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<br /> T�suf:T��ER WITFI;dl the impr��i`me"ti n°�v uAllerepl.��ncnt�andtadditop yrtyhall�also�h�,«�verrdphy'thisl�Sc�uri y
<br /> ��'� ftxtures IION an c�r�aQcP a part ut t p p y
<br /> • �C� Intitrumcrn.All af the foreguing is ref'crreJ tu in this 5ccurity Intitmntcnt us thc "Pro[x:rty.' •. _
<br /> � �. �`i �3t�RRD\VER COVENAN'1'S that Nurm�vcr is lawfully,ci�cd nt�thc cstatc hcreby convcycd and Itas thc ei�h�t�grunt and ;_
<br /> ; •'.��,:� convey the Property and that tim Nroperty is uncurumUcrcd.e::npt fur crncumhr�ncc� of rccord. C�nrro��•cr warmnts mtsl wil l
<br /> � detend�.ciMrally Ihe tide tu tl�c Pro�rty:+g:+inU ull cluims und d�maitds.subject t��any encumbrances of record. .
<br /> :t�;,;�„d+�'; THIS SECURlTY INSTRUhtENT cumbines unifurm cov�:iunts ti�r national usa und no�i-uniform covcnants widi lin�itc� -
<br /> -•�'<<•:���"i varia�in�i+by jurisdiction to constitute a unifurui�ccuriry instrm►zcm co+�cring rcal property• ��:�
<br /> � � ? UNIFORM COVENANTS. �orrowcr nnd l.cndcr co��cnanc��d aErc�:ati Pullnws:
<br /> � l, pnyment nf PrMcipal c�nd Interest; Prcpi�}•�ee�t ARtI l.ate Chm^�es. Borrowcr shall pramptly pay�vhcn due Qia �-
<br /> � principal of and interest on the debt evidee crs�cct�to applic bl�I pv or to�a�wr tt'n twair cr�by�Lendc�rBorz'��er sh�ll pay tai ,.•`?
<br /> t �,:,..:
<br /> 2. Funds for TaxeS and Insuranc 1 :
<br /> ' Lender ontheday monthly payments are duc uiidcr the Note.u��tilthe Nc�tc is paid in full,a sum(°Funds")fur.(�i yG���`J�'��� � __:
<br /> and astieuments�vhich may attain priority over this Security Instmm�in urinc�n re n umsr(d)yearly,fl�in ujrnuce pPemnuniss ��_-
<br /> :� or ground rents an the Pmperty. if any: (�1 yearly hazxrd or prop�r►! sums a able b Borr��aer to I.cnder, in accordanc<<y��h
<br /> �-::�
<br /> � "' if :�ny; (cl ycarly mongagc insurancc prcmiums,if any: anJ(t�any . p Y Y _
<br /> . . :��. the provisions oi'pur��g1e���ollect'a��hold F nds in an��lamot ntcnot to �r�ti'�m umm�mum'tumount �Iender for a fedemlly �
<br /> L.endcr nuy.at any tii i��-::"
<br /> B,:�.
<br /> < � �, related mongage loan may require for Borrawer's escro��• :.�ount under the f��de:r��l Rwl Estate Setdemcnt Ri��d0�hc Funds �-
<br /> �,..::,', 197�3 as amendcd from time tu timc• 1�U.S.C. Section 260! risr:�.C'RESPA'), unless anoth�r law that aZap� �u
<br /> ,b,::i! __
<br /> , ;;,�?.;;,.;,.t, sets a Icsser amount. If su, Lcndar may, ut any timr.�oy'S oF N�°�ddat�and reasonablent c�mT es uf e�eixluura�futu c
<br /> `•=��r:�;!':�;��;J L.ender miy estimate the nmuu�u of Funds Juc on dz� �..
<br /> � '`•�•;:%%;�.'``''�� Escro�v Iterns or othcrwisc in accordancc with app�icat�lc i:aw.
<br /> .a;•r —
<br /> �r.•�1.!�,�;�;1 Thc Funds shall bc held in an institution wl:a�e depo�iis are insured b}� a,fedcral agency, instn+c�cn[ality,or cntity _
<br /> �:`:.)�';:��.,;' (including L.ender.if Lend.r is such an institution)or in any Fcd�A�'Hn the�Fu dsnannualy'analyr ng the�esc ow accou t t ar =.
<br /> '.��};,���'; Escrow Iterns. Lcndcr may not charge Borrowcr for holding and:,. p y s
<br /> '� verify ing ttie Escraw Items, unless Lender pay`Bon�o��A� a one tilne ci 3 Se for an i depe►dent real estnte t xnrepoct ng tserv ace
<br /> - .. �h�ran,Hnwc�veC. L.C►�t..ii Illay [CqU1TC AO«O P Ypp � a,,,, �ti`� � 1lnlrcc an aeceement IS rnade 0� _
<br /> • , :j,t��
<br /> ,,��I;�,�.�. used byLender in ccn•neciiun with chis loan, unless a iicaoie ia�v �o�i�.� :�.••°•^'���• -
<br /> ��`}�'�� , a licable !a« rcquircs iaterest to be�aid. Lender shall not be n�quircd t�pay Borrowcr nny i�uerest ar carnings on the Funds.
<br />','.�,:,V-�`'e:=��;. AP
<br />�•i��'�''�`�:��`• I3orrowcr and L.ender map agree in v�'�+FinS. ho�vcver,thnt inzcr�sc shal l be paid on the Fur.d;. Lender shall give to no�ver.
<br /> �c•r.,,�. •
<br /> ;'���"��5;�� withoutcharge, an anrnu�l accountin&of the Funds, showin�, credits and dcbits to the Fun�s xnd the purpose for w6ich eaci
<br /> �' ' � �� dcbit tu ihe Funds�vas snnde.The Funds are pledred as additioNl sceurity for;ill s��sns sccur�d by this Securicy Instrument.
<br />���.�>�`s',r;'r� If ihe Funds held by l.ender exceed the amounts permittcdto be held by applicable law, Lender shaU ::�ecount ro Borro�ver
<br /> -��'�•'�'"�� � far the excess Funds in accorda►ue with the requirements of applical�le law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lend�r nt s�nY
<br /> .�:,t;.;,;t'��. .
<br /> ,;s;,,,;� Qinie isnot sufficient to pay the Eserow Items when due, Lenderniay so notify Bonower in��•riting, and,in such case arro�ver
<br /> .�__c ., ,:,,r Sliall pay eo I..ender the amount necessary to make up the d�ficier►cy. Borro�ver shall mak�up tlie dcficiency in no inore t�a��
<br />_'.-'� twelvemonthly payment_..nt Lender's sole discrction.
<br /> _L��a_, � .
<br /> --- ---�-� Upon payment in fuf{ of all sums sccurcd by this Sccuriry instrument, l.ender shall prompd�y �o thc acqe►ic ionor sale
<br /> �;'�:�.-wr.a�a
<br /> �_:��:;=�=r=,�� Funds held by Lender.If,under paragruph 21,Lender shall acqui re or sell the Property,Lender,p
<br /> v�:�'"1;}�'� of thc Propeny, shall appfy any Funds helJ by I.ender nt th� iime of acquisition or sale ati a credit against the sums secured bY
<br /> —��-"�'""� this Sccuei[y lnstrument. p' T'�S P
<br /> -��r•• 3,�pplieatfon of Payments.Unless applicable law pravide�otherwise,all payments reccivect by Lender under a����2s
<br /> �,;;_:;� .
<br />�-_�;,;^-,,•: 1 and t sltall bc appliccl:fii�st, to any pmpaymcnt chlrges duc urider thc Note; second,to a�nounts payable unda:r parag P
<br /> _=: .Sk.�
<br /> ,���`;� d�ird,io intemst duc;fourth,to principul due:and Inst,to any late charges due under the 1Vote.
<br />��-,M„t,,,;:� 4,��hArges; Liens. Burrowrr sh�11 pay all taxes, asscssmeri�s,charges,flnes and impositlons :+ttributable to the Properry _
<br /> .-:;:ir:rr:d)_ci._��'� _
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrument.a�id le3schold payments or�ound rents. if any. I�oi'roµcr shall pay
<br /> -'—°�� thcse obl igations in thc�n�t�9Tro�vcra hallpron ptly fumi�hl ut Lc dcr s lanot ces of:unou Ws t S be'pa d ujndcr t8is para�r��aPn
<br />-'�'.'�';,�� ro theperson owed paym�
<br /> �":
<br />� '"�=`�'"'-� If gorro.xQr makes thesc paynunts dircctly, Borrower shall promptly furt�ish n�Lendcr rcceipts evidcncina the paymen s.
<br /> r�:•
<br /> ``'�"`°����j Bosrower shall promptly discharge any lien which lias priority over this Securiry Instvument unless Borro�ver.(a�agrees in
<br /> � ..,�;,�r 1r•
<br />_ _'��'�`•����_ ;�rl•:�ro r:�ahe payment of the obligation secured by the licn in a rnanner acceptabte to Lende�;6b)contests in good fuith the hen
<br />- �. : by, or dcfends against cnfoiremcnt of�h�il e�f1 lder oF tt-ie f en an agn;ement sat factory to Lcnder sutiordinat ng tlie Inenlro
<br /> �^" enforcement of the lien;ar(c)secures fron
<br /> ��,;,.., this Security insnvment. If Ler,rlec determincs tliat any par't of the Property is subject to a lien which m3y attain priuriry over
<br /> ,"_:; � this Sccurity Instrument, l,�ndc►•�r�a� g►ve Borrmvcr u noticc id�ntify ing the licn.Borro�ver shall satisfy thc lieii or take one or
<br /> mareof thc actions�ct forth abuv� e�',�1�in lo days of the giving:►f notic'�:. po�3028 919�J -
<br /> ... _; r
<br /> .`�. Pr7e 2 o1B
<br />�. • ' r'����� __ _ _— ___"' ' --nnsr��'r �.�%.-:- - .
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