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DEED OF RF.LEASE <br /> T,iIS INDENTUIZL, made this 18th day of AUGUST , 1961, <br /> betwe�n the United States of .�merica, acting by and through the �dministrator <br /> of the Federal �viation �.gency, successor in interest to the Administrator of <br /> tile Civil ;eronautics Administration (Section 1402(c) of the Feder_al Aviation <br /> Act o:E 1958), under and pursuant to the authority conferred on him by Public <br /> Taw 311, Slst Congress, 63 Stat. 700 and Title 50 !�pp. �ec. 1622c, U.S. Cocie), <br /> tiereinafter called the Government, and the City of Grand Island, a Municipal <br /> Corporation of the State of Nebraska, hereinafter called the City, <br /> ,:'ITNt:SSLT1� THAT: <br /> 7�����L">�, by �uitclaim �eed, dated October 13, 1948, tne United States of t?merica, <br /> acting by and througn the :Jar '�ssets Administration, did release, remise, and <br /> quitclaim and surrender to the City, its successors and assigns, subject to <br /> cerr.ain reservations, restrictions and conditions, all of its rignt, title anci <br /> int�rest in and to a certain parcel of land situated in the County of E-Iall and <br /> ;L-ate of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> .1 small tract of land in the south one-half of Section <br /> tnirty-four (s4), To��mship twelve (12), North range nine <br /> (9), ,;1est of t:�e 6th P.Nt. in Hall County, State of idebraska, <br /> described as follows: Begir�ning at the point of intersec- <br /> tion of the north line of County i;oad on tne south side <br /> of said �ection tnirty-four (34), and the east line of <br /> tiie right of way of tne Union Pacific 1tailroad thence in <br /> ttie nortnerly direcCior, along east line of said rignt of <br /> way a distance of t�eo hundred (200) feet, thence in an <br /> easterly direction for a distance of one hundred fifty <br /> (150) feet, thence in a soutlierly direction for a distance <br /> of t�ao nundred eight and .74 (20$e74) feet, thence in a <br /> toesterly direction along tiie said north boundary of the <br /> county road for a distance of one nundred fifty and o25 <br /> (150.25) feet to the point of beginning. Said tract <br /> containing 0.704 acres of land, more or less, <br /> suUject to any and all easements, rec orded and unrecorded, for public roads <br /> anci izigiiways, public utilities, railroads and pipelines over, across, in and <br /> upon tne above described real estate, an1, <br /> JH3.:EAS, the City has requested that said parcel of land be released from all <br /> conditions, reservations and restrictions of said 4uitclaim lleed, anti <br /> ii��_ti.-iS, the Government has determined that release of the aforesaid conditions <br /> will not prevent accomplishment of the purpose for which tiie property was trans- <br /> ferred to the Ciry and that such release is necessary to protect and advance <br /> the interest of the United States in civil aviation, and, <br />