. ... � �. � . ... . . .. � � . � � i
<br /> F-3t15�. �- 7b Tract 1�
<br /> RW-503–aWA1LR�iNZ+Y DEED 4M-6-58 A, �.5� _Tl'aCt .37. - ~
<br /> �-�a-2z5(4)a- _
<br /> TSAT W@� He],en 3i�mons, a single womaa; �erbert S3�ons, a sfx�g�,e,,man; and
<br /> Florence xarrison, a �idaw; Tenants ia �onnno�
<br /> o/ the County of and �tate oJ Jor and in consideration of the
<br /> sum ot Eight ThotasaTtd Ttu`�e Htlrids�ed FQ2`t�y-Yoq2' al�td 00�100 - - -($8 ��,00� - � _ �DOLLAR.4
<br /> �
<br /> in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, sell, co�zve� and confirm unto THE STATE OF NEBRASSA the following described
<br /> real estate situated in xau County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of land looated in part of the Sotxth Half of the Northeas�
<br /> Qnartar and part of the Southeast Qw�rter of Section 2l�, To�nship 11 North,
<br /> , , , , , , , , , , , ,, Range 10 West oP the 6th P.M.� (North of the IInion Pacific RailroAd), Hall
<br /> �� ,�. ` County, Nebraska�, descr3.bed as tollo�rs;
<br /> Referring �o the cenber quarter corner of said Section 21�; the�ce
<br /> northerZ.y along the West liae of th� So�th H�slf oY the Northeast Quarter
<br /> of said Section 21� a distaace of 715.$ ieet to the point of beginning;
<br /> thencs continaing northerly on s�tid West liae a di.stanac of 185.3 Yeet;
<br /> thence northsasterly 59 degrees }t3 �inutes right a distanca of 86Z.8
<br /> feet to � point on the North 13.ne of said Sonth Half of the ldorthsa,st
<br /> � ���� Qaarter; thence easter�y on ssid North line a dist�nce of 612.6 Peet;
<br /> thence southerly 92 degrses O1 minute right A diatance of b57.2 feet;
<br /> ' thence continuing southerly 02 degrees !�2 minutes left a di.sts�nce of
<br /> �� ���� 807.3 Peet to a oint on the southr�ester
<br /> p ly property linc; thenee north-
<br /> West�r�r 150 degrees O1 minute right and on said property line a dis-
<br /> ���' " tance of 4.2 feet; thence southwesterly 90 degrees 00 mf�ziutes let`t and
<br /> �;� on the southeasterly property lir�e a distanee ot' 1T1.3 Feet; thence
<br /> northerly 120 degrees 39 mi�utes right a dist,a�ace of 890.2 feet; tt�nae
<br /> ° ` � continning northsrly 03 degraes !�!� �ainutea lef`t a distancs of b2A.T
<br /> � , Peet; thence noi-tt�eaterly 66 degrees 37 minutee left a dist,siace ot
<br /> �:, . �,286.6 feet; thexice southwesterly �5 degrees 19 minutes left a distzaee
<br /> . `of 1,025•3 =ee� to the point of beg�ning, ao�sining s total of 10.57
<br /> scres, more or lesa, which inclndes O.l�t acre, more or less, prevional,y
<br /> oceupied as a pubZic highWay, the remainibg 10.k3 acres, more or les�,
<br /> beirig the additior�l aarmage hereby seaured.
<br /> The above described traet �t�ll be psrt of a contro2led access
<br /> Pacility as dePined in Seetion 39-I302(6) B.R.S., 19lt3 and the re�sainder
<br /> af aaid p�rt oi' the Soutti HalP ot the Northeaat Qus�rter and of the
<br /> Southeaat Quarter (North of th� IInion Pacific Rsiilroad) which bq reaaon
<br /> o� the taking herein deseribed now abuts on a highw�y where none e�ciat,ed
<br /> therel:oPore is anb�eet tb the provisio�ts oi Section 34-1329 B.R.S., 1943.
<br /> �;�. _
<br /> ���'i 1�� � , .
<br /> ' �
<br /> C
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t;ie premises above described, together wbth. all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurte-
<br /> �aances thereunto belonging, unto tltie saicl The Staie of Nebraska and to its successors and assig�tis forever.
<br /> And W8 do hereby covenant with tlie said Grantee arad with tits successors and assigns that � �e law-
<br /> fiaily seized of saicl premises; that tltey are free jrom encunxbra�ace
<br /> that ila `have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and W!t do hereby,covenant to warrant and
<br /> defend tlte title to said prenaises agc�inxst the lawful claims of all �ersons w1�,om,soever.
<br /> Ar� th.e saic� Helen .��OYl3� Herbert Simmons, az�d F].orenae �arr►iaun itereby relinquishes ald
<br /> their righte O� every tizrne kigd 2�ti and to the above described premises.
<br /> Sig;aed this y 5� da� oj �� A.D. 19 O �
<br /> ,
<br /> In Presence of X
<br /> �-°--.... - -°-�- -� ...... . .......�--- -.......-� ... -_-.°-.-.. -�---
<br /> � `�VYw✓�O+ti/J
<br /> , R
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<br /> ---...... .... ...t-_-.--..........._.....-- .....°°--............--°•�".`'--°- - �--��-��!�L/�!v-----�--°--°-°---...'�------------°----•°-...._
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<br /> (See Acknowledgement—Over)
<br /> /
<br />