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<br /> . .�z G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon 1Lcnder's rcquest, Borrowcr shaU a�sign to I.,endcr all leases of thc
<br /> �,"� � Property and all sccurity deposits madc ia conn�tion w[th Icases of the Froperty. Upon tho assignment,Lendcr
<br /> shaU havc the right w modify,extend ar tcrminate the existing lcascs and w eaocute naw leases,in L.ender's so�
<br /> i discrcdan.As used in thls paragraph l3.the word"leas�"shall mean "subleasc"if the Securiry Instrument is on e
<br /> ' � kasehold. „ �
<br /> � Barrower absolutely and uncond�tianally assigns end transfers w Lcnder all the rents end ecvenues("Rcnts")of thc :;,,-'-
<br /> Property.r�gardless of w whom thc lients of Ihe Pro aro payable. Hotrower authorizes Lcnder or I.end�r's ��+�°
<br /> �{� agents to wllect�he Rents,and agrses that each tenant of the Pr�nperty shall pay the Rents w L.ender or Lender's ��,�;��-
<br /> t egent�.Howeeer.Borrowu shall receive the Rents nntil(i)Lender has given Bonower nodce of default pursuant w
<br /> ;. paragraph 21 of the Security Instrument and (U�L,ender has given notice W tha tenant(s)that tha Rents an La be ,:�;;Y,:_.,
<br /> paid w Lendu ar Lender's agcnt '1�his assignment of Rents co�+sdtuces � atssolutc assigncecnt and noi an � �:�±•ti.�_
<br /> 1 assignment for addxtFonal security only. „`.
<br /> f .,,:�_,_'-
<br /> if J.ender glves nodce of breach to Borrower.(i)a11 Rents received by Bonower shall be held by Hosm�ver as —
<br /> :�� wstea for the 6enefit of Lender only.to be appQed eo the sums secured by the Security Instruraent;(u)Lender shall , ._
<br /> '� be enbtled to collect and receive e�! of tha R�nts of the Pcoperty: (iU) Borrower ag�ees that each tenant of die _�
<br /> '� pronuty shaU pa,y ell Rcats due and unpaid ta Lendu or Lc�►der's ngents upon Lender's writt�n demand to the :�:�:":
<br /> �j f tenant; (iv) unkss applIca�!r faw pzovides otherwise. all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall 6e . -�
<br /> :� • applied first w the ccx`s�f saicing control of and managing the PropenY and collocan8 the Rents.in�cEuding,but na ___
<br /> ;� limited to.attomeys' Eaes,receiver's fees,premiums on r�eceivee's bonds.repair and maint,enanw oosGs, insurance
<br /> premiums.taxrs.assessments and other charges on the Propaty.end the�n to the sums secured by the Securiry
<br /> d Instrumc,�t;(v)Lenda.Le�ndu's agents or any judiciallY 9PPointod tcxeiver shall be liable to account for on{y t}�ou
<br /> Rents a�alty rcxeiveu.ena l'vi1 Lender si�sii oc uiii�iai u,i�'rc&r.,,;.,i:��gpini�!SQ t^.����^ •�,•�Qf ?"! -
<br /> '� manag�the Pra�a�and collect the Rents and�rofits duival from the Property withaut any shawt� t�.s to the ,
<br /> inaclequacy of�k?roroetty�s securiey.
<br /> ` If the Rents of the ProperEy ace not sufficierit ta cover tba costs of taking cantrol of andi m�a�gi� tlie
<br /> • Pcopaty and of collacting the Rr��s any funds eapended by Lenda for such purposes shall become irr�MM'ad�r,ss of
<br /> , Borrowu to Lenda secured by S'n��acnriry Insuument pursuant tu Unifoim Covaiant 7. �:'
<br />:'2 . Borrower crp�.senis aud warrants thac Borrowu has not cxecutod nny prior essignment of thr,Renbs�anrl tug �..�
<br /> - • not and wiU�tot�'rnm any act tt�at would prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this p,�'rqrh.:. �c_.---
<br /> ' tot
<br /> . .., Lenda,a 3znder's egenis ar a judicially a�oointed rexeiver,shall not be requirod to cnxr u�raa,+aina control �•.
<br /> ° :,;.. ' c�f vc;myniain t�e Property befarc or after giving notice of deTault to Borrower. Huwevr�;,Lender,ar•�der's E -
<br /> = � ':�;:.:�<. ager�s vr a judicially appointed receiKer.may do so at any tune when a default occura.Any agpl�u:aw�c�.¢��Renu _
<br /> -�•` "'{"'' '� sF�sll not cure or attive any default or invalidau any othcr right a remedy of Lcnder.'I1�ia assig��nC v c�Rtnts oF '°�
<br />_:•:.3s�+! - � _
<br /> _;:;,;.��:,:, the property shaU se,rsninate when all the sums secnmd by the Security Instrumentere paid in full. �_,__
<br /> r_;�xr,y�.y I.CR05S-6E�'AULT PRO�VISION. Borrower's default or bre�ch under am� note oa ��meat in t_�-Y_
<br />_- ,`;`...::{ which L,enda t�ag an interest s►'�a'Ll be a breach under the Stxuriry Instrumeat a��d Lende�r may invt�u�aany af U�e e1"�.
<br /> �'-_
<br /> = ��•:;: ranedir,s p�nitted by the Securiiy Instrument :`
<br /> -=��"x'`'�'`i BY SIGNING�EIAW,Horrowu accepts and agrees to the temis and provisions cantained irt r�ia 1-4 Family "�
<br /> -;;�'°��::�., � Rider. :::---
<br /> _-+� —
<br /> -•_t i__ _:9 Q�.,.
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<br />-r•.�: ^,� '' ._��i.�!�� (SP�11) � � � _,-
<br />"� �ii"•:•° .� CHERYL A PYiII,BECK •Boerowcr -Horrower �
<br /> '-_� ,Y
<br /> -:: - . (SP.3I) lSCBI) —-_ _
<br /> •Borrower •Borr�ver ' _
<br /> � �.yyv z
<br /> •, L T�'a .
<br /> . �•67 leao��.oi rap•2 m� Form 3170 3109 '� � `•�w.
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