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<br /> ., A��I�P1M�Ny OF R�NTS RID�R x�"' �:-:;
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<br /> TIl19 A93tONMENT OF F�N79 RIUER to mada utd aoucut�d thiY�I� or oDsb o1 Truet, henrintR�r roM�r�d to a��u��
<br /> hcorpant�d hto �r�d �haN W ds�rtNd to �mond �nd suppbrrnnt th� Mort�api ,
<br /> Inst�urr�nY, ot th� a�me dat� pMan by thx und�rclprnd, nK��nRrt��a KM�d io a� th� "BurrowK", to e�aure BoROwu'e hdwtodnasd,
<br /> h�tNn�RN hhrrod l0 1�f th�'Not�',to �
<br /> , herohdRer r�,ternd to as the "L�nder',of th� sartN detr �nd coverhp th�
<br /> .. .,,5 Proputy d�scrMd fn tM S�curky Insbumant Rnd loc�t�d�G -1;
<br /> „�� 103�5 N SHHRMAN GRAND ISU►NEy NEBAASKI�884Q3'AdEna)
<br /> •nr..�n�'/�
<br /> s
<br /> WITNESSETH: .
<br /> ': �t,'.,., � WHEF�AS, Bonrpwt+r e►id Le�dt�'hevo�praad tha2 any rante end protits �t��utebW to the property should constRut�addxionae s�ccsnl9 i'+ ..;.
<br /> ��_,_..
<br /> ''.'�'':S����,•s�{ ., ta ths LenAer inr th�payment oP tha�fotA; •'�� -
<br /> ._�y"_:
<br /> � NOW,THEiiEFOFiF,11 b aproed thpt the Sxurky(nsWm�nt shal he�mand�d O�or�by md diMi'iYd to inClud�tha foNOwinq pro�kbns: �-
<br /> ,��?`:
<br /> ,. s. ,:�.�.
<br /> " � 1. A s m�nt ot f�nts and L�ncMr Fi�n■� CoM�o bn Rlahta. Borrow� hu�by ab=olutsty �nd unGOndkbn�y [sstpna I�N nnts,bsuu __
<br /> . �, ' and profit� of th�propKtY to B�nMic4r1+. l�x�d����� lh�ripht,pow�r and wthorky durinp th�conthuanc�of t�S�curiry Incwr�nl ,;F ._..
<br /> baaNd th�non wkh a wRhout WcIrW Pos�tlon o!tM o;:
<br /> to coti�ct liw rwita,{:cu::cad�ralk�of!hr prc�+rty�►nd of�ny p�nonel proplrty Q. :
<br /> D LmdK,hownr�►, harM�Y oonsmts tp Bortow«'�aawctbn end rM�rttton of tuch nnt�,M�ua�u+d Pi3���ae th:f �---
<br /> P��PMtY �thCtW h�bY• amr.:�,
<br /> . .:� �ccrw �nd b�com� paY�M, �o bnp as BorrowM M nol, tl wah tkne, In EN�uR wkh n�p�ct lo p�Y�t ��y ����s Ncund �
<br />_ hKN�y�Or In ttN pMlOrmanC�Of�ny�prsMiNw►1 hKWndM. r-.-��.
<br /> ,� 2. �nneefntm�nt ol F1�cN�. 11�ny AvM�! ot d�fwM h r�e�NOt l0 IM B�CWNy M!lNrtiMlt ahli h�w oOCtWnd�nd!s�oo�tYwinp�Und�+�
<br /> u�matAw ol rfphl�now�r t�h�nYi!th�N h wr Ih�rlpP►t to�pPN�o�ny court htvM►0 lurkdbtlonh o OPP�t�hCiMK of lh�PropNtYMIRM or �
<br /> th�hbrat of tM Bar
<br /> 3. t to PonKalon. In caa ol OekuN„th�P�Ymmt of Ih. u�ld prina►MI Noa or har�st,a �nY P+ut th�nol,u k�ha!m�tun, _
<br /> ' IntWrr�nt,th��tM L�nd�'�b
<br /> a M tt►�aa ol hNun to kMp or WrMrm anY of th�oonwmnts or�prs�Mnts contaMNd h Ih� S�curlty
<br /> �uccation or nNpn�� thaN b� �nd Is her�bY wthoria�d �nd �nPowK�d lo tok� InwrNrlfab Pots�ssbn ol th� wid D��Ih�rYfn
<br /> ..-• ; �.,-,,,��.�!^��th.r.nu thonkam��nd to�DN thn P+oc«ds ihK�ol to th�PayrtNnt ol th�Nob. --
<br />- 4. ..�w,e�,n o1 ii�nri �R�4��^.d Pnofkt. AM �N ooRoot�d by Unckr a th�nc� tih�M W�PP�flnt to paYm�nt of tM cotn _
<br /> �" � �•• of ��p��� a} ;ry� prcp�ty �nd colNctbn of rwiU, habdh{�, but not imk�d to, ncNv�� i�� D��ms � ���e bo^ds �nd
<br />-- � roasonapk�nom�y'�I�q,md tMn lo tho aumt wCUnd by ths Securky InsUumK►4 L�ndK and tM r�CNwr�haM b�W�bM�o accour►t ony
<br /> "r�b` 1�' tor thos�nnte�ctuaMy ncNwd• •
<br />�`�.^�_,`,.��`'' 5. Sc����o=Qf-P14�E�• Each of tIH Provf�ions contaY�l In thb Assipnmxit of Fi�nts Wd�r�nd the S�au� �� d th�nh
<br /> .�;�,.�`'"' � unMss othwwfa �p�cMfcab nqufnd� be consuwwd h �ccordmc� wMh PNbnsk� �w. and N ih�M�Nd �n9 P�
<br /> ''`Y' '�% contatn�d shaN b� d�t�mtMd bY �court of comp�t�nt jurtadbtbn to b� unintorcMbM, th�t�1rrN Ch�N b� conttru�d af ihouDh such
<br /> _ _y�V
<br /> -_-11 • unMdOrCMbM pro�+ki0n w�n nOt part huroof Ot th�nof.
<br /> _�=yr:;y;�..
<br /> "' :•_`-'�`� 6. F�HlgL2L�• F.�acpt as tpooM�caNy modMi�d by or InconsisUnt wYh thb Asslpnm�nt of R�nri Wdu or bY anY other lppliotbM
<br /> �.��._�.,:..�
<br /> y^�•���°�� ridK,�M of th�tNms�nd provhio�a eonUihM in th�S�curky Inedum�nt�haN continuo in NM 1'ora and MNc�
<br /> �:=�-L�:i��i
<br /> -.`!,':.�y;�� IN WITNE3S WHEF�OF�BoROV�w hu��aacutod thk Asstpnment of RM�l�Fifda on th�date tirst nAt�d abow.
<br />_-��-'� eorrow�L�y�Rli �AT�
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<br /> --`FW��z,.��,�l�
<br /> ����? STATE OF NEBR/ISKA �
<br /> _��'_;;,:�`�`-` � �:: -
<br /> ..
<br /> �-• "'=` COUNTY OF HALL -
<br /> .
<br /> ,•~'`'. .
<br /> ---� .� On thh 26th day oi AgNI . 1997 _ bMor�m�, th� untNnFpn�d.� No1uY Publb duN Co�m�istla�d i►nd �;>�
<br /> qualitqd tor eald county,pKSOnaNy cem�LYNNI� M COATES AN UNN! RRIED INDIVIflUAL �o +1
<br /> �Mrr�t ���-
<br /> ba�h� {d�ntbal p�rson(�1 whot� nrn�(�� Wlin subtcrb�d to th�forpohp h�trummt,�nd Mlah�lth�y�ckrowtodp�the eoceautbn �;�;
<br /> • • to b�hblhKrth�k votunwy�at�nd d»d. �`k
<br /> �'_'
<br />- In sald County�lhs .� .
<br /> , `_: . a ; wknns my hand Now��s�i a GRAKD ISLAND —. :
<br /> _,�`M �_ tkte atoresel�. L i J �f N��� �,� . /� _ `?"/V���`
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<br /> . � � M�l�mm f p�M��F���aaid Notur Pu po . C
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