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<br /> ,. '" piroperty 6y public Rnnouactment at the time ss�i Qluee oP Kny pyr�viniiFly r,�hectuled eale.Le��de�r or Itn de�t�aee mpy
<br /> ' purchwse the Property 4t aay e�te. -
<br /> Ylpoi� vece;a9 u� �uyu:�at�:tbe pri�e C��„ 'E'xuxte ^!s^�I dr•IIt�Fr f� the p�srchn»er 'Cruss:�ae'� deed cveveying the
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<br /> ,,::: Trustee sh�fl apply tR�e pro�ee�'�01 the s�k in�ae fmlJirnarta��ordcrs(s)in aU costr�wnd expco.�a csP ax�rcb:a�l6e power of
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<br /> � ZZ,Recnnvey�nce. U�n payment o�a1l v�unr3 �ec+r�td by Ihla 4rr.url.ry G�atn�menG I.enAer r�u11 UC.9i TfOSODC l0 ���'`
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<br /> : Instrument W Tcustee.'llrustoe shssU roconvoy the X1'�'�erq' Y =
<br /> ' j . enritled w i�Snch person a pawr�a shallpay any�rrcorda�m�osts. -
<br /> 23.Subst[tute Trusta. Lenda,at its qNI¢a�na��.;/fram time ro timo rcsmove 7lcuaux and uppoinc n:succcssoc wst�e W any
<br /> ltustoe appointed here►�nder by an insitument rcrcca�:d icn tke coun�y in whicD Uiia Security Lnsa��.mcs;d is recordaf. Without
<br /> ..� � conveyance of the Prope�ty,tfio successor trustee s1r�R sirccec,d t,o a11 il�a dila,�mwer and dudes canFer�-e.�1 wpon Trustce herein and ---
<br /> . . „ bY aPP�
<br /> `, � Z,,.,p�k�s��N�, gorruwer requcstu thatt cop'ces of tl�e noticas of dcfau(t and sate be scrse w Barowcx's x6dress
<br /> • ' which is the Prop�y Address.
<br /> . : � 25.Ridere fo tYis Securit�In�lrumenw If ti�r,or nuue riders w�e ax�nted by Bormwer aad re.cc�tdod togethcr with thi�
<br /> • ' Securiry Instrument,the covenanLS end agrecmentu of each s��ch dder sl�all l�e incoe�csrated inta au�d s�7a11 anicnd aad wppkment _
<br />_ � tl�e coveitants end agrcxtt►emts of this Security Insitlttrr.�t,�as iff tho ride�(s)�vcres n pvt of ihis Sccurity Insrn�rncn�
<br /> [Chcck appllcabk box<es)l
<br />_ ❑Adjustabie Rate Rider 0 Cc�n�ut�eirl+im Rider O 1-A Fswn1I•�•R1der
<br /> - - � ❑Qirad�aled Payment Rider [�FSunrtr�Unit Devalopmcynl ltidcr 0 diweeiriy Paym.ent Rlder
<br /> � :' • ❑�4alloon Ridu d F,atr LRn�rovcanent Rirlee [�Scwnc3 Iirame kider
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<br /> s +:�� BY'�IGIVIN(i BELQW,Bo[mwcr eCCC�►ts eu[Il agcTCS t�Ihe tczms aUd 4UVCniulte conl�Llc�l im Ihi�u�+�curity InsWn�t and in _
<br /> ��,,;�
<br /> '�.,�. �,.. r eny rideKs)txxutod by Borrawu and�rocorded�u.sfbt ic. _
<br />-°; � . . Witness�s:
<br /> s�� .:. . ;r �� ����t!'�-..r.�-- (Seal�
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<br />-:L:_.��`,°,., StateoY Nebraata� ��•L County ss:
<br />�. 'ihe faegoing insaumeritwss ecknowledgxl before me thi� 25Tx day af �►1tYT� , 1997 ,
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<br /> "���';�a'� b)► �ggyr, A PHILBSCI(, ANO RIXIER LSR PHIL88CK, NIFB AYiD HU3DAND
<br /> —"''�'°"' Wtuxss my hand and notaiisl seal at �� zg��� �H�� i�n�ais{Co�n ,the date afomsaid.
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