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- � I ,. _ :il� � .-"!,,•=.:7a: ` ...:•.., „ ?,i!i V:;'jtli�'-. n <br /> :;��� +�t'' 1� <br /> -. '� i4 •,S'71.:�:•�ifE�"',\.',t}.i . : .�.,s,� <br /> .��j� � .., . . . � �l- 1 a�) .. - \- '\ r!1 , . t�,j� tlh'.. _ <br /> t � I, l <br /> 1 �3. I��: � � . <br /> .Pr.I <br /> - . �r , t,'�. ..r't:-s�x�...q'• <br /> � ,. il; . <br /> .,.... , �,,.. , • 11 1 .• '� �T:� <br /> , � <br /> _ ,.� <br /> . <br /> - -- � -- - _ .. . ., ., .. •__..-�.._u.:.�-" _-- -�..—: <br /> " r�__._."_'___—-'__�_. rr- .� ..�•w1i.,rr3Nr�'R=3:" " '__ __-��. _ �.. . <br /> . <br /> ,.- . �—._ �.—� _-- � s <br /> ., <br /> � •.�ti1S' .. <br /> , .�� ... . .�t.i> . �•ttYlS.'ti� . , _. . _ .... - -_ <br /> . •�.vA�n.' � � __ " .. .. .. _ � <br /> • �mrefwc+�vrt <br /> .. .. � } �• __. <br /> .r !t 'KNYV.. . ..._ _""' " " .... ..... � . .. - " -. <br /> . , . ._ . 97��(�31�9 =: <br /> l7.'r�•uoyP��r ni'Ili�I'rn�xrty o�•n Brnef'icial lntcrest in Dorrnwcr.If ull c,r anypart uf thc Property or any tntcrest in it � <br /> Iti�uld ur tr,in�fcrnd(�n'If u I+citeh�ud intcrest in Borro�vrr is suld or transfcrrcd�md Dorrnwcr is not a nutural persan)without = <br /> I.�ndcr'ti priur wrlurn rnntirnt. I.�ndu• muy. at it� uptiun. rcquirc immcdiatc payimnt in full of all sums sccurcd by this _ <br /> , • ticruriry Intiuwurnl. I luwcv��r,�hi+��ptiun�hall nut bc excrriscd hy I.cnder if cxcrci�c�s prohibitcd by fcdcral luw as of thc datc � <br /> f af Ihiti Srr�u�Uy Intiuiunrnt. =- <br /> li I.�n�lrr ererrftir��hf�nption. �.ender shall�;i�c Dorrower notice of uccelcratic�n.T'he n��ticc shall pmvide n perind i�f nat _ <br /> �_i le,+ thm� ?0 �hryti Uum Ihr +lut� Ih� nnticc is dclivc�eJ ur nu+ilcd wi�hin whicl� Qoe�o+�•cr must pay all sums tiecured hy this `_ <br /> ' Sl'CUPIIy I�I�IIIIIIIC111. II Ilufl'��N'CI'II!f1s to piiy thesc sums prior ro th�cxpiration uf thisperind, Lcndcr muy invoke uny remedics =• <br /> ,.,,,.� r permlltrd I�y ddti tirc��i i�y hititru�ncnt without furthcr noticc or dcmand on Borrowcr. -- <br /> „,�.,,.,,..e�,n �H, porro��ci�'y Itlµht t�e Reli�stute. If Horrower mects cenain cmiditians,Borrc�wer tihull hm�e the right to hnve � <br /> cnt'urrcmru� ��t �fii+ tirrnrlt� Inslruuuiit discontinued at any time prior to thc carlierot': (a) 5 dnys (or such other period us _ <br /> � uppllr�ihlc Iriw mny .prcify fnr r�instntcmcnq betore salc of the Propeny pursutint�a any powcr nf salc contuinul in this _ <br /> ' ' Secw�lty In,lrumem;i�r lb1�nlry al'a.ludgmcnt enforcing this Seeurity Insttument.TBose conditions are thut Borrower: (n)puys — <br /> . � , I.endcr idl sunn �vhfch tticn a•utdd he duc under this Security ➢nstrument and the Nae:ss if no accelerution hnd occurred; (h) = <br /> � currti any dcfnult uf uny utlur r�ivrnumti ur ugreements; (c) pays all expenses incurr�d in enforcing this Security Instn►ment. _ <br /> including, h�n nut limltcd tu,rcmonuhlc uuornry�' fces; and(d)takes such actinn as Lender may reasonably require to assurc <br /> �t�� that thc licu uf ihl,Sccurlty InKlrunu�nt, l.rndcr's rights in thc Property and Barmwer's nbligation to pay the sums secured by _ <br /> . u tl►i� Scr�n•ily Ins�rument rhnll cuntinuc wuhnnged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwe:r, this Security Instrument and the = <br />_ �tibligutiuns ticciu•cd hcr�hy tihnll remafn fully cffcctivc:is if no acceleration had nccurral.Howevcr, this right to reinstate shall — <br /> , . � not upply in thc cusc uf urrcicn�ti�m undrr pnru�raph 17, <br /> �• !9, tiule oP Nutc: Chunuc nf IA�im tiervlccr. "I'I�e Nntc or a partiul interest in the Note (together with this Ser.urity — <br /> Instrumcnt)miry hc+uld�mc ur mure Ifmcti�vithnut prior notice to Korrower. A sale mry result in a change in the entity(known � <br /> � us qie"l.��un Scrvicer")thut cullcc�ti muntldy p,�ymcnls due widcr the Note and this Sccuriry In�trument. There also may be onc -- <br /> or morc rl►angc+ u(thc l.�mn Scrvircr unrclutcd tu n yidc��P the Note.If there is u ch3nge af the Loan Servicer, 6orrower will be r <br /> givcn written notice uf'Ihe chai►�e in ucr��rdunce with pmugraph 14 ubuve und applicable lmv. The notice will stnte the name and --.:. <br /> �•� uddre�s��f the ncw l.uan Scrviccr und thc nddre�s tu which payments should bc made. Tl�e notice will also contain any ather - <br /> ., int'urmutiun rcquircd'ny upplic�d,lc I.�w. _ <br /> . 20. Hur,urdaus tiubtitune�w, liurruwcr tihull nnt cause or pennit the presenc�,use,disposal, storuge, or release of any - <br /> �� Hu•rm•duus Subst.mccs on i►r in Ihc 1'r���1crty. Nurruvrcr shull not do, nor ullo�v anyane elsc ta do, anything affecting the <br /> . • Pr��pei�ty �hat is in vialutiun ui wry i?nvirunmentid Luw. The preceding cwa sentencasliall not apply to the presence, use, or <br />_ srornge un the Propeny af xm;�ll qu+uuiticy��f Iluiainluus Substances that are generally recognized ta be appropriAte to normal <br /> � residentiul uscs and tu maintennncc��I'thc 1'ruperty. - <br /> � ;�' ' Burrower shall prompdy �;ivc I.cndcr writtcn nuticc uf uny imestigAtion, clairn,demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any <br />- . <br /> •• v��vernmentul nr rceulutorv uccrcv ur nriv�ur p;�rty involving thc Prope�Ky und any Haza�dous Substance or Fnvironmental Law <br /> ' nf which Bnrrower hus actuiil kno�vlcdgc. If Hurr+��ver Irurns, ar is notitied by any govemmentai or reguiaiury ttutlwiiiy, ihai <br /> . uny rcmuvid or other remcdintfu►i ot'uny Hiitarduuti tiuhstiuirc uffecting thc Propeny is nccessary. Borrowcr sholl prompdy take <br />;; -� . ',, ull i�cccssury rc�ncdiul nctiuns in nccurdm�re with Finvirumncnttd L:►w. <br /> �:.�r�' :•.� ' As used in �his purn�rapi� 2l), "Hu�urdin�, tiuh,�nnce�" nre thosc substances defincd as toxic or ha•rardous substances by <br /> i>'•:"'•. • �nvircmment�d Law and thc full��wing +uh.�unrc+: �;��solinc, kcrosenc, other flarnmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br />�` ,;:;;:',; pesticides and herhicides,vulutile,ulv�nts, ni�Ucriid�contiiinin�!�i+bestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> j�"�::�t"��� this puragrn�h 20, "Envir�mmcnud" mcan.r fcd�rul linti•r unJ luws of the jurisdiction whcre the Property is located that <br /> �r''�';�! � � rclatc ti�hcu th, sufcty��r envir�inmcnUd prulictlun. <br /> =�;:•�:i+?: , NON-UNIFORl�1 CUVkiNAN'1'ti. liurrna•cr�mQ Lcn�Dcr Ibrthcr covenant and agrcc as fallows: <br /> ''----• 21. Acceler�du�r Remedl�w. IAnder rhull Klve iiotice lo Ilorrower prior to aaeleradon following HoiTOwer'R breaeh <br /> �'`hr���j� of uny covenWnt or u}�rc�ment in Ihly ticrurlly Inrlrument (but not prior to acceleratton under paru�raph 17 unless <br />'':'.�V��._�� upplicubte law provld�w oU►crwisr)� '1'he i�uUcc shuU w{xtilfy: (�)the defuult;(b)Ihc acdon required to ci�re the defaultR <br /> - (c)x date, nnt I�.�y thun 30 du��9 fra�n the Qute the notlee ly};Iven to Borro�ver, bt�vhicb the defnult must be cured;snd <br /> _'_�,�i,���,� (d) that fuilure to cure the d�:fwuU on ur Ixfore the dwte r+{xtilQed In the not[cemay result in accelerntlon of the sums <br /> o..,�;_�•:,.�� secured by thls tiecu�ity �nstrun��nt und r;�lc of U�c Nro{xrty. Thc notice shals turther inform Borrower of the ri�ht to <br />_=,,;_,�- relnstste after acceler�tinn und thc riKht tu irrD�K �� ca�url uctlun to assert tlie noaz•extstence of u deFault or any other <br /> y_^���� defense of Borruwer to adceieruUou uud nule. :t Ihe ttefwttli is not cured on or b�fore the date specified tn the nott.e, <br />� ixnder, nt (ts optlaei� �uuy rey�ulrc hnmeQlutd �u���mcnt In fnU oP ull sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> - �.;;�;� further demend and mWy Invakc the�w►w�cr of r+ulc und u��y other rcmedies perrnitted by uppllcuble law.Lender shall be _ <br />-=� -=�'°'�=� enNtled to coilect wll ex�xnxw IncurrcA In punuinR Ihe rc��nedlcs pruvlded in tha:i p�r�igraph 21,including,but not Itmlted <br /> �;;;aW�3r�� to,�eau►nnble attorneys' fecs und cust!+oi'tlde cvlden�r. <br /> —___=—a IP the p�►wer of sule ly invokat. '!'rutit�ti hhall r��ord o noUce of def'auli In each county in wlilch any part uf the <br />_-:������ Property Is lacatcd und tihall muil copl�w of nuch nnUc�In thc munncr prescri�.icd by appllcablc la�v to Borrower nnd to <br />�, -. Rhe other perr;ons pn�xrllxd by n�ipUcuble luw.Aftcr the tlnic rcqulrccl by up{rdacnbRe law,Trustee shall glve publlc notice <br /> .�.-•�.� _ <br />�;;F��;�,,.. nf salc to thc persons und In thc mnuner pr��urllKyl I►y uppticublc luw,Truste�,withsr�l demand on Borrower, shall sell _ <br />=•-x`�;,��* the Property uQ publtc nucNon to the Idµl��wt bl�ldcr ut Il�c time unel plucc u��d nandea the terms desl�nated in the notice oP <br /> �?°'�'=.,.: '' snle In onc or mnre parcels und In nny ordcr'I'ru�tce d�tcrmDuw. 'l'rutitsl otaq po:�tp�:.:s3::oE s!!er an, �8!'C�4f tha <br />_>,"" . . ";�:�: Property by publlc +mnouncrment i►t Uu Uine und phece oi uny prevloutily sn:hedu+Ced sale. T,euder or its de�i�nee ms+y _ <br /> �. .•.. ' �. purchase the Proper•ty nt:�ny xele. <br />-<< _ <br /> . �. Farm 3028 9/30 _ <br />�.� . . I'nilu 4��t II -. <br />� ��. <br /> '' ,R. <br />'fi"x_.!ti��' � <br /> - ,�. -. <br /> _�_ <br /> ._. .._. . _^-.'._v.' ' _ ' }�j _ _— <br /> . : ... ..' .� <br /> 1' / — � tij'�A�'.��!" �f� .�MI t'�'•�" <br /> ' . �. .. . .� � .�. t. . . . .�.� •i <br /> - , ' .. 1 . . _'I,�' . . . �:_�. <br /> . . . . � . j���. . � _ <br /> ' . . . .. ' ' . ' . .� ' . . . . <br /> � . . . . �•.l i <br /> �. , . �� <br /> . <br /> _ . �. :� <br /> ; • . . ' <br /> � . <br /> ` . .:, , . <br /> > �� <br /> � __ <br /> ... ---- . <br />