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<br /> S.Houud or Piraperty lnsurance. Borrowcr shall kccp thc improvc�ncnts now exisdng an c�rcattcr crected on thc Property ,-
<br /> insurcd ugainst loss by Citc, hv,�rds includctl within thc tcrm "extended covcrti�c" und any othcr ha�.�r�s,including tloods or
<br /> flooding,for which I.ender requiresi insarance.Tlt1s insuru�ce shull be maimai��ed in thc entounts and fot ttte periods that f.ender
<br /> rcquires.'Itie insuranw carricr providing 1he insurance shaU be chosen by Bonower subJect to Lender's approval which shull not .
<br /> • 6c unrcasonably withhcld. If Borrov�cr fails to maintuia� covcragc describcd abovc, I.endcr may, at Lcndcr's opt�on, obtuin
<br /> � coverage to prouxt Lender's rights in the Property in accordence wlth P�B�Ph�•
<br /> All insurance poAcies end renewals shall be acceptnble to Lender end shall include A standard mortgage clause.Lender shall
<br /> have the dght to hold thc policics and renewals. If Lcndcr require.g. Bonower shall prompdy givc w Lendcr all rcccipts of paid
<br /> premiums and renewal nodces.In the event of loss,Borcower sh�ll give prainpt notice to the insurance earrier end Lender.l.ender :
<br /> may makc proof of loss if not madc pmmpUy by Bnrrowcr. + •,•�'��;'
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othcrwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoradon or replir af the ...•�_,���;+��
<br /> �,i Property damaged, if�hc reswration or repair is economically fcusiblc and I.ender's securiry is not lesscn e d.I F t h e r e s t a rn t ion or �•�� °
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or Lender's sec�sriry would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied w�io sum. �' .�;'�";�'��--
<br /> secured by this Security Inshvment, whether or aot then due,with any eacess Paid w Borrower. If Borrower abandons thu , ;r.�;`�""`—S�"`"'."
<br /> I'�cog:,rty,or du�.s not e�swer with�n 30 days a notice from Lendcr that the insuranca can'ier has offcred to sr.plc a claim,then ;,� _
<br /> Lrnder may collect ihe insurance procceds.l.ender may nse she proceeds to repair or restore the Properry or to pay sums secured �,,p.,���_
<br /> ..�J.r=-
<br /> .��..��.,,==
<br /> by u►is Se.curity Inswment,whethcr or not then due.T1te 30-day period will begin when the nodce is given. . ___ �
<br /> Unless Lender and�iorrower otherwise agrec in writing,any aAplication of proceeds w principal shall not extend ar post�one �����.,���,
<br /> the due dAte of the monthly payments refecred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If under paragraph :,,.,�,,.
<br /> 21 thc Pr�pertY is accluired by L.ender,Borrower's right to any insurt�tcc policies and proceeds restddng from dam�ge to ihe :' �..-
<br /> Property prior to[he accluisidon shall pass co 1.cnder to the extent of the sums secured by ehis Securiry Instrument immediately
<br /> rior ta the acquisition. �':`kti��= �
<br /> '�„ p � .
<br /> 6.Oceupancy.Preservotbn�Mstinteastnce a�+t9 Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appllcat'An;Leaseholds. ";��
<br /> Borcower chaU occupy.es t a b l i,h,and use the Pro p e r t y as Boaower's principal residence within si�cty days after the execudon of ±;,• ' ';
<br /> � this Security Instnunent and shstll continue to occupy the Property as Botrov�er's principal residence for at least one year after the
<br /> _-_�___.,._._ e�a �f�•r�_�aqr.y, �micec Lender otherwtse aftrees in wt►ting,which consent stu+ll not be unreasonably withheld, or unless . `:
<br /> exunuating circiunstances oxist which are beyond Borrower's conOrol.Borrower shall not destroy.uamaBe or impair ino F�u�iy. � -.,:
<br /> " allow ihe Property ro deterlorate,or commit waste on ihe Property. Horrowcr shall be in default if eny forfeiture acdon or , ,',!
<br /> � „ � pruceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the Property or ;'�
<br /> oth�iwese matetielly impair the lien�eated by this Security Inswment or I.ender's security interesG Borrower may cure such a , ' ��•`�
<br /> �, defaull and reinstatc,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or pmceeding w be dismissed with a ruling shas, In '� '
<br /> Lendu's good faitli dete�minarion,precludes forfciturc of the Borrower's interest in thc Property or other msusrial impairmont of �� F�,,,
<br /> � � ttie lien created by this Socurity Instrument or l.ender's security int�tes�Borrowec sha11 also be in default if Borrowec,dwring thn � ..
<br /> �_ loan application process,gava materially false or ir.nccucace informadon or statements to Lender(or failed w provide Lendex with —i ,
<br /> ,:s ��� any material infamtudon) in connection with the loan evidenced by tha Note, including,but not limited W, representations ��_
<br /> �" � conceming Borrower's occugancy of the Property As a princiPal residence.If this Security Instcument is on a leasehold,Barrowa i7.,
<br /> �'•�' shall wmply with all the provisions of the lease.Tf Borrowcr acquires fee dda to Qie Property,the leasehold and the fee tide shull ;,,,�l�
<br /> ' •• '�' not mage unless Lender agrecs ta t1�e merger in w.ritin8•
<br />_ . . • � 7.Pratcsitam o!Lerdss's itidht�a in the ProperZy. If Bonower fails to perfomn tho covenanis and agreements cantained jn _
<br /> this Securicy Instrument,or the�+e is a legal proceeding thet maY si8niticantly affect Lcnder's rights in the PropeKy(such as a _
<br /> pcoceetling in banl�cuF�Y.Probate,for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enforce�aws�r reguletions).then I.ender may dn and pay =
<br />" ' �! for whatever is necessary to protect Ihe valne of the Properey tmtl Lender's rights in tha II�*roperty.I.ender's xdons may include �
<br /> •� • � paying any sums secured by u lien which has prlority over this Security Insm�ment, appcaring in court, paYinB reasonuble -- — -
<br /> . � attomeys' focs and entering on ihe I'roperty co mnke rcpairs.Although I.cnder may take action�ander this paragraph 7,L.ender �__-_ __
<br />_-- . •• does not havc to do so. _.` .'� .-
<br /> • � Any amounts disbnrsed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become nddidonal debt af Borrower scxurtd by this Security ��_..
<br /> ' Insarumen� Unlcss Borr�war and Lender agrce eo od►er teims of paymcnt,thrse amaunts shall bear interest from the date of --�r.��;�:;
<br /> � � disbursemcnt at the Note ratc and shall be payable,with interest,upon nodce from Lender to Borrower requesting payment �'"
<br /> .-.-. :.-.. - S.i��.���e:�;�,:r.w. If Lender reguLre�!mortgage insurancc as a wndidon of making the loan secured ay this Seeurity '-�����. _ -i`�
<br /> Instrumu►t, Borrower shall pay the prcmiums requircd w maintai� the mortgage inssuance in effa;� If, for any rcason, ihc �-'„�� �,;�s:�r�
<br /> .. mortgnge insurance�ovcragc rcquircd by Lendcr lapses or ccases w bc in cffcct,Borrower shall pay the prcmiums requimd to ,•� �� ��?��.
<br /> .u�..
<br /> 'l•;,.... - . _.
<br /> . " ohtain coverage substantially cquivulent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost sub�uu»bally equivalent eo tha '.! �,,,�,Tn k;�,fJ� :
<br /> cosi to Borrower of 9h� moriguge insurance previously in effect,from an�Itemate mortgage insurer approved by Leador. If • ;.,.;,.,�.;..
<br /> substeniially equivalent mangago insurancc wverage is not available. Boraawcr shall pay w Lender each month a sum equul ta ;:,;:� .
<br />� � � one-tweffth of the yearly mortgage insurnncc premium being paId by Borrawer when the insurance cov�rage lapsed or cease�i to .. �•�;'�.�
<br /> . . be in effa:G L.ender will acceg4��d �n these payments as a lo,ss reszrve in lieu of mortgags insurance.Loss resscrve ;...
<br /> `��r� Form 90rB 9l00 ,.` ;�'' ,
<br /> .. ., � �•ep(NE)loz�2l.oi a■p�sote i�mais: . . � .
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