r '_ � -- � <br /> � Environm-,n�al Law and Ihe toilowmg subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, oiher Ilammab:e or toxfc pGroleum prodccts. ioiic �,>J��t� ,'{}. `,*ftr�, <br /> ' ',. (, pesticides and hePolcida,vola�lle solvems,nw�erials mntaining nshslos or fomialdehyde,.�et radioac4ve ma;erinls.A�us�d in i`+�-�} �}��`�,--.-, <br /> i{art f this paragraph 20, 'f:nvironmcntal taw' mcaac iqicral laws end laws of thz Jurisdicilon wherc�hc Propcny is locme3 �FUt t 1��� �,�(��v,•,9��t_; _. <br /> �r t - reiaro to heahh,safe�p or environmcmal proicaio�. fiCf �y- � � - <br /> 1'ir t. 'JT�34r�M1�{ r l�t:;, <br /> NON•UNIRORAI COVCNANTS.Qorrower and Lcndu furihtt covenanc and agrcc a1 follous: �-+- <br /> p ,,. -'� 21.Accelcration;Remedics. Lender shall gl��e nolice to Sorrox�er prlor lo accekeFc�ion foliowlug Borrox�er's breach ,` u�y i������ .-_� <br /> ;�;,_ ot any wrenant or agrcement in �hls Secud�g Gutnm�ent (but not prbr (o cecder:lon underW rograph 17 unless : - -T�r��(`t�' -= <br /> ` - appllcable Iaw`�ralAcs otherxiu).The noliac shall epcciry: (o)Ihe dePou!t;@)the nrtion required lo cum the de�aultt `� f-- :�� 1'�}� a- <br /> ,��v>b (c)a dalc,not Icss thnn 30 dnys from Ihc date Ihc�wtice is gtren to Boraaneer,by xhieh thc de�ault must ix eurcd; and ' ' - � , �r <br /> ';i�4�i�' (d) Ihat fallurc to cnrc�he default on or bePore the dole spectfled In thc nWice may result In accelaro�lon of the sums , : + 4 h°: <br /> securcJ by lhls Sccurity lnstrumenl and wle ot Ihe Property.The nolice shall fu�lher InPorm Dorrower of Ihe right lo . t - '_-�,''�J �..,. <br /> "- �-,y ninslale aher acccicratlon and the right to bring a wurt �cUon to assert �he non-ex�stence of u dr(ault or any otAer ' ' - _;, .: <br /> .�Sl�; deknu ot Borrower to acccicra�lon and sale. If�he Jrfault Is not wred on or before the date s{z�itled �n�Ae notice, - � `. � +' .�, <br /> Le�xler,at Ils opllon, may requlre Immatipte p�yment In full of aIl swns sccured 6y Ihfs Securtly Inslnunent xithout .;; <S�F <br /> i �,' NnIMr demand and may Im�oke the power of selc and ony other remedics pemilttcd by appllcnbie I�w.Lendcr shall be �"�'• a "'� <br /> �i � tntllled to mllect aIl expenses Incurrttl in pucsuin,the rcmedla provldecl!n thts pangnph ZI,Ined:�d�ng,but nol Iimited , _�,* °2 1 i 1t `-I, <br /> '��` i' to,rcasonabie�Itorneys'hes and cosls of t!t!e xsidence. ,�-.--.f;. +"�j, R t-= <br /> .'.<�'�"``.,' It Ihepo wcr ot sale is Invoked,Tn�sue shaq mnrd w nalce of�lelsul�In each munly In wMah any put of Ihe � S�� - <br /> (s�y,g}�� 1'roperty Is I�catcd and shall mrdt copirs oi snch nolice In the manner prcuribttl by applicable law fo Borroxer and to �5 -_�����1�� � �i <br /> � ,Jl�.�4,. lhe olher persons prcscribed by npplicuble lew.ARer the Ilme rcqWred by appliceble 3nw.'IYustce shail give publle nolice -,'�:, � s�. c c-�` <br /> �!� �`.i, of sale to lhc pctsons und in Ihe menner prescribcd Uy oppl(cable lew.2'ruslte,withoul demand on OorroNer,shall sell '-tvr'?� '��,+ -'- <br /> �J„4i},��� Ihe Ptoperly al public nuction to ti�e hig6est bidder at the Iime and place and under Ihe ierms dalSnatcd In Ihe nolice of t � �- �i �.?,'. <br /> A{s�,�S � sale in one or more perccls and 3n any order"�'rustcc dctcrmina.Truslm may�osiponc s+ic ot all or eny p�rcci of the ,f;- �„' ` ;-� - •- <br /> ::i!;;' i4� Prnyizdy by puhilc�nnouncen:en+ n� ihe tlme nnd place of any prevlously schedulrQ sa�e. Lender or Its daignee mqv _�,yA,.('��"`_,,c��__:; <br /> ` +',';� urcL��n Ihc 1'ro n al un s�1e. '•.� T , <br /> P Ik Y Y �d;: `r.. „�.� <br /> `+: _ ,�'. <br /> �( <br /> t i_ c. '.,f`_. - <br /> -�._f�l�{'�,`�`. Fom3038 fl:90 , <br /> ;;31A'�i;1 >�ao�s ;i.y'i; . <br />��:�i��'fr.�y�:} MC307'J�NFJS " . <br /> C��i��Z <br />;:';' i;. <br />-.:,.��,��`7�;�� t:� - .v..,_._. -,:. ... .'--.�-...-..�..-- . ,,., ,.. <br /> � <br />',... ',f4iy+��, . . ..._._....._ __ .. . _ , , . . <br /> :i,,:f? .. <br /> .�;.i•t,r- .. . <br /> - 'it_�'•�-_i_., . . <br /> 'i>i:.� <br />. ' ::�',i..::��; _ . <br /> ;k: <br /> - _>r -. <br /> .�;. <br /> ". f;:y;�i�. <br /> {.l}'.,•.��'.[�. .. <br /> 'f`:.1 �' •--.. <br />. ,y<:; � - ._ --- . - <br /> •>ir� ., jjj <br /> :3, . �. <br /> : :31 - . ' _ ` � _. ____"..._.__ "' <br />