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:�.�,..�_�.�, .�.�.,�.��. .. .... .. <br /> .._. .. . <br /> ���� �.����� <br /> wndomnaUon or ahcr�dl;tnp af ony pui of thc Propeny.or tnrconreyanre ln licu otcondr,mnr.tlnn.rro licrcby nsslgned and <br /> � ah�lllp�xk.ltolendtr. ._ <br /> In thc evrnt of n m�nl taktng of tlic Propeity.tho pmatds shall 6e applied to�ho snms xccun,d by this Sccurity <br /> iqstnir.xnt,xfic�htr or nM�hon dnc,with any caccxs paid to Aorruwcr. In�hc cvcnl of n paniai tnking of t6a Ptoptly in <br /> �vhidnhe fair mukG vnluo of�he Property ImmMlntciy betorc the�akins is cquil to or grcamr�han thc nmonm of tiw sums <br /> xcurcd by�hls Sccudiy Instnimcnt hnmediaiciy twfare�hc�aking,unlcss Uortouer anA la:nder otlicrn(sc ngmc(n writing, _ <br /> tla swns socured by this Sewrity fnsimment shall tw n:ducal dy the amount of the Procccds mnldplicd Ny�he following <br /> tractlon; (a)the Imnl nmount of t(w sums ucurcd immcdiuely txforc�he taking,divicled bY(b)�ho falr markci valne olihc <br /> {'ro�xny imnxdiaicly Ucforo thc �aking. hny balnn�w+Lo11 Ix paid �o Oorzmctr. In�hc crect of a panial taking of�6c ,--_�. <br /> 1lropeny in x�tdth�ho tair mnrkei valuc of ihe Propeny immediatcly tx(on:tho takinr ls tess�han rt:e a�nount of�I�o sums ^ <br /> securM(mmedlnlCly trcforo tbe taking,unicss Daro•xer and 4enAcr othcnvtse agre�:in x�iiirg cr un!ess applic.bie In�v � <br /> othcorise provldes,ihe praccds sl�all bc appllcd to the vmu saured by this Ss,-arity fnsuumcnt wheib:or r.ot Nr,sums nre �:.:-''� <br /> �hen dna =���� <br /> If iho('ropeity is�ndACOd by Borroxer.or if.after not?ce by ixndcr to Botto'.+�rr tMat Uie ccndemr.or ollen w ma7ce : <br /> an awanl or stuie n c[aim far damages,i:cxmucr faits 2o nspuld to Lender wE�hin 3�diys aft.c ihe date the notice ix BiYen. '�_. <br /> I.ender is amhorirSd to r,ol:ecl.nd apply Ihep�c eJs.u its opticn.ritiKr to resta�ziai�;rcPair af tM SYOpeny or m tite �. <br /> sums sccurcd 6y�his S:cm-Fry]nswmen6 wix�her cr noi�Aen due. _ <br /> Unless f.ender and ttnrtowcr oiM1crwiu agrec in�.ri�ing,,ny applica�ian of pmcn^&s to primipal shall not extcnd or _ <br />- postpone the duc datc of the mom61y paymems rePomd lo in pa�aera.phs I ud 2 w clw3nSe ahs emo�.+nrof such paymcros. —_ <br />- Il. ikrroser Nc�: Rcleaudt Forbcnrancc By' Lendcr Yot n 11'ai�mr. L•xiension of�hc iimc for paymcm or ;,j <br /> modificatlon of amm�izuion of dio sums secund by this Sccurity insuumem giamzd by Lendzr m any succusor in imercsl �r;.��` <br /> of Borrowcr shail no�epemtc to release tiw liabiliry ot t6o originai Itomiwrr or Snrrowcrk surecsmrs tn fntercs�.4ender _;:_ <br /> shali r.d be rcqutrcd to commenee procecdings againa any succeszur in imrmtt�r rofuse m ex�end Ume for payment or �;-,�-- <br /> oiherxise modify amoni:ation of the snms securui by iBis Securiry tns�n�mrm br hason of any demand made 6y ihe original tH_:_ <br /> Dorrox'er or RorcowerS succeswts k�imercs�. Any(orbeaiance by Ia:nder in ecenising nny nght or rcmedy shall noi be a <br /> walver of or prcclude the exercise of any rigL�or rcmcdy. z�.��� <br /> 12. 3uceawrs and As.figns 1in��ndy Ja�nt nnd Seccrol Llabllity;Co•x�y_ners. 1he rnvenann and agrcemems ot�i�i> �.�..�� <br /> Security Insuvment shall bitxl anA Icnclit ihe sucacssors and asstgns of Lench�rmd IIorcouer,subJect w ihe provisions of _ <br />- paz.p,roplt 17. �orcowerY coven:m�s anA ,greaments shall be joint and uvernl.:�ny 6orco�rer who co-signs�his Securi�y >�.`-_ <br /> InseNmen�but does na execute ih����e: (a)ts ca�signing�his Security Ins�runxm only ta mnegaga gram and comey�ha� n,�_. <br /> Rorrox'er�interes�in�he Propeny�a�der�hv urms of this Security Insuun;enr, (b)Is noi penun:dly obligued�o pay d�e sucns •;; <br />- secund by�his Securily InswmcnL•and(c)ogrces ih��L.cnder und;my mher Borrowcrmay ng�cr to ex�end,modi(y,forin:+r t"_�. <br /> or make any acmmmodations �vi�h rcgard to�hc tenns of�hfs Secuniy Ins� m Us Note wiihoul �hat Ifom�wcrl t;;_� <br /> rnnum. <br />- 13. [.onn Char�rs. If ihe In�n secured by �his Securi�y Instrument is n��;ec��o n law which s<ts maximum loan �='��- <br /> enuigts,ru�d�hai iaw is�na;t�ir;:ry:::d.o tl:at tl:^_ia!er•�t er o�lxr tNn�i��rgr<cMleaed orto be eollated in connection �_��- <br />" wllh�he lom exceed�he pemiiued limi�s.�hen: (n)nny suth loan charge shali Ix rtdunA b}Car amounl necessary�o rcduce �•:•-- <br /> lhe eM1�rge lo Ihe�xnnilled Ilmll:anA(b)nny sums ulrtady coilecled Gom 6mTOazr whicka.��u:ded pemiiRed limits will Ix 1�'�- <br />-= rcfunded w Rortower. lxnJer may chaose�n make ehis refund by rcductng ihe priaci4a!owed nader the Note or 6y making a __ <br />= dirce�paymeN to Ilorrower. If n rcfund rcdure.F�irniFvl.�he rcduclion�rill fic asea�ed ia a q�nia�prepaymenl withoul any - <br />'- prcp�ynsm chargc andcr�hr Nnir. • ° <br />= (q. NMitts. Any no�ltt �n Eiu:mwcr providzJ for in�his Scwri�y Insmmxnt shq![6c given by Jciivcring it u� 6y _ <br />.� - malling ic Sy fint clnss mail unlrxc n,phrabic la�e rcquircs usc of anmhcr mc�hed.7he nai�t sheli bc dirccted�o the Propeny — <br /> � Addrcss or nny other addrcss Bortau�er destgnates Fy no�ice to Lendee Any rutice fo shnll be gir¢n 6y fiat einn ^.=; <br /> mail to L.cnderS ndAmJ as�td hcreln nr nny oih.r ad,�u�s Lcndcr designzice h}mii:e�o I3ortomcr. Any nolice proriJcd far (�_!? <br />- in �his Securi�y Insi��nn:au shall Iw deemed io haar hen given io 6ortoa-oror Ler.der�rhen Eiven ¢s provided in this �-�-'- <br /> [.,Y''.. <br />�: pvagraph. - <br />.= I5. C,m�crning Lnwt Scren�UilY.y, 7Lis 3ecurily Instrumem ahall tx goeenxd by lederal law and Ihe Imv of thc �'I,'��� <br /> - jurisdicHon in�rhich the Propeny i.M.ateJ. In�he e�ront�6ai nn}�pmvision nr dause of ihis Securi�y Inswmem or the Note �•�' <br />- conilias�vith applicablc law,such coMict ihall no�affect u�h.r prorisions nf ihis Securi�y lnan�mem or the Ivate which caa �_.�'. <br /> , be given e(fea wiU�om�he cunllicting proviiinn_ To�his end �he prorixinu�eF ihis Securiry�Instmmem and the No�e urc :_;i <br /> `- dcclared�obexvcrablc. "�'-�. <br /> - (6. llorrox�er'sCopy. 6oRO�eershallbegirenuneconfomicdropyofthctiote:mdofthlsSewri�yinsuument. L+�` <br />�-�� 17. 7Yensfcr of thc Properq•or a 1Seneficisl Intemst In Iinrroxcr. I(nll or nny panof�hc Pro�xny or any intercst in n �-� <br /> i� is wW or vansfevcd(or if n beneb:i:d intcrcst in Qurro���cr is.old ur transfcrted :nd Bortua�cr is no�a nawral pernoN - <br /> ` wiihoul Lendeh prior ariuen consene.Lender may.m ii.up�iun.rcyuirc immMiate pa)�ment in(ull o(all sums securcd by - - <br /> - this Sccuriq Insmmiem. How•ever,�h6 op�ion shall no�lx exerciscA by Lendc�it ozcaixe ic pmhibiecd by kdcral law a+of <br />,:��� �hc dztc of�his Sccurity Inzuumem. '�_,�-: <br /> - (t Lender exerciaes�his opiion.lendenhall gi��e 6am�ner notice nf accdrn�ion. The�miice ihall provide a periaf of r.,• <br />-.�- nol Icss 1San 30 days from Ihe da;r ch_nolice is deliremd or mailed�vi�hin which 6orro�rer mua pay all sums secund by 7hie _ _ <br /> - Secu�i�y 5.���mment. If Dorta�acr i:dtc to psp lhese wm� prinr in Ihe npira�inn of�his perial. I.ender may inroAr am <br />��;' rcnxdiea�+ermincd hy Ihis Sccuriip Irt+wmcin wilhnul funher nolice nrdananJon f3ortnu-<r. �` <br />`.:� - i8. Dorrower'.s Right lo Relns�nte. If liortnx�cr mecn rrnain condiunns. �orrootr.hall have �he righl to ha�e :� <br /> �� cnforccmcnl nf thic S.nvily In.uumtN diunmua�r:l a�any�imc prior�o ihc eadicr oL• (a)S dapt(or uxh olhet period as i':.�: <br /> - s��ci�r,�:a.-r•�������:�e.t,<ea�.����i�iroa�nc.ncc�ie�r_�,:�� �- ,�..��„t. ".vu .n�«�„�F�.:.�..� s;, <br /> „ ' ��: , <br /> �- .T'-J t y<r a{(^r/` � �}- �t� ��_ - �r 1{.:i}i��} '.�-7/ .�11L}i�A�j(�S �sn�>f(_ l.F'�y -.4����.i .' S.y J' ��. <br /> '�- �i f � }� )�i� �315 S _ f=> - - 4� is i ti}�i � _ _ _ <br /> • yr '�ya� ( � n � `C i_�., / .1 - TiaH'ir� -- k - . . +, <br /> �F :� �'dC�{b5i�� '��.��7li;,. � � _ �.� - , �L_N ;ti �i7. � . � <br /> , - ,_ :. , ,r . <br /> .,lll `.�%'t r.. . . - � .. ,�� `16_. _ _ _ <br /> �Jd ��_��.__ . .. t . , c" - .,,, ._ <br /> ` ,;�. _,� -.- 1rt . _ ____ _ 5, f _ .'— — ___ <br /> �' . /�`Y�'• -,L _ ,i��: - ,�, :r� = � r-. - -i:... <br /> � } {yu <br /> y., r>_ /..�,. Gr. � � <br /> � t��� � --ih���� � . - - - - � ' - <br /> 1� �;, : <br /> ; ,c�= k' . <br /> , _ ,ta ' <br /> -' -'_ �.�i�'.. � . . - . 'tl � .. - � . .. <br /> ..i. - . ' .. , - - . � - . <br /> i- . � - ' _ � -. f ." . <br /> �' 1_ _ t:. . . . , � � .. . . . 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