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<br /> � �� i033�� �
<br /> ' " � ' �' ' TOGFiTHfs12 WITII ull�hr improvrntents now or hr.r,atftcr crectcd on thc pruperty.an��Tl r.i�cmcilt',;�}�i'urtcnam•c,. �uid
<br /> •.' 's", fixturc� no�v un c�n:i►flcr +i puri ��f thc pn,perty. All tY:Plucc�riCltlti and addition.r tihall :d,u hc ri�vcrcd hy thi+ Scrurity
<br /> ,�:;.: . . ., Intitrument. �II uf ihe fnrc�um�!i�n:fcrred to in thi+Sccurity Instrununt ati thc"Pmperry.' .,
<br /> ;i�: gpH}ipWF�li C(]VI:NANTS thut Bnrnnvcr iy luwful(y ,ci,cd uF thc cstatc hcrchy convcycd:�nd ha�Ihc ri�ht tu Nrant.utd
<br /> ,', .l�' �unvcy tl�c Propvny unJ thiil thc I'raperty iy utien�wnb�r:J. �x�ept fnr tncuinhronrr. ��I rec��rd. Burn��ti•cr warc:i�tt� .u:d will �'f
<br /> -.. Jcf'end�!cncrally llic titic tc�thc Properry uguinst all rluimac and dcmandti,subjccl tu any cn�utnbranro+��f rrcurd.
<br /> . ,;�.<.�=�"" 'tH1S SIiCURfI'Y INSTRUMGNT combineti uniform covcnants ior natiunal u�c und nun-unifurm ca�'cir,mts with limitcd L-
<br /> ..�. :.� � vxriations by juri,diction to cun,tiwtc a uniform sewrity instrumcnt ccrvcring rcal pruperry. ___.-
<br /> UNIFQRt�4 COVIiNANTS.Bormwcr and Lendcr cuvenant und agrcc us foll��ws: �_?,
<br /> , l. Puvment oi' PrhtcfNnl nnd lnterest: Prepaymr.rc.k and Lnte Churges. Borm�vcr shall prumpdy pay when duc thc �;-
<br /> ��-.
<br /> -��.'' � - - - ��„�a.,�!�•f an�! lIIIC!'•_'S(O!l lIlC rirl,t evidenceci hy the NnTr !nd any prepsymcnt and latc chargeti Juc undcr�hc Nutc. _�
<br /> • ^ .... . �N
<br /> ;•1'- r Z. [�und� fm•'Caxes nnd [nsurnnce. Suhject to iippl�cable law or to a �vritten waiver by L.ender, &�rrowcr shall puy to v
<br /> ' . ' Lcnder on thc day mc�Nhly puymcnts arc duc under the Nur.e, until the Notc is p.+id in full,a tium 1°Funds"11'or:(a)yc:�I�taxcs
<br /> � iuid asscssmentti whicti muy utwin prioriry over this Securir.y Instrumcnt as a lien nn thc Propecty: (b)y�urly Icasch��ld i ments __
<br /> , � or grotmd ►�ents cm the Propeny,if any: (r)yearly h�ard c�r property insu�ance prcmiums:(d)y�:►rly flo��d insurnnce prcmiums, _
<br /> • ''° � if any: (e) yearly mongu�e insurunce prcmiums, if any: a�d (t1 any sums payablc by Barrower to Lendcr, in arcurdance with
<br /> - � dte provisions cif ptiiragr�ph 8. in lieu of Ihe payment nf rrortgage insurance premiums.These itemti ure call�d`Eserow Items." --
<br /> � `' � Lendcr may, ut any time, coUect und hold Funds in w� an�ount not to exeeed lhe ►n:uci�uum amount a Iender fi�r� fecierally _
<br /> � �,��� � � ;�� related moregn�e Innn muy reyuire for f3orrower's e5cru�r account under t�e�fe.deral Real Estute Settlernent Proc�dures Act of
<br /> •�,•:;,., •. .i �
<br /> ' " `� 1974 as amended froai tirne tu time. 12 U.S.C. SecYinn :6�1 et my. ("RESPA").unless another Inw that applies to thc Funds —
<br /> �'•'`� •.�. ..
<br /> ` ' ;`'�� '% � � sets a Iesser ainount. It so, Lendcr may, ut any [ime, ��sllect and hold Funds in an amount not to.xcccd the Icsscr amoun.
<br /> �;::,'.;.�.;:�}.
<br /> _'�'�?'::`,1�.;1�'�`� '' Lendcr may estimate d�e amount of Funds due m�the b:�sis of curcenc data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future _
<br /> •;"�.:.. �'� �;___....._.... .....,�.�.........:.. ........�,...,.......:.w......�i:�i�i�t,�.,..
<br /> :. �j" �-. .�wv�.wu�a..................... «........a..... ........r.�..
<br /> ,�:j.'.�.;1;-,.:�,.,FFti
<br /> ;�,;'��t�;•�:�J(i�' The Cunds shall be hcld in an instuutic�n whncc 3coosits ure insured by a federal agency. inswmcntulity, or entiry _
<br /> :.':''�;.,.•.''� ''�t' (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in,u�y Federal Home Lc�an Hank.Lender shall upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> ;;,..,. ,,�';,,''� • �
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding nnd applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> �" �'� �'•' verifying dm Escmw Iterns, unless Lender pays Dorro�ver�interest on the Funds and applicable luw pennits L.endcr to make such
<br /> ���-c<�"�'`�5 1`• ��h:�rnc. Hnwcsvcr. Lender muy rcquirc Borrowcr to pay a one-time charge for an independenl real cstatp'ACme�notT1S made'or
<br />_ � �� , -�_ ' . - uscd by Lend�r in am�ection with this lo:►n. wiless ;q�pucabie iaw pruvi�in� otizan:is;.. Lzl�s �r _o--. •
<br /> `�,•'•t,;;•-;�,,.•:• , .
<br /> 3�;� ,;c�`;:�,;,,: '. applicablc Inw requnaes^:�tesest to be paid.Lcnder shnll not bc required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings un ihc Funds.
<br /> �'�" � ' Borro�ver and I.cnder�:�y a�;�ree in writing, however, �b�tt interest shall be puid on the Funds. I.endcr shall give to Borrower,
<br /> �,,.;�;�,�>;�._.'�• .
<br />:;;�?��a'�:�.:�,�`` ,� without cherQe, nn :�miuul accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which eac
<br /> , ,r;.�;r,,,.,� �`!...
<br /> �s�• �' � debit to the Funds�was�wde. The Funds are pleSgecl us:utditional security fc�r all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br />�+,::•'���.�,. "•, ,
<br /> X�';�+�4r� �� If the Funde I�cIA by Ixnder cxceed the amaunts nccmitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to orrower
<br /> ' ��+`����''�'•�'�i'4 � for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremenis of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> �-.;�;,y• �
<br /> ��:�;��,:''''.�`�4 ' tim°is not sufficient to pay the Gscrow Items when due. �Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in such case Borrower
<br /> --.�ti..::...:.... :
<br /> �' �'' � , �hnll pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up tlte deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more t an
<br /> t,7•i54�i.;-(,.�.�... �,
<br /> }i"r.,' ;�r'`� • ' twclvc monthly pn��ments,stt Lendcr's solc discrction.
<br />'��W'.'''����'�'' Upon payme.�t in full of all sums secured by thi�s Securiry instrument. I.ender shall promptly refund to Boirower nny
<br /> ,,,.,;,�; ,.,��, p � p � y rior ro thc ac uisition or sale
<br />=���::��;�!s�;� , ' Funds held by(.endcr. If,under arp ra h 2l, I.cnder si�all acquire or sell the Pro rt .L.ender, p 9
<br /> ""'`�'�""�`�3' of the Property,shull apply a�i}� f unds held by L.endcr at the time of acquisition or sale as�credit against the sums secured by
<br />����;::f,c::.;,
<br /> "'`�'�%'��t� this Sccurity Instrumc�ic.
<br /> Y��.;;t�r;�a.
<br />�f;��it•'s�`.,!�; 3, Applicutton of Pnyitnettws.Unless upplicublc la�a provi des o t he r w i s e,a l l p a y m e n ts r e c eived b y Lcnder under paragrap s
<br /> =%w`t t�'������� 1 and 2 shall be uppliuci:first,to any prepayment chargev due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />�f,��.�,}�5�:�S
<br /> ��,:i;,y�:�';;`, third,t�interest due:fourth,to�arincipal due:an d I�.tit�to�►ny l a t e c h l r g e s d u e u n d e r th e Note.
<br /> -,—„���:s'•4.,,. , 4. Chnr^ges; �.fete�.�orrotiver shall pay all t:ucc4, assessmcnts, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> -���;�;�*,',';_ which may attafn ?riority over this Sccurity Instrunn:nt, an d irase ho l d ps y m e n t s o r g ro u n d r e n w, if an y. Bonower shall pay
<br />—siriim 7
<br />- � these obligntions ini the manner provideci in paragraplt 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bonower shall pay them on time directly
<br />�`A�''�. "`'`,•. to the person owe�payment.Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to L_ndet aU notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> --�:�w+�'
<br />�.y��.��«�`�� � If Honower�nukcs chese payments dicectly,Borrower shall promptly fura�ish to L.cnder reccipts e��idencin� the payments.
<br />?!�(';;;""�'1� ' e � ..� F Y
<br /> ,i� I�nt'tt1Wt'�Shil��DlYlptntiv ni�rh�ra �ri� I i�2��vhirh h>>c riUrit over this Scxurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br />�ft1°�:�'_?_±, ;• -
<br />�.; �:�;��r� ;s1� . wriaing to thc payrnent of the obligation sccurui by dic licn in a manner a��.eptablc to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the licn
<br /> -_�_"''�!+:�', ': , by, or defends against cnti�rcemcnt of the licn in. legal procccdings which in the Lender's opinion operute to ptevent the
<br /> ' , .� enforcement of ilns lien:or (c) secures from clle hulJer of tlie lien an agreement satisfactury to Lender suburdinatin�the lien to
<br /> = �� ' this Securiry Li�trument. it'Lender detennines thur any pan of the Property is subject to a licn�vhich may attain prioriry over _
<br />_- ' ''�"'� tl�is Sccurity instrument.Il�nder may give Boi7'o�v�r a nc�tice identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the licn or take onc or
<br /> - S�cw•,�:c
<br /> _ . ��y;,?' ��• � mun uf the ar.tions set forttt r�bvve within 1U days�.�f the�i�•ing of notice. _
<br />__ � Form 3028 9IS0
<br />�t�� ' '� Popo 7 0�6
<br /> 3.
<br /> �. . �•��+ � � � -:
<br /> ---�--_ --�-T'--� _ _ " -- �c�w,-, ---'r•z-^ -i�i7�'C .. -�,-�...q:n.r�.w.s�^----------,-�
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