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<br /> . —�. ' • • p (� �urt o_�..
<br /> W�� �O/��.�� �ji�r••i�.
<br /> .—.__ .. .I h,^.
<br /> ' � modify amortii.�tion ofthe nunrs secuird hy thln 1:1r,ed of Tn�st by�cnson af ony dmm�r►dm m�dc by tl�n c►ri�slnnl ,
<br /> Eiotto�ver and�iorrowers successars in intcrest.
<br /> lb) �jkdcr's Pnwnr�g. V�llthaut eETcr,tin�thr.Ifabilfty�f mry otl►nr pnr:�on linble for tl►r.pttYmcnt of
<br /> nny obligatian lierein mc��tioneJ,nncf vaithaut n(v'ectlnQ thc IEcn or cher�o of thls I)r.cd of 1'rust upon nny�tortlon of
<br /> tho Prope�ty not then or thetetoforr,rol�msad na n security fos the full nmount of nl I unpaid obflgati�ns,I..r.rtder�nny,
<br /> from Ume to timc and witftnut notice,(i)r�lan�o niiy person sa Ilnblc;(ii)oxtand tha mnturfty or nit�sr nny��f the
<br /> �.�:�•��"` terms of eny such obligntinnfl;(itf)grant oNter indulaences,(iv)relense or recanvny,or cnusc to be rr.lua�rzd or
<br /> �• ""' ` reconveyed at any timd at Lendur's uptt4n any pnrcel,partian ar all of tho Pmpmty;(v)talce or rclenne nny other or
<br /> ndditionfll saaurFty foren}obli��tian ttomin mcntlnncd;or(vi)mn{:o compa�ltlnnn ar athcr arrnn�cinciUn w��h
<br /> debtors in rclutian therate. - -
<br /> + (c� (�erhenrr�.,�jt;/�3]!1lir Nqt n �ivec. Any forbr.Amnca by l,ender in excrcisln�nny right or ��
<br /> I remedy hercunder orothanvxr�af�'arded by applicable Inw shall nat�n fl waivcr of,ar preclude the escrcine of,any ',.�-is�_
<br /> „r.
<br /> .� such right or remed J.'(lto p�cummcnt of iitsu��nca or the payment of tnxas or athar liens or c1�Ar�e�by f.ender ;,..�y
<br /> '�� shall not be a waiucr of Y.endc:Ps ri�ht to accelerate thc mah�rity of tha indobtcdnnss:�ecurc.d by this Deccl of Trust. kr _..
<br /> a�.��
<br /> . .�� —�� ....
<br /> (,�p�1L�,cos5p�nn ASRinn donnd•Joint end S�r�l�.Lat�lil3�:.���.
<br /> The covcneirrs end
<br /> ,. egreempntu hnmin aantainad shnll bind,and tl o riQMs hereunder shaU innro lu,the respective successorr�nnd ass�6ng ��-_ •
<br /> � , �,'�. of Lendur nnd'Pmstac All covonnnts nnd a�reements of Trustor shnll bo ja{nt nnd aeveml. The en�riion�nnd ��s�.
<br /> headinga of th�pnrr3BmFhn nf thia Deed of Trust are for convenienco anly end nro nat to br,used to i��tc+�ret or � r
<br /> �:-_='.
<br /> ��� definethopi�n��triannhcreof. _
<br /> x �� .
<br /> ..p �4�g���,ct fnr Notices. 'The parties hereby req to thie Dnod�of Trunt t the addces�n�t forth nder - -
<br /> � and a cap��of,any notlao of snl�hereunder be mailed to each pArty —.�--
<br /> � '''��� above in thu mnnnurpresscribed by applicable law. Except for any othcr»atiro requii�ed und��•u�plicnbl�law to be —_-_
<br /> t gtven in analht�r mnnnvr,nny notEco provtded for in this Deed of Trust shall bn�iven by mailinB such natice by cer- �
<br /> , , '� tif icd mailitiddms�a+d to tho othar pnrtios,nt tha nddress set forth above. Any notico provided 6'or in thic► need of
<br /> Trutt�hu!l:�n nt��:��Ive uoam m�ilinR in the manner designuted hcrcin. If Tnietor i�moi�c thfln onc��e��tc+n,notice
<br /> ' ��� sont�ta tha uddmss set t�mttl�abovc shall be notica to all such persons.
<br /> ,{,,
<br /> :���..
<br /> , �{���jq�. Lencl�sr may mnke,or causo to be mAdo,ronsonnblo enU•tes upon end inspections
<br />_ of tha Ptopcity,pravided Ihat Lendur shall give Trustot notice prior to nny sur.h inspection specifyrn��Ysason�ble _
<br />�;'.' r`:;:� causo zhomtbr rrtlfUcA tm Lendor's interest in the Pro�erty �,
<br /> �.• �
<br /> . •' �s'���� (g) -onv ynnco. Upoa payment of nll sums secured by tieis Deed of'Ftast,I.andcer shall request
<br />�;'. . Tcuste�in mcflnvny tho Preperty and shnll sunender this Deed of Tri�st and nll notes evic��r�cing Indebtx:dness
<br /> � sea��:ed hY this f�ccd of 7Yusi'to nN�ed theretoc Tntstor she+��pay a11 coxts'of rc�ordat on.i�ny.,���v�+�out charge
<br />- � to the pr.rs�an or persone lu�a y
<br />_�.. . .ti. ,. .
<br />" ;,..�;�!�• , ���) �---�^---�.w•C�c�r'ltv A�re�mou[. As addlAat�nl:�ccurity for the Nayincnl nf the Note. _
<br /> ��1�„}��``� Tcustar.ltcros�y 6enntu Lcndur.undcr thc Nebrnska Uniform Cornmcrcial Codc.a security interest in n1f ilxtures,
<br />�?�',T Yi���:!.
<br /> r;;;_,,.-y�;;;�. equipmant.nnd other�orconnl property uscd in connection wich the real ostato or improvements locntrd thereon au�
<br />- not otharwi�n daolumsd or deomed to be a pa�t of the real estate sceurcd ttv�ub��. This instrument stiall 6o co��stnied
<br />=`:�'�:'?"r'�"'' us a 3ecuriry A�n:emont undur said Code,and ths Lender shall hnve all thoi��4�ta und remedics oPn:�ecured party
<br /> "' � � , und�r said Cadc:in sddltton tn the righus and remedies crcated under end nccbrded tl�e Lender pu��unnt ro this Deecf
<br />�;�„�M:�,'.,-�;,.
<br />� limitptia�n on,Le�du�'e ric'ht�and,r�emedi s under'ny other secu i��e�graam�o�t'siGned byt�aro�ver�r Trust wII�II �
<br />,;... ,.._...... t�'
<br />__�;�-.:'.:;..: . . B
<br /> ;:.,:.:..,s�, ��- —
<br />�a:+?`�;;;;'•' '" (i} t+pMC nnd F�+�+�mbrancs�s. Truston c�rcby�wart�nts�nd mprosents tl�nt tl�c��e iu nprdefa''l�t
<br /> � :. .
<br /> p • :�.� - under tt�e provisfons of any mortgAga.dced of trust,Icase or purchaso aantract descrlbina all or nn� P
<br /> Proporty.or ottter cuntract,instn+irant or agreement constituting a Ilen ar ancumbrEmce nguinat nll or any part of the
<br />_�•-`-°y^�� p�Qpeny(collectivaiy,°Liene"}exisii�rg as cf.h�dste of thi�Deed o!"nust,and that nny and���oxisting Liens --
<br />-�,�t 'ti, remain unmodifieA exce�t as disclased to Lend�r in Trastor's written dlsolusuro of llene m�d encumbrencss provtded _
<br /> ,,,�,; for herein. Trustor shall timely perform all of Trustor's obligatlons,covcuinnta,roprascntation nnd�+attar�3ies undcr
<br /> �..,;,�; nny and atl existfng and fLture Lien�,and shnll not without I_cndcr's priortivr�tten conseut in eny manncr modify tho .:`
<br /> . . . �� � provisi4ns of or ellnw any fhture edvnnces under any existlnQ ot ti�turo l.fas�s. ,�•_:
<br /> � � � (�� �toation of Pavments. Unless otl�envisa roquit�l F�,y lnw.sums pnid tu Lenden c�reunder,
<br /> `�� ; ; including,without lim;tatton�paymesntn of principal nnd Interest,insu�tuisu @s�nceeds,condamnation procecds and
<br /> •- = i renis aad protits,shaU be appliad by I.�ndar to tlic nmount�duc�nd owiu�fi�om T�ustor and Borrower in such or�er
<br /> -.``'' ' ss Lender in its sole dlscrct tdn ducma dus i r a b l e.
<br /> =--- = ,-'__ .. ...._ •____,.
<br /> ___ - - - - �
<br /> ���� ��y. IFany provision of this Decd of'I�us1 cnnflicte�viin appueav►� �a��..o - _
<br /> declared invalid or othenvise unenFarceable,such conflict or invr�lldlly ahall��ovisiont and�cohthis endgthes of this
<br /> ' Ueed of 7'n�st or the iVote whiah cen bu Biven e f'f e c t w i t h n u t t h e conflictln�,p
<br /> - � + provisiuns of tnls Deed oPTtuc;t nn�3 t{t�s Nute arc dec�arcd to be sevemblb.
<br /> _ I ��� ��g, '�'hc tormu"Tn►stor nnd Borrawcr"s1�s�U includo both sin�t►lae nnd plurnl.end�vhcn
<br /> , � the Trustor and�onower arc the snmo per�a�(s?.thosc tcrms n�uscd in tl�is Decd of'I'nint shall be h�tcrchangeable.
<br /> - (m) e�ovcminaLmY. 'i'li[n nccd nf'Cn�st shnll be govcmcJ by tho I�wt�of thc Stnto of Nebrasko.
<br /> r
<br /> -: ` 4
<br /> , _ 1
<br /> _ __ .. _..� __ _ _ _ .. ._.. _ _ __
<br /> .
<br />