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, ' : �:. <br /> � {� � '�'�;:M..�. .. � � . <br /> „ , <br /> � � 9�'- �t»1�8 :, ; � <br /> 1 ' y, e;_�_;�,�h,���end�r'� Rlghta 1�ti��PPOpe►ty. ►1 Horrowar �a�b to p�rtorm ehs cownmte �nd ���t� '__. -- - <br /> conttln�� in Ihl� SaCUrNy Inetrum�nt, or thln if 1 bgli proCOOtlnp th�t m�y sipnii�antry Qttiot I.ondor`o rlphtc in thc Prop::tly(�uah oa _ <br /> � a yrocatdWifl In bankn�pioy�prabato, for condeio'intt4an or (oA�lture or to�ntorc� wws or rupulatl�n�t�a iMb�6ydk u1 d vp Y�0 <br /> wh�tav�e If nec�fe�ry co Prot�ol th� v�tu� ol th1 P�opM1y 11nd LendM� rlpht� h f!„ 1�c�rt� Qoy�q rKton�bw �ttomeylt tw� and : <br /> I any rums ��cur��by • Ibn whbh h�f prbrNy owr tha S�ourRy Inatrument, nppw 0 �'� <br /> �ntehp on lh�PropMly to mak�npaYe. AAhouph L�ndrr m�y t�ke�ctbn undor ihla pu�pr�ph 7,L�ndar do�a nat hov� to do�o. � <br /> � My amounis dlebur��d by I.�ndM unda thN pu��Apli 7 ehtH b�corr� nhei����odunt���aHRbw In w��tdhom'Iho dnt�rof • <br /> � in�trum�►►t. UnMe� Bonew�r �a LMde� �ii+'a to other tam� ol psyrt»nt. . <br /> � dlsburs�t at th�Not�nte and�htN b�p�y�ba� wth Interest,��QUr�nco•a o a���on ofrtm�k[nfl�ihebtbanpeocrtu etd by thH - <br /> 1 a. Mortg�Q� Inwnnae. II L�nd�r rpuk�d moAp�p9 _ <br /> '' Soaurky Initrum�nb BorrowM �h�M MY « P�«^�m� raquk�Nd to mahtaln th� mortp�p� hturenc� In MNat• �f� (or �ny nasan, th� <br /> moRytp� hwr�nG�cowr� nqur�d bY Und��� or ootist to ba In �M�a1,Bortow�r ehaN p�y th�pn►nlums roquked to obt�in <br /> • covor� wb�tu�tltly �qukaMnt to lh� moRpipl hturRnc� prevbuEy In Nf�o1� at � cost substantlaNy squkaf�nt to tha coat to <br /> • Bonower ot th� mortp�pr Insurmc� prevbusfy h cH�ot, hom �n aR�mat� moAp�p� hturar t+pprowd by Under• If �ubatu�tl�ly <br /> equNai�x►t moRpaW hsuranc� cownpr Is not tv�fb�bM, Borrower ehaN pay to L�nd�r snoh month g sum equal to one-tw�Mth of the <br /> yeariy mortyape fnnurance premium beln0 Dvid by gortow�r whon the heunnc� hfvsra�0e MWLed o sa�pQy�ts a�tno lonper be " <br /> sccepl, us� �nd atth Ih�t� pRyrtNnt� a� � bss �K�rw k� Iku of moRptpp , <br /> requYed, et the optbn of Lend�r,H mortp�p� Mturancs covarepe (In the amount ersd for ths perbd tnat Lender requlres)provld�d by .,,-.` <br /> an Insuror oAprowd by Undw� opo„ b�o���valMbM end ►s obuined. Bortower shaN �eura c��nds h �rccordsncu wk hany -��w.�:�-`�, <br /> mortqape hsunnco h �fNot, or to provid�a bst resarw,untN tha nquternent tor mortpape '.„r�� <br /> wriNon aC�Mnwnt b�twe�n BoROwor�nd Lwulor or applicabM Itw. ,.�:��.,_�.;..A_;;.� <br /> 9. in�pectton. UndK or ib �p�t m�r rnike roa$ontble �nViis upon and hapactbna of the Property. LendK shall pka t„�i�� <br /> � Bonower not�s at tha tiM of or prior to an i�sp�aibn eiwCMYhD reasonabb causa tor tha Inapxtbn. �`�;^ <br /> ' � 10. CondemnaUon. Th� procaeds ol any awYrd or ci�in tar Gana�:s, d�GCt or con�eRuenlWi, In conne�tbn wkh any �r����`�,:._ <br /> , .P..L.r�,�rr�,-,'�=:. <br /> : � condemnatbn or other takhp of my paR cf th�Propaty,or tor conveyance N lieu o7 condemnntbn. are hereby asslpnerl a�d ahaa be ,. ( i� <br /> � � ,;1' paid to Lender. : <br /> In the eve�t of a total takinp of the Praperty. the proceods shaY be spplfud to tho Eums secured by this Securiry InsUument� ��.�•'Y+', �.. ; , <br /> � in whbh the fak maricot _ <br /> • ��.••;;"..%;� whether or not then due,wkh any excess paid to Borroww• In the ruent ot a p�rtkl takinp of the Praperty _:__� <br /> � '"''`"� � valuo of the Property hxnedfetey belore tho Ukhp Is equal ta or preater tl�an the amount of the eums securod by Ihk� Securky ~ <br /> ' ,'���`{�`�,� Inatrument Immedfatey befaro the takhp, unfe�e Bortower and Lendar othawfs�ayroa in wrltinp, th� euma sacured by Ihk$ Saaurity <br /> A Instrument ahall be reduced by the amaunt ot the praceeda mukplled by the folbwhp Inotbn: (a) the total amount of th� suma �••�r 2'. <br /> �.�� <br /> cecured immedlatey batore the ttkhy, divlded bY (b)the ftY muket vabe of th�Property MfwMdl4teN bMore tha tYkinp.My b�lance • •`�,• <br /> sha{I be pakl to Bonow�r. In th� wmt ot 4 puti�►tlJclnO of tho Prop�rty h whi�h th�faY rtwk�t valw o} tho Props�ty Ynm�dkby ; + <br /> y ,s hofor� tha takhy fa kse than th� amount af tM sums acurod hxrndktNy bMon th� takinp� unlosi Borrow�r and L�nda olMrwkv `�,, <br /> S epreo In writhp or unka appNc+bM Mw oll�K"'ts�P►ovid�s, tho prxe�ds shtN b� app�Md to ttH sumi Ncund by thls S�curlly ��,i <br /> �l Instrum�nt whsthK or not tM wms en th�n ou�� � , <br /> If th�Ptoparty N �b�ndo��d bY BortowM�a �,��K notic�by l.�ndK to BorrawK that the condKnna ofNn to mek�tn�wartl ar <br /> avttM�oytm (o►d�m�OM� �orrowa kfN to rnpond to L�nda wRh„ 30 d�Y� �R�r th�dat�th� natic�ft pFwn. L�nd�r N �uthorWd <br /> to ooM�ot md �ppy th�procNdf. at ko optbn,�khw to nstontbn or npalr ot the Prop�ty or to th��ums aaund by thb S�ourRyr <br /> • In4wm�nt,wh�th�r or not th�►du�• • <br /> • h UnMt�L�nd�r�nd BoROwa othuwits�� in W�ktnp, eny aPD��tbn of procMd�to prhopaf�h�B not sxt�nd or postpon�th� � <br /> '� d u�d a t�of lh�mortth h p�Y�l� rNernd to „�ar�aph� 1 �nd 2 or ch�np�th�amount of wah P�Y�ta. „: <br /> 91, Borrower Not Relea�ed:Forbeare��nA B y Len de r N o t�W a t v e r. C x b n s b n o� ►n• c w n s �or p a ym.nt or �� � <br /> � moditicatbn of emort4�ratbn of tM sums sooure0 by IAb 3ocurity Instnim4nt pmnkd bY La�d�►to�nY a�c�ssor in ht�ntt of dortowM <br /> shau not op�nt�to rol�a�tM Ii�bINtY ot the a b hs l Botto w�r o r B o r r o w a r's s u x�s s o r c i n ht�rost. UndK shdl not a raqu�nsl to <br /> � r <br /> oommsnC�p�oCMdIn03 Wahst u�y su�C�asor h intKe►et or refue�to�octmd th� tor WYme^t a oth�rwls�nwdM/�nod�atbn o1 th� y— <br /> �' sums QaCUrod by thf0 S�CUrky IneWmMit by raaton of any d�rtn�d mad� by th� orfpintl BorrowK or BoROwers eucc��oro In ` <br /> �. , htonst. My forbwranc�by I.�ndar in �ourabs„7 �ny ripht or rort�edy shall not b� a waiwr of or pncUd� tl��aocotaise of eny�ipht or � ��:•"-. <br /> remedy. <br />- � L .�� 17, Succe�sor��nd Assipns Beunsi;Jolnt and Several Lleblliry; Co-sl�nera. rne covsn�ncs .�d _ <br /> ��:i,;`:':,,:�,: ��•. �'+ apreert►ents o! thb Secudty InsWmmt ahaN bad u►d bonofk tha sucCesaots luid assfpns of Lander and BoROwer, eubJ�Ct to the ___ <br /> • �•�F � � p r o v b b n s ot p�n p n ph 17'. Barowors cow+n�l+s end nQr�ewr�nt� ahaM b�Jolnt and sweral. AnY Bonow�r who co�sipes thN S�curky ___ <br /> '�:f.��� UsWmant but doas not �owcut� tha Nato:(y b oaslpnfnp thls Securky InstrurrNnt ony to moApa�� pron t� a n d c o n w y that -- <br /> ::��;: 'i?' <br /> ;;; 8ortowers hterest h the Prop«ty under the tKrr+s of thb 5ecurity InsWment; (b) is not personaly oblipated tu pty tfi�6ums sacured � J <br /> � by thls Securfty Instrum�►t; end (o) spnes thtt Lendor ond ar�Y other BoaowK maY �Qrw to a�ctend, modlfy, torbear or mak��ny �:;�.. <br /> ,.. . �'��� �- <br /> eocommodetions wkh tapard to terms of thi-a Socurky Inetn�rtwait or ths Nota wRhout th�t Borrowar'e consenG ��� <br /> � ' � ° 13. Loan Charyes. 11 tho loan sa�ursd by thB S�curky IneWmmt k �ubJ�ct ta a law whbh sat�mucirt►um ban ohupos� ���___T__ <br /> " au <br /> ,•'•^,i.. , <br /> . .' , � and that taw t�fhaNy hterpr«� co intt E:eo��a:�ir�f r�82h:r br�n Charpcs cok�tod or M b� coUecl�! :� CCn.^.r.^!�n w!!h the ben �:�`-.���-: <br /> - . ,. , ; ' � �cc�ad th� p�mAl�d Iimk�. th�n: (�) a�Y 6uCh loui ctwpos th11N b� roduCad by th� unount rnc�swy to rWuca Rhe charpa to the c;�„ <br /> `. � pormktad ifmk;�nd (b)�ny sums �inady cotMcl�d Rom Bo�ow�r which uccs�d�d P�rm1'bd MmMe �^'IM b�rWundod to Baro�we. I-�nd�r }'��" ��• ; <br /> ment to BonOw�r. If a �ztyd', '� ri?i •�:;: <br /> • : � may choosa to mak� this rMund by redur.(n9 tFa pNncpsi owed undar the Nots or by maklnp a direct pay 1,•:< .,.+��;•;��s;.:::;: <br /> "`"'� retund reducaa prhoipal,th�nductbn wN b�tn4tod as a P�tkl PropaY►►ant wNhout any prepaymont charpe under the Note. (.:<<;;,;;..:'.,�:,''": <br /> ' ' 14. NOtICEt. My not�� to Borcowaprovldsd for tn thls Security Inswmqnt ahaH be pNen bY deMrerino R cr by rruWfny k by ; �';�•�,��."y;� <br /> tiret olasa n�aN uni�as �ppuc�bM �w raqu(ro�uae ot nnath�r rrwthod. Ths notica shntl be dkected ro the Property Address or any , ." . .f,M1;,,t�,.. ,,. <br /> � uthor addats BoROwer doslpnatAS by notic�l0 4onda. My not�� to Lender shall be pNen by.tlrst oless maY to l.ende+'s nddress I •`�. �-�':. •���•� <br /> stated horeln or any othor oddrasa Lender tkaf�ttea by notico to Bonower. My notiCe provided for h this Security Indtrument ehaN ...1-_ :� <br /> ' b�doarrNd to h�w W�n ph�wi to BorrowK a LendK when pNsn ae ProvWlad in thN P�W�Ph• ' .. ,•. . <br /> 16. Govern�nq Lew;Severablllty. Thit SoCUrky Instrumont eh�N E� powmud by hdKd law and IM kW o} th� . ,,:,,:. <br /> Jurisdbtbn In whbh th�PropMly b bCaUd. N th�wait that�ny provisbn or c(auta of thl�S�aurity InaWment or th�NoH Conflbb <br /> wkh �pplfcal�k I�w, euah eonAict ehaN not �L'oct oth�r provftbns o} thls S+curky InsWrtwnt or th�Nots whlch osn he 91w� �fhct . <br /> _ ,._ _ wRhout th�conNlcthp proviobn. To thb�nd ths provfabns of thla S�curky Inawment auid ths Note m daoMred to b¢6ovsnbM• > <br /> . .'�_'__�..J�{u�tM�OIIA..��n4�curitv Inatrum�nt. ..--.-�_.. � <br /> _ - 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowir OAtll D��tvea one aomorR�.�,vw��. ..�.._�_._ _. ...- -. - ------ -_ ___ _ <br /> 17. Trane}er oi the PrapeKy or M Boneliclal Interest In Borrower. i� nn or tny part o} the Propsrty or any <br /> � Intaest In k b sold or tran�ixrod(or M a Wnaticl�� lntereat In Bonawar b soid or transierred and Bortower b not a natunl person) <br /> nsWmentn Nowe�+er�rthhs optbn s all�o�be exerolsed by Lend MQexercis�prohibRed bty feal��tlf Mtw e8 of t e da e of thls SeCUrity <br /> � . InsW�t. <br /> If Lender exerolses thls optbn,Lender s�all QMe Bonower notbe ot acceleratbn.The notbe shall provide a perbd of not tess then <br /> 30 d8ys trom the date the notfce Is delivared or malled wfthh whbh the Borrower muat poy all sums secured by thls Securily • <br /> InsWment. It Borrower tafis to puy these sums prbr to ths explretbn of thls perlod,Lender maY Invoke any remedles permltted by this <br />_ . ;: I Form 009E 9!� <br /> • �. � SeCUrRy Inetrument wflhout luRher notice or demand on Borrowor• <br /> P�p�9 0l 6 <br /> F7029.LMa(2lYB) <br /> �� <br /> :,�� ' <br /> 600 � ' <br /> � � - - - <br /> � - <br />