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. .. �}v�t. ��xif I !��- ; , ' 1!i a]�7"+ ,;.-.. � at f` _ <br /> ��� . -"i.4� . 4� Ir��r'4Y�F t�it . .r� ��Y.f y1� �� __ �. <br /> . _�:ra�wow�-o-S�,:.w."i..+A:...y..��'..4. f� .f.�l.rfen:_...C'... . __,_,,.,.,____.... _. .._ <br /> �_.......—.— <br /> � �2,,,, �U'9'7a3 <br /> i. Peymrntoflrinclp�i,interestandiateCh�rgc. Dorro�vershnllpaywhtndue�heprinclpnlof,nndimeroston, �-� ° - <br /> thodebtevldoncalbythoNcteandUrochugosduonnAerthoNate. '� �, <br /> 2, Monlhly p�ymenls ot7Yxes,Insur�nw and 011ier Chuges. ilorcower shall inciuda In e.zch nonddy paymem. �"'�`= ,, <br />. togtdicc wtth�tro principal and imcrest as xt forih in�ho hote and nn lotc chnrges,nn ins�.11nxm ot eny (n)mzcs and �`�i',�' � , , <br /> apcelal acsessmoms lovied or to 1x leviui againal�ho I'ropeny,@)leaseXold payments or gro�md rcms oniho Prop.ny,and �� �Ufri � <br /> (o)prcmiums for fnsurnntt rcquitcd by Paragtaph A. �'�v x� <br /> Ench monthly inslallmem fon c�ms(n),p�) nnd(c) shall a�ual one•uvclM�of�he annunl amour.�s, as rcasonably n`.Cf'.i�!_= S . �-'?' <br /> as�ima�ed Ay Lcnder, pIus an amounl sufficlent to maimain m adAldonnl batnnco of nol mnro thnn onc•six�h of thc ,�5 - ,, ,r�,i <br /> osllmatW amoums. 'll�o tull annual nmoum(or ench item slmil I»nccumnlnted 6y I.cndcr wi�liin n p:rial ending one .,i.f,�1„�,_;.,_:, ' <br /> momh beforo an Itcm would Ixcomc delinqucm. ].endcr st�atl hold iho nmoums wllcctcd in m�st io pay i�ems(a),(b)and a:;�j���;fi;'•;;:;,��.'_� <br /> (c)boPorothcylxcomodclfnqucm. tr_<`? � v�' _ <br /> If at eny timo tho to�al ot�ho pnymcros hcld by I.enACr Por i�cros(n),(b)nnd(c),iogctUer wI�L�Ae fuwro momhly - - - ; <br /> fa such Items pay.bla io I.endcr pdor to tLo duo da:es of such (tems,excads by moro than onrsizUi iho f.+_yf.�;�.,,,..��-...-� <br /> euura:ed ama�nt ot ynyments requireJ ta pay snc6 icems when due,anJ If paymrnis on tho Noto aro currcnt.�hen I.ender ,�f,�,_yn , : <br /> sAatleitt�rrofwadttr_exttsso��crw�:•sixtlioftlieestlmatedpaymrntsorcredilthecxcessoverone•sixthofiheuiimaud iJ.;,;.g;�,;.�,-,:;.r.�. <br /> p.ym:rtts ro vabs:qc�ne paynxnts by&xcowcr,ax�S opqon of Iforcowcr. If thc to�el of thc payments nado 6y Ooaowcr t`--'�':;,^�r;%?-i.-�i.:• <br /> £or item(a),@),et(t)is insutfiticni to pay the item�vAen due,tlien Oorrower shall pay tn Lendcr nny amount ncttssnry to f�A�;= ' .,r fi :-:. <br /> m.�ko ap th:dcficiency on or before the date the item 6ecomes dua ,.i.t „�b , �. <br /> As uud In�hls Sx:r.dty Instmmem,Bttrctary"nxans S.e S;crctary of Nousing and Urban Ikrelop:ncnt orhis ozAcr �,f�s�;�;Lr:;�.3Y�,`o.-� <br /> desip�cr. [aanyytr.rizwAlchtheLendermusl pay ar.rongageinsu�anceprcmiumro�hoS:cretary,eachmonehlypaynxnt i N'� i ln._- <br /> shall Nsa i�:lu8e eirt��+: (q an ins�allmcnt of ihe annual mongagc insnr;u�ee premium to be�+£d 6y Yendar io ihz =���e�i �}i,� t- <br /> Sccrd.i�:�•.or{i�1 n moavhly chargc insiead of a mongsge Insurarxe prcmium it ihis Sccuri�y]nstnemcnt es Mld by tice = _ <br />- Secret»ry. II�nch mor,tht.ins�allment of�he monga¢e iuuruice premium shall be in:m amoum svfiicirmio accumulate the .:gp l''��;q�.:�•,�w•-� <br /> luli��uxia�! mortgnge inmrenee prcmium w(�h Len3;r or.e rteacth rior�o�he date the full annual mn.�:ce(nsun�ce � �4- x t J. <br /> pmmum m due to Ih.�Secrclery;or if thts Secudty 7nsmmnr.t u h:7�by the Secrc�nry,a�rh momhly cha•�.s�a7 te in aa � �-, �x}R.. <br /> nmauv.equ�7�o or.e-hvxl�h of ono-half peruM of�he ouUSian;line princ(pal balance due on�he Note. +',,�?#';'�}'�+E�" <br /> If➢orrower�eni:n to Lender the fuil 5ymeN o1 nIl sums ncured b Ihis Saum Insmiment,6ncu��cr's accan� � tS�C�--' <br /> shall be enAitcd wiih che I�lance remaining fre all instellments for items(a),(b)and(c) ond any morcyage Insurance ��?��;ic�i>�(i`�,i-��__ <br /> premlum Installmem 6r.r.I.euder has not 6ecome obligated lo pay lo�he Secrciary,and Isnder shall promptiy rcfund an �� "�-�""'""-_� <br /> Y 'i7:[�I}T'��.c:?;;.� .. <br /> excess funds lo Uonnwer. ImmeAialely pdor�o n forecbsurc sale of the Ropetly or i�s acqulsi�ion by Lender,Dorcower5 ]a.y7 p'-.j:.ii1,�_� <br /> eccount shall be crcdimd with an bata�i rematnin Por a11 instnllmems for items(N,(b)ar.d(c). ^`�:�''•`�%':3�•`_::- <br /> Y 8 �r,fio::�SZ;,..,,- <br /> 3. Applicallon ot Wymcn4c ��L QaymeNS under Paragrephs I and 2 shall be epplied by Lendcr utallows: � �,�) ia� .. <br /> IIBFL to the maigage(nsumnce ptem�um la be paid by Lender to the Secrc�ary or w ihe momhly cM1arge by�he f rx�y;;t� �i 1� <br /> SecrG inste v4 oi fie mon�hly mortgnge inmtm�ce prcmium: sf�5 h � <br /> 5,{?COy'J�,lonxy ta<es,special hsstssmems,1cu.Sold�iyn�tnisor groan:l ctnls,and fim,Oood anAmhrrhazard 'Yt,,.2u�,` �„ __ <br /> insurnnccyrcmi�snqm�W' u�mii, t „ �� `_ <br />. il D,IOiNCfesldueundetib:Volr; � /a'`��X:4 �.��,� <br /> I�OUK'f}I,lo amotllution of[he Fnncipal of thc i�otr; � � , <br /> j•]Pjgj,ta Inte charga due und.r the No�a t� s-�'�;i�, <br /> 4. Ffre�Flood nnd Olher Nnmrd Insurmree. Bottarcr shall Insure nll on iM:Propelry,whe�hcr now p`'j L;;<<��gk - <br /> in ezistenw or cifise�uemly ercaed.againsl eny hazatds.cuualiles,and cor.tireter.cies,iacludfnR 6re,(or wfiich Lender F._tr,�_r<i:�ri:kf°�_�3- <br />- requlns(nsurance. Tlds Nsurance shall he mainlnined in�he emoums and foc tt:e periods thn�Lender requircs. 6orto���er �%s���,�'s:f.y?�'.��,5._,'_- <br /> shell¢Iso Insure ail ImprovemeNS on the Ropeny,whc�her now in utstentt or subsequcmty erccted,egainst iouby floods -';t'�,;�;�'f,�.;��+i^��-- <br /> ro ihe extem rcqulrc4 6y�he Secrctery. All(nsumnce shall be cartied wiih companles npp:oved by Lendec 77�c insurance ''��%i;�z'i�y�=iC�;:�_..� <br />- policles and any rcnewals shall be Imld by Lendtr and shall include loss payable clauses in favor of, nnd in n fomi ;{�.�;i,-�h?s;�;F.,�7F'_ <br /> accepiebleto,Lender. v-3-';t '�' _ <br /> In ihe evcnl of loss,Dorcower shall give 1_en:Lr immcdiate notice by mail. I.ender mny makc �uro:'o(loss if not !, a�1; � ��y q--- <br />- made prompily Uy Borconaa Cach insurame a�:x�p:mp concemed is hercby mi�horind nnd dircaed to mah�pa mem for -t��,t:'...�• <<.-L,;-.�. <br /> ,��R,:r i:iFi+:"<?,`: <br />- such lossdirec�ly ro Lendrr,instead ot tn Bortua•er and to Lenderjoimly. All or any jntl of�he insmnn:e prvcu maybe .:;_t.�4,fQS����:'•�r;.. <br /> app11eJ by�Lender,nt I�s op�ion,ei�he�Wl�o�he rcdueiion of�he i^debtedness undar�hr timc;md ih3s Seaurlty Inslrumrn, :�ys`�;!=��i_}tr�i!+_'.. <br /> firsl to nn} Ct1ln�uent emoums npplicct in�he ordcr in P.�mgr.qh 3.anJ ihen tn prcpa�meni of p�iix�i�l, or(b) to the - ,.i s y ,_ <br /> rcswretlon orrcpa rof the A�m�aged propetly. Anp appiieation uf Ihe procCeds(n Ihe prir.cipal shall no(eaenA orpuslpone ' �' - <br /> �he due date uf�he momhly paymen�c which nrc reterted�o in Paragraph 2,ur change the amoum of su.h pa�aems. Any �?+ ��t ��rn " <br /> eneess insurence procee&over an nmoum reqnired to pay all ums�andmg ender�he Note and�hls Security - <�_� : � ty� 'ti'r� �- <br />� Insitumentshallbepaidto�hecmi�ylcgallyent0led�hercto. ri5;;;;':�KS:�t,,.t:;';' <br /> in the event of forcNosure of�his Securi�y 6fswmenl or oiher transfer of�ide lo ttk Pmpetly Ihal CXtinguishes Ihe x;h S�':a„ -:: <br /> indebtedness,all righL�i�le ond imere.�of IIortower in and�o insurznce policies in force x6a11 pics to�he purchas.r. ,�s�r f,��3�; _' <br />- 5. Occupancy�, Prescrvntion, Malntennnce nnd Proteclion of Ihe Properlvt lbrao�.¢r's Loan Ayplicntton; r,f :,ST + v - <br /> Leaseholds. 6ottoucr shall occupy,es�ablisk xn..t me the Propny as 6ortower+pdncipal rcsidtnce niehin sutX days -�,;, �,��?"' <br /> aner�he executlon of ihis Securi�y Insvumem•r.a S sha:l cominue m occupy�he Propeny nc Borrrn�rr's{xiaci�nl res�dence t�.f�..•?;;4�.r,���:�+;;���� <br /> ;`p!. �1 <br />: for et leest one year n�er�he da�e of xcupancy,unl.•�uhe Secm�ary Ae�emiine��hi.nqui�rmem��ill ca�nr unAue hardship _ : ;{i�_�e-.,,_._:. <br /> tor poROwer,or unless ex�enua�ing circmiistancrx exist ���hich are beyond UoRO��crS cnn«ol. Dorrower shall mx�fy ;j"�1'�kv„`-4'�;.',`''�.- <br />- Lenders of any extenua�ing cinums�ancrs. Donower shail nm commit �raae or da�m�.dam:igr nr su�S�:�niially cha�ge ,;,�i;j�'!'��^�-f='�: <br />- lhc 1'ropcny or allow lhc Propcny lo dc�t�iom:t,rexwr.ablc wcar and lear cxccpleJ. Lend:r map inspect ihc Proprr�y if�hc ' y�����s;,z-. <br /> , , }..:t 7, . <br /> Propetty is vnnnt or ebtndoncd or Ihe loan is ia drfxxh. Lender may IaAc«a�onab.c nclion In proiecl_�e. �+:exrve sech .�_ij�;,,,,,;,,;,,; `- <br />. vecnnt or abandon.d 'fYoperty. Rortowcr.h:L: c.i.�k in Jcfauh if Oortnucr.during Ihe loan applic.+::ar. p:ness. garc .`s;:r-:7';l:i:':--.. . . <br /> malerially false ur ir.e«uatc informatinn n� .�a;erecnts In Lrnder (ur failed lo prosidc Lendrr ��i4h �+y mntcrial ��-_Sd�;:;.-;�� - <br /> infomia�im�l in eoan.clirn wi�h d:e k+ar.r.�drr.ceJ hy�h. Sox.isluding,b��nni limiied�o.�ep�eser.u:nn>coneemi�g � ��.: ::,� . - . <br />' 6o�rox'er=crtupancy of�1x Ae�r::y a.n pnn:�p:�l iexidenre. I:..`.n Senirii�•1r.ltumeN i,nr.a Ita<ehr5!.33tvro�cer c!:�11 ��°�:: ;�'�� . <br />_ comply�vilh thc provisirr..of t1:r:cz.e. If T3rrroueraryuina i::iidr�o ih<i''na•rn.�Fr:r:crl:nlA a:::::t iiiic.hall r.o� -:i',:��j'.;f1i�,:.,. , <br /> be mcrgcd unless Lcin!.�egrees tr i.".r r.:c:p�:i: �.��:::ng. ' ; <br />- 6. Ch3rges to 73arrowrr nnd i'roteclion.;F i.ender i Righls In ihe 1'�cpnrh: Horto�ccr�hall ry:.�:{go�emnteni�l ' - . ,�`�•�.� <br /> or nwnieipal eharge� ar.d Se:rr.+.:i:rs�ha� arc no�inciuded in Par:�graph?. 13u:ro��er�hall pa�� tF.�4 ob;ig:urnnon � � � <br /> �ime direelly ro Ihe enliq•whicY. i _-..:d iL•e pa��meu�. If failurc lo pay��ou1J ad�roei� affca� Lenda: in:erta in ihr - <br />. Propcny.uponLcndcrircyucaf• :•r••:rshallpron�p0yfumi.hloLcnJcrt�tcip�cceiJcining�hc.rpasmcnts. � . <br /> If Oorto���cr fails ro maAe 0:.>: parmcm. or ih.p:nmcnl.rtyuircJ M Pnragraph '.or (�ik «.�.do�m any i . <br />- avrcna�io u"a agiac��"6.�C�:.�.-r.� �� �_..°.:.biG: i n�'inifi:.Gi: 'il i..:::E.��^:::�::.t:::'1:': .[t: :•t::.1 j �:F.: ; "_ . . <br />- Lcndcr�rights in chc Rosctty nw.h as a procccdmg in b:mAruplry�fur cxL:mn�twrc o�to<nfo;<e Ir.,a.c�<gulabcn+l. ` - <br /> Ihcn Lcndcr may w arr!{uy thsx+cr f.nccc>�q In prolccl lhc�aluc�(tT+:Rc�n�arvl Lendt�:c�gLn m ttc Fto�<rt+. � .. <br />- intluding paymem of nen.(v»rd msuranre i�d iNhcr ncm.mcnunr,cd m Sa:agaph I. <br />. AnY amouNS d�shun:d b} L<rtCcr unJcr ihi+Pangraph.hall hccame nn v'd�c:a�al uF[oC Urcro�+<r and tc�urcJ � . <br />- by�his Sccuriiy Imwn�cnc SF.c�t ainoum.+hal l bcar imerc��frnm�h�=di:a�t Sn2cn.r..mL a��Fc ��+;ra;r,aad at ihc <br />� oplion of Le�cr,ihall6c immcdialely Jue and payahir. ' <br /> 7. Condemnaifun. The prucecds of miy awanl er claim(ur Jamagc�.durq nr con.cyucmi:J.m cwnectiun�rith any i <br /> condcmnalion or othcr laking of any pan of Ihc i'ru�n�t ut(or cmce�ancc in placc nf condcmna�inn,aa hcreh��a..ign�i � <br />� and shall bc poiJ to Lender�o thc cxlrn�of Ihe full amounl uf Ihc fndc��ninc�.�h.�remain.unpaid unda�hc So:c:mJ�hi. <br /> Secufiy Inswmem. Lender shall applp surh procc�vl.lo Ihc reJuaian of�he inJcMedne��unJtr�IK Nn:e anJ thi�Scaum� ' <br /> Insinimcnt. firs� �o any dclinyuem anroumc applicd m �hc order prmiJcJ in Rvagnph 7. anJ �hcn m preN}mcn nf ' . <br /> prineipsl. Any appliwiion of�he proceavl:�0 7he principal .hail nol ea�end or (t,a{kxi. Ihr due Ja:c uf �he inomhl� ' <br /> . q�C�l.J I N(ru . <br /> . <br />. . . . _ _ _ "_ " _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ "_ ". _ <br />