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<br /> w DEEQ OF TqUST � ' � � �.� � �
<br /> `,� 8 I I � `. '�D � CYI .�?
<br /> tn a .
<br /> April 21, 1997 ,aman the Grantor, Geor�ia L. ;
<br /> PARYIES:This Deod ol Trust Is made on �
<br /> Copple, a eingle peraon und K C Nelsen. Jr � a single person ��eorrowor�,
<br /> . ti Fiicsr. Nabraeka Bank � � "°
<br /> � •�:Y:�
<br /> whoso recidenca addross is 3225 23rd St Columti�e P a rP Counly.Nobraska(Trustee"),end the BAneliciary, ���;•;:
<br /> .1. Pirst Nebraska Bank ,a corporation orgnnized \��
<br /> � and existing undor the Isws o1 Neb�'a�skA whoso address is ?225 ^3rd ;r r��r Go7 um4�us_, tdF. 6Rh01 �==
<br /> :4 ('Lender►. �''"-
<br /> . � i CCINVEYANCE:for value recelved, Borrower IrrevxaWy grants and conveys to Trustae, In trust,with power of sale, the real proparty,ot which =y
<br /> Barror�er is lawtu!I seized.descrihecf belaw nnd atl buildin s lixturos,and existing and tuture Imprnvomnnto thoreon and all rlghts-0l-wey,easemento, !"•
<br /> } rents.issues,proti�s,income,tenem nts,hereditaments.pri�vilegns and any appurtenances Ihoraunto bolonginp(a!I catled ti�e'property^). �.�_.
<br /> , �� parcel �: 2204 W. Anna �h`=
<br /> ' RROPERTYADDRESSparrpl 9� 111 F 9Arh Grr�nr , • And Ts1fln� . Nebraska 6B8 1 _.
<br /> LEQAL DESCRIPYtON: lsueen �c�rr� lnvCoael �r ,;.
<br /> 6:•--.
<br /> ` � Parcel 1: Lota Nine (9) and Ten (10) in B1ock Forty-eight(48) in Wasmer's "`r;.
<br /> 7�'hird Addi.tion and ita complement� Lota SevenCQen (17) and Eighteen _
<br /> , (18) in Blork Tt�xee (3) i� Parkhill Sundivision to the City of
<br /> Grand Ieiand, Hall County, Nebraeka. �""
<br /> " .,`�•� Parcal 2: Lvt fhree (3) in BZock Five (5), in Morris Fourth Addit�on to the
<br /> Cit� af Cran3 I�].�:�', ::a32 �QUnty. *?sY�ras�w.
<br /> � �
<br /> located in H811 County,Nebraska.
<br />�, , 71TI.E:Borrovrer coven3nts and warrants title to lho prop9rty,exc�3pt lor
<br /> =*:.a.- .
<br /> ,r � , SF.OUFl�D DHBT:This deed ot trust secure3 to londer repayment ot the secured debt and the poAormance of the cavenanta and agreements
<br /> rx�ntainad in thls deed of trust and in any other document incarpor�ta�l herein. Secured debt.as uaed in this daed ot trust, incluiles any amounta
<br /> -� 8armwe►owes ro Lender under this deed ol trust or under any Instrument securod by this deed ot tNSt,and all modificatione,extOnsians and renewals
<br /> ^'�:; , thqreof.
<br />�3�•�. .�►:�'+ The secured d�bt is evidenced by(Llat all instruments and aflreements securod by this daed of trust and the dates thereot.3:
<br />�=��� �I Promi o�note to K G Nnlaet� .Tr. an�si� T rn�tF�A�(14/��q7 3n —
<br /> ^�-�;� - - the am��nt of �129,Q00.00 _—.. -
<br /> �;�*�
<br />�.W,.•.;;`� � ❑futuro Adv�ncea:The above amount is Securod evon though all or part of it m�y not�et be advanced. Future advances are
<br /> �;�; '� contemplated and will be secured to the san�o oxtent as fl made on the dato thls daed ot INSt s@%8CU18d.
<br /> z.S''4�
<br />_�.,�:, �� � ❑Rsvoiviny Iine of credit egroement dated with IniUal annuai Interest rete of 9'e.
<br />�,.,w.x,;... All emounts owed under this agreement aro securod evon though all amounts may not yet be advanced. Future advances under the
<br /> , �,� agreement are contemplated and�r�ll be secured to ihe same extent as�f made on tho dato this deed of trost is execuled.
<br />�-'`.y'�.�..�:'`;�'�;,,• The above obligation is due and payaWe on Auri1 25. 2017 It not paid earHer.
<br /> ---"� .�--°
<br /> The tatal unpald balanca secured by this deed of tru3t at any one time shail not exceed e maxlmum principal aimunt ot_-OII� d -
<br />"�. • Twentv-Nine-Thnueand-Do].lars--&-no/1QOth'_s---- Dollnrs(S � 9.�0�.DO ),plus fnterost,
<br />��!'"°.'"" plus 3ny amounts disbursed under the terms o!tNS daed ot Wst to prolect the security of this dtted ot trust or to pedorm any o!the Covenunts
<br />�' �'"' `� contalned In this deed ot trust,with interest on such disbursemont3.
<br /> ,
<br /> :��'�,►,.'.,;".
<br />��, �•.� _.: :
<br /> _ ,,.. ❑Vulabls R�te:The intorost rata on the obligation seCUrod by�th�deed of trust may vary according to Ihe terms of that nW!gation.
<br />,:;•;.���' ❑A copy at the loan agreoment contalNng tho term3 under which tho interost ratc�may vaqi is attached to this deed of trust and made a part -
<br /> - ,�(• hereoL �-
<br />',•;;;, RIDERS: ❑Commerclal ❑ 0 w
<br />=•!'���� DESKiNA710N OF HOM89TEAD i.�-
<br /> . , �n.�.
<br />_ i�:,�'r:� j' Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act, deslgnatlon ot homostead ❑ is attaChed to Ihis deed of trust and made a part ••:i
<br /> '�•'� � *:: heroot ❑ has been diaclalmed;the disclaimer is attach_d co th�s doed of trust and made a part hereof. _ ::��;
<br /> :f,;�
<br />- SIGNATURES:By alpnlr�Mlow,Borrowe�oprees!o the terma and ooven�nts xenUin�d in 4his dsed of trust,IncAudlnn those on paps 2,and
<br /> - Z In any rtd�►s&sc b�d above et�ynsd by 8orrower. �.
<br /> _ �,
<br /> ::,_ � _ ��..e�� ��•I�L�
<br /> --
<br /> „- - -___.- -- -
<br /> ' Ge � ia L. Coppl — K.C.� lsen, Jr.
<br /> - ACKNOWLEDGIAENT:STA1E OF NEBRASKA,_ Platte County ss:
<br />= The forepoing fnsfrument was acknowledged before me on this 91 ar day of Apr�1� �99� _ -.
<br /> py (:por��+{�T._ [:n�n],� Anrl K,�, Nalcan� .Tr_�1aa yinglw�Prcnn� ---
<br /> �nt�e�c11
<br /> - Caporato or
<br /> }�r�y-y- itUmo o�Corpom�an or ParinorclRp)
<br /> . . Pnrinorshp 0}— ��^n�'n�l�OIKL�►�
<br />- n�uw�noa9�,en a on beh o he corporation or partnership.
<br /> : My commissfon n MyQ�,�p�j�,� �
<br />� „ �soaU .}�� ., ._ (NOlary PuC:)
<br /> This instrument was preparod by�,�lndn S_?.��n . ��
<br /> t985 BANKENS SYSTEMS.iNC.ST CIOUD.61N SG30t(t8p0997�21G11 FONM OCF AIT6NE G•Ip91 �f.J� /p,.^q0 t o121 NEBFtASKA ( .
<br /> �.�� �
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