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_ �, ... <br /> ,..,,p,�.; ,, . <br /> �.[ � � Y,,��''.. <br /> :. . <br /> ti'. ,�. rr� .. . .. .� ' 4 .i . '�� <br /> ,._ " _' . . . -{.�*�". •_ .. / " '_'... ... . . ... .. .. ... _ . ...... ... ... �� <br /> . ^r.a . _ . .. ..... ..... . . .. ......... ;'�� <br /> . � <br /> . . �yJ <br /> _ . . . ._ _....... ...�.. .._.. . .. <br /> . ' "�w t IJY1�_._ <br /> ti:. <br /> , };�� _ <br /> �/�� �V���O �e.�7=: —. <br /> !y. <br /> . '�`1 . <br /> 'I�111.. <br /> • t3. All futurc,idvanccs frum L�'ndcr tu Gra�rior or otlicr fugurc ohlig�►tiuns uf Gruntor to Li:ndrr undcr any promissory „ ..•.':, . <br />, � . _ __ �wtc,cuntract,guar•rnty,or uthcr evidcncc of dcbt cxccutcd by Gruntar in favur uf l.cndcr cxecutrU aucr this ; ' `�.,,-:,.'� <br /> Sccurity li�slrumcut whethcr or nol this Sccurity Instrumcnt is speci(ically rcfcrcnccd. If murc th�m onc pcnun ,� .. . <br />. , � signs this Sccurity Instrumcnt,cuch Grantor agrccs thai this Sccurily Instrumcnt�ti�ill sccurc all futurc advnnces and _ .1.... : <br /> futurc c�bligations thi�t arc given to or incur►•ed by any onc ur murc Gruntur,ur any unc ar morc: Granior and :�:;``•.��; <br /> � � othcn.All[uturc advancr+end c�thcr futurc ohlig:�tions are sccund by this Sccurity Instrunu�nt cvcn thuugh all�r <br /> . �+ •� pnrt may not yct be ndvanced.All tuture advances and ath�r luturc ahligatiuns urr sccurcd as if mude on ihc datc � <br /> , • of this Security[nstrument.Notl►ing in this Security Instrumcnt shall constitute u cummitment to m��ke additions+l <br /> ;;r t��- � •"�" ur tuwrc loans or advances in any amounl.Any suck�cornmitmcnt must bc agrcrd w in:�scparatc�v�iting. <br /> :�;` � �" C. All obligations Grantor owes to Lender,�vhich may laterarise,ta the extent not prohibited by law,including,but <br /> not limitcd Ro,liabilities for overdratts relating to any dcposit account agrcement hetwccn Grantor and Lcndcr. •. <br /> p y g res�rvin or otherwisc rotectin ''�••'�t''-�' <br /> � D. All additional sums ldvanced and ex enses incurred b Le�niler for insurin ,p � P E `•, �,�•ra:.;A;. <br /> the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurreJ by Lendcr undr:r the terms of � ;;;�;�,};,�`__ <br /> ��,T.._.�-- <br /> ' ' ' this Sccurity Instrument. =-���;�-- <br /> � This Security Instrument will not secure any other debt if Lenderlails to give any required notice of the right of rescission. ���"�===== <br /> .. .: , ;�:�';;x�-- <br /> � � � 5. PAYM1fE1VT'S.Grantor agrecs that all payments under the Securcd Dcbt wiU bc paid when cluc and in accordance �,.;,,.__. __ <br /> ; �vith thc tcrms of the Securcd Debt and this Security Instrumen[. .. <br /> ; � 6. WARRAI�1'I'1'OF TITLE.Grantor warrants that Grantor isor will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this �';�r_ �� <br /> � � Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant,convey, and scll the Property to Trustee, in trust,with h.?,�;,:: <br /> po�ver of sale.Grantor also warrae�ts that the Property is unencumbered,execpt for encumhrances of record. ��;:�;�., <br /> �, � 7. PRIOR SECURI'TY 1NTERES'H5.W+th re�ard to any othermortgage,deed of trust,security agreement or other lien '=r"'-�=- <br /> � document that created a prior security interest or encumbratnce on the Property,Grantor agmes: f�,�:`;:r--- <br /> A. To make all payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. ="'•�''"=�°-- <br /> ' ��. ..�. <br /> � � � � B. To rom tl deliver to L.ender an notices that G rantor receives from the holder. ni4ti=:"-- <br /> .! P P Y Y o,��:,._�--- <br /> C. Not to allow any modification or cxtension of,nor to requiest any fubirc advanccs under any note or agreement �,_,:.,._..,. <br /> � secured by the lien document without L.ender's prioe��vritten consent. �=-_=- <br /> .�� 8. CLAIMS AGAWS'�TI'TLE.Grantor will pay all taxes,assessments,liens,encumbranccs, Icasc payments, ground °`-� <br /> t� rents,utilities,and other charges relating to the Properly when duc.Lendcr may rcquire Grantor to provide to l.endcr �.� <br /> copies of all noticcs that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment. Grantor will defend <br /> ' � �_� title to thc Property against any claems that wauld impair thc lien of this Security Instrument.Cirantor agrees to assign <br /> ,�� S� to I.t:nder,as requested by Lencier,any nghts,ciaims or tieienses urantc�r may i�avc agaiu�t pnitics wh�supFly 1a�r <br /> or matcrials to maintain or improvc the Property. <br /> 9. DUG�N SALE iDR CNCUMBRANCE.Lender may,at its option,dcciarc the cntire balancc of the Secured Debt to <br /> '.' be immediatcly d�e and payable upon the creation of,or contract for the creation of,any lien,encureibrance,transfer <br /> or s�zle of the Property.This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicable. <br /> This covenant shalt run with the Property and shall rcm�in in effect until thc Secured Debt is pnid in tull and ihis <br /> . Security Instrument is relcased. <br /> � 10. PROPERTY CONDITION,ALTERATI�NS AND INSPECTION.Grantor will kecp thc Property in good <br /> •, ;,.. condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantar shall not commit or allow any wnste, <br /> �� impairment, or deterioration of lhe Property.Geantor will keep the Property free ot noxious weeds and grasses. _._ <br /> _ '�. Grantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's piinr written �, <br />`1��'�;2ja.:.:_:_.' consent. Grantor will not permit any ch�►nge in any license,restrictive covenant or easement without Le:nder's prior <br /> '�n'�• °•�� written consent.Grantor�vill notify Lender of all demands,proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantor,and of <br /> �. ...�,- .., -- <br />.=r�•°�' any loss or dsmage to the Property. <br /> �,''"�'' `�t� Lcnder or Lender's agents may, at Lendcr 5 aption,cnter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of <br /> :.�..,. . ... <br />'-'``�' �'` ' inspecting thc Property. Lender shall give Grantor noticc at the time of or bcfore an inspection specifying a <br /> ' reasonable pntpose for the inspection. Any inspection of ihe Property shall be entircly for Lender's benefit and <br /> ;;;.„�;..�T, <br /> �"�� Grantor will in no way rely on Lendci s inspection. -- <br />,.;;��� ��;�" -• 11. AUTHORITY'Il'O PERFOIrM. If Grantor fails tu perform any duty or any of thc covcnants contained in this <br /> = -- -- Sticurity Instrument,L.endcr may,without notice,perform or cause thcm to be performed.Grantor appoints Lender _ <br /> ,"��*='�R�'��• as attorney in fact to sign Grantor's name or pay any amount necessary C�r performance.Lendcr's right to perform for __ <br /> ' -""`�`~ •"� Granror shall not create an obligation to perform,and Lender's• failure to perform will not preclude Lender from � <br />:,:r•,;...�...:.: <br /> ='.�:a"�"•�,;: cxcrcising any of L..cndcr's other rights undcr the law or this Secu�ity Instrumcnt.If any construction on the Property is <br />—'��.•�c�`�� discontinued or not carried on in a reasonablc manner, Lendcr may take all steps necessury to protect Lender's _ <br /> � security interest in the Property,including completion of the construction. __ <br /> " � •i 12. ASSIGMMENT OF LEASES AND REIVTS.Grantor irrcvaably grants,convcys and sclls lo trust for thc _ _ <br /> i.0" benefit of LendGr,as additional security all thc right,title and interest in anJ to any and all cxisting or future Icascs, _ __ <br />� subleases,and any othcr�vritten or verbal agrccmcnts for thc use and occup<�ncy of any portiun o[thc Propc:rty, -__��..v__ <br /> ' ' ��ii� including any extensions,rcne�vals,modifications or substitulions of such agrecments(all refcned to as"Lr.ases•")and 4�=�:'"£`-� <br /> �.j`���;F... <br /> rents,issucs and profits (all refcrred to as "Rents"). Granlor �vill pramptly providc Lcnder with true and corrcct =g,,�_,W.:-:=. <br /> � r ' "' copics of all cxisting and future I eases.GranYor may coUcct.reccivc,enjoy and use thc Rcnts so long�is Grantor is not .''�'•:'�`":`_ <br /> : '�" en dcfault under the terms of this Security Instrument. ��r�.T;_�, <br /> ' Grantor ackno�sledgcs Yhat this assignment is perfected upon the recordin�;of this Dccd of Trust and that Lender is :'",:v.��w <br /> , `. �u.r., <br />- � ,i entitled to notify any of Grantor's tenants to makc paymcnt uf Rents due or to becomc duc to Lcndcr. i-lowevcr, ' •�•.•}: <br /> --`�-�Y- Lcnder agrces that only on dcfault will Lendcr notity Grantor and Grantor's tcnants and makc demand that all tuturc 'i���";` <br /> : _._ e <br /> . } _, <br />-`. " i� Rents be paid cliaeetly to Lender. On receiving notice of default. Grantor will endorsc and delivcr tc� l.ender any <br /> _�_ .�.. k. <br /> - -- - - <br /> . . ... •�, .- -• ---•--=- - <br /> t �`; paymcnt of Ncnts m c,rantor's posscss►on ana�vu�rcccivc any iccn�s in irusi ivr i.cnuct itnu�vm uin wuuumgw wa. z;-=.-- - <br /> ! Rents with any othcr funds. Any smounts collected�vill be applied as provided in this Securiry Instrumcnt. Grjntor <br /> �warrants that no dcfault exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord/tcnant I��w.Grantor also ugrces tu maintuin <br /> � • and require any tenant to comply with the terms of the L.::ases and applicablc law. „ <br /> 13. LIEASGHOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DF:VGLOPAICNI'S.Grantor a�rres tu cumply with th� <br /> �- provisions c�f any Icase if this Secarity Instrument is on a Icaschold. I(the Properry includcs a unit in a condominium <br /> � or a planncd unit dcvclopmcnt, Grantor �vill p�rform .ill of Granti�r's dutics undcr thc cmenants, by-l�nvs, ur <br /> ' rc�ulations of thc condominium or plannrd unit dc:vclopmcnt. " <br /> 14. DGFAULT.Granror will be in default if any party c�bligated un thc Srcured Deht fails tu make paymrnt when duc. <br />_ Grantor�vill bc in default if a Nreach occurs undcr thc tcrms of thiti Srcurity lnstrumcnt or any uthcr document <br /> , <br /> (pago 2 of 4) <br />�i ;� C�J�g97 Bankors Systemx Int.Si Cloud.RIN 11�800.397•231p Fam RE•DT•NE W881 , <br /> , <br /> .� <br />