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<br /> WARRANTY DEED - Corporation F`-3 (15) R-27b Tract 6
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, made this � day of c� , A. D. ,
<br /> 196 /, between A. C. Nelsen Auto Sale s, Incorporated, a corporation, organized
<br /> and existing under and by virtue of the la.ws of the State of Nebraska, party of the
<br /> first part, and The State of Nebraska, pa.rty of the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part for and in considera-
<br /> tion of the sum of Thirteen Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Five and 00/100------
<br /> ($13,785.00)-------DOLLARS, In hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ,
<br /> has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm unto the said party
<br /> of the second part, the following described premises, situa.ted in Ha.11 County, and J
<br /> State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of land located in part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20,
<br /> Township 11 North, Ra.nge 9 West of the 6th P.M. , Ha.11 C^ounty;. Nebraska, des-
<br /> cribed as follows:
<br /> Referring to the northwest corner of said Section 20; thence easterly on
<br /> the North line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 20 a distance of 1,777. 3 feet;
<br /> thence southerly 90 degrees 00 minutes right a distance of 33.0 feet to the point of
<br /> beginning, said point being on the southerly old highway right of way line; thence
<br /> easterly 90 degrees 00 mixiutes left and on said old highway right of way line a dis-
<br /> tance of 93.7 feet to a point of curvature.; thence continuing easterly on a 683.78
<br /> foot radius curve to the right (initial ta.ngent of which coincides with the last
<br /> described course and on said old highway right of way line) a. distance of 288.5 feet;
<br /> thence southerly on a line which forms an an�le of 64 degrees 45 minutes right from
<br /> the final tangent of the last described curve;."on the westerly old highway right of
<br /> way line a distance of 579.5 feet; thence southwesterly 48 degrees 17 minutes right
<br /> and on said westerly old highway right of way line a dista.nce of 184.9 feet; thence
<br /> northeasterly 160 degrees 52 minutes right a distance of 88.6 feet; thence northerly on
<br /> a 392. 34 foot radius curve to the left (initial tangent of which forms an angle of
<br /> 06 degrees 48 minutes right from the last described course) a distance of 257.5 feet;
<br /> thence westerly on a line which forms an angle of 86 degrees 58 minutes left from
<br /> the final tangent of the last described curve a distance of 190.5 feet; thence con-
<br /> tinuing westerly 06 degrees 02 minutes left a distance of 1,947.7 feet to a point on
<br /> the West line of said Northwest Quarter; thence northerly on said West line a distance
<br /> of 160.5 feet; thence easterly 85 degrees 24 minutes right a distance of 2,034.8 feet;
<br /> thence continuing easterly 12 degrees 41 minutes left a dista.nce of 91.0 feet; thence
<br /> northwesterly on a 267.4 foot radius curve to the left (initial tangent of which forms
<br /> an angle of 82 degrees 41 minutes left from the la.st described coursej a distance of
<br /> 368. 1 feet; thence continuing northwesterly a distance of 97.5 feet to the point of
<br /> beginning, containing 8.92 acres, more or less, being the acreage hereby secured.
<br /> And, also, a tract of land located in the northerly part of Lot 1 of Section
<br /> 19, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the bth P.M. , Ha11 County, Nebraska, des-
<br /> cribed as follows:
<br /> Referring to the northwest corner of said Section 19; thence southerly on
<br /> the West line of said Section 19 a dista.nce of 480. 3 feet to the point of'beginning;
<br /> thence continuing southerly on eaid West line a distance of 198. 1 feet; thence easterly
<br /> 94 degrees 24 minutes left a distance of 98.5 feet to a point on the East line of said
<br /> Section 19; thence northerly on said East line a distance of 160.5 feet; thence westerly
<br /> a distance of 103.2 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.41 acre, more or less,
<br /> which includes 0. 14 acre, more or less, previously occupied as a public highway, the
<br /> remaining 0.27 acre, more or less, being the additional acreage hereby secured.
<br /> The above described tracts shall be part of a controlled access facility as
<br /> defined in Section 39-1302(6), R.R..S. 1943, and the remainder of said Northwest
<br /> Qua.rter and said northerly part of Lot 1, which by reason of the taking herein des-
<br /> cribed now abuts on a highway where none existed theretofore is subject to the
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