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. 1A /r-,f+(f ysr�+f :Ttl�, �)- -.' � +�'r�k :'� t-;.,. <br /> - ,a `.}f:� ,ri���!' ���•iil�.n.RCa�S;..:s..+.a...wu.i.w�� <;�:wu._ r____-- . f'.'' .�+u.� .. <br /> . .Fi—...:wa�i:tk4lx ' —._� -r.._ <br /> V(w�W �Va�P1C7.L <br /> 1'OQBYHRR W777i all tlre Improvem:ms rw�v or t�enafter emctM os�Im propcny,and all eascmm�e,appunenances, <br /> nnd fiklUf�s now or tiartalYtt A p�l ot iha pro�np. Ail tcpinumcnts and eAditlons shall also bc covcr.d by this Saudty .._--------.. <br /> Instmmcnt.All of tiw forcgoing Isrefercod�o In this Sccurity tnstmmrn��s�ho"(irnpeny." .._. <br /> llORfIOWRR COVl:NANTS fhat 8ottowcr Is I�w(ulty scisc�l of Um cstnlo hcrcby mnvcyeG and h3s�hc dgM to gram <br /> nnd eonvoytho I4v�xrty and th��tho Ptoperly Is unencumkn:d,exeepl for encumbnnas of raord. Qorrorver warcams and ��, ____ <br /> N'IIIEC�G1l16CI1CfAllyttw110etothePropenyagalmlallclaimsanddemnnAs,snUJcet�oanycnwmbruicesofrecorrl. _ <br /> 9'H!S SI?CURiTY INSTRUMfiNT tombines unlfam mven;mu Pot natlonal use and non•uNform covcnams wi�h <br /> limi�alvnriationsbyjurisdiaion�ocons�itmoaunifamsecuri�ylnstmmcmeovcringn:alpropcny. f�-.. ��- --- � <br /> I ., <br /> UNT(�ORM COVI?NANTS. Ilortower nnd I.cnder mvcnam and agrco as follows: Y,.::�,..,-. <br />� f. I'�ymcnl otPrindp�l nnA lnterap Prepq•mmt rnd Lpte Chxrgce. Dorco�vcr sLali prompily pny wLen duo�he ��•��-=— <br /> rincipnl of nnA imerat on the debl evldenced 6 t6e Noio and an n ment anA lam charges due under�ho Nota �:`,'tl'.r--- <br /> P Y Y P '(�Y t...i�1!FT.'�.T.-' <br /> 2. FLndsPor7kxcsenAlnsuranm. SubJwnoapplicablclawortoawdttcnwn(vcrbyl.cndcr.Aorcowcrshallpayto �>� ;s-.,. .,�_ <br />- 4ender on�po day momLly paymcros nro duo ander�ho Notc,umil�he Noro is paid in ful6 a sum("Furds"�[or.(a)�eu(y �`�'=�i��y°'��q_;;•- <br /> eaxes aa1!azsessmcnis whic6 may.«ain pdorily mer�his Sccurity instrumcnt as a Iien on�he Propcny:lb)year[y[eauho[Q �_`r� E � - <br />- �ay[aents a 3rov�!rrn�s on the Prapeny, if nny; (c) ya�dy haT�rd or propeny insnnnce Qrcmivms 5d1 Yeazly Rcad - .-•�-_��;;-._- <br /> mswance pn.•mturas,if aay:(e)Yeady mongap.e insunnca prcmlums. if:my; nnA(q nny vuns payaMe Dy 6ortower to �"� . <br /> Ler.d:r,in xconi:�acY with ttx�ovis[ons of paraarapii 8,in Ilcu of�hc pa}mut o[mort3age inwr�r✓.e Qraniums. 'It�se , -� , <br /> items are cilted'Escro•x[xms' LenQer may,at any lime,coliect and ItofQ Gurtds ia art amount to exc�a tRe maximum �i��`" - <br /> amount a kn�kr fa a Ce2rrslty relatad mangage lavi may rcqvl[e Ca&erovrer3 escmw accoum urxkr c2a fed�zral ,.��.�r.:.i4 M1 r;:.� <br /> Cstate Sc.tkmenll'receAnrcs Act of IS74 az amendcd from ti�,i?V.S.C.�2691 et sey.CRESP.1'),�mless another ta��:3z, ..„-_�. <br /> law�hal,pplics lo�hc Ponds uls a Lss:r amoum. If w.Lendcr nuy,at any timr,collul and hold IbnRs ia an amuum not to ����a}�>f��i�tt'�".,. <br /> czcoed tLe Icsscr a�imun�. Lcnder may estimatc �he amoam nf flm. duc on �he Ixisis of curttnt d9a ami rcaconablc ���!:.3a -.. <br /> estimates of expendlturcs of Nwrc Curow iccros or aherwisc in attordam�c��-i�h snpllcablc iaw. T�,kji';�`t_-'_. <br /> a..••»J. <br /> 'Ihe @nds shall bc held in an instim�ion whose deposits arc insured by s hdcral agency,ins�rurrree;di�y,or entity ±4�r��,�h•.��;. <br /> (Inctuding Lender,if Lrnder is such an ins�i�mlon)or In any I'ederzl Home l.oan Oank. Lender shali apply the I•Lnds�o pay =t;;:i";s�:��:p <br /> tho 0.scrow Items. Lender may noi charge BoROx�er Por holding and aQplying�he I'vnds,annually analyzing �he exrow "'�'s�;x1,.:=LL'� <br /> :sx:,.,-,___ <br /> - aceoum, ar redfying �he 4'urow f�tms,unless Lender pays Bo;tower mieresl on qk I�nds and applicabie law pemN�s �j�+��<�._��-s - <br />,,:;;,.. <br /> Lender to cazke scch a charge. However,Lcnder may rc�ulro 6o.TOwer lo pay a one•time charge for a�independem real .�_���.���•.-r_ <br /> es�ale Iax re rtin .crciw used 6 I.ender in conneceion m�h Ihis loan,unless a Ilcable law rovides olhenvi:e. Unicss an +�?`{"'«_�� <br /> P� 8� Y PP P J�• a,...�. <br /> a rxmem is maAe ora Iicable law uins intemi to bc �id,Lender shatl r.w!,e r uired w a Uortoweran interest or �sk'1;""`«"- <br /> eam;ngs o�the!'vnds.6ortower and I�.endcr may agrcc in u�riting,hmvcrcr,thr:imer�esi shall be pa!d on�he Wnds. Lender ���Yt�;i s};.�.�-� <br /> shall givr ro Itorrower,uithout charge,an annual accouming of the Ponds,s6owing crMils and debi�s to�he Wnds and Ihe �'?f(;r'1�f;,i:a�;:�. <br /> puryose Yar�.hich earh debit to the I'undc was made. 71�e Punds arc pledged as additionai sauri�y for xll sums stturcd by F ';1- y L� <br /> � �r � _ <br />- �hlsSccuriryins�mment. �rt= r� ,: <br /> �i ii�i t'tlnw i�c7a' �r (.c0u'2i cntcFv'ifc iuTrv�A�ii jRfRl�ll'c� i�fiL ii2iu�`.j d(.���:dbi'v �dV:��..:,OL�C( ofN�) SCC3fl SO •�.�t�z-�jl[[i."i;.- <br /> Bofrower for the ezcess i�nds in aaordance with itx requfrtments of applicabk luw. If the amount of�he Ponds heid by �,�s:a.;�kf.�=; <br />� Lender at any time Is not m(ficiem�o pay the Cscrow I�cros�vhen due.Lender may so naify �ortower tn writing,and,in �_;x�'�`-'°-.y�.'- <br /> �.:��' <br />- such case 6ottower shall pay Io Lender�he amount necessary m make up�he deficfency. 6orcower shnll make up ihe 'i-=:';��.>�4�?.�'-�°• <br /> /•q1c..,3��;'v <br /> deficicncy in no morc�han twelve�r.onthlypaymems,m Lenderl vir discrellon. . �,r1�t��kr�l��_, <br /> U n pa ment in full o(all snn»Y:cureJ b �his S�zuri� (as�sument,Lender shall ear reNnd to 6orra�cer an "?'== -�'=�� - - <br /> !p Y Y Y 1't ,�Y Y ,;��;i;:rr,°,=�,•;.- <br /> I'unds held by Lendec if_ender paragraph 21,Lender shall ecquire or scll the Property,Lene!er,pdor to�he acqulsition or '-�:•����•�•�+� <br /> > :$5".:;!-/'Aa�=='�;. <br /> sale of the 1 ropeny,sGrtt ayply any A�nds held by Lendcr nt �Ao time of pcqnisiqon or sale as a credi�againsl�he sums �;�, �,��,f:;; <br /> scturedby�ilsSccudly(nsuument. ; r;:;.,.�',.,�;:r,.. <br /> 3. Applicalion oF Payment.. 4'n!css applica6lc law prm�ides u�hcrwisc.all paymeeas n�civcd by Lender under - ,y� zc -- <br /> paragraphs I and 2 shall Ue applied <r.v,�o nny prepaymem ehargr<due under�ha Nme;necond,to amoants p�yable under 1>-;,f'ti��,�,�z'i�� <br />- parogrzph 1:third,to in�ercst duc:Pounh,ro p�incipal duc;and las�,to any latc tharges due unAer the Notc. Fib�{�yc;;�•=�,;;>�'_. <br />" 4. Char es; I.lens. Qorrower shall a �II taxes,assc+smems, char c, Gr.cs and im silions attaibuiabic to thc '°��"�%��+`"•��--- <br /> B P Y • S�� W ��``�<i�;�::°�'i�.<. <br />_ Ptoperty which may a��nin prtority over this Securie} tnximmem,and leasehold pery�meius or ground rems.i?aay. Qortaver �'r�-;_�;� ;„F.;,. <br />- shall pay these obliga�ions In�he manner provided in pa�agraph 2,or if no�pald in�hat manncr,IIortawet st�.dt pay them on ,.::i?f��5"�r�;'�- <br />-= time diree�y to the person owed paymem. Uortower shall prom{eiy tumish�o Lender nll no�ices of to Le paid under • ;¢;;,;,i.����r,.,; <br /> - �hts pnca.�s:ph. If Doiro�ver m;fkes�hese paymems ditectly.}Ya«o�.zr shall promp�ly fumisR t.Lender receipts evideneiqe ;���'�jr.�;.,.;7};�_ <br />= the paygxn3. j isJi t7 c4� .-.. <br />.= Bonower shal!promptly discharge any Ilen�shi.h has prioriry over thfs Securiry Inawmem un!as IIn:roarr.(n)agreex ,�(�(+_pi.�:�4-,�f.-.,, <br />�_ in wri�ing ro the pay�ecai o!�he obligaiion secureA Fy �he lien in a manner accep�able�o Lender,(b)contesrs in goad tai�h the �+� ,i, � � - <br />- Iten by,ordefiudt agnins�en(orccmcnt of the Ileu in,Icgal pra:cedings which in�he Lendcrk opinion oyxratc�o prcvem the 4;<a�_;,,tp F�,_;_ <br /> enforcemer.�of�he lien;er(c)secares ira�i�he ho!der of�he lien an agmement satlstacwry to Len�a subordinating�he lien :._'t�:�;,F;;`_:___. <br /> r <br /> �o�hic Seccrity Insirumem. If I.erder de¢miines�hat any pan of�he Propeny is subjca to n lien aliich may auntn prirricu .; � <br />` over�his Samn lmcrumem,Lender ma ive Rortower a no�ice ideNi( in �he lien. DoROxer shall smixf �he Iien ot�nte S�' d�n+y . <br /> Y Y6 Y B Y o.�i�; r { <br /> oneor mme ot�he a:tk�as se�fonh alwve wi�hin l0 J.�ys of�hc giving of notice. - •�,� � . . <br /> g S. 1lnznnl or Prnperly In5u1'Ance. Do�rowrr shall Acep Ihc improvemems now czialing un c�rea0cr e�ec1.J on Ihc `yr� .� ....._,-.�� <br /> Propetly imured r.gains[Ioss by fire,hazaMs inelu�_.1 aiihin�he tenn"ex�ended coverage"and any other haza�ds,includ)nF �,�•`=�,'`:`^�� - �f+`-� � <br />- Ooods or flooding. (or whieh Lender requires insnr,mce. 7his imunnce shall 6e maimained in�he amoune and fnr �t:e >;•��:Y4"--:��-- - <br />_ � 1_'* y� if`. <br /> i <br />.- FurmlOtd 9tE rvv:/�N.Y�s/ ���\1'�h +e " <br /> l?' _ <br />' S�}i.: <br /> _ � . <br /> � -� -.-i-i;a� -izti.- .i. .. . �.' �r,!f'. . r� . ::t....., . �.Y�c!'(ff tlN ) -;ytlut�lvf.�.SdaM1tl"�- . 1ctSe;,..�.. 7. . <br /> ���, _ . . ;� � - ..� <br /> L rS ix, . _ . �/1 . . '•4 f�. ' f� ��. `. " _ <br /> . , ..., ; . •. <br /> 'sr-` _ --- : ,: ' :.. '.. t - _--: - . . <br /> .z�[e;�r: �_��_- --- . . , . . -- -- <br /> v , <br /> � t t��'�f . � . . . . . .. . <br /> � ft <br /> c.v+�•.rf.J!.� _ . � '�.. . <br /> �'�.fYr:, . <br /> �:, , <br /> � . <br /> `�E1-`� . <br /> , ,�: , <br /> ,�!. . <br /> tr . - . <br /> ��_.� <br /> r , "• � � <br /> � , � <br /> t , t . , <br /> r y,w <br /> .;� - � - -: � . �� , . : , . <br /> '- <br /> .,{.� . . ,� _. .. s � <br /> . ��, ,... . . .. . . ._ . . . . _ __..._ _ . _. , ��.v ,a . ,y; ,< -_ ., .. .. .. .__..�.. - <br />